Relaxed, General Forza 6 Chat

  • Thread starter RacerPaul
Trust me, I like the rewind and I never turn it off. In this case I had a mod (which I thought was just Sim damage on) that forced rewind off. I didn't know this until the puddle incident.
Rewind doesn't work before all the cars have crossed the start line. You gotta use restart if you screw up that early. More importantly rewind also shuts off if the first car has crossed the finish line. Be very careful on that final corner if you're in third or fourth place, there are no second chances as I found to my cost on Yas the other day. :eek:
Some of you have this a week now and seems most are positive and enjoying it.

For the audio guys you really should consider trying decent headphones to get better representation/perception of the sounds over your tv or 5.1 7.1 etc. Well be interesting to hear from those that have tried both/compared. Even if not here in the audio/sound thread.
Some of you have this a week now and seems most are positive and enjoying it.

For the audio guys you really should consider trying decent headphones to get better representation/perception of the sounds over your tv or 5.1 7.1 etc. Well be interesting to hear from those that have tried both/compared. Even if not here in the audio/sound thread.
I am sure it is great with headphones, but my gaming setup is designed for surround sound. I have noticed F6 is quitter than EVERY X1 game I have played. Even with the in game audio maxed, it is still just a quieter game. So I just know that when I play F6, I have to turn the surround sound up a couple more notches, compared to others. I posted the same thing in the F6 audio thread. Overall the audio is amazing in this game, I just turn it up a couple notches.
Some of you have this a week now and seems most are positive and enjoying it.

For the audio guys you really should consider trying decent headphones to get better representation/perception of the sounds over your tv or 5.1 7.1 etc. Well be interesting to hear from those that have tried both/compared. Even if not here in the audio/sound thread.
A simple comparison test is to drive over Charles Bridge in Prague with or without phones and see if you can hear the statues whizzing past.

I'm glad most people are positive about the game - I knew pretty much what I'd be getting when I plonked down the cash but some of you out there are taking a serious financial risk with console/wheel/game combos so I hope it works out for you.
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I like it a bit more since it's lost that retarded bumpy section at the end.

A little boring, yeah, but not offensive.
Man I hated that end section, it was ridiculous. No matter what my car would oversteer like crazy as soon as I touched it in FM5.

Driving in the rain is awesome.
I Love the rain too! I've noticed that there are alot of people online that absolutely hate it. I heard one guy just cussing 1 minute into the race and rage quit talking about how the rain is absolutely stupid :lol: It's weird, it seems like no one can drive correctly in the rain. I understand that it is a bit more difficult, but man I was lapping the last few people or just miles ahead of the 2nd place person.
I Love the rain too! I've noticed that there are alot of people online that absolutely hate it. I heard one guy just cussing 1 minute into the race and rage quit talking about how the rain is absolutely stupid :lol: It's weird, it seems like no one can drive correctly in the rain. I understand that it is a bit more difficult, but man I was lapping the last few people or just miles ahead of the 2nd place person.
Oh yeah it is a love hate relationship for sure. I absolutely love it. However, when I was racing in league play over the weekend, some people truly do hate it. In fact some of the players would leave if a rain track was selected. Just wow. Rain racing truly separates the men from the boys in F6.
Oh yeah it is a love hate relationship for sure. I absolutely love it. However, when I was racing in league play over the weekend, some people truly do hate it. In fact some of the players would leave if a rain track was selected. Just wow. Rain racing truly separates the men from the boys in F6.
I've noticed that! I would guess that its people new to the series, though.

On a side note, my tune for the Jalpa got about 15 uses yesterday as well as a handful of likes. With that, it was able to reach 5 stars! so I'm glad for that. The sad thing is, is that I was continuing the tune yesterday and made it way more responsive, but now my other tune is already set, bringing in the downloads :( Hopefully the next one will get some action and not be overshadowed by the old one, as I feel this one is so much better.
I've noticed that! I would guess that its people new to the series, though.

