Shootings and explosions in Paris.

  • Thread starter Dennisch
You guys have really thin skin. They are dead, they don't need respect. Their families want respect but not everyone has to agree with you or them. It's called a different point of view, not everyone is beholden to your views.
This guy acting like he wouldn't be the first person to get upset if someone was disrespecting his own dead relatives during a moment of silence. :lol:
That's kinda hard to do when your opponents have proven on multiple occasions that they are incapable of listening to reason.
They listen to reason perfectly well. Hence why everything in Paris was a success for them.

Why stop when you are winning?
You guys have really thin skin. They are dead, they don't need respect. Their families want respect but not everyone has to agree with you or them. It's called a different point of view, not everyone is beholden to your views.
Some things are universal. As far as I know, all cultures respect the dead. This must be a personal choice of yours to be selective when choosing to mourn innocent victims of terrorism.
I'm torn on this subject - while I agree that the dead are dead and offering respect is pointless to them, I also think that paying the respects is more for the living to make the statement that human lives matter.

Was it wrong to boo or make a scene during the moment of silence at the game? Depends on ones perspective. It's certainly not something I would do, but I also wouldn't offer or observe the same act of respect for those who committed the attacks but it doesn't mean that somebody out there isn't mourning the death of a relative who happened to also be a mass murderer.
This guy acting like he wouldn't be the first person to get upset if someone was disrespecting his own dead relatives during a moment of silence. :lol:

Clearly, not everyone is a decent human being. My dog shows more respect than this.

Some things are universal. As far as I know, all cultures respect the dead. This must be a personal choice of yours to be selective when choosing to mourn innocent victims of terrorism.

I'm not a little girl so I couldn't care less about someone does. A loss of life in my circle is something zi deal with along with those who also had the loss. I don't care about what other people do or think. @PiTBUll Comparing humans to a dog, that seems reasonable. They weren't even chanting Allah Ackbar, they were chanting something entirely different. Not every culture does the moment of silence BS you guys want to nitpick about to show all Muslims are evil people. @Johnny How does being silent show respect for the dead? Do you even know what they were chanting or do you want to continue on your anti Muslim tirades? Even if they were chanting God is good, I don't see how that's disrespectful just because they were supposed to shut up.
I'm not a little girl so I couldn't care less about someone does. A loss of life in my circle is something zi deal with along with those who also had the loss. I don't care about what other people do or think. @PiTBUll Comparing humans to a dog, that seems reasonable. They weren't even chanting Allah Ackbar, they were chanting something entirely different. Not every culture does the moment of silence BS you guys want to nitpick about to show all Muslims are evil people. @Johnny How does being silent show respect for the dead? Do you even know what they were chanting or do you want to continue on your anti Muslim tirades? Even if they were chanting God is good, I don't see how that's disrespectful just because they were supposed to shut up.
They indeed were shouted after the moment of silence. The reporter who originally reported they were chanting it has been threatened numerous times & posted a few links from other Twitter accounts to show her proof.

This isn't about being anti-Muslim at all, but terrific job using the Liberal bleeding hearts tactic to accuse any criticism as hate.
I'm not a little girl so I couldn't care less about someone does. A loss of life in my circle is something zi deal with along with those who also had the loss. I don't care about what other people do or think. @PiTBUll Comparing humans to a dog, that seems reasonable. They weren't even chanting Allah Ackbar, they were chanting something entirely different. Not every culture does the moment of silence BS you guys want to nitpick about to show all Muslims are evil people. @Johnny How does being silent show respect for the dead? Do you even know what they were chanting or do you want to continue on your anti Muslim tirades? Even if they were chanting God is good, I don't see how that's disrespectful just because they were supposed to shut up.

Most muslims would show respect. Somehow I don't think you speak for them.
I kinda see where @HELLAFLUSH240SX is coming from but at the same time don't. I don't generally know anyone who died, whether or not they are good and didn't deserve or evil and getting some kind of karma. It is always sad to see life go to waste but due to no actual personal connection with any of them nor did I ever care for any of them before their death so I can't really show "respect" to them.

HOWEVER, other people might have personal connections to them and want to show the respect they have to them. You are being a bit rude and selfish if you aren't letting them do it. They aren't forcing you to show respect, sorrow and grief so why should you interrupt them on what they WANT to do?

If there was a memorial or something like that for someone I didn't know or cared about before their death. I wouldn't go off and make interruptions and rude remarks and just sit quiet as the rest do what they want to do, to show respect.
Comparing humans to a dog, that seems reasonable. They weren't even chanting Allah Ackbar, they were chanting something entirely different. Not every culture does the moment of silence BS you guys want to nitpick about to show all Muslims are evil people.
Source please for those that are saying all Muslims are evil people.
USER=6345]@Johnny[/USER] How does being silent show respect for the dead? Do you even know what they were chanting or do you want to continue on your anti Muslim tirades? Even if they were chanting God is good, I don't see how that's disrespectful just because they were supposed to shut up.
It is irrelevant how it shows respect for the dead. What is relevant is that it is the local custom, a polite request was made equally to everyone, and it's disrespectful to dishonour it by shouting, jeering and whistling. The actual words they shouted are also pretty much irrelevant as well. 10,000 people shouting, "I want a hot dog" during a moment of silence is just as disrespectful although I'd agree that shouting, Allahu Akbar (every major and minor news source I've seen agrees that's what was chanted) at a time like that might take the disrespect up a few notches. Up to the level of taunting I'd say.
You guys do realize Allahu Ackbar means God is Good right? How is that disrespectful? Is it because they are Muslims?

