The Belgian professor and cryptographer has been hacked by the NSA.
Jean-Jacques Quisquater is a world authority on cryptography.
Jean-Jacques Quisquater is a world authority on cryptography.
The US is taming international tensions caused by the NSA by letting other countries use NSA data for their own ends.My government just stated, information they gain from the NSA is legal to be used. It has to be approved by a judge but I can almost guess the outcome..
Where is this going?
The US is taming international tensions caused by the NSA by letting other countries use NSA data for their own ends.
It's illegal for you to upload a video of someone stealing your car on your property?But it's still illegally obtained information. Example: I may film my house and everything, but if my car gets stolen I may never upload the video due to privacy rules. However they can use whatever they want to obtain information, as long as it is handed by the NSA it is legal to be used. It's too weird.
It's illegal for you to upload a video of someone stealing your car on your property?
So, PINAC would be a completely illegal site in your country?Yes... It's even illegal to attack the person that is entering (robbing) your house. So I was very surprised my government decided that illegally obtained information is suddenly legal because it's from the NSA. I feel like somebody stepped on my gentlemens sausage.
Not really. Evidence that is obtained by a third party can be legally used by prosecutors under certain circumstances in US law. For example, evidence obtained through a trash bins is admissible in court because courts have upheld that you have no expectation of privacy in a trash bin. In another case, you consent to giving your DNA when you drinking coffee within police presence as you dispose your cup in a trash can.But it's still illegally obtained information. Example: I may film my house and everything, but if my car gets stolen I may never upload the video due to privacy rules. However they can use whatever they want to obtain information, as long as it is handed by the NSA it is legal to be used. It's too weird.
Perhaps that means the answer to @FoolKiller's question is "yes"?That site just gave me trojan warnings. It also tried to download something. What is that site?
What is the reasoning behind this? I can see the issue if its a pending criminal investigation, but eventually it becomes public record then.I can film police while they do their job. But I may not upload a video of somedy stealling my things..
What is the reasoning behind this? I can see the issue if its a pending criminal investigation, but eventually it becomes public record then.
Are you charged with assault?I assume they won't want people to take their own actions. Lets say I get robbed and I beat the guy (aka self defense), the police are also take me into custody.
Are you charged with assault?
In many cases, if an investigation is necessary this will happen here too. Of course, no matter what there seems to be a trend of criminals suing the property owner in a civil suit over what was done to protect the property.
I meant it as a general question for that scenario.Is that a direct question? No I'm not But in a scenario where I would beat a person out of self defense, he is allowed to sue me and by law it's forbidden to hit anyone.
There are laws allowing you to defend yourself or your property. It was one of the issues surrounding the Travon Martin/George Zimmerman case. In most cases, the police won't charge you with a crime for doing so, if it is clear that is what happened, or there is no evidence it was something else. But in the US you can sue for any reason. So a criminal ( or their family if he is dead) May sue a property owner in civil court, which is not the same as criminal court. You would just pay damages to the plaintiff if you lose the case.In my eye, it's my property and the consequences are for the robber. I thought this was allowed in the whole US too. My colleague told me in Texas people are allowed to shoot/kill a person in a life threatening situation. It's hard to prove it was a life threatening situation but in some way I agree with it.
Presumably he'll fulfil his rectorial obligations via Skype...
This document, released to the press by Snowden, is a Powerpoint presentation from the British intelligence agency GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters), titled simply enough "The Art of Deception: Training for a New Generation of Online Covert Operations"
According to Glenn Greenwald:
"Among the core self-identified purposes of JTRIG are two tactics: (1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable. To see how extremist these programs are, just consider the tactics they boast of using to achieve those ends: “false flag operations” (posting material to the internet and falsely attributing it to someone else), fake victim blog posts (pretending to be a victim of the individual whose reputation they want to destroy), and posting “negative information” on various forums."
Interesting stuff indeed, good link... does it tell us anything new though?