I'm stunned at how radical Michiganders have become. When I was there, it seemed like such a chill populace. Is this because
@Joey D left?
You're witnessing the power of irrational hypernationalism. If the closeness of MI doesn't get your attention, then how about the fact that the Senate might not even go 50-50, and Dems might lose their majority in the House?
They do realize that Biden is already leading and has only been trending up lately, don't they? A bit late for that tactic.
Okay. Then Trump loses by 60,000 votes.
Now what?
Doesn't matter that he's winning. They're going to refuse to accept reality, they're going to parade around with guns, they're going to become angry and intimidate people to submitting, etc etc. All they've got are power moves...well I shouldn't say that's "all" they've got because honestly that's what they want and that's what they're good at using.
Trump happened. I mean, people were divided before, now he just turned that dial up to a 1000.
This. Nightmare. I had no idea all those history lessons would come to fruition this quickly. I
knew it was real, I knew it could happen, but Jesus H Christ this is ridiculous. These people are no longer afraid to be reckless in public.
But it doesn't work. Biden is leading the popular vote by 3.2 million and California's vote is only 73% complete...Biden is going to get about 2.6 million more votes just in CA, extending his popular vote lead to about 4.5 million. He could easily have a 5 million popular vote lead by the time this is over with, and he'll have just barely scraped 270 electoral votes.
Edit: In fact, that 5 million votes will be the equivalent of an entire other state in between Alabama and South Carolina, or 9 more electoral votes, which in this election would mean all he needs is his comfortable margin in Arizona and it's over with.