Relaxed, General Forza 6 Chat

  • Thread starter RacerPaul
Has anyone received any gifted credits yet for having a certain amount of cars in their garage in either FM4, FM5, or FH2?
Soooo, am I imagining things or were sounds upgraded? My SLS AMG GT3 used to sound weak but today it sounds downright evil. Low engine grumble, snarling exhaust every shift - pure audio bliss. I've driven this car quite a few times since the early release and I don't recall it EVER sounding this good.

Edit: Just took my Civic Type-R out for a spin. There's a definite improvement to audio (though that awful echo is still present - seriously, who thought this sounded realistic?). I'm also noticing cars backfire which I made a personal note of them missing the other day. The same shift/redline noise from the Forza 3 days is still here.
Yeah, the Aventador sounds a lot better than the previous versions of it. @Mac K i revived mine after the first race when you pick your first car.
Has anyone received any gifted credits yet for having a certain amount of cars in their garage in either FM4, FM5, or FH2?

Yes, soon as I finished the intro race. Check your messages for gifted money, and the cars are not all delivered to your garage if any at all. Go to find car and they are listed first as free.
Yeah, the Aventador sounds a lot better than the previous versions of it.
I'm saying it sounds like audio was updated since yesterday (unless that's what you meant)! My SLS AMG GT3 didnt sound like that yesterday. It's the weirdest thing.
Somebody check the F-Type quick. If they've upgraded the sound of this car to sound like an actual R Coupe, then I'll be over the moon.
And here I was looking to try and make space for a wheel setup lol
It's really weird because I jumped on this morning before work for an hour and did the Touring Car event at a wet Nurburgring with the pad. Finished third and the car was quite twitchy. Thought I'd switch to the wheel to do a direct comparison and managed to finish first and found it much easier to control. So I'm not sure what is going on. So far seems to be quite track, car, condition dependent. It has however renewed my hope that I can be competitive with the wheel. Confused :crazy:
Those "electric shocks" through the controller are awesome. I only got a little ways through the intro race and I have do the 2.2GB update.

I must say, I have to get used to the 60pfs. My eyes are bugging out that it's so crisp to look at while driving.
It's really weird because I jumped on this morning before work for an hour and did the Touring Car event at a wet Nurburgring with the pad. Finished third and the car was quite twitchy. Thought I'd switch to the wheel to do a direct comparison and managed to finish first and found it much easier to control. So I'm not sure what is going on. So far seems to be quite track, car, condition dependent. It has however renewed my hope that I can be competitive with the wheel. Confused :crazy:

I'd like know your thoughts/findings doing your own investigating running a TT with a few car track combinations.
Save your ghosts and comparing times you achieve with different wheel rotation vs pad.
I'd like know your thoughts/findings doing your own investigating running a TT with a few car track combinations.
Save your ghosts and comparing times you achieve with different wheel rotation vs pad.
Will do. Have a PCars on PC championship race tonight so doubt I'll get a chance. Will probably be the weekend before I can find the time.
Wow good thing you happened to have the racing line on. On a side note, it would be funny to have a "Dare" card that made you race at night without your headlights on. :lol:
Seriously, but doing a full two laps like that was way tougher then I can describe :lol:
I can imagine. I don't even have the racing line on so I would have been wrecked for sure.
I ended up coming in second, hitting the apex's was hard just because most of the time the distance to the turn coming up was hard to judge. Most of the race had to go off memory of the track :lol:
So was there an update over night for F6? Keep seeing random posts about a 2.2GB update.
When I jumped on last night I did not get any prompt for a download, so I'm not sure if it was something related to physical copies or not.
When I jumped on last night I did not get any prompt for a download, so I'm not sure if it was something related to physical copies or not.
That's why I was wondering if maybe it was later at night maybe after we played. I am sure there will be an update soon if there wasn't late last night.
Damn @ImaRobot you are even faster than me when driving blind!

@PzR Slim that's awful! I had my first try of League races this morning and it was horrible. People were always deliberately crashing onto me when I was overtaking them and such. Arrrgh, I raged quit in one right at the start, it was pretty similar to your second video.
I played the league play with no collisions and it was an absolute blast. I placed 94 out of 5,880 players. I focused on running "certified" laps.

With collisions on in league play, it looks like it could be rough for sure. I have not raced a collisions league yet because I expected it would be like this with 24 players. My experience with racing online in the previous games has always been pleasant.

They should have multiple tiers for league play. Start everyone in the first category with no collisions on and racing basically ghosts. (like they had over the weekend for VIP members). Only allow you to race this until maybe level 10. Just an example. Not all players should be allowed to just jump right into a collision based league play right away.

T10 listens fairly well to community feedback so hopefully this improves.
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Welcome to multiplayer!

What I've always hated was the fact that when someone is obviously lagging, they don't make their cars ghosts. It's stupid to have a car lag and fly every which direction around you, while still holding solid form. Everytime I see that I have to back off, because if you get hit by a car when it's going through a lag spike it will hit you so hard and send you flying.

Damn @ImaRobot you are even faster than me when driving blind!
I have the track somewhat memorized, so I just stayed full throttle and hoped for the best! :lol:
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Are they taking the piss with D class hopper on Spa? 1 lap? That's just under 3 minutes of racing, you probably spend more time in the lobby waiting and loading screens than that. :rolleyes:

Please tell me no one complained that the 2 laps in D class FM5 was too long.
Are they taking the piss with D class hopper on Spa? 1 lap? That's just under 3 minutes of racing, you probably spend more time in the lobby waiting and loading screens than that

Please tell me no one complained that the 2 laps in D class FM5 was too long
Even I, with my short attention span can do better than that :crazy::lol:
I was doing an XP grind run at Nurburgring when on the final straight on the last lap (3) my car suddenly stopped moving... Ran out of gas. Endless rage and then amusement when I realized what happened.

Didn't realize the Lexus RC F had so little gas.
I was doing an XP grind run at Nurburgring when on the final straight on the last lap (3) my car suddenly stopped moving... Ran out of gas. Endless rage and then amusement when I realized what happened.

Didn't realize the Lexus RC F had so little gas.
400+hp In a car close to 4000lbs will eat that up really quick :P

Question though, does the car completely stop, or does it coast at a very low speed?