The Hagerty's price increases post-1.20 update - 16,878,000 Cr. with corrected Nissan R92CP price (6.04% increase)

  • Thread starter Eggstor
And we will be right when we incinerate you. Unless you grind one of the Meta Four events, or are very good on dirt, you don't even earn 800,000 Cr. per hour of game play. If you play legitimately, even grinding the most-lucrative 3 of the Meta Four gets you roughly 1,600,000 Cr. per hour of game play. You want us to have to put in a full workweek to buy one car? I'd be permanently banned if I told you what you can do with that idea.
Cool. Not a grinder per se. I mean I play heavily, got all the golds try to complete all sp events and just buy the Hagerty cars; race people online and in our group yada yada yada...(who cares right?) Pretty much same thing I've done since gt5 with little twists and of course except with this new Hagerty part of the game (never played GTS) -- so I just buy them, not putting in a 'full week' doing anything like that. Really no big deal to me but everyone's situation is different and I understand that.

It's a hobby for me so I just put the cash aside and invest in it, plus I don't mind donating to the bottom line for other reasons. I'm pretty sure what you're saying to do with the idea can't be done but no reason to get upset dude, it's just one's opinion about a video game, not life and death.
Really no big deal to me but everyone's situation is different and I understand that.
If you understand that, then why, per your own words, should it be even harder than it currently is to obtain the already hard-to-obtain, time-limited vehicles? Keep in mind that some of these cars require at least 1-2 full workdays of time spent grinding to obtain enough credits to purchase them as a best-case scenario, which most working people do not have the free time to consistently do.
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Somebody should make calculation how much power is needed for this grind for all cars? Because i think this is not wery green way to do it. And it would bring unwanted negative attention for sony and pd. Edit time is almost 300 hours after u can do lemans twice in hour.
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So let me get this straight, there's been a ~16 Million credit cost increase for the time-limited dealership, with no increases whatsoever in the credit earn rate to offset these increases?

I truly do not get how anybody could defend this when PD have a very clear lack of respect for their consumers and their time.
They're simulating the very real feeling of everything getting more expensive while wages remain stagnant.

I can only hope they bring these price changes to brand central and the UCD soon too! I love inflation!
Here is another interesting fact. This 16,378,000 increase number (with 12 cars not a counted for) is the increase of the total cost of all cars for the period of the next 3 months. Since in November there will be another ****…… I mean price increase. That is over 90 days. So if you are not making 16,378,000 / 90 = 182,000 Cr. on average per day, then you are absolutely getting nowhere towards completing your car collection. That’s right, this is one big middle finger from PD & Sony towards the casual racing fan that occasionally logs in and wants to collect cars at his/her own pace. With these crazy 3-monthly car price increases, the credits you already collected previously kinda devaluate over time, at least for cars from the LCD (and for maintenance costs of these cars).

I think this really goes down to the most stupid and silly idea I’ve ever seen implemented in a racing game. Holy smokes. 🤮💩
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Since the game launched I've not been bothered by the lack of credits and have not been bothered by the LCD prices because I only need a handful of cars to enjoy racing. Of course, I recognize that some play this game to collect vehicles and that's what makes this such a sore subject.

But now, I'm to the point where, even though it doesn't directly affect me, I am very turned off by what PD has done with this game, especially when I consider how long we waited for it and how high our expectations were. So, I stand in solidarity with those of you who are car collectors. I've given PD the benefit of the doubt for too long.

I play the daylights out of ACC on my PS5 and a little bit of PC2 and then when the new Forza Motorsports comes out, GT7 will just be a memory.
Cool. Not a grinder per se. I mean I play heavily, got all the golds try to complete all sp events and just buy the Hagerty cars; race people online and in our group yada yada yada...(who cares right?) Pretty much same thing I've done since gt5 with little twists and of course except with this new Hagerty part of the game (never played GTS) -- so I just buy them, not putting in a 'full week' doing anything like that. Really no big deal to me but everyone's situation is different and I understand that.

It's a hobby for me so I just put the cash aside and invest in it, plus I don't mind donating to the bottom line for other reasons. I'm pretty sure what you're saying to do with the idea can't be done but no reason to get upset dude, it's just one's opinion about a video game, not life and death.
Also just to add, you now need around 478 million credits to buy one of each car in this car game. The fastest way to earn credits currently is around 1.6 million per hour. That is just under 300 hours of repeating the same three races over and over and over again. If, on the other hand you don't want to do that, you could play online, do custom races, or enter whatever random race you want.

Your earnings per hour doing that could be as low as 100,000 per hour. That means 4,780 hours. Someone playing 2 hours a day, that would take over SIX YEARS!

That's just to buy the cars. You're going to need several hundred more million to tune them, not to mention however much the remaining update cars cost.

..and you want that to be longer?

Are You Insane GIF by Curb Your Enthusiasm
Are the people at