On a side note, my tune for the Jalpa got about 15 uses yesterday as well as a handful of likes. With that, it was able to reach 5 stars! so I'm glad for that. The sad thing is, is that I was continuing the tune yesterday and made it way more responsive, but now my other tune is already set, bringing in the downloads :( Hopefully the next one will get some action and not be overshadowed by the old one, as I feel this one is so much better.
Some of the people are also veterans to the series. They are so used to running the same racing line for the last 5 games on dry tracks. Now all of a sudden rain is added and they have to re adapt and re tune. I love it but dang some people just don't want to adapt. Oh well rain is here to stay.

As for your tune, it is early enough that you could, remove that original tune, and then place your new improved tune. Basically "un publish" the original. In your new tune setup name it "Improved" or "Faster tune" something like that. Or keep both up there but make sure to list this tune as the faster tune.

I had a couple paint jobs I improved on. I just deleted the original, and re-published the new. I would rather have members with the new improved paint job, than running an old one.
Some of the people are also veterans to the series. So used to running the same racing line for the last 5 games. Now all of a sudden rain is added and they have to re adapt. I love it but dang some people just don't want to adapt. Oh well rain is here to stay.

As for your tune, it is early enough that you could, remove that original tune, and then place your new improved tune. Basically "un publish" the original. In your new tune setup name it "Improved" or "Faster tune" something like that. Or keep both up there but make sure to list this tune as the faster tune.

I had a couple paint jobs I improved on. I just deleted the original, and re-published the new. I would rather have members with the new improved paint job, than running an old one.
Yeah, having to adjust is what I found that I liked the most to be honest. I was racing on Silverstone last night(forgot which layout) and before the last turn is a corkscrew that has a giant puddle right on the most effective braking line. I went through it, but managed to catch myself before I went off track. Literally everyone else behind me didn't have the best of luck, though. I just saw headlights in every which direction in my mirror :lol:

I was thinking that about the tune, but I was trying to get the badge and I thought "what if I remove it, and then no one downloads my new tune and I lose my progress." :lol: Either way, I plan to remove it later, but I just wanted to tinker with the new one a bit more to get more of a "finalized" version.
This keeps catching me out in rivals mode. Will be hotlapping, getting faster and faster and then the car starts spluttering and gradually dies lol. Happened twice at road atlanta, get carried away on that track.
I use Sennheiser HD205s on my telly so I don't disturb the wife. You can hear extra sounds, but it still gets drowned out when other cars are near you.

It's about time I brought my speakers around and hooked the Xbox up to my stereo. Only trouble is, I think my stereo only has an optical out.
Yeah, having to adjust is what I found that I liked the most to be honest. I was racing on Silverstone last night(forgot which layout) and before the last turn is a corkscrew that has a giant puddle right on the most effective braking line. I went through it, but managed to catch myself before I went off track. Literally everyone else behind me didn't have the best of luck, though. I just saw headlights in every which direction in my mirror :lol:

I was thinking that about the tune, but I was trying to get the badge and I thought "what if I remove it, and then no one downloads my new tune and I lose my progress." :lol: Either way, I plan to remove it later, but I just wanted to tinker with the new one a bit more to get more of a "finalized" version.
I also like having to learn new lines and being terrified by the puddles. Takes me instantly out of the same old routine I have been running in all other games for all these years. Pulls me out of my comfort zone and makes for a much more aware and exhilarating experience. Never felt this in a racing game before. :)

I feel ya about the tunes. You could put up your new tune with your old tune. If you see the new tune getting a lot of hits, then remove the old tune. OH also, you can rename the tune right now even while it is published. So maybe at the end of the old tune, put "old tune. See new tune". Just throwing out ideas.
I also like having to learn new lines and being terrified by the puddles. Takes me instantly out of the same old routine I have been running in all other games for all these years. Pulls me out of my comfort zone and makes for a much more aware and exhilarating experience. Never felt this in a racing game before. :)

I feel ya about the tunes. You could put up your new tune with your old tune. If you see the new tune getting a lot of hits, then remove the old tune. OH also, you can rename the tune right now even while it is published. So maybe at the end of the old tune, put "old tune. See new tune". Just throwing out ideas.

