Stupid GT5 in game censorship word list

Me and my friend found plenty of "offensive" words that are allowed. I'm not really sure if I'm allowed to post them here, but just know there are a lot out there.

I found "aids" is censored, but you can write out "driving aids" and it wont be censored. Thought that was a little smart.

Everyone has driving aids, driving aids, driving aids...
I have found an easy solution... A mic works wonders and you can swear all you want until someone kicks you or everyone leaves that is! :lol:

But seriously, It is REALLY annoying when youve painstakingly typed out a huge message with your DS3 and have it show up as....


On top of that you havent even typed ONE SINGLE swear word...

Should've used a cheap, USB Keyboard :sly:
But engine doesn't have any "ss" :lol:

This is crazy tbh.
SS = Nazi secret police.

It censored Magic on me. Where in the hell is any sort of Profanity in Magic?"
Magic = the first part of the name of a drug.

I use WAAAASUUP as my welcome message into online servers and it comes out like this... W****SUUP... as if AAAA is censored!
The whole thing got censored when I said WAZZZZZAAAAAAAAAA!

Was telling a friend i was going to go make bacon..gusse what..bacon got bleeped.
I think it's because of 'con'.

Anyway, someone should try typing 'straight ahead' in Spanish. That's todo recto, by the way...

Also, someone should try speed.
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Did anyone try this ?:

Arschloch, Votze, Schleimscheisser, Hurenbock, Hühnerficker, Schwanzlutscher, Schwuchtel, Drecksack, Missgeburt ?

Maybe it works...
Great, now this dumb censorship will force people to write words even worse now to try and communicate and completely butcher the language.

Thank you Sony.
The german word "Weniger" which means "less" is also not allowed because it contains "niger" i guess.
Yeah the censorship is really really annoying. Fortunately i got a Keyboard connected. Otherwise you need 30 minutes to type a sentence, then it becomes "*****".
The censored word is "dio" (god in italian...or in spanish, too..i don't remember)
Funny uh? lol.

:lol: If you've ever read or watched the Anime "JoJo's Bizarre Advanture", you'll see why I find this funny.
I was in a room and some guy glitched below the ground. I typed "How's the view down there?" and it censored the whole thing.
Not sure who came up with the awesome coding of censoring the chat in GT5, but someone should give him an award. If SONY or PD is reading this, I would like to find out what is your logic, if there is any. Also I would like to find out what you guys are doing to censor voice chat since that is really a much bigger problem than censoring words like "engine" in a game about cars and racing. :dunce:

Please add what you find.

Censored words:
  • engine - green initiative? LOL
  • Tsukuba - yeah, the circuit
  • LSD - as in Limited Slip Differential
  • lulz - means dick in Dutch...
  • dirt - as in dirt tires
  • pitting - as in pitting in
  • ss - any word containing "ss", as in Camero ss = censored
  • magic - sorry Disney
  • nicht starten ("don't start" in German) - nicht means gay men in Dutch...
  • hora ("hour" in Spanish) - They are only allowed to live in minutes
  • junkies - as in speed junkies
  • joint, puff, roll
I've viewed this for months as anonym and a user. Since then, I started collecting unnecessarily censored words. Here are some:
challenging - same reason as in engine - EDIT: I found out the meaning that was in search for 3 years. It is the synonym of d*ck in French
3 or more k's or x's
7 or more digits without a comma in between - Password or credit card number I guess.
entering - I don't know why
BJ-I don't know why, interesting thing about it is in some words, the PS3 will think it is part of a word and won't censor it.
XJ, as in Jaguar XJ13 - I don't know why
206, ZO6, Z06, 2O6 and similar, as in Peugeot 206 or Corvette Z06 - It made me go nuts. What is it?
Hitler - Maybe, but it is not a curse word - I don't know.
Connection, icon, disconnect, disconnection, pretty much every word with the letters "con".
Fallout - It will come out as *****ut.
Chatter - It will come out as ******r. EDIT: It is p***y in French.
Trigger - It will be tr*****.
Episode - E***ode. This one is better than the others though.
Lapping - I can't find its meaning. It will be *****ng. I mean, what is lappi?

I'll edit as I find more words and meanings in languages.

I'm not sure what Sony was thinking. I hope the same (bleep) won't be in the PS4.

Next up - Bleeping "curse" words on voice chat? Sony can do that too! :lol:

Also, yesterday I was in a group text chat. Some guy said **** (yes, it is the f-word that we all know) and it didn't get censored. HOW?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

This thread needs more updating...

Someone out there who speaks whatever language FICA is bad in, please fill us in.


And yes, it's a PSN censor; PD has nothing to do with it.
Thanks to Google Translate, I found out it means: P***y in Italian.
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You can pretty much put all the blame Sony for this because these pretty all are what you can't say on the PSN chat either.

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