Project CARS 2 General Discussion Thread - Out Now on PS4/XB1/PC

  • Thread starter jake2013guy
With everything I've seen so far, and as excited as I am to get my hands on PCars 2, I can't for the life of me imagine what somebody would be waiting to see before they preorder. What's the deal-breaker that's currently missing from the content? In my opinion, it's all just extra gravy from this point.
Like I said in an earlier post, if I pay 60 dollars plus however much for the season pass and it feels good with a wheel but not as good as the competition, no amount of cars or tracks or features is going to sway me. In your analogy, it would be like putting more gravy on an uncooked biscuit
Like I said in an earlier post, if I pay 60 dollars plus however much for the season pass and it feels good with a wheel but not as good as the competition, no amount of cars or tracks or features is going to sway me. In your analogy, it would be like putting more gravy on an uncooked biscuit
Not sure why anyone would spoil a biscuit by adding gravy, cooked or uncooked.
An entry that surprised me, is the Road Escort.
In regards to the published list, does this mean there is still only one V8 supercar? :'(
I don't know, but we can hope for another or maybe more, in the Season Pass DLC. Anything is possible.
To each their own. But I can not understand why the cars included are more important then actual features. I'd like to pre-order but a few questions need to be answered. All concerning SMS's claim that matchmaking will be included.

If you have played games with matchmaking you know a lot can go wrong and quite few things are very unsure with the matchmaking...

How are you going to group up enough players to match with? Or is this 'matchmaking' where you just slam multiple people in a room and call it matchmaking?

Are we going to be able to choose the track/car/track before we join the matchmaking? If so how are you going to ensure limited matchmakingtimes as giving us the choice will split up players over not only multiple tracks but multiple classes...

Anyone out there that can reasure me? Anyone who can explain these things?

Will leaving players be 'punished' they make for strange jumps in positions and thus skill levels. Or have you guys programmed around that?


I understand you can't give away everything but I want this story to be plausible instead of it sounding like some dream in a magical land. You can claim you have matchmaking but for it to work is a very diffrent story?
To each their own. But I can not understand why the cars included are more important then actual features. I'd like to pre-order but a few questions need to be answered. All concerning SMS's claim that matchmaking will be included.

If you have played games with matchmaking you know a lot can go wrong and quite few things are very unsure with the matchmaking...

How are you going to group up enough players to match with? Or is this 'matchmaking' where you just slam multiple people in a room and call it matchmaking?

Are we going to be able to choose the track/car/track before we join the matchmaking? If so how are you going to ensure limited matchmakingtimes as giving us the choice will split up players over not only multiple tracks but multiple classes...

Anyone out there that can reasure me? Anyone who can explain these things?

Will leaving players be 'punished' they make for strange jumps in positions and thus skill levels. Or have you guys programmed around that?


I understand you can't give away everything but I want this story to be plausible instead of it sounding like some dream in a magical land. You can claim you have matchmaking but for it to work is a very diffrent story?
Why would they add a matchmaking system if it wasn't going to work?
Why would they add a matchmaking system if it wasn't going to work?

And that's the entire thing. I've seen many games claim to implement matchmaking. This while matchmaking is near to unexisting.

For example BF1 says it has matchmaking. This is a grave exageration of that feature. As they just fill a server and then try to match the teams on the skill of the parties in said server. This makes for very unballanced matches and they should call it the serverfiller instead.

So no a developper that says I'm implementing matchmaking is not going to make me believe they will.

Secondly how would it be able to match skill if there currently aren't even 400 people looking for a lobby in project cars 1? The not beeing cross platform is not helping this.

This feature is not confirmed until more info drops...

Ow yeah project cars 1: " Your Driver Network Profile tracks many stats relating to your Experience, Focus, and Affinity. But it also tracks your Online Performance and Reputation...