The scary thing about rain races, is having a couple of cars next to you. If there are to many people running beside you, someone is either going to try to bump you so they can get out of the ways of the puddle or if they're nice, they'll slow down. It adds an extra element to the races, which will make things interesting.

I didn't know you can rename the tunes. I'll definitely do that after I mess with that tune some more today.
Something yet to be done/seen?

I am curious about the LAG on spectator mode if ANY additional screens could be incorporated?

This is my little mind doing what it does and one for tech-nerds or the hardcore FM fan who enjoyed multi-screen on past titles. A test for a person with 2x XB1 (using a friends?) entering spectator mode on secondary console(s).

My first ever multi-screen experience with bunch of friends... FM1 / 2006

What views are supported or which of these are NOT possible?

  • Real-time replay
  • Physics Data Screen
  • Rearview

If spectator mode enables (look left/right) then technically someone could position external screens/monitors for L/R (in spectator mode) and move the directional thumb stick with blue-tac to a required position to align with the normal screen. Of course this may:

  • Not allow proper alignment or compensate for screen borders
  • LAG issues from spectator mode
  • Hard to implement

I did this on GT5P for replays once as a test. The "Prologue" game did not allow multiscreen but it was possible to load a replay on each console, sync the loading of them to all start at the same time and with the 2 external screens move and stick the analogue thumbstick to align in some form.

Question is anyone about crazy enough to try, even to have as real-time replay/data screen etc?
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I'm a little disappointed in the Multiplayer selections. Why is there no E or D class? Why is C only set to collisions off? Seems a bit lackluster at the moment. I also wish they would do a C-Class league! Most of my cars are set there :(
I used to hate Sebring too, but it seems like the rain has improved our relationship. I love the wet version of the track, and seem to do a lot better online racing there than some of the others.

Last night was the first time I haven't played since I got access two weeks ago. It doesn't feel right. :(
The scary thing about rain races, is having a couple of cars next to you. If there are to many people running beside you, someone is either going to try to bump you so they can get out of the ways of the puddle or if they're nice, they'll slow down. It adds an extra element to the races, which will make things interesting.
I agree. You should have seen a group of my friends last weekend running the Nurburgring Behemoth in the rain with AI set to hard difficulty along with full damage. A couple of us ended up with broken windshields, suspensions and seriously "hopped" the rest of the way to the finish line. :lol:
I didn't know you can rename the tunes. I'll definitely do that after I mess with that tune some more today.
Yes renaming helps a lot. Now I am not sure if that just renames your save file name, or the name everyone sees. Regardless it is indeed helpful.

I'm a little disappointed in the Multiplayer selections. Why is there no E or D class? Why is C only set to collisions off? Seems a bit lackluster at the moment. I also wish they would do a C-Class league! Most of my cars are set there
F6 just released a couple days ago. If F6 is anything like F1-F5, the hoppers will change a LOT in the next couple days, weeks, and months depending on community feedback. ;)

I used to hate Sebring too, but it seems like the rain has improved our relationship. I love the wet version of the track, and seem to do a lot better online racing there than some of the others.

Last night was the first time I haven't played since I got access two weeks ago. It doesn't feel right. :(
Oh yeah the wet version of Sebring has truly brought some serious love to that track for me.
This keeps catching me out in rivals mode. Will be hotlapping, getting faster and faster and then the car starts spluttering and gradually dies lol. Happened twice at road atlanta, get carried away on that track.

