- 6,103
- Simcoeace
Trump was aggressive, constantly interrupting Biden. The moderator had to remind him of the rules over and over again, it felt pretty much like a kindergarten. Biden seemed to lose balance initially but he handled it better towards the end of the debate. Trump appeared confident while Biden had some trouble finding the correct words.
+ Appeared confident
+ Had some strong points about the Biden’s political history
- Didn’t have any concrete message, no promises, nothing. Not even a wall.
- Ended up arguing with the moderator on a few occasions, could not accept the rules of the debate.
+ Responded pretty well to Trump’s provocations.
+ Had some strong points about Trump as a divisive leader.
- Didn’t present a lot of concrete ideas.
- Had trouble finding the right words at some occasions.
The moderator
+ Great courage.
+ Didn’t allow Trump to bully his way through the debate.
+ Asked tough questions to both candidates.
- He would have needed some kind of penalty system.
Very hard to debate someone who's a bald faced liar ... even harder when a certain portion of the country finds the lies totally acceptable, or actually believes them. That's really what's happened with Trump since the start of the GOP primaries in 2015. Objectively, HRC destroyed Trump in their debates .. & yet it made no difference to the outcome of the election. If Trump loses this election it won't be because Biden's a better debater, it will be because enough Americans have got fed up with the lies & insults.