They were actually chanting Şehitler Ölmez Vatan Bölünmez, which means Martyrs never die, homeland will never be divided.
You guys do realize Allahu Ackbar means God is Good right? How is that disrespectful? Is it because they are Muslims?

They were actually chanting Şehitler Ölmez Vatan Bölünmez, which means Martyrs never die, homeland will never be divided.

So what they were chanting was even worse, they were supporting the dead terrorists? And you seem to respect that more than the minutes silence?
Negative again, but you're already on a roll tonight.
I kinda see where @HELLAFLUSH240SX is coming from but at the same time don't. I don't generally know anyone who died, whether or not they are good and didn't deserve or evil and getting some kind of karma. It is always sad to see life go to waste but due to no actual personal connection with any of them nor did I ever care for any of them before their death so I can't really show "respect" to them.

HOWEVER, other people might have personal connections to them and want to show the respect they have to them. You are being a bit rude and selfish if you aren't letting them do it. They aren't forcing you to show respect, sorrow and grief so why should you interrupt them on what they WANT to do?

If there was a memorial or something like that for someone I didn't know or cared about before their death. I wouldn't go off and make interruptions and rude remarks and just sit quiet as the rest do what they want to do, to show respect.
And that's where his view is completely wrong. A moment of silence for France isn't about knowing any one on a personal level. It shows sympathy for the nation & its victims. Just like all those folks on Facebook who changed their profile pictures, it's a mere way of saying, "You're in our thoughts".

That comment about people not having to be quiet because they don't share the same views as the family is complete & utter rubbish, much like the rest of the garbage he seems to like throwing out. You can have a different view point & still act like a civilized person.
So what is your plan then? You want to denounce these Turkish Muslims for not being sad for France when Turkey was attacked not too long ago and no one said a word. If America was attacked and France didn't say anything I wouldn't take part in their grievances either. It's not a black and white thing.
So what is your plan then? You want to denounce these Turkish Muslims for not being sad for France when Turkey was attacked not too long ago and no one said a word. If America was attacked and France didn't say anything I wouldn't take part in their grievances either. It's not a black and white thing.

Respect is a two way street. Treat others how you wish to be treated yourself.
So what is your plan then?
There is no plan, so you can quit trying to justify the disrespect shown in the video.
You want to denounce these Turkish Muslims for not being sad for France when Turkey was attacked not too long ago and no one said a word.
Ah, the other bleeding heart tactic. "Well, everyone else was attacked & no one said a word", yet these folks didn't say a word themselves, and there's a high chance neither did you. But, now their suffering is worth acknowledging b/c you have a use for it in your argument.

For me, I didn't say a word because Western Media doesn't advertise those stories beyond a 5 minute news segment.
If America was attacked and France didn't say anything I wouldn't take part in their grievances either. It's not a black and white thing.
The great thing there is that France already showed its sympathy during 9/11. But, you wouldn't take part because you've posted a statement that you lack compassion unless it compensates your own interests.
Negative again, but you're already on a roll tonight.

And that's where his view is completely wrong. A moment of silence for France isn't about knowing any one on a personal level. It shows sympathy for the nation & its victims. Just like all those folks on Facebook who changed their profile pictures, it's a mere way of saying, "You're in our thoughts".

That comment about people not having to be quiet because they don't share the same views as the family is complete & utter rubbish, much like the rest of the garbage he seems to like throwing out. You can have a different view point & still act like a civilized person.
I just find it hard to put people you don't even know or having any knowledge of their existence into your thoughts, especially when they don't even know you at the same time. I see no way, I can be Sympathetic to people I just know existed especially when I haven't been through what they and their families are going through. Yes, you can assume what they are feeling but they are usually worse or even better than what you think.
You guys do realize Allahu Ackbar means God is Good right? How is that disrespectful? Is it because they are Muslims?

They were actually chanting Şehitler Ölmez Vatan Bölünmez, which means Martyrs never die, homeland will never be divided.
Asked and answered already.
It is irrelevant how it shows respect for the dead. What is relevant is that it is the local custom, a polite request was made equally to everyone, and it's disrespectful to dishonour it by shouting, jeering and whistling. The actual words they shouted are also pretty much irrelevant as well. 10,000 people shouting, "I want a hot dog" during a moment of silence is just as disrespectful although I'd agree that shouting, Allahu Akbar (every major and minor news source I've seen agrees that's what was chanted) at a time like that might take the disrespect up a few notches. Up to the level of taunting I'd say.
And I agree with @jimipitbull. If they were actually shouting, "Martyrs never die", that's about as bad as it gets. It's deliberately taunting for sadistic, selfish reasons. All the more reason to condemn it.
I'm the bleeding heart liberal but you two are the ones crying because a group of soccer fans said Allan Ackbar during a moment of silence.
I just find it hard to put people you don't even know or having any knowledge of their existence into your thoughts, especially when they don't even know you at the same time. I see no way, I can be Sympathetic to people I just know existed especially when I haven't been through what they and their families are going through. Yes, you can assume what they are feeling but they are usually worse or even better than what you think.
Avoid looking at it from a personal level. It's simply compassion for another human being.
I'm the bleeding heart liberal but you two are the ones crying because a group of soccer fans said Allan Ackbar during a moment of silence.
So, then your argument is finally in the ground if this is all you've got left? Good, now we have nothing left to respond to. 👍
You guys have really thin skin. They are dead, they don't need respect.

