The GTP Unofficial 2020 US Elections Thread

GTPlanet Exit Poll - Which Presidential Ticket Did You Vote For?

  • Trump/Pence

    Votes: 16 27.1%
  • Biden/Harris

    Votes: 20 33.9%
  • Jorgensen/Cohen

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • Hawkins/Walker

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • La Riva/Freeman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • De La Fuente/Richardson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blankenship/Mohr

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carroll/Patel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Simmons/Roze

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Charles/Wallace

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 15 25.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
This is the only Georgia election ad I've seen so far. Nice job.

"Hey, Biff. Get a load of this guy's life preserver. Dork thinks he's gonna drown!"


Expect the same from pretty much every GOP election loser going forward. This is why what Trump is doing is setting such a bad precedent. They're going to attack democracy every given chance now.

The fact it won't work doesn't matter.
I saw this last night.

Lots of "ETTD" (Everything Trump Touches Dies) in the responses, but I'm beginning to think it was sincere, as in "thanks for the idea."
On a different note, Don Blankenship must be very proud. Because we Ditched Cocaine Mitch.


In case anyone's surprised in relation to the election, Blue Lives Matter is now trending as the Proud Boys & MAGA boys are upset the police will not let them do whatever they want & declaring they no longer back police officers.
That's because they never backed police officers, they're vigilantes who have no respect for established law.

Yes. I believe Harris as VP becomes deciding voice giving Dems Majority. I think the Majority is a guy named Manchin?
I can't believe I never gleaned the importance of this guy before! I've seen his name in passing but this scenario has escaped it.

Is Manchin a Republican plant intended specifically to spoil votes in this situation?
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I can't believe I never gleaned the importance of this guy before! I've seen his name in passing but this scenario has escaped it.

Is Manchin a Republican plant intended specifically to spoil votes in this situation?

I think the reality is, that while getting a 50/50 split in the Senate is extremely important for Democrats ... & extremely important - at this point - for democracy in the USA, it's by no means a recipe for sweeping control by the Democrats. A narrow margin in the House, & barely no margin in the Senate, will limit what Democrats are able to do.

As a reflection of that, it's fascinating to watch the gyrations of the stock market over the last couple of months. There's been no plunge in the indexes, but the market dropped yesterday on fears of a Democratic win in Georgia ... & jumped today on relief about a Democratic win in Georgia.
It is still staggering how unbelievably arrogant the entire Trump family are.

Eric Trump has the unmitigated audacity to threaten Republican senators who fail to support Trump's coup attempt, while at the same time making the somewhat hilarious proclamation that 'the MAGA movement is "going nowhere"'... well, quite.

If any good has come of this farce, it's that the GOP have not only lost power, but have also had all of their worst elements exposed for the frauds, liars, shameless sycophants and pathetic, spineless cowards that they are... Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and many others all deserve to be judged very harshly for their shameful behaviour in these last few weeks and months.

Though as most people here suspect, the stench of Trumpism will no doubt hang around like a rancid fart for a while yet - and sadly it will no doubt haunt the Biden presidency as the US struggles with the massive challenges that lie ahead. But when all is said and done, it's the GOP that will really need to take a long hard look at themselves and ask if it was really worth backing Trump, even when the penny finally dropped that they were backing a wannabe dictator. It is sad and quite pathetic that so many still do back Trump, but with Georgia and the Senate all but lost already, I hope the recriminations against Trump and, more importantly, Trumpism, is strong and swift.
I think the reality is, that while getting a 50/50 split in the Senate is extremely important for Democrats ... & extremely important - at this point - for democracy in the USA, it's by no means a recipe for sweeping control by the Democrats. A narrow margin in the House, & barely no margin in the Senate, will limit what Democrats are able to do.

As a reflection of that, it's fascinating to watch the gyrations of the stock market over the last couple of months. There's been no plunge in the indexes, but the market dropped yesterday on fears of a Democratic win in Georgia ... & jumped today on relief about a Democratic win in Georgia.
Trying to make sense of the stock market in some instances is like trying to understand why clouds take funny shapes.
I think the reality is, that while getting a 50/50 split in the Senate is extremely important for Democrats ... & extremely important - at this point - for democracy in the USA, it's by no means a recipe for sweeping control by the Democrats. A narrow margin in the House, & barely no margin in the Senate, will limit what Democrats are able to do.

As a reflection of that, it's fascinating to watch the gyrations of the stock market over the last couple of months. There's been no plunge in the indexes, but the market dropped yesterday on fears of a Democratic win in Georgia ... & jumped today on relief about a Democratic win in Georgia.
In my opinion there has been zero evidence of market drops due to Democratic influences during this election cycle. Markets hate volatility and Trump and the Republican party are the most volatile people in the country. If any news sources were suggesting the drop was due to Democratic fears I would write it off as propaganda.

And I'm sure Dems will have a difficult road ahead when it comes to legislation but the split opens up opportunities from both a practical sense and from a pressure sense. Now that Biden is in office, he has a lot of power to sway congress, even Republican members. He has massive power to influence viewers and voters as evidenced by what Trump was capable of. I hope he doesn't have to use that but we shall see.

