The General Airplane Thread

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Turkey sinks an Airbus A300 as an artificial reef.


Just got out of the house in time to see a V-22 Osprey flying overhead, rotors tilted completely forward. Hell yeah!
Capt. Jeff Kuss, Blue Angel #6, arrived at Pensacola NAS yesterday, carried by Fat Albert, the Blue Angels C-130, and escorted by Lt. Ryan Chamberlain, Blue Angel #5. The first video is over Palafox Avenue (I think) in Pensacola, and from there they passed along the entire length of Pensacola Beach out to Perdido Key before turning back to land at the air station.

There are videos on FaceBook (but apparently not Youtube) from the main center area of Pensacola beach, where a crowd had gathered, unrolled a large American Flag, and sang "God Bless America" right before the pass.

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Oh man, the feels. I would have loved to be there for that. The other day I was going through my phone pics of the airshow in Peachtree City, GA last October and found a shot I had taken of Capt. Kuss taxiing #6 to the runway for their trip home. It was horribly out of focus so I won't bother posting it, but it's weird to know that one of the guys who entertained you a few months ago is no longer with us. Just... the feels man.
Oh man, the feels. I would have loved to be there for that. The other day I was going through my phone pics of the airshow in Peachtree City, GA last October and found a shot I had taken of Capt. Kuss taxiing #6 to the runway for their trip home. It was horribly out of focus so I won't bother posting it, but it's weird to know that one of the guys who entertained you a few months ago is no longer with us. Just... the feels man.
Yeah, same event I had taken this shot, where #6 isn't in:
Oh man, the feels. I would have loved to be there for that. The other day I was going through my phone pics of the airshow in Peachtree City, GA last October and found a shot I had taken of Capt. Kuss taxiing #6 to the runway for their trip home. It was horribly out of focus so I won't bother posting it, but it's weird to know that one of the guys who entertained you a few months ago is no longer with us. Just... the feels man.

Yeah, same event I had taken this shot, where #6 isn't in:

Except Capt. Kuss wasn't #6 in 2015, he was #7, the pilot who did the media flights in the two-seater. #6 was Ryan Chamberlain, this year's #5.
Except Capt. Kuss wasn't #6 in 2015, he was #7, the pilot who did the media flights in the two-seater. #6 was Ryan Chamberlain, this year's #5.

Ah. That photo I took was so out of focus I couldn't even read the pilot's name :lol: Kuss was definitely there though and I do remember seeing #7 take off shortly after.
Well, I had to find a good picture to be sure.... I'd read somewhere today that he was last year's #7, but couldn't find that again. I used this picture from the Homecoming show last November, the solos taking off. The original un-resized image shows the names very clearly.


Nice A321 rip-off I see. Never knew Yakolev was still in business...
I swear that they stole the frame from Airbus.

The Russians never stole anything EVER!!!! You go wash your mouth out with soap!!!


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Nice A321 rip-off I see. Never knew Yakolev was still in business...
I swear that they stole the frame from Airbus.
Well, they're going on the international market with this plane, so I think Airbus would sue them if they actually stole something from it.

Yakovlev Design Buerau mainly produces the Yak-130 trainer.
Su-27 crash in Russia, from what I've read fatal.

Two Swiss F-5 collided over the Netherlands, one of them had to eject the other landed safely with damage.
"Long line at the gas station."

View attachment 556985

*F-16 #1* "Get that stupid wannabe stealth fighter out of the way! The reserve's almost dry!"
*F-16 #3* "Waste of JP5!"
*B-2* "I squish you like fly if YOU DON'T GET OUT OF WAY COMRADE!"
*F-35* *sweating bullets*
*F-16 #2* "MOVE!"
*F-35* "Look I'm having problems with the hookup!"
*F-16 #2* "What else is new?!"
*F-16 #1* "Get that stupid wannabe stealth fighter out of the way! The reserve's almost dry!"
*F-16 #3* "Waste of JP5!"
*B-2* "I squish you like fly if YOU DON'T GET OUT OF WAY COMRADE!"
*F-35* *sweating bullets*
*F-16 #2* "MOVE!"
*F-35* "Look I'm having problems with the hookup!"
*F-16 #2* "What else is new?!"

I love this post so much, but I'm confused as to why the B-2 is Russian. Double agent? :odd: :lol:
Wasn't planning on going the Dutch (almost annual) airshow yesterday but woke up early (4 am) and couldn't help it. Little motivator was the two first Dutch F-35's flying a demo. Unfortunately it was very cloudy and it rained pretty much all day. Didn't make a lot of photos, most of them only of the F-35 demo :P Went home after that.

Because the airport is military only it hasn't got the needed parking space, so they decided to close the nearby highway and make that the parking area. We had to walk some miles to a pick up point where a bus took us to the airport.

As I said weather sucked but got some okay shots..














What's that coming through the clouds?




Yay vapor cone! The only good thing about bad weather :P The show went on after this but so did the rain, I called it a day. Got on the bus back to the highway to search my car....

Turning around, where is it?? :scared:

Found it :D Had to walk for almost 30 minutes :lol: Apparently I was one of the first people to arrive so had to walk all the way back. :ouch:
The Ka-50 family has a pretty crazy ejection sequence. Explosive charges in the main rotor hub launch the blades away from the helicopter, the canopy blows out, then the seat ejects out. One thing I want to know about coaxial and tandem-rotor helicopters is how do they control their yaw?
The Ka-50 family has a pretty crazy ejection sequence. Explosive charges in the main rotor hub launch the blades away from the helicopter, the canopy blows out, then the seat ejects out. One thing I want to know about coaxial and tandem-rotor helicopters is how do they control their yaw?
Interesting question, so I checked the internet's great bastion of (mostly reliable) information to find out:
Coaxial rotors [...] rotational maneuvering, yaw control, is accomplished by increasing the collective pitch of one rotor and decreasing the collective pitch on the other. This causes a controlled dissymmetry of torque.
Tandem rotor designs achieve yaw by applying opposite left and right cyclic to each rotor, effectively pulling both ends of the helicopter in opposite directions.
More interesting tidbits in these articles:
Wasn't planning on going the Dutch (almost annual) airshow yesterday but woke up early (4 am) and couldn't help it. Little motivator was the two first Dutch F-35's flying a demo. Unfortunately it was very cloudy and it rained pretty much all day. Didn't make a lot of photos, most of them only of the F-35 demo :P Went home after that.

Because the airport is military only it hasn't got the needed parking space, so they decided to close the nearby highway and make that the parking area. We had to walk some miles to a pick up point where a bus took us to the airport.

As I said weather sucked but got some okay shots..














What's that coming through the clouds?




Yay vapor cone! The only good thing about bad weather :P The show went on after this but so did the rain, I called it a day. Got on the bus back to the highway to search my car....

Turning around, where is it?? :scared:

Found it :D Had to walk for almost 30 minutes :lol: Apparently I was one of the first people to arrive so had to walk all the way back. :ouch:
Beautiful photos! F-35 looks like something from a movie!