The GTP Unofficial 2020 US Elections Thread

GTPlanet Exit Poll - Which Presidential Ticket Did You Vote For?

  • Trump/Pence

    Votes: 16 27.1%
  • Biden/Harris

    Votes: 20 33.9%
  • Jorgensen/Cohen

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • Hawkins/Walker

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • La Riva/Freeman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • De La Fuente/Richardson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blankenship/Mohr

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carroll/Patel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Simmons/Roze

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Charles/Wallace

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 15 25.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Texas has taken it upon itself to sue other states over their rules in the Supreme Court.

I haven't seen any good analysis on it, just quick comments from law professors on twitter saying things like "there is no way the supreme court will hear this" and "there is no way Texas has standing". Another state's AG called it "a publicity stunt". So the hot takes are all that this has about as much merit as the typical Trump apologist lawsuit - it's just that this one is coming from a crony in state office instead of the usual attorneys.
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Ever since the typically red state flipped for President-elect Joe Biden, some supporters of President Trump, including a legal team for his campaign, have been spreading baseless claims that voter fraud cost Trump the election. Those "Stop the Steal" backers got a big boost Tuesday, as Arizona's Republican Party retweeted a call for followers to be ready to "give [their] life for this fight."

This is really getting out of hand. It's bad enough that these kind of asinine posts show up on Facebook or Twitter or Parler. But this coming from the official account of the Arizona GOP. What they are doing is effectively poking a caged tiger with an unlocked gate. Before you know it, some angry or deranged follower who actually believes that Trump won the election, is going to start shooting people. It's happened before. Surely they realize that people are upset and emotional and it's not going to take much. And what are they going to do if it actually happens? Send "thoughts and prayers". If, or should I say "when" something happens, posts like this should be taken as incitement and they should be taken to task and charged as accessories to the crime. These aren't some random lunatics. They should know better.
Wow, I thought I had your username pegged... it's based on your first name? With no connection to the number 99? In that case, I was way off and will not be explaining what I thought it was so do not ask.

Yep, based on my actual first name that happens to come from a(n) (in)famous historic person. Back around 2008 I made this as a XBL gamertag. “TheHun” was not available and XBL suggested some random numbers as additions, so I rather picked a better looking number, so “TheHun99” was born, the number itself has no significance in my life.

Before you know it, some angry or deranged follower who actually believes that Trump won the election, is going to start shooting people. It's happened before. Surely they realize that people are upset and emotional and it's not going to take much.

My stomach still gets very tight when I read about all these idiots, as the pessimist in me still sees a potential for a civil war anytime in the next few years... This BS won’t stop with the inauguration of Biden.
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This is really getting out of hand. It's bad enough that these kind of asinine posts show up on Facebook or Twitter or Parler. But this coming from the official account of the Arizona GOP. What they are doing is effectively poking a caged tiger with an unlocked gate. Before you know it, some angry or deranged follower who actually believes that Trump won the election, is going to start shooting people. It's happened before. Surely they realize that people are upset and emotional and it's not going to take much. And what are they going to do if it actually happens? Send "thoughts and prayers". If, or should I say "when" something happens, posts like this should be taken as incitement and they should be taken to task and charged as accessories to the crime. These aren't some random lunatics. They should know better.

This is probably why Trump is so desperate to get rid of 230. By my rough understanding, it would mean that this type of activity would be the fault of the social media company and the account owner could just easily say they shouldn't have been allowed to put this on their site.

This is really getting out of hand. It's bad enough that these kind of asinine posts show up on Facebook or Twitter or Parler. But this coming from the official account of the Arizona GOP. What they are doing is effectively poking a caged tiger with an unlocked gate. Before you know it, some angry or deranged follower who actually believes that Trump won the election, is going to start shooting people. It's happened before. Surely they realize that people are upset and emotional and it's not going to take much. And what are they going to do if it actually happens? Send "thoughts and prayers". If, or should I say "when" something happens, posts like this should be taken as incitement and they should be taken to task and charged as accessories to the crime. These aren't some random lunatics. They should know better.

I suspect that AZ is turning blue because there are A LOT of people moving here from California.
I suspect that AZ is turning blue because there are A LOT of people moving here from California.

Possibly. But I don't care what color they are (Red or Blue). A political party should NOT be inciting it's base to rise and and "die for the cause". It's outrageous.

This is probably why Trump is so desperate to get rid of 230. By my rough understanding, it would mean that this type of activity would be the fault of the social media company and the account owner could just easily say they shouldn't have been allowed to put this on their site.
Interesting. I hadn't considered it from that angle.
This is probably why Trump is so desperate to get rid of 230. By my rough understanding, it would mean that this type of activity would be the fault of the social media company and the account owner could just easily say they shouldn't have been allowed to put this on their site.
I think you're giving him (and his base by extension) entirely too much credit. Revocation of protections is a threat against those perceived as infringing upon their (and only their, because they couldn't give a flying **** about anyone else as demonstrated by threatening to revoke those protections) right to free expression and nothing more.

He's a whiny little bitch, full stop. All bluster and no substance.

