Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
Week-ish-sorta-kinda sounds about right I guess.

This may have been mentioned and I missed it, but is there any chance of a spotter as in iRacing? And/or a mini-map showing the relative postion of cars nearby?
Oh, go on then, have some build notes to release the tension :)

Build 787
(13/08/14, Team Member+) - 332.7 MB

* PS4: Fix for starting up in SD. (WMD-635)
* Adding second batch of pit to car call outs
* Rain: Fix for dir lighting scaler
* SetCurrentWorldMatrix optimised using SSE (saves around 1.3% cpu!) + renderthread management made lock-free
* DX11: Only use non dynamic usage lightweight prims on XB1 - on PC, dynamic usage is much faster on AMD cards than instanced vertex data.
* Added gamepad presets accessible through F1 Gamepad menu with presets from SteveD (0), Jerry (1) and Bruno (2)
* Updates to the EndOfWeekend screen
* Oschersleben "C" Circuit: GUI files
* Preliminary hookup of Kers and DRS hud gadgets
* Not showing up pit strategy screen if session is over.
* Change pit and garage assignment, so we don't share pits if not necessary.
* Removing RollingStartPlayerControlOnGreen overrides
* Attempt to make hazard multi line exclusion crash safe
* Removed a few lines of obsolete code that were causing last lap pitting
* Fix throttling bug that could cause AI to throttle even more if over the speed limit in an acceleration zone
* Added safety check for mIsInPit lane to solve issues with cars improperly driving through pits and not setting the speedlimiters correctly
* Improvements to Career Results table
* Team standings now handle per-class scoring
* Career Contracts: GT3 contracts updated to match new vehicle livery names.
* BMW M3 E30 Gr.A: AI tire model tuning
* Mercedes 190E DTM: AI tire model tuning
* Caterham SP300R: Fixed minor typo in rear damper setup
* Ford Sierra RS500: Aero model tweaks. AI tire and setup tuning
* RUF RGT-8 GT3: Added custom liveries
* Audi R8 V10 plus: Collision model update
* RUF RGT-8 and CTR3: Added manufacturer paint colours
* RUF CTR3 SMSR: Cpit improvements, rounded top of steering wheel for better motec visibility, improved cpit mirrors. (NOT IN-GAME)
* Monterey: Added txt for firestop buildings + some missing nmp for woodwall
* California Raceway: Added temp outside coll/fixed assets coll errors/added vt temp barriers/updated sel sets
* Eifelwald: Updated ground cover files to work with the new meshes, checked in new autograss files and updated TRD
* Oschersleben "C" Circuit: AIW; grass Exclusion; Ground cover, several files (Raceline, trd, instances, static, etc) (NOT IN-GAME)
* Oulton Park: Microgaps fixed, lake area tweaked, triggers fixed, fixed lod popups of caravans , optimized instance dressing count, replced render heavy tree with more optimized one, changed viewer spot lights adapting the changes on the viewer changes

Build 786 (12/08/14, Team Member+) - 171.4 MB

* XB1: Fix for bootup black screen
* Updated various console soundbank settings to recommended compressed formats
* Godrays: Code to allow us to grab various objects from around the scene and render them in the god ray light mask, i.e alpha objects..
* Oculus Rift: Fix for Direct mode, turning off display!
* Added command line option "vrnomirror" to turn off mirroring to desktop window for extra performance in direct mode.
* Added command line option "vrnodynp" to disable dynamic predication for latency.
* Wtc edits, resolving fog blending issues between certain conditions. withheld rainy changes as file contains multiple other rainfall tweaks still being tested.
* Fixed crash on load of ghost player
* Speed up JIP loading by allowing players to load asynchronously
* Improved result screen. Championships filtered and selectable
* New End Of Series Results screen and associated Motorsport Trophies icons
* Change to the weather ui to allow user to select start time when using realtime weather.
* Updated End Of Session Results screen (navigation between left and right now fixed and Exit menu item now in correct order). Plus, new EndOfWeekend screen added
* Not ending a qualification after time-out until a 'real' timed lap is completed. Also added warning notification to signal that this will be your last qualification lap.
* Dynamically updating the standings screen name depending on phaseFixed a bug which prevented the qualification from continuing when an AI opponent finished their qualifying session too
* Driver Male L: Updated GT_liveries export, Reset SMS calls for all meshes. All exporting and working good
* Added a debug screen for pitting explanations
* Exclude cars from hazards when on different branches
* Add pitting information to know what is going on when cars are stuck in the pits
* Career Contracts: LMP1 contracts updated with new vehicle livery names.
* Round/Session and session index handling split to avoid issues that kept cropping up, fixed up all calling code
* Fixed bug where scoring wasn't being updated after non-race sessions (due to post-race screen reorganisation), leading to grid position failing in the following sessions
* Ford Mustang Trans-Am: Set fuel consumption, heat & wear model, finished aero model, setup tweaks
* Ford Sierra RS500: UV fixes
* McLaren P1: Cockpit animation file
* Pagani Huayra: Added more paint colours
* Ford Mustang Cobra: Added custom liveries (DDS)
* Mercedes A45 AMG: Added real manufacturer paint colours
* Marek LMP: Added winning members liveries, added liveries names, added black wheel textures variation
* Wisconsin: New textures
* Snetterton: Tree sculpture added
* Oschersleben: Small adjustments in tirewall in tires position
* Zolder: New textures, updated textures, changed to RL track name
* Monterey: Added latest new assets - fixed terrain - fix levitate assets
* Oulton Park: New autograss meshes and material files added, added new style autograss, added export area folder location to the TRDs, new rules files, new material files.

