I Fully agreeAll I want is a full Forza 6 for Windows 10 with universal wheel support. If not, then the next Forza.
I'll be going on a little rant here, so bare with me:
I've had it with these stupid consoles and I'm ready to throw them to the dumpster. First, I wanted to watch a movie but my PS4 won't recognize the controllers anymore, even with USB cable (thank god I still have a PS3).
Now my Xbox One is coming up with some nonsense about my controller not pairing up with my profile, so I can't access the store to buy the NASCAR DLC or browse online liveries in FM6. REALLY?! Why does the controller need to pair up with my PROFILE!!! Now it goes into an eternal loop telling me that there is no controller associated with the current profile, even though I only have one controller and one profile... These are dark days we live in...
[quote]Are Clubs included?[/quote]
[quote]Can we share cars with other players?[/quote]
[quote]Can we gift liveries, tunes and CR to individual players?[/quote]
[quote]Will there be a centralised Storefront system, where one can find all of an individual user's liveries, tunes and layer groups?[/quote]
[quote]Is there an Auction House?[/quote]
[quote]Are there any penalties for corner-cutting?[/quote]
[quote]Are there any penalties for crashing?[/quote]
[quote]Will we have searchable player-hosted custom lobbies?[/quote]
[quote]Will there be any sort of licensing or seeding system (other than TrueSkill) to separate experienced players from newbies?[/quote]
[quote]Are there any new tuning options?[/quote]
[quote]What eSports features are available?[/quote]
[quote]What improvements have been made to spectate/replay features?[/quote]
[quote]Are there any improvements to Photo Mode?[/quote]
[quote]Will leaderboards be available externally, on websites/apps etc.?[/quote]
[quote]Will there be cross-platform Multiplayer between Xbox and PC?[/quote]
[quote]Can layer groups, liveries and tunes be imported from previous Forza titles?[/quote]
[quote]Will there be leaderboards for drag racing?[/quote]
[quote]Will there be leaderboards for drifting?[/quote]
Unfortunately noSo, @ImaRobot, did you get a ticket?![]()
Gifting and auction has been repeatedly stated not to be coming back because glitchers and hackers.Information on the next Forza title is expected to be revealed tomorrow evening during Microsoft's E3 briefing, presumably Forza Horizon 3 on Xbox and PC.
Although Forza Motorsport 6 was a good game content-wise, I did have some issues which ultimately made me quit playing and as such prevent future titles from being an insta-buy.
I've got a bunch of questions that I am hoping to have answered before the next title releases, going to mark them down here for now and update as info becomes available.
Code:[quote]Are Clubs included?[/quote] - No idea. [quote]Can we share cars with other players?[/quote] - Nope. Because glitchers. [quote]Can we gift liveries, tunes and CR to individual players?[/quote] - Nope. Because glitchers. [quote]Will there be a centralised Storefront system, where one can find all of an individual user's liveries, tunes and layer groups?[/quote] - I hope so. The current system is **** compared to FM4. [quote]Is there an Auction House?[/quote] - Nope. Because glitchers. [quote]Are there any penalties for corner-cutting?[/quote] - No idea, but hopefully. [quote]Are there any penalties for crashing?[/quote] - Other than damage, I doubt it. [quote]Will we have searchable player-hosted custom lobbies?[/quote] - I don't think so. [quote]Will there be any sort of licensing or seeding system (other than TrueSkill) to separate experienced players from newbies?[/quote] - No idea. [quote]Are there any new tuning options?[/quote] - Doubt it. [quote]What eSports features are available?[/quote] - Forza Motorsport Championship, no details yet. Coming to FM6. [quote]What improvements have been made to spectate/replay features?[/quote] - No idea, likely none. [quote]Are there any improvements to Photo Mode?[/quote] - No idea, likely not. [quote]Will leaderboards be available externally, on websites/apps etc.?[/quote] - No idea. [quote]Will there be cross-platform Multiplayer between Xbox and PC?[/quote] - No idea. [quote]Can layer groups, liveries and tunes be imported from previous Forza titles?[/quote] - I imagine so [quote]Will there be leaderboards for drag racing?[/quote] - No idea. [quote]Will there be leaderboards for drifting?[/quote] - No idea.
Unfortunately noI had blown too much money on one of my checks so both of this month are basically rent checks lol.
Just barely, I supposeAh, that's too bad. I suppose rent is more imporant. Maybe.![]()
Sweeto!According to leaked photos Xbox will be getting Xbox Clubs. Perhaps we could have our own GTPlanet Club.
T10 knew MS was planning on implementing it at an OS level?
They can't have any of the race cars in Horizon, so keep that in mind. I'm expecting 450 cars at launch, maybe 500.Why? Forza 6 launched with 460 and according to wiki at least there is 142 cars available from DLC...
Then if they add 50 or so threw the life of FH3... Closer to 700 then 600.
They can't have any of the race cars in Horizon, so keep that in mind. I'm expecting 450 cars at launch, maybe 500.
If Turn 10 had any content planned for this week, it wouldn't be today; they always release a pack on a tuesday since that's when microsoft updates things.
So, um, nearly what, 3 years after the original XB1 release and more than 9 months after FM6's release, I'll finally have my own XBone this week. My youngest son's health is finally improving, after years of on and off medical researches and treatments that were both stressful and costly, we're finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, and with two young ones eager to try on the new gen, I think we'll have a lot of fun.
I know I've been a pretty vocal part of this forum since the release without even owning the game, but I knew it was just a matter of time before I joined the lot. Looking forward to the experience... sometimes it's worth the wait.
I didn't forget it, but that was one exception out of a whole lot of dlc releases.Don't forget about the Nurburgring content back at E3 2014 and that was on a Monday and released the same day!