"Standard Car" does not correspond to the interior view.Update read 1st page

  • Thread starter JDMKING13
"They said it, I believe it, as long as it is in line with what I believe." GTP Debbie Downer
And i like i said they came back and said it was a mistake so whats your point? Im not saying its 100% true but Im just giving some folks a bright side on the topic 👍
And to do so, you're providing people who'd be willing to grasp at every last straw with wrong information.

I mean, come on, if you need articles that are a mistake to find something that will keep people's hopes up for cockpit views on interior cars, doesn't that tell you something?
The miss information in that article wasn't PD's fault it was OPMs. Probably, though, they saw a race with some F1 cars on it and they assumed that ALL F1 cars were in, which is wrong. Just like when people saw the NASCARs they assumed ALL NASCARs would be in, but we've got only 9 cars and only three of the four manufacturers.
The miss information in that article wasn't PD's fault it was OPMs. Probably, though, they saw a race with some F1 cars on it and they assumed that ALL F1 cars were in, which is wrong. Just like when people saw the NASCARs they assumed ALL NASCARs would be in, but we've got only 9 cars and only three of the four manufacturers.

You mean they saw a race with F1 cars in it, thought they were Indy cars and assumed gt5 would feature a full-fledged IRL competition...
And to do so, you're providing people who'd be willing to grasp at every last straw with wrong information.

I mean, come on, if you need articles that are a mistake to find something that will keep people's hopes up for cockpit views on interior cars, doesn't that tell you something?

Damn OP made 1 mistake with the IRL confirmation and now the whole article is a mistake. Whatever man why do you care so much about my opinion I'm just posting my proof on why i think we will have cockpit whats the problem its a forum. Whats to say your opinion is 100% correct. You have a text that can be taking in many ways, any how i respect what your saying I'm not bashing your thinking. Let me think what i wanna think and you can think what you wanna think your acting like if the worst happens and we don't have cockpits in standard cars people are going to kill themselves or come for me its an OPINION.
The miss information in that article wasn't PD's fault it was OPMs. Probably, though, they saw a race with some F1 cars on it and they assumed that ALL F1 cars were in, which is wrong. Just like when people saw the NASCARs they assumed ALL NASCARs would be in, but we've got only 9 cars and only three of the four manufacturers.
It doesn't even matter who's at fault here. Whoever messed it up, bringing that kind of information up time and time again is not going to somehow make it true, nor relevant to this debate, as it's outdated info that's been proofen wrong ages ago.
Damn OP made 1 mistake with the IRL confirmation and now the whole article is a mistake. Whatever man why do you care so much about my opinion I'm just posting my proof on why i think we will have cockpit whats the problem its a forum. Whats to say your opinion is 100% correct. You have a text that can be taking in many ways, any how i respect what your saying I'm not bashing your thinking. Let me think what i wanna think and you can think what you wanna think your acting like if the worst happens and we don't have cockpits in standard cars people are going to kill themselves or come for me its an OPINION.

I agree that that one mistake doesn't make the entire article incorrect. Just that part. And that was the only part they apologized for. But, it would appear that every car they saw had a modelled interior, or else they wouldn't have assumed "all 1000 of GT5's cars have detailed cockpit." Now, again we don't know if PD showed them all premiums or a mix of premiums and Standards, but, I know if I were in that interview and every car I saw had a cockpit, I'd write that EVERY car did, too.
Damn OP made 1 mistake with the IRL confirmation and now the whole article is a mistake.
Certainly it doesn't help that article's credibility, now does it? But I suppose you'd rather believe a six-month old article from a gaming magazine than what is written on the official Gran Turismo site. :boggled:
I agree that that one mistake doesn't make the entire article incorrect. Just that part. And that was the only part they apologized for. But, it would appear that every car they saw had a modelled interior, or else they wouldn't have assumed "all 1000 of GT5's cars have detailed cockpit." Now, again we don't know if PD showed them all premiums or a mix of premiums and Standards, but, I know if I were in that interview and every car I saw had a cockpit, I'd write that EVERY car did, too.