They should put pandemic relief on the floor the very first hour and begin DC and PR statehood campaigns immediately.
I'm convinced the stock market has, collectively, zero care for actual economic conditions - rather they want whoever will pump as much fiscal and monetary stimulus into the balloon. Right now, the Dems seem more willing to let the juice flow. It's all about liquidity - I mean, at this point, what else could it be about?

The Dem majority is anything but strong, but I'm cautiously optimistic that it will actually be helpful in bringing the temperature down. Mitch has been an incredibly toxic force in Washington for the last decade, so having him lowered a peg I think is pretty critical to establishing good faith dialogue going forward.

The USA deserves a better counterpoint to the Democratic party. The Republicans, at the moment, are not it. The way I see it, as an extremist moderate, is that there is one party acting in good faith mostly, and on party acting in bad faith relentlessly. This does not maketh a good government.
I'm convinced the stock market has, collectively, zero care for actual economic conditions - rather they want whoever will pump as much fiscal and monetary stimulus into the balloon. Right now, the Dems seem more willing to let the juice flow. It's all about liquidity - I mean, at this point, what else could it be about?

That's exactly what it's about. Investors believe that the Democrats will be more apt to bailouts and stimulus checks, meaning more money for companies. As soon as anything changes with taxes or whatnot, the market will change course. It's why I don't long term invest in anything other than super stable stocks because it's just a crap shoot otherwise.
but have also had all of their worst elements exposed for the frauds, liars, shameless sycophants and pathetic, spineless cowards that they are... Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and many others all deserve to be judged very harshly for their shameful behaviour in these last four years.
Fixed it for you... ;)
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It's funny reading through all the comments of Kelly Loeffler's instagram posts, half of them are "KELLY WHAT STOCKS SHOULD I SELL" and the other half are "THIS IS A RIGGED ELECTION WRITE IN TRUMP INSTEAD"
Mitch has been an incredibly toxic force
His behavior is indescribably childish, causing problems for problems sake. You know that rotten 10 year old kid you might have been who, now as an adult, you wish you could slap some sense into? If I saw this asshole in the grocery store I'd cause a scene so big the cops would show up, I don't even care. Put me on the news, I don't care, Mitch McConnell needs to be embarrassed in public until his last breath.

Fixed it for you... ;)
Arguably even longer. Obviously his persona has been in the media for decades but his political aspirations really took off in 2013, possibly earlier, when he became a conservative darling. He was already scoring high on polls at the time. The Republican party knew what was coming, they just didn't care. Everybody who spoke out during his campaign still managed to let it happen. By then the "Tea Party" thing was in full swing. All of Trump's enablers have been engulfed in shame for at least seven years now and I regret not identifying the trouble early on. I tried dating a girl in college who was a Bernie supporter in 2015 and man I wasn't even smart enough to feign progressivism for a really nice pair. One of many small sparks that ignited my political rejuvenation. Crazy thing is I needed help at the time too, but I was stuck in the libertarian cult of believing nobody deserved anything from anybody else.
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It is still staggering how unbelievably arrogant the entire Trump family are.

Eric Trump has the unmitigated audacity to threaten Republican senators who fail to support Trump's coup attempt, while at the same time making the somewhat hilarious proclamation that 'the MAGA movement is "going nowhere"'... well, quite.

If any good has come of this farce, it's that the GOP have not only lost power, but have also had all of their worst elements exposed for the frauds, liars, shameless sycophants and pathetic, spineless cowards that they are... Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and many others all deserve to be judged very harshly for their shameful behaviour in these last few weeks and months.

Though as most people here suspect, the stench of Trumpism will no doubt hang around like a rancid fart for a while yet - and sadly it will no doubt haunt the Biden presidency as the US struggles with the massive challenges that lie ahead. But when all is said and done, it's the GOP that will really need to take a long hard look at themselves and ask if it was really worth backing Trump, even when the penny finally dropped that they were backing a wannabe dictator. It is sad and quite pathetic that so many still do back Trump, but with Georgia and the Senate all but lost already, I hope the recriminations against Trump and, more importantly, Trumpism, is strong and swift.
The Trumps saw a people divided and sought to line their pockets by stoking that division; they were successful. Worse..
they got paid to do it.

The USA deserves a better counterpoint to the Democratic party. The Republicans, at the moment, are not it.
A counterpoint is the only thing that the GOP is at the moment. They're anti-Democrat and anti-anti-Trump. That's not a political platform.
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. I tried dating a girl in college who was a Bernie supporter in 2015 and man I wasn't even smart enough to feign progressivism for a really nice pair. One of many small sparks that ignited my political rejuvenation. Crazy thing is I needed help at the time too, but I was stuck in the libertarian cult of believing nobody deserved anything from anybody else.

OK! So - conversion therapy does work!
I can't believe I never gleaned the importance of this guy before! I've seen his name in passing but this scenario has escaped it.

Is Manchin a Republican plant intended specifically to spoil votes in this situation?
I have heard him labeled as a traditional conservative Democrat & that he may be a deficit hawk. But, nothing indicating he'll be an immediate issue as long as they can sway a couple Republicans for whatever issue is at hand.