  • The number of races entered vs the number completed
  • Breakdown of placement in those races
  • Pole positions achieved in online qualifying sessions
  • Average finishing position and average qualifying position
  • The number of races where you incurred no penalties
  • And the number of races where you were disqualified

All this information is then used to ensure you find players of similar skill and conduct. Continually collide with other drivers and you'll slowly make acquaintances with others of similar destructive tendencies. Drive with good sportsmanlike conduct and you'll be enjoying the company of other refined opponents."
You see why I don't believe these things without more info? Thisnis the same game but the first itteration.
In the second iteration they again claim this feature and all I have read is "no this tile it's really in there"
That statement is stupid: I do not believe you have that feature.
Answer: but it's really in there...
See why sole people want more information on said feature? See why I dot believe a gamedevelopper when they claim it is in their game.
Secondly how would it be able to match skill if there currently aren't even 400 people looking for a lobby in project cars 1? The not beeing cross platform is not helping this.

You're making it look like SMS don't want cross platform online play. If given the opportunity and the resources to do so, I'd say they would jump at the opportunity. Just look at things like LiveTrack 3.0. A hugely ambitious effort and the resources and skills were allocated to ensure that was done to improve the on-track experience.

This feature is not confirmed until more info drops...

But there already is a great amount of information on it. We've seen information on the license here. You're judged on your Seniority, Racecraft, and Success and you can filter through the license to ensure a minimum Safety and Success as seen in screenshots of lobby options here.

What it seems to me is that you haven't seen this information which is why I've provided it. Yes, it wasn't in as much but from what it seems, it looks like they've thought this through some more to improve the online matchmaking experience.
You're making it look like SMS don't want cross platform online play. If given the opportunity and the resources to do so, I'd say they would jump at the opportunity. Just look at things like LiveTrack 3.0. A hugely ambitious effort and the resources and skills were allocated to ensure that was done to improve the on-track experience.

But there already is a great amount of information on it. We've seen information on the license here. You're judged on your Seniority, Racecraft, and Success and you can filter through the license to ensure a minimum Safety and Success as seen in screenshots of lobby options here.

What it seems to me is that you haven't seen this information which is why I've provided it. Yes, it wasn't in as much but from what it seems, it looks like they've thought this through some more to improve the online matchmaking experience.

First of I would love for this game to be awesome and am a very likely customer. So if you get an other impression sorry for that.

Second, thx for trying to give new info but it really doesn't say all that much imo.

Third I can't see why one couldn't make this game cross-platform. Just make the game according to the weakest system... (And yes that's a very uninformed statement and could be wrong so please do elaborate if you are more informed)

To the heart of the issue: beneathbis a snippeth of the link you gave:
'your Competitive Racing License is used in MATCHMAKING in order to PLACE you into games with players of similar competitiveness and professionalism. And you can also use it as a minimum requirement when making your own games.'

Is it really going to matchmake? How can I select a track before the matchmaking? Can I select a car?
From what I read this matchmaking only works when doing quicksearch. I geuss that we can still search the lobbies and join. (If you comply with liscenses) but this means skill based matchmaking is a joke. I'm sorry if you compare that to LoL or DoTA or CS:GO it's not even close to beeing a matchmaking system.

With the info you gave me you actually pushed me into the "I'm getting pretty sure matchmaking is a joke and almost unexisting".

If I can select track and car and length of session before I start well then I don't see how enough players are going to search the same specification to match my skill and proffesionality within an ok margin of diffrence.

Can you understand where my reservations concerning matchmaking come from? It's not matchmaking it's an ability to lock certain players out of a lobby those are 2 very diffrent things.
Sorry if I come over very critical.

Edit: finished post as I accidently pressed send.

Edit2: also I believe they are thinking this through. A lot as online gaming could just be the future. From the current info I believe what they call matchmaking is more like hostoptions. You can choose to set a minimum license and that's about all we know about matchmaking.

Edit 3: just compare it with the games I said. You'll understand why I have a vastly diffrent interpretation concerning the word matchmaking.
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I think MrTree answered his own question. It was clear to me from the get-go that "matchmaking" is maybe an incorrect word to use here, but it doesn't mean the system is bad. I liked pCARS 1 setup, just as long as you could limit wreckers from entering the lobby or kick offenders. I think that's exactly what we're going to get.
First of I would love for this game to be awesome and am a very likely customer. So if you get an other impression sorry for that.

Second, thx for trying to give new info but it really doesn't say all that much imo.

Third I can't see why one couldn't make this game cross-platform. Just make the game according to the weakest system... (And yes that's a very uninformed statement and could be wrong so please do elaborate if you are more informed)

To the heart of the issue: beneathbis a snippeth of the link you gave:
'your Competitive Racing License is used in MATCHMAKING in order to PLACE you into games with players of similar competitiveness and professionalism. And you can also use it as a minimum requirement when making your own games.'