SuperShouden its all good man GT5 is going to be a great game with or without cockpits. People make it seem like a crime to look at information in different perspectives. People say that the text is enough for them to say we don't have cockpits cool. Not for me, hearing all this info saying we have cockpit view from many different sources and then getting this text that has many meaning i still believe we will have some type of cockpit view. 👍
:lol: 1 mistake and OP doesn't know what there talking about.

It's one thing for me or you to assume something and call it a fact. For a journalist, it's a very different issue.

Since they appear to have the habit of assuming things with little to no grounding and call them facts, I seriously doubt that's their only mistake.
Damn OP made 1 mistake with the IRL confirmation and now the whole article is a mistake.
Well, the article's stuffed with wrong information. Do you consider that a reliable source of info? I know I don't.

Whatever man why do you care so much about my opinion I'm just posting my proof on why i think we will have cockpit whats the problem its a forum.
I'm just telling you that your proof doesn't proof anything and therefor, isn't a proof. Whether it's on a forum or not doesn't even matter. And on a sidenote, a proof doesn't have anything to do with an opinion. If we had proof on standard cars having cockpits, we wouldn't have this discussion right now.

Whats to say your opinion is 100% correct. You have a text that can be taking in many ways, any how i respect what your saying I'm not bashing your thinking. Let me think what i wanna think and you can think what you wanna think
I don't tell you what to think. I'm telling you that you're basing your opinion on stuff that's been a mistake. If you're looking for stuff that's straight from PD; you're not going to find any kind of positive info on standard cars cockpits. Only a statement that's pretty keen on telling people that they're not going to be able to position the camera inside a standard car.

And I honestly don't get how you could take the text on PD's site in many ways. But then again, I'm not trying my hardest to read something into it.

your acting like if the worst happens and we don't have cockpits in standard cars people are going to kill themselves or come for me its an OPINION.
Well, from what I can tell, you can't let it go either, can you? So it seems it's pretty darn important to you, isn't it? So... Pot. Kettle. Black.

Besides, yeah, I do care. About GT, mind you, not about what some people I hardly know do or don't.

:lol: 1 mistake and OP doesn't know what there talking about.
If someone wants to be a journalist and makes that big of a mistake, it is enough to debunk the whole article. A flaw that glaring tells you that all the other information can't be trusted, either, as it's probably researched just as bad as said flaw.
Certainly it doesn't help that article's credibility, now does it? But I suppose you'd rather believe a six-month old article from a gaming magazine than what is written on the official Gran Turismo site. :boggled:

And i suppose you see a small text that can have many meaning on a page that says nothing about cockpit view for both standard and premium car and say we have no cockpit view for standard cars 👍

BTW this is a year old but i guess it doesn't matter because its a year old Even though they told us this info a year ago it matches pretty good on what we know now, but then again folks will say all this info is new.

This was also on the official website then they took it down and put PSP GT info up.

August 18, GamesCom, held in Cologne, Germany: Gran Turismo 5 has been announced! Here is the latest information on the game design:

■ models included
1,000 vehicles
170 Premium new models (full interior modeling, the interior corresponds to vehicle damage)
830 kinds of standard model (some are from Gran Turismo 4 that have been carried over to GT5) [Read: Cars we have seen in GT4 before ]

■ Courses
60 courses confirmed with 20 or more to be revealed

■ physical simulation of vehicles
Physics system simulation is brand new
Represented is full fall in vehicles [possibly rollover]
Damage representation (reproduced in full by real-time collision deformation)
faithfully reproducing the behavior of electric cars, i.e. Prius, Insight, hybrid cars and the latest Tesla model

■ Arcade Mode
Single Race
2 player battle

■ GT Mode
World Map
My Garage
Car Dealer
Tuning Shop (parts, tires)
Car Washes/Oil Change
Race Championship (Series system, point system)
License Test

■ Online
Open Lobby
Text / Voice Chat
Private rooms
Online Photo Album
Online Replay Album
YouTube replay output

■ Photo Mode
Photo Drive (Circuit)
Photo stage (Stage Photo mode only)