Are you talking about running out of gas? I guess I haven't run enough laps, but did not know this affected hotlapping in rivals. I'm going to have to turn that off cause with my luck I'll run out of gas at the end of my fastest lap!
Anyone else completely overwhelmed with how much content is in F6 in a good way? Sheesh when I get on I dont know where to begin. Between campaign, rivals, buying cars, tuning cars, painting cars with vinyls, taking photos, drifting, drag, autocross, multiplayer, or league play I am just blown away and overwhelemed. I sit sometimes for 10 minutes not even knowing what I want to attack first.
F6 just released a couple days ago. If F6 is anything like F1-F5, the hoppers will change a LOT in the next couple days, weeks, and months depending on community feedback.

Ive just been back on FM5, and only so I can race in the class I want. It feels so empty at the moment on FM6. It also feels somewhat as though T10 are forcing me to play in the hoppers they want me to play in, I don't like that at all. In every other iteration of Forza Motorsport, we have always had choice of what we want to do online. Not having that same choice in FM6 is killing my enthusiasm for playing the game at the moment. Never thought I would be coming out with something like that!

Luckily I am not limited to the racing games that I play though, but I need to have some serious words with Logitech and their driver support for windows 10 and the Logitech G920 wheel, and the lack of any driver side adjustment in the profiler software for feedback, spring, and damping. No FFB in Pcars on PC with it, just center spring effects. cant even use it in Assetto Corsa because of an insane amount of wheel oscillation, and other games with similar issues. Works great in codemasters games however, go figure.

Will have to use the good ol trusty G27 on the PC I think, was really looking forward to testing the G920 on the PC though.
Ive just been back on FM5, and only so I can race in the class I want. It feels so empty at the moment on FM6. It also feels somewhat as though T10 are forcing me to play in the hoppers they want me to play in, I don't like that at all. In every other iteration of Forza Motorsport, we have always had choice of what we want to do online. Not having that same choice in FM6 is killing my enthusiasm for playing the game at the moment. Never thought I would be coming out with something like that!
Every Forza that has launched has always launched with very few playlists. This is nothing new at all. As I said, they will add more. ;)

Even every shooter that comes out launches with very limited playlists. More are always added a few days, weeks, months later.
Every Forza that has launched has always launched with very few playlists. This is nothing new at all. As I said, they will add more. ;)

That has not been my experience when getting to grips with a new Forza game. However, been in the UK we have always had access to the game 4 days later than in the US. I only have it now because I put my money down on the ultimate edition. The first thing I do on day one with any new forza game, is go online and check those features and hoppers out.
Are you talking about running out of gas? I guess I haven't run enough laps, but did not know this affected hotlapping in rivals. I'm going to have to turn that off cause with my luck I'll run out of gas at the end of my fastest lap!
Yeah, gas is effected in every mode. I was running Rivals on Lime Rock Park in D class with a new tune, and almost didn't even notice I was almost out of gas. It's a new thing that I keep forgetting that I should be keeping an eye on, just because of the effect it didn't have in FM5 :lol:

Anyone else completely overwhelmed with how much content is in F6 in a good way? Sheesh when I get on I dont know where to begin. Between campaign, rivals, buying cars, tuning cars, painting cars with vinyls, taking photos, drifting, drag, autocross, multiplayer, or league play I am just blown away and overwhelemed. I sit sometimes for 10 minutes not even knowing what I want to attack first.
I'm feeling the same way, and it has to do mostly with the amount of cars that are around now. I'm tuning all kinds of cars, and try to stick to ones not used often. My newest favorite is a D class Mazda Cosmo, it's just a bummer that it doesn't have working lights for night racing.