Is it really going to matchmake? How can I select a track before the matchmaking? Can I select a car?
From what I read this matchmaking only works when doing quicksearch. I geuss that we can still search the lobbies and join. (If you comply with liscenses) but this means skill based matchmaking is a joke. I'm sorry if you compare that to LoL or DoTA or CS:GO it's not even close to beeing a matchmaking system.

With the info you gave me you actually pushed me into the "I'm getting pretty sure matchmaking is a joke and almost unexisting".

If I can select track and car and length of session before I start well then I don't see how enough players are going to search the same specification to match my skill and proffesionality within an ok margin of diffrence.

Can you understand where my reservations concerning matchmaking come from? It's not matchmaking it's an ability to lock certain players out of a lobby those are 2 very diffrent things.
Sorry if I come over very critical.

Edit: finished post as I accidently pressed send.

Edit2: also I believe they are thinking this through. A lot as online gaming could just be the future. From the current info I believe what they call matchmaking is more like hostoptions. You can choose to set a minimum license and that's about all we know about matchmaking.

Edit 3: just compare it with the games I said. You'll understand why I have a vastly diffrent interpretation concerning the word matchmaking.
I undestand you fam have no fear. The matchmaking your talking about, where you press play for example and the game does the rest, hasn't really been touched on by SMS. What we know is you will have a driver rating which is equivalent to many FPS games that use ELO systems. From what I undestand you can make your own room just like in pCars 1 and set a minimum driver rating for that room. As far as the game making a lobby for you and putting similar skill levels together, I'm not sure that's in the game. Maybe @IanBell or @The_American can clarify this aspect.
I think MrTree answered his own question. It was clear to me from the get-go that "matchmaking" is maybe an incorrect word to use here, but it doesn't mean the system is bad. I liked pCARS 1 setup, just as long as you could limit wreckers from entering the lobby or kick offenders. I think that's exactly what we're going to get.

I think the driver rating system is still coming to the game. I can see a quick race option being in game that simply took your driving rating and matched players accordingly. I wonder if there will be an issue with car selection at that point.
I think Sony is the stumbling block to cross platform.....

Microsoft/XBox is no problem, as I'm sure there are many games cross platform, but correct me if I'm wrong, but there doesn't seem to be any that involve Sony?
I think Sony is the stumbling block to cross platform.....

Microsoft/XBox is no problem, as I'm sure there are many games cross platform, but correct me if I'm wrong, but there doesn't seem to be any that involve Sony?
Rocket League is crossed between PS4 and PC but not PS4 and XBOX. Supposedly Microsoft was ready to cross play on RL with Sony, but Sony wanted to protect their young gamers. Yes you read that correctly.
I think MrTree answered his own question. It was clear to me from the get-go that "matchmaking" is maybe an incorrect word to use here, but it doesn't mean the system is bad. I liked pCARS 1 setup, just as long as you could limit wreckers from entering the lobby or kick offenders. I think that's exactly what we're going to get.

It was actually the rereading (with extra attention) of @jake2013guy 's info that got me to this conclusion.

And I have no issue with that, I prefer said system over a true matchmaking considering the 'small' playerbase.

I think Sony is the stumbling block to cross platform.....

Microsoft/XBox is no problem, as I'm sure there are many games cross platform, but correct me if I'm wrong, but there doesn't seem to be any that involve Sony?

Hard to believe since I play warthunder on my playstation with a friend that uses his laptop.
And like I said, I'm uninformed on this particular intance so yeah I can be wrong.
A question for wmd2 people. When someone crashes or loses control near you can you see them actually sliding now? In pCars 1 the car would do a weird shuffle thing then come to a complete stop or shoot off in one direction without any warning. This made it very difficult to avoid them or predict what was going to happen.
I assume you missed this part of this video? ;)

Haven't seen cars sliding out or spinning of in a good way since GRID. Had some pretty epic moments in that game with nearby cars.

Been driving the Procar in pCARS this week and the AI in those are insane. Think it's the actual physics of the car, as it's stupidly easy to flip that particular car on its side with minimal contact. Makes for some intense dodging though. Also what a car.