Project CARS 2 General Discussion Thread - Out Now on PS4/XB1/PC

  • Thread starter jake2013guy
Yes @Cluck this one please :)?

This livery you mean?


Shot taken using Photo Mode from the most recent pre-release build we have. As with all WIP games, artwork is not necessarily final and may be subject to change prior to release.
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Question about pit stops: In PCars 1, there was a problem where if you pitted, and your box was in the front, sometimes you would have to wait until the entire field of cars would go past until you were released. A leader might go from first to the back of the field because the game refused to release the car even with small gaps between cars. Has this been fixed, especially for series like Indycar and the stock cars where cars can release with cars next to them?
Question about pit stops: In PCars 1, there was a problem where if you pitted, and your box was in the front, sometimes you would have to wait until the entire field of cars would go past until you were released. A leader might go from first to the back of the field because the game refused to release the car even with small gaps between cars. Has this been fixed, especially for series like Indycar and the stock cars where cars can release with cars next to them?
Aren't they manual pit stops now? I'm sure they are
Just seen the news. We can now freely share videos and screen shots. I'm on holiday for another week and a half but will happily take requests when back. So if want to see a particular car or track or feature just ask.

You can set up the game to have 1:1 steering if you wish.
A GT3 Race and replay at any track, please
So... uhm... I burned a bridge with some racing buddies (their loss) but now I have no place to race in PCars with people I already know and trust to be good drivers. So if you guys wouldn't mind, if any of you in the US currently race in any clubs/series can you send some PMs my way to get me started? I'm EST. I need to get my racing fix in and when PCars2 comes out I'll need some where to go. SNAIL has been my home for about two years now but PS3/GT6 is dead to me. There better be something in PCars2 or GTS for them to survive.
So... uhm... I burned a bridge with some racing buddies (their loss) but now I have no place to race in PCars with people I already know and trust to be good drivers. So if you guys wouldn't mind, if any of you in the US currently race in any clubs/series can you send some PMs my way to get me started? I'm EST. I need to get my racing fix in and when PCars2 comes out I'll need some where to go. SNAIL has been my home for about two years now but PS3/GT6 is dead to me. There better be something in PCars2 or GTS for them to survive.

It might be a good idea to ask that question over at the official Pcars forum...i'm sure you'll find some likeminded people over there (if you haven't asked already that is...)
Yes, but I think our controls will still be locked until the lollipop man gives us the go. WMD peepz, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Otherwise would be consider unsafe release. That's a drive through penalty IRL :)

There's the size of the monitor, the distance, the bezel width... per monitor in case you have them in different sizes :)

Proper 3 screen settings and rendering this time around.
Been watching all the new videos posted and I'm so excited. I'm also hoping the released video clips are an indication of a timely release. Delayed releases are so common in this industry, but I'm hoping PCars 2 will be an exception to the new norm. I know SMS is doing everything they can to hit the target date of September 22, but sometimes a little luck is also necessary when it comes to consoles. Fingers crossed!
Been watching all the new videos posted and I'm so excited. I'm also hoping the released video clips are an indication of a timely release. Delayed releases are so common in this industry, but I'm hoping PCars 2 will be an exception to the new norm. I know SMS is doing everything they can to hit the target date of September 22, but sometimes a little luck is also necessary when it comes to consoles. Fingers crossed!

With all 3 major titles having launch dates within a few weeks of each other, I think they all really have a lot of pressure on them to hit those dates. None of them can afford a slip now.

In some ways it was a smart move by Forza and GT to put that pressure on pCARS2, but in other ways, they have put that same pressure on themselves now too. Since SMS announced their launch date first, if Turn 10 or PD slip now it will look really bad on them.
Hey guys,
First I'd like to say that I'm often reading this forum and that you seem to be a bunch of good guys whereas many communities out there are narrow minded. That's so refreshing ^^

If I could request a video it would be a narrated one outlining how the FFB presets and sliders work this time around. Some personal feedback on the various presets and other adjustments would be helpful as well. A separate video for the pad users and all their available adjustments and what they do would be welcome as well.


Making a video of it would be very boring but I can explain it a bit if you want (Even if I'm far from a FFB expert).
There are 3 "presets" :
  • Informative
  • Immersive
  • Raw

The informative and Immersive presets have an adaptive system running in background while you drive, avoiding the clipping.
It gives you a good "out of the box" feel.

You can also tune the FFB to your taste by moving 4 sliders.
  • Gain

  • Volume

  • Tone

  • FX


As I said, I'm far from an expert but if I remember correctly, you can still tune the FFB with a custom file (This is for FFB freaks ^^).
I'm usually running with the Informative one.

The FFB is still worked on currently but it's already much better (and easier to tune) than pCARS 1, in my opinion.


EDIT: I forgot to say that you can adjust the volume and the tone on the fly while driving ^^
EDIT 2: Nevermind I'm not sure about this one. I have to check it to be sure it's still there.
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Have to say, with all the latest info and videos, SMS have outdone themselves. Yes, there are a few things to nitpick on, but overall it really feels that the 2 in pCARS 2 is truly deserved. I hope reviews and gamers will appreciate the effort these guys have been putting in. It's impressive how far the game have come in less than 3 years, with a much smaller team than GT and FM, and with many new changes that would take other games way longer. Keep pushing Ian and the team and thank you!
Have to say, with all the latest info and videos, SMS have outdone themselves. Yes, there are a few things to nitpick on, but overall it really feels that the 2 in pCARS 2 is truly deserved. I hope reviews and gamers will appreciate the effort these guys have been putting in. It's impressive how far the game have come in less than 3 years, with a much smaller team than GT and FM, and with many new changes that would take other games way longer. Keep pushing Ian and the team and thank you!
It is different enough that, if you didn't already know that it was version 2.0, you could be fooled into thinking it was a completely different game. That's not something you see very often in the gaming world, especially when you have good success with version 1.0.
I haven't watched all the videos that were uploaded since I went to bed last night (thanks Europe for being 6 hours ahead...) but I watched the one with the guy explaining menus. Little fact I took from that: the weather slots set to Real Time take up one hour. That was never explained properly in PCars1. Now I have that info to properly set up weather how I want.

Unfortunately I don't think we're gonna get a weather slot select to choose what slots random can choose from. I really wanted that because I would make it all dry weather options plus light rain. Sometimes I like the idea of a random spattering but realistically if it's gonna show up in "scattered" form it's not gonna just drop a monsoon in 5 minutes, it'll be a few drops for a few minutes then nothing, then maybe a long pour, then nothing, y'know? Another time I might set it up to be all the rain options so it's gonna be a rainy day but the level of wetness changes throughout and is a serious threat.
Unfortunately I don't think we're gonna get a weather slot select to choose what slots random can choose from. I really wanted that because I would make it all dry weather options plus light rain.

That would be a nice option to have indeed.

Sometimes I like the idea of a random spattering but realistically if it's gonna show up in "scattered" form it's not gonna just drop a monsoon in 5 minutes

Well, not sure about where you live, but here in Hungary, we had some crazy weather lately, like sunshine one moment, then in a few minutes ice pouring down and causing quite a bit of damage to anything unprotected. This was just days ago BTW. The same happened with rain as well, overwhelming drainage along the road in seconds. Project CARS 2 should be ahead of the game and simulate the severe effects of climate change I think. :)