The funny thing is that just last night I was playing for about 2 hours or so. The whole time I was on I was tuning about 2-3 cars. I've never been this stuck on a game doing something so minimal and still getting the most excitement out of it. By the end of the day before I got off, I managed maybe 3 actual races before I went to bed :lol: Good thing is that in one of those races I ranked under 5th in C Class(Americas) in an Integra on one of the shorter Yas Marina Night tracks. I was thoroughly excited when I saw that!
Yeah, gas is effected in every mode. I was running Rivals on Lime Rock Park in D class with a new tune, and almost didn't even notice I was almost out of gas. It's a new thing that I keep forgetting that I should be keeping an eye on, just because of the effect it didn't have in FM5 :lol:

I'm feeling the same way, and it has to do mostly with the amount of cars that are around now. I'm tuning all kinds of cars, and try to stick to ones not used often. My newest favorite is a D class Mazda Cosmo, it's just a bummer that it doesn't have working lights for night racing.

The funny thing is that just last night I was playing for about 2 hours or so. The whole time I was on I was tuning about 2-3 cars. I've never been this stuck on a game doing something so minimal and still getting the most excitement out of it. By the end of the day before I got off, I managed maybe 3 actual races before I went to bed :lol: Good thing is that in one of those races I ranked under 5th in C Class(Americas) in an Integra on one of the shorter Yas Marina Night tracks. I was thoroughly excited when I saw that!
Oh dang I never even pay attention to the gas at all. I guess I am very lucky I have not run out yet. Nice to see that feature finally working again. I better watch that.

Yes its just so overwhelming and consumes time so fast. I was on for about an hour last night and the hour I was on I finished 1 race and took 2 pictures of curbs that I posted in the F6 curbs thread. :lol: Dang you for getting me hooked on the photo mode! :D
Remember us being pretty equal?
We are now no. 83 and 84 on the leaderboard for Long Beach East, you being 0.024sec´s faster.
Think i need to take my Civic for another round :P
Oh dang I never even pay attention to the gas at all. I guess I am very lucky I have not run out yet. Nice to see that feature finally working again. I better watch that.

Yes its just so overwhelming and consumes time so fast. I was on for about an hour last night and the hour I was on I finished 1 race and took 2 pictures of curbs that I posted in the F6 curbs thread. :lol: Dang you for getting me hooked on the photo mode! :D
Tell me about it! I've been hooked for 4 years now :lol:

Remember us being pretty equal?
We are now no. 83 and 84 on the leaderboard for Long Beach East, you being 0.024sec´s faster.
Think i need to take my Civic for another round :P
Nice! I've been putting together a couple of cars here and there so I look forward to getting a race in with you again! Is there no way to join a friend when they are in League Play?
That has not been my experience when getting to grips with a new Forza game. However, been in the UK we have always had access to the game 4 days later than in the US. I only have it now because I put my money down on the ultimate edition. The first thing I do on day one with any new forza game, is go online and check those features and hoppers out.
I know for a fact the hoppers change. In fact F6 has already change the league hopper a few times since last week for the VIP launch. Over the weekend there was a league hopper that ran from 1pm to 1AM with no collisions. That is already gone. Monday they had another different hopper that ran until 7:00pm. Last night was another different hopper with different times. So trust me, they will be constantly changing and adjusting hoppers, as they always have. I am expecting multi-class to come in the near future. That has always been a fan favorite that usually comes about a week or so after launch.

League play is an entirely new system for them. So the early days will be beta testing the system for sure. I am sure a non collision mode will be returning for league play.
Nice! I've been putting together a couple of cars here and there so I look forward to getting a race in with you again! Is there no way to join a friend when they are in League Play?

Im not 100% sure, but i think the match making system will try and put you in the lobby where your friends are.
Had to reboot last night and first try i got back in the lobby where my friend was.

Forgot to mention Long Beach was in D class and you are now 0.6 something behind :P
Im not 100% sure, but i think the match making system will try and put you in the lobby where your friends are.
Had to reboot last night and first try i got back in the lobby where my friend was.

Forgot to mention Long Beach was in D class and you are now 0.6 something behind :P
Ah, so it was just that no one was playing it at the time :lol:

Well then, challenge accepted! I'll be seeing your time in about 6-7 hours!