Build 785 (11/08/14, Team Member+) - 205.5 MB

* XB1: Video playback corruption partially fixed.
* PS4: Changed temp render target used in PP filters.
* XB1: Fixed hang during start-up if no controller is connected.
* PS4: Support for aniso and filter clamps on env maps and shadows.
* Aniso clamp on shadows.
* Rain now has spot a directional lighing scalers.
* Code so ripple are mapped based on a pixels world space.
* Fix for reflections not working with mt rendering.. i.e dx11mt
* Fixes for planer reflections not rendering on dx9 or multithreaded.
* DX11: A few more cpu optimisations (texture setting + release build perf fix)
* Car Showcase: Improved lightmaps which contain bump info, less gsi and light is actually cast correctly onto floor from the strip lights now, improved lighting for FE scene
* Enable pre-race session options in MP again.
* WIP Results screen in Career Dashboard
* You can now view info and take a photo of your car directly from the My Garage screen
* Converted 5 in-game screen lists into a (new type) scrollable lists: Race results driver & team lists, Standings screen, Simulate screen, Session overview screen
* Gamepad input: Added clamping to final steering value. Tidied and commented code. Removed unused variable
* Driver liveries textures: Updated custom player liveries textures
* Driver custom opponent texture source update for a better one withouth wireframe
* Driver Male: Updated Classic driver with custom player/oponnent materials and added to composer export
* Updated - airjack mechanic RWAJ
* Adjusted brake wear for AI based on feedback
* Tweaks to tyre choice for AI during live racing
* Fix a bug that was making the AI pit in the last laps
* Adjusted wetness thresholds for chosing wet over dry tyre options
* Tyre choices will now never require pitting in the last 3 laps as that would be unrealistic
* Trying date advance on any calendar access from dashboard
* Standings screen updates: Split up screen into a 2 stage screen, stage1 shows new points accumulated for player & team, stage2 shows total points for player & team
* New DTM tires
* Adjusted Pilon Spork wet grip
* Formula B: Fuel consumption, heat & wear model, FB CR2 tire tweak
* Mercedes C Coupe DTM: DRS feature added, complete physics overhaul, new collision export
* Intermediate tire tread #1 DDS files
* Ford Escort RS1600: Heat & wear model
* Vehicles: Added new paint colours to various cars
* McLaren MP4-12C GT3: Updated AO, added cockpit animations
* McLaren P1: Updated AO, added damage and cockpit animations
* LMP2 Marek RP 219D: Chassis textures and UV mapping updates.
* RUF CTR3 SMSR: Added some rear chassis details, split rollbars into int\ext (NOT IN-GAME)
* RUF RGT-8 GT3: Added rim colour variations, fixed damage and wheels alignment
* Zolder: New textures, texture updates
* Snetterton: Treesculpture added to the pool
* Le Mans: Floodlights placement around the common bugatti/lemans area
* Monterey: Updated xml files (fix position for some assets, trees, crowds) + add some new, added txt for distant warehouse and ao map for first aid building
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I didn't realise there was an Oschersleben C, any idea what it is?

EDIT: Found it, grid is back straight, turns in just before the triple-apex corner before the hairpin, through the chicane and back onto the straight.
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Track reveal next week? Considering you guys seem to be more excited about it, I'm guessing its a car reveal...

If the 2014 R18 is in there then I'll be damned... To throw a party


OR! or is it one of these?

Dis? (EA Tho)
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:eek: this is a great day for pcars ! :bowdown:

(sorry little tease :P )

We know something you don't know.....

And don't ask, we can't tell at all (under pain of losing the treat), but I promise you, you'll enjoy it more than the LE-countdown.

Oh man this is great news!

Not today but you don't have to wait for that long ;)

It was indeed a fabulous surprise while I sipped my tea.

Week-ish-sorta-kinda sounds about right I guess.

Possibly a close call.... Please, shhhh.... :scared:


God damn it, why does it have to be secret and hidden from the general public? It's not national security... I would really like to know why.
pCARS is getting much better every day... I had the most fun ever last evening. Chose a 10 lap race with the Zakspeed Capri on Oultan Park, 10 min. practice, 10 min. qualifying, 15 AI, no-aids, manual clutch, early morning start, and 3 weather cycles (rain, light clouds, clear) - Wow, looks and feels pretty amazing! Some don't want to include pCARS in the sim discussions but I think that will change very soon. In addition, the graphical performance has made great strides as I use to have huge issues running with rain but even with triple screens (5816x1080) and a single GTX 780 things ran very smooth.
Development testing has been very frustrating at times (5 steps forward, 4-1/2 steps back but my confidence in the quality of the final product is returning 👍
I'm crossing my fingers for Subaru to join PCARS along with its appearance in World of Speed.

@Myles Prower -- That joystick steering algorithm still needs work, but I'm sure it will also be customizable like in Shift 2 Unleashed. Naturally, the animation bug is now fixed...
Just curious, does the Wii U version ever appear in the build notes?
Yes, I just checked - there's ca. 400 notes (lines) of Wii U specifics starting from 01/11/11 and running up to a little while ago. As we know there's a delay now, but it'll be back.