That strikes me as sexist.
Then you're throwing that around too much.
Without going into details, Hillary was a notable student at high school, at Wellesley College, went on to graduate from Yale Law School & then had what most people would consider a very successful career in law following that. Like many women she eventually subordinated her own career to that of her husband. Yes - her presidential bids failed ... like that other senator & "failure" Mitt Romney. How does all that stack up against your achievements to date?
I'm not running for president. My standards for what constitutes experienced, intelligent, and thoughtful when it comes to presidential candidates is a bit higher than it is for myself. However, I will say that my personal career, while very different from hers, is not exactly without its merits. I'm married to a successful lawyer, and I don't consider my career to be inferior.
Romney was governor and senator, which I think is broader experience than senator and secretary of state. Governor I think is more experience than senator, and senator is probably better experience than secretary of state. When it comes to experience, Obama was also very inexperienced before taking office as President.
Hillary might have been intelligent, but at times she acted quite at odds with that intelligence. Her campaign, some of her actions as secretary of state, in particular. I guess it's fair to say that she's an intelligent
person, but again I have a high bar what constitutes an intelligent presidential candidate. Definitely she was is more intelligent than Trump, if that's what you're after.
Thoughtful can be interpreted a couple of ways. Mostly I interpreted it to be kind-hearted. Which she is not, at least as far as I can tell. Even just from her political platform kind-hearted doesn't seem to fit.
If you just meant intelligent again, then I'll refer you to intelligent above.