I suspect that AZ is turning blue because there are A LOT of people moving here from California.
I doubt the events of this past election are indicative of any meaningful swing, rather they're the result of enough people wanting to see the fascist fulvous **** finished.
I agree with @TexRex regarding 230, I think. Trump would be almost nothing of consequence without twitter, and twitter wouldn't really work without section 230 protections. All Trump really wanted to do was threaten them (with basically their destruction) into doing what he wanted. If he actually revoked 230 protections, it would result in an outcome that would negatively impact him. In a doesn't-really-take-a-genius move, Jack Dorsey called his bluff, effectively telling the administration to pound sand. Trump can implement policy that would destroy twitter. Trump cannot implement policy to change twitter, he can only threaten them into doing it on their own.
If he actually revoked 230 protections, it would result in an outcome that would negatively impact him.
He doesn't know that. Honestly I doubt anybody has told him.
Trump cannot implement policy to change twitter, he can only threaten them into doing it on their own.
In an administration which simply ignores law, yes he definitely can, and it will be enforced illegally until Biden comes in and corrects it.
He doesn't know that. Honestly I doubt anybody has told him.

In an administration which simply ignores law, yes he definitely can, and it will be enforced illegally until Biden comes in and corrects it.

Short of taking over Twitter directly (which, again amounts to its destruction, IMO), I don't honestly think there is any order Trump could give that could force them to do what he wants. In the very least, he or his administration (what's left of it) would have to demonstrate some level of creativity that I just don't think exists in order to compell twitter to do anything. Threats alone didn't work because they were so obviously hollow. Basically, he can't do ****. Again, revoking section 230 is definitely possible, but even that doesn't force twitter into making the changes Trump wants. Ironically, it could make twitter even more hostile to conservatives.
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Nah, he'll keep them going as long as he can, probably even beyond inauguration, until it blends into his 2024 campaign grift.

He'll keep grifting - of course! But I think Trump had hopes that his election fraud fraud would reap some benefit from his packing of the SCOTUS. That hope seems to have suffered a serious set-back today.
Scotus kicks out challenge to PA's elections results.

Pretty much the end of the line for Trump's "election fraud" legal challenges. Checks & balances hold firm under heavy assault from Trump & the Trump cultists. :cheers:

"No noted dissents". I gather an emergency hearing looks a little different than the typical decision (I'm not super familiar with that format), but I find that line pretty interesting.
Pretty much the end of the line for Trump's "election fraud" legal challenges. Checks & balances hold firm under heavy assault from Trump & the Trump cultists. :cheers:
Texas AG Paxton is still trying to get SCOTUS to disqualify the electors in MI, PA, GA, and WI as discussed up thread.

Righties are saying that it's still on the SCOTUS docket.

If they dismissed Kelly's case 9-0 though I can't see why they would let this one go through when it eventually comes up.
I still find it humorous that they see SOME way this could work.
They don't. You'd better believe they're going to try regardless. They lost legitimately and now they're cheating, trying to **** over the People who voted for someone other than their guy.
The insanity level of these lawsuits, and the speed and veracity with which they've been dismissed (which has been impressive), to an extent gives room to let people off the hook. Let's not forget what these lawsuits (and supporting members of congress and state governments) are asking for... it's horrific. Even if they know it's not going to succeed, they're taking a shot at something truly destructive. They deserve much disdain, in some cases to be disbarred, and possibly even prosecuted.
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The insanity level of these lawsuits, and the speed and veracity with which they've been dismissed (which has been impressive), to an extent gives room to let people off the hook. Let's not forget what these lawsuits (and supporting members of congress and state governments) are asking for... it's horrific. Even if they know it's not going to succeed, they're taking a shot at something truly destructive. They deserve much disdain, in some cases to be disbarred, and possibly even prosecuted.

You mean ... lock them up? :sly:
Righties are saying that it's still on the SCOTUS docket.
I find it hilarious that we GTPers are using terms like "righties" and nobody bats an eye, and even @Danoff doesn't disagree.

That's how nuts these people are, that we can make up whatever nickname for them and everybody is like "Yeah, that sounds about right."
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I find it hilarious that we GTPers are using terms like "righties" and nobody bats an eye, and even @Danoff doesn't disagree.

That's how nuts these people are, that we can make up whatever nickname for them and everybody is like "Yeah, that sounds about right."
They're always calling us lefties and leftists and my fingers got tired typing "Trump supporters" all the time. Maybe I should've gone with "top righties".
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They don't. You'd better believe they're going to try regardless. They lost legitimately and now they're cheating, trying to **** over the People who voted for someone other than their guy.
Sounds like I heard something similar to this 4 years ago. I wonder why...
I find it hilarious that we GTPers are using terms like "righties" and nobody bats an eye, and even @Danoff doesn't disagree.

That's how nuts these people are, that we can make up whatever nickname for them and everybody is like "Yeah, that sounds about right."
After being called deplorable racist and everything else I honestly don't give a damn anymore...
Sounds like I heard something similar to this 4 years ago. I wonder why...

No, 4 years ago was bellyaching, this one is actually trying to undermine democracy* and dismantle the country.

*at least the terrible EC version of it

After being called deplorable racist and everything else I honestly don't give a damn anymore...

We've had racists on this website, but you posted something worse.
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Sounds like I heard something similar to this 4 years ago. I wonder why...
What? Can you cite a single meaningful legal challenge* to the results of the 2016 election, much less such a concerted effort to usurp the will of the People?

*Meaningful in that actual an actual attempt is made via the court, lack of substance to the legal challenge notwithstanding.

Mind you Hillary, despite getting a larger chunk of the popular vote than Trump, still didn't manage a majority. Trump has gotten the second most votes ever in a United States presidential election, and Biden, with an actual majority, has collected more than fifteen million more votes than Hillary did.

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