"Standard Car" does not correspond to the interior view.Update read 1st page

  • Thread starter JDMKING13
I hope that at least they do something like in GT PSP, like the blackframe that Yamauchi said in the Honda interview, for example, if they do something like this mockup I've done:


With the same movements and inertia like in the premiums cockpit view it would be enough for me, the right thing would be to make a generic dashboard for most of the standards, but this would be enough for me :P .

Obviously not the same as in the premiums, but at least would have the same sensations of movement of the car, weight, acceleration, braking, etc.
I agree. I think having a generic cockpit is better than flying behind your car in a helicopter with a remote controle...
It looks like I started a firestorm.

First I want to apologize. I didn't intend to insult anyone. Nor at any point did I say anyone was being "pointless and irrelevant" or "whining."

Secondly, there were a lot of opinions in this thread being thrown around, so I decided one of my posts would be my opinion on the situation. No rules against that as far as I am aware. But please, do inform me of such rules. :scared:

But now, I guess it's time to defend my opinion because, I feel as though I must, otherwise I'm just another troll.

I regarded interior view to be an essential gameplay feature/element until now which I was expecting on all cars since playing Prologue.

How so? How is it essential to game play? Up until Prologue, not one Playstation release of Gran Turismo had interior views, and they all seem to have been quite successful without it. So to me, that illustrates it is not a necessity, but, a luxury.

In real racing, you're not able to switch to a view where your hood and the dashboard are not blocking your view, are you?

In real racing, you are able to move your head in almost any direction though. Even with head tracking, you are limited to your view in a video game. Having a rendered dashboard takes up a percentage of the screen's real estate. Valuable real estate that would otherwise, make it easier to follow a track and hit the apex's.

Also, when ever I drive a car, I am looking through the windshield. I hardly notice the interior of the car at all. If I need to see left, I look left. In a video game. It's not that easy. If I want to look left, I physically need to press a button to do so. However, using a wider field of view (bumper cam), I can just glance at either side of the screen and get a good idea of what's next to me.

Here's an example:
Everything highlighted in red serves no other purpose other than being purely cosmetic.

That's almost half the screen being taken up. It varies from car to car, but for the most part, I find it a hindrance.

And I do think that, in real life, you're able to recognize the car you're in by looking at it's interior...

I don't understand what you are saying. Do you suffer from short term memory loss? Otherwise, why do you need the interior to remind you of what the car is. After all, you choose the car you want to drive before you drive it.

...Unless I am completely not understanding?

Am I happy that only ~200 cars will have interior view? No. It could very well give the game a certain unfinished feel.

Do I need all cars to have interior view? No. It would be nice though.

Am I angry at PD (as it seems some are)? Absolutely not. As some one studying game programing. It's not an easy, inexpensive, or fast process modeling a 1000+ cars; and to do 1000+ interiors on top of that, the size of the development team would have to be huge. Not to mention they are programming physics, tracks, multiplayer, sounds.

Interior views are like VTEC

Fun for five minutes then they just get annoying and you'd much rather switch to a traditional view/engine

That's a poor analogy. VTEC and similar systems are quite useful in small engines. Once you hit the VTEC, in say, an S2000. The car totally perks up. With a car like that, if you are on a track, you will be in the power band most of the time (high RPM). So something like VTEC really brings the performance out.
In real racing, you are able to move your head in almost any direction though. Even with head tracking, you are limited to your view in a video game. Having a rendered dashboard takes up a percentage of the screen's real estate. Valuable real estate that would otherwise, make it easier to follow a track and hit the apex's.
First of, headtracking not supporting a 360° view isn't something related to the camera view, so it really doesn't matter. And, well, if you're in a real car, the dash and hood do take away a lot of the real astate of your field of view as well, making i harder to hit an apex in a car with a very long hood, for example.

Also, when ever I drive a car, I am looking through the windshield. I hardly notice the interior of the car at all. If I need to see left, I look left. In a video game. It's not that easy. If I want to look left, I physically need to press a button to do so. However, using a wider field of view (bumper cam), I can just glance at either side of the screen and get a good idea of what's next to me.
See, here's the problem. If the screen you're using is big enough, you're able to ignore the dash just as you would do in a normal car. With a smaller screen, the info is there as well, it's just smaller.

Here's an example:
Everything highlighted in red serves no other purpose other than being purely cosmetic.
That's almost half the screen being taken up. It varies from car to car, but for the most part, I find it a hindrance.
Of course it is. Just as a real car isn't made of glass so that you can approach every upcoming apex perfectly. And while it is possible to move your head to move your field of vision, no amount of moving your head will make the jood of your car disappear.

I don't understand what you are saying. Do you suffer from short term memory loss? Otherwise, why do you need the interior to remind you of what the car is. After all, you choose the car you want to drive before you drive it.

...Unless I am completely not understanding?
The argument was about whether the interior view is realistic or not. When you get into a Ferrari, you are able to recognise it by looking at the interior. You can do so while driving. So, is a Fanatec (or any other wheel) going to replicate that? No, it's not. Is any other view going to replicate that? No, it's not. That's my point.
How so? How is it essential to game play? Up until Prologue, not one Playstation release of Gran Turismo had interior views, and they all seem to have been quite successful without it. So to me, that illustrates it is not a necessity, but, a luxury.

That's a poor defense though. Every game prior to Prologue went without online. Every game prior to GT5 hasn't had damage (well, other than the very rudimentary GT2 model). So those aren't needed?

