The 2020 George Floyd/BLM/Police Brutality Protests Discussion Thread

Wow even CNN admitted that Rittenhouse didn't carry the gun across State Lines. It was already there,in Kenosha purchased by his friend whom was 18. He carried it back over State lines after the shooting. Turning himself and the weapon in. Something all of you seemed to dismiss.

Up next,after Joe Biden get's his colonoscapy to see if they can find his brain. A huge,lawsuit, for calling Rittenhouse a "White Supremacist" Kamala is in power now,get ready folks. Wanna bet the 25th gets invoked while Joe is in hospital !
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Wow even CNN admitted that Rittenhouse didn't carry the gun across State Lines. It was already there,in Kenosha purchased by his friend whom was 18. He carried it back over State lines after the shooting. Something all of you seemed to dismiss.

Up next,after Joe Biden get's his colonoscapy to see if they can find his brain. A huge,lawsuit, for calling Rittenhouse a "White Supremacist" Kamala is in power now,get ready folks. Wanna bet the 25th gets invoked while Joe is in hospital !
Wow. Triggered.
Not Guilty!!!
Wow. Triggered.
Not triggered at all. The American justice system did it's job. You do know that Biden is giving power to Kamala while he is in the hospital this weekend. Remember in politics,they eat their own. Let the triggering begin. Wow Bob Bianchi on CNN is actually pointing out the obvious. They might want to get another panelist. LOL
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Not triggered at all. The American justice system did it's job. You do know that Biden is giving power to Kamala while he is in the hospital this weekend. Remember in politics,they eat their own. Let the triggering begin.
As @Joey D said, the 25th has already been "invoked" and is why Harris is Acting President. I suspect you mean Article Section I, but you're too stupid to realize it.

Your manic communication makes you seem triggered.
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This happens any time ANY president goes under anesthesia regardless of who they are and it's never an issue.
Wanna make a small wager! It only took 10 months to have the worst inflation in 31 years. Americans aren't that stupid. Nancy has the money machine just spitting out trillions of dollars like a rapper at a strip club. Remember Joe saying on national TV that he would have a mysterious illness.
As @Joey D said, the 25th has already been "invoked" and is why Harris is Acting President. I suspect you mean Article Section I, but you're too stupid to realize it.

Your manic communication makes you seem triggered.
Hey now. I never called you stupid. Now you can retract that comment or we shall go the other route. My manic communication. Mine? I'll give you 5 minutes.
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Just a note while everyone's fighting, as much as the UK is a stinker right now, this dude would have been eating prison food on a life sentence had this been committed over here. And he would have been sentenced months ago.

Adamantly it would've been much, much tougher to get his hands on an AR but still, a tale of two justice systems for you.
Wanna make a small wager! It only took 10 months to have the worst inflation in 31 years. Americans aren't that stupid. Nancy has the money machine just spitting out trillions of dollars like a rapper at a strip club. Remember Joe saying on national TV that he would have a mysterious illness.
What on the gods' green earth are you on about? This statement has nothing to do with why the VP takes over as President pro tempore when the President undergoes anesthesia. Reagan and Bush the older both did it once and Bush the Younger did it twice. You can't make decisions when you're under any sort of anesthesia or sedation, which would be bad if some country decided to launch a nuclear strike or something.

But with inflation, Biden isn't in control of that and you'd have to be completely oblivious to everything that's happened in the world over the last two years to pin it on him. Raw materials weren't being generated because everything was on lockdown along with manufacturing plants. Then it all opened up at once and the huge backlog of supplies needed to be shipped all over the world. There are only so many cargo ships to deal with that and only so many people working in ports to unload them. This has created a bottleneck meaning that while the demand hasn't changed, supply has, so things will be more expensive.

What this has to do with Biden getting his bum roto-rootered is beyond me though.

It's not like it would be unheard of for Biden to have an illness either. He's old, old people have medical problems and get sick.
Well, the jury has given its verdict. While I think this certainly sets a deadly precedent, I hope young teens with guns in the US don’t take away the bad in this and use it to think before they leap.
Well, if there is any kind of positive thing out of this whole thing, between Rittenhouse and Chauvin, this hopefully means that video evidence will be taken a bit more seriously in high(er)-profile cases.
I'm not surprised at all Rittenhouse was found not guilty. Nothing like the circumstances of the Chauvin killing.

I'm guessing the lengthy deliberations were due to a few jury hold outs needing to be convinced on the "lesser charges". To me the whole incident is (yet another) indictment of US gun culture that led to a young man thinking a gun would solve a problem, when it actually created a further, worse problem.