I can only hope this isn't your greeting at funerals.

I'm not a little girl so I couldn't care less about someone does.

You might not be. The sad part of it is I know children who would show the most basic level of respect with regards to others' loss. Something you seem incapable of doing.

Comparing humans to a dog, that seems reasonable.

After the "little girl" comment, I'm not sure you'd even know what reasonable would look like.

They weren't even chanting Allah Ackbar, they were chanting something entirely different.

It doesn't matter what they were chanting (although what it was is hardly an improvement).

Not every culture does the moment of silence BS you guys want to nitpick about to show all Muslims are evil people.

Who said that?

@Johnny How does being silent show respect for the dead?

It's a widely accepted form of showing respect, dating back decades. Are you genuinely unaware of this?

I don't see how that's disrespectful just because they were supposed to shut up.

You just answered why.
I'm not gonna recant my statement. They are angry because no one covered the Turkish attacks half as much as these French attacks. Nor did they the Libyan attacks. Nor the Beirut attacks. They didn't get covered at all, but make some mouth noises during a moment of silence during a Soccer game and everyone goes crazy. You have a right to cry about them disrespecting the deaths, but did you say a word when they were attacked? Did anyone have a moment of silence for their losses at the hands of the same group? No they didn't.
Avoid looking at it from a personal level. It's simply compassion for another human being.
If we avoided looking at it in personal levels on everything we would even be sad to know that Hitler and Osama Bin Laden died. We don't because we know what they did but isn't that taking it to a personal level? In the end, they are Human Beings like the people currently in France.
But, but, but Turkish fans are just shouting God is good @SlipZtrEm!

If we avoided looking at it in personal levels on everything we would even be sad to know that Hitler and Osama Bin Laden died. We don't because we know what they did but isn't that taking it to a personal level? In the end, they are Human Beings like the people currently in France.
That's a reach & not at all what I'm saying b/c neither of those men were innocent civilians killed. It's a respectful gesture, that's all it is.
I'm not gonna recant my statement. They are angry because no one covered the Turkish attacks half as much as these French attacks. Nor did they the Libyan attacks. Nor the Beirut attacks. They didn't get covered at all, but make some mouth noises during a moment of silence during a Soccer game and everyone goes crazy. You have a right to cry about them disrespecting the deaths, but did you say a word when they were attacked? Did anyone have a moment of silence for their losses at the hands of the same group? No they didn't.
I see you making that same argument again, so why aren't you in @Dennisch's Africa thread?
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I'm not gonna recant my statement. They are angry because no one covered the Turkish attacks half as much as these French attacks. Nor did they the Libyan attacks. Nor the Beirut attacks. They didn't get covered at all, but make some mouth noises during a moment of silence during a Soccer game and everyone goes crazy. You have a right to cry about them disrespecting the deaths, but did you say a word when they were attacked? Did anyone have a moment of silence for their losses at the hands of the same group? No they didn't.

We don't disrespect their customs, yet you think it's ok for them to disrespect ours?

But, but, but Turkish fans are just shouting God is good @SlipZtrEm!

That's a reach & not at all what I'm saying b/c neither of those men were innocent civilians killed. It's a respectful gesture, that's all it is.

I see you making that same argument again, so why aren't you in @Dennisch's Africa thread?

We don't disrespect their customs, yet you think it's ok for them to disrespect ours?

@Slip yes Turkish citizens doing a moment of silence is the same thing as Turkish citizens doing a moment of silence for France. They didn't shut up for their own moment of silence either.

@McLaren I'll be there shortly. I don't see why it matters to you though.

@PiTBUll okay? And?
@Slip yes Turkish citizens doing a moment of silence is the same thing as Turkish citizens doing a moment of silence for France. They didn't shut up for their own moment of silence either.

@McLaren I'll be there shortly. I don't see why it matters to you though.

@PiTBUll okay? And?
Because you're in this thread complaining about how no one pays any attention to other attacks, yet you've clearly not given a breath to them until now. You weren't posting anything.
@Slip yes Turkish citizens doing a moment of silence is the same thing as Turkish citizens doing a moment of silence for France. They didn't shut up for their own moment of silence either.

Yes, and I'm pointing out that this disrespectful behaviour is not a new thing, given that you tried to link the booing in the match today to a lack of coverage on the bombings in Turkey last month:

They are angry because no one covered the Turkish attacks half as much as these French attacks.

Why are you so desperate to find justification for people being inconsiderate?