■ Gran Turismo TV
Video output to a PSP or PSP Go®
Progressive Download
Improved user interface
Continuous Play for videos

■ Museums
The Gran Turismo 5 Prologue version, + more information at TGS

■ Sound
Custom soundtracks (Use songs from your PS3 hard-drive)
Dolby Digital 5.1 and 7.1

■ User Interface
The Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, and the same design concept. The icons change color
Able to track the movement of Cockpit Camera interface (confirmed in full 3-D. The camera can be fully manipulated and you can opt to have your head tracked by the PSEye)

If you read Amar thread about the winds on page 70 to 100 talks about the standard car situation it honestly is the same talk as this thread for those 30 pages :lol:

Here are some quotes from that thread on the standard situation

If 830 cars are from gt4, that means only 170 cars built in the last 5 years (including the nascars and wrc and race cars). If this is correct, wont it be a bit like playing a game from 5 years ago, example honda accord will be the 5 year old one as they will probably favour the exotic cars to make up the non race car part of the 170. Im concerned.

1000 cars (all with cockpit and maybe damage)(Ok, so there might be damage!), 170 (with damages also in cockpit)(Guaranteed to have damage as you use the interior cam) 830 (with cockpit and exterior damage, not damage in cockpit and seen since gt4)(Inside view+outside damage) (Seems contradictory.) the 170 are premium don't know what stand for maybe pay for it.

Ok, IF there will be only 170 cars with cockpit. Then we can all agree with the sad fact that Forza 3 has beaten us, right?

Another question though. Why would a demo, specific for a game event, contain so much features? I bet it is the full game specs we got after all... :( 👎

BTW, no wonder there has been so quite on the news front for so long, and no wonder KY looked so nervous at E3! They're probably embarrassed...

I think it would be best, for everyone, to just wait for more information instead of jumping to hasty conclusions. 💡 All this speculation is giving me a headache! :ouch:

Even if it will be only 170 new cars, the cars from gt4 will feel totally different
with the new physics.

Forza3 has 400 interiors, developed in 2 years. And from the 170 we already have ~ 75.
Forza3 has 100 layouts, GT5 60.
These are the numbers, but a game is more than numbers...

Yea, the IGN article's writer seemed to agree with my theory (shared by many) that the 170 will have damage viewable from the interior and 830 will have the damage viewable only from the exterior views. Or something along those lines. It is just TOO unlikely, unbelievable, and unimaginable, that PD would release a game with only 17% on the cars having damage, or only 17% of the cars having an in-car view.

Also, to those complaining that 830 of the cars are coming from GT4, SO WHAT? If PD didn't re-use those 830 (which by the way, there weren't that many in GT4), you would then be complaining that "they had bla bla bla car in GT4, why isn't it in GT5?" And for those who are new to the world of videogames in general, the cars from GT4 will have GT5 quality graphics. You would think that would be obvious but I guess we have to spell it out for you since it wasn't explicitly stated in the Press Release on the Japanese site.
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And i supose you see a small text that can have many meaning on a page that says nothing about cockpit view for both standard and premium car and say we have no cockpit view for standard cars 👍
As I said earlier, it doesn't matter whether PD specifically spoke of cockpit view. Some guys, and I guess I'm talking to one of them right now, would just start to call it 'a dash view', for example, and still think standard cars will have it.

'No interior views', that phrase encompasses each and every possible camera angle from inside the car. From a language standpoint, that's pretty darn clear and that's probably what PD went for. Unless PD didn't mistranslate it, or something.

