How far do you want to take that? Should we not be allowed to own guns because they are dangerous? What about driving with a passenger in the car? How about running in a subway terminal? You might knock somone off the edge. How about carrying a pencil in your pocket? You could drop it and someone else could trip and fall and get it stuck in their eye (if they landed sideways).
So should guns and knives and cars be banned because some people will use them badly?
Another point here... I don't care about people being educated about how not to cause death. I have no problem with driver's ed. I wouldn't have a problem with the course telling people that driving while talking on a cell phone is dangerous. They told me driving on a motorcycle was dangerous... I've got no beef with that. What I have a problem with is telling other people the manner in which they must drive appropriately. I don't see that as being my place, they can decide for themselves how to drive appropriately and they usually do... which is why so many of us get to work successfully in the morning.
It's a simple matter of weighing the benefits against the costs.
cars - cost
kills many children and adults, pollutes and kills the environment
cars - benefit
Greatly increases range that individuals can travel to make themselves economically and socially useful, as well as increase their own happiness by visiting relatives, nature areas, and so on
conclusion in our country
we accept that the benefits are considerable and therefore choose to keep them, although we do as much as possible to reduce the costs by taking all kinds of measures and imposing rules to minimise the costs, and continually evaluate and look for viable alternatives
guns - cost
extremely dangerous, kills many by virtue of opportunity and accident alone
guns - benefit
can prevent dangerous people from harming you or others, either by threat or by maiming/killing
conclusion in our country
the availability of guns leads to a lot more deaths than it prevents. Accidents alone will kill many. People who get mugged normally will generally only lose their wallet which does not outweigh the deaths by accident alone. The availability of guns in general facilitates crime and generally causes crime to become more serious - for example, if robber suspects victim to be defending himself, he will be more likely to kill and then take the wallet, rather than threaten and take the wallet. Therefore only selected offcials who have been extensively trained to use guns when needed, such as in the military and police, are allowed to carry guns.
knives - cost
can and will be used as a weapon
knives - benefit
essential cutting device for among others foodstuffs
conclusion in our country
after detailed risk analysis, carrying a knife with a blade of 4cm or longer has been prohibited under certain circumstances, such as going out to cafes or nightclubs during the evening/night.
driving with a cell-phone - cost
very soon after the cell-phone became widely accepted, cell-phone related accidents rose very extensively, probably because the cell-phone was new and people that had never before had the opportunity to use a cell-phone while driving did not appreciate the dangers of the new situation
driving with a cell-phone - benefit
because the cell-phone had been so recently introduced, no essential benefits were perceived, certainly none outweighing the cost
people had to be actively educated about not driving with cell-phones, quickly. The danger caused by this behaviour to others was very real, people talking on their cell-phone in their car can even today often easily be spotted by their swerving over the road. Analysis was made of the situation and decreased attention combined with one hand at the wheel were deemed responsible for the problem. Extensively advertising about the dangers of driving while using a cell-phone were considered and based on previous experience and the urgency of the situation considered not effective enough. Therefore a penalty was instated and this was made into a specific offense, to facilitate prosecution of this kind of reckless endangerment and to speed public awareness of the issue.
I understand what you mean Danoff, but I think you are being too fundamentalist in your beliefs what the government should specifically enforce and what is up to a person's own responsibility.