Q: Out of three possible scenarios you were talking about some days before, only two are left: Petrov either goes to a team but LRGP, or leaves F1. Which one is the most possible now?
Oksana: "First of all, I want to thank everyone, who have supported us for those two years: partners, fans, press and the team. Those were two wonderful years in F1, during which Vitaly has learnt a lot. The situation now is that Vitaly has to move forward. There still are things he will have to acknowledge. Thats' why for him in the nearest time the new program will be announced, according to which he'll work. This program will be announced before the New Year, so I just ask everyone to be patient: we need time to work on some details. When we announce the program, I think, many people will understand, why we have decided to go this way."
Q: Does that mean the program is already fleshed out, but the time to talk about it didn't come yet?
Oksana: "Yes, of course. Simply I think we shouldn't make F1 lovers and media panic. We still have to sort some things out, that's why I'm again outside of Russia now. This week I've only passed eighteen hours in Russia. Now we're working at small details, then the plan will be presented to our partners in order to be approved, and after that we of course will announce everything and won't keep anything secret. I ask everyone to keep calm and keep supporting our Russian racer in Formula 1."