BTW this is a year old but i guess it doesn't matter because its a year old Even though they told us this info a year ago it matches pretty good on what we know now, but then again folks will say all this info is new.
It still matches up today because it wasn't contradicted with more recent information. The information that fire is hot is older than the information that the world is a disc; yet, the older one of those is true and the more recent one has been discarded because it was proven wrong by more recent information. Same with info on GT. You can't rely on old info if it has been contrdicted by the new stuff. From a reliable source, that is.
And i suppose you see a small text that can have many meaning on a page that says nothing about cockpit view for both standard and premium car and say we have no cockpit view for standard cars 👍
What other meanings? I think it's pretty clear what that "small text" means - no cockpit view for standard cars. 💡

Oh, and good job of digging up a year old quote from me - what is that supposed to prove? :odd: There is no need for speculation anymore now that we know the truth about the standard cars.
I'm going to go out on a big limb and say that "No interior camera view" just means that standard cars have blacked out windows. Call me optimistic, but that's where I stand. And if standard cars don't have a cockpit, bfd. GT4 didn't have cockpits, so it's not like it'd be anything too terribly different. And it takes a long time to model 1000 interiors. I doubt even Turn10 could do it. And the only reason T10 has 400+ interiors is 'cause there's aren't nearly as detailed as what we've seen. I mean, every little WIRE is modeled in the Premium cars. I'm sure the interiors took as long or longer to make as the cars themselves. I'd be happy with just the 1000 cars.
Read: a source that doesn't pull facts out of their asses :lol:
I guess you could put it that way 👍 And the only ones who're probably not pulling info from where-the-sun-never-shines are the guys at PD.

I've gone over a lot of the info that was released and leaked throughout the last few months again, and to my mind, most of the confusion at hand stems from some randon 'journalist' stating some assumptions of theirs to be facts.
What other meanings? I think it's pretty clear what that "small text" means - no cockpit view for standard cars. 💡

No prob man i respect your conclusion of the text, however when i read that whole page it says nothing about cockpit for premium or standards It talks about interior and exterior detail. Knowing that when it states *Standard cars do not support vehicle interior camera views. it makes me believe its talking about something different thats all in the end we will find out right.

EDIT Actually your post was positive i thought everyone was going crazy and you just told everyone to chill its just speculation I just picked a couple of quotes from the thread. Chill out man.
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I'm going to go out on a big limb and say that "No interior camera view" just means that standard cars have blacked out windows. Call me optimistic, but that's where I stand. And if standard cars don't have a cockpit, bfd. GT4 didn't have cockpits, so it's not like it'd be anything too terribly different. And it takes a long time to model 1000 interiors. I doubt even Turn10 could do it. And the only reason T10 has 400+ interiors is 'cause there's aren't nearly as detailed as what we've seen. I mean, every little WIRE is modeled in the Premium cars. I'm sure the interiors took as long or longer to make as the cars themselves. I'd be happy with just the 1000 cars.

I'm with you! 👍 In time we will find out. If they have cockpit i will be very happy, if they don't i still will enjoy GT5 just as much. 👍
At GC, there will be many unveilings, here's hoping for new cars and tracks, but I'm still hoping for the big blowout at TGS, when I guess they will finally show us the game in it's full glory, but still keeping some secrets, as always.
I've noticed that as well. Question is, how could someone who's using the slightest bit of common sense come to such an interpretation, considering how the statement is phrased and considering that we haven't heard anything from PD that would contradict it?

You know, if you want to post something meaningful as to why standard cars will have cockpits, link a statement from PD that says so. If you can find one, that is. But stop the baseless assumptions.

Because of their statement like "vehicle internal camera views" how difficult was for them to say "no cockpit view" that is as simple as it gets :confused:

I mean that's what everyone wants to know. We do not want to see other thing inside the car. Only an cockpit view for driving, nothing else. Unlike premium cars, as there is going to be an option to look around inside the car and many things are modeled. Even from outside it can be seen.

May be vehicle interior camera views also means no cockpit view. But the translation or that statement is just stupid. Yes/No cockpit view, is what people want to know. Just three words it takes :nervous:
Agreed. Granted, there would be some people who would twist the words and not believe it, but if it actually said "Standard cars have no cockpit view" then most of us would understand what that means and just deal with it. But "Standard cars do not have internal camera views" is WAY to long and confusing.
Agreed. Granted, there would be some people who would twist the words and not believe it, but if it actually said "Standard cars have no cockpit view" then most of us would understand what that means and just deal with it. But "Standard cars do not have internal camera views" is WAY to long and confusing.

👍 Exactly