Games evolve, and as such, the requirements do too.
Also, when ever I drive a car, I am looking through the windshield. I hardly notice the interior of the car at all. If I need to see left, I look left. In a video game. It's not that easy. If I want to look left, I physically need to press a button to do so. However, using a wider field of view (bumper cam), I can just glance at either side of the screen and get a good idea of what's next to me.

Nope. With head tracking we're gonna be able to look left and right just by tilting your head. Yeah, you can do the same in bumper cam, but I find the perception of where the car is on the road you get with cockpit view is invaluable. That, for me, is my biggest disappointment about the possibilty of not having cockpits. Yeahh, they look nice and it's fun to view all the different interiors of 1000+ cars, but the biggest factor for me is the true sense of immersion you get whilst sitting on the grid, revving your engine and looking down the track through the slit in the windscreen between dashboard and sunstrip.
How so? How is it essential to game play? Up until Prologue, not one Playstation release of Gran Turismo had interior views, and they all seem to have been quite successful without it. So to me, that illustrates it is not a necessity, but, a luxury.

It is essential to a Real Driving Simulator just as a wheel and pedals are essential. If you want it to be a simulator, then it needs to be as realistic as can be. As I have said before, the only way that is is more realistic is if you have a cockpit that is right pressed up against your screen, and the same height as the bottom edge of your screen, and hood view. If you have this setup, then ya, your cockpit is right there, you don't need it again on the screen. If you have pretty much anything else, then all that the interior view does is make your experience more realistic.

In real racing, you are able to move your head in almost any direction though. Even with head tracking, you are limited to your view in a video game. Having a rendered dashboard takes up a percentage of the screen's real estate. Valuable real estate that would otherwise, make it easier to follow a track and hit the apex's.

Unfortunatly, IRL, you don't have the luxury to make the dashboard and roof and winshield and everything else in your car invisible, so oh darn. There is going to be stuff in your way, and making it all dissapear is in no way realistic.

And head tracking, you aren't limited in anything. I don't even know what you meant by that. When your eyes move left, the screen pans left to look out the left window. Same for up, down, and right. How is this limited?

Also, when ever I drive a car, I am looking through the windshield. I hardly notice the interior of the car at all. If I need to see left, I look left. In a video game. It's not that easy. If I want to look left, I physically need to press a button to do so. However, using a wider field of view (bumper cam), I can just glance at either side of the screen and get a good idea of what's next to me.

Same as I said before, if your buttons are strategically placed, is takes all of .5 seconds to press the button and look left. And, really, how many times do you really need to look out the windows? I managed to beat GT5P without ever even knowing you could look left and right in the car. Maybe you use it all the time, but personally, I don't think it helps much.

I don't understand what you are saying. Do you suffer from short term memory loss? Otherwise, why do you need the interior to remind you of what the car is. After all, you choose the car you want to drive before you drive it.

...Unless I am completely not understanding?

Having the hood or bumper cam takes away all attachment to the car. Chase cam is the most unrealistic, but at least you get to see the car you are driving. The interior view, though, is the most special. It gives you that same experience as if you owned the car, therefore making it the best in my opinion, not including the aforementioned realism benefits.
The argument was about whether the interior view is realistic or not. When you get into a Ferrari, you are able to recognise it by looking at the interior. You can do so while driving. So, is a Fanatec (or any other wheel) going to replicate that? No, it's not. Is any other view going to replicate that? No, it's not. That's my point.

This is why I love cockpit view so much. For those who use cockpit view IMO get more out of GT than other views. It lets you know your in that specific car not only by driving but because you can actually see the interior. It also gives you different views depending on what car you are in, which gives a racer a different connection with every car. I remember watching BestMotoringVideo dealing with the Z33 and I remember them saying during the development of that car they wanted the driver to have a great view of the road while driving. IMO I think the 350Z cockpit is really good when driving and viewing the road.
Here's an example:
Everything highlighted in red serves no other purpose other than being purely cosmetic.

That's almost half the screen being taken up. It varies from car to car, but for the most part, I find it a hindrance.

Technically everything in the picture other than the road and whatever defines the side barriers of said road (along with the guages) serves no purpose other than cosmetic.
Having the hood or bumper cam takes away all attachment to the car. Chase cam is the most unrealistic, but at least you get to see the car you are driving. The interior view, though, is the most special. It gives you that same experience as if you owned the car, therefore making it the best in my opinion, not including the aforementioned realism benefits.

+1. Playing in bumper cam, the game may as well be called Gran Turismo 5, The Real Flying-Two-Feet-Off-The-Ground-Round-Racetracks Simulator :crazy:
So, wait, the topic has gone from whether or not Standard cars possibly not having an interior view to questioning if a cockpit view is even realistic/warranted?

Am I getting this right? :dunce:
So, wait, the topic has gone from whether or not Standard cars possibly not having an interior view to questioning if a cockpit view is even realistic/warranted?

Am I getting this right? :dunce:

Yes... when it's possible GT5 will not have a desired feature, the natural turn of events is to start discrediting the feature as a premptive defensive manuever.
Well, this is a forum. Just so happens that that's the way this discussion has gone :)
We could keep it on topic, but I think we've pretty much exhausted that!

Oh, we also had a few pages of discussion about whether or not PS3s can use 400GB BluRays and 1TB harddrives :lol:
So, wait, the topic has gone from whether or not Standard cars possibly not having an interior view to questioning if a cockpit view is even realistic/warranted?

Am I getting this right? :dunce:

Unfortunatly, yes. When it's in, everyone wants it, but of course, once its out, the attitude becomes "We don't even need that. I don't care if it's out"

:lol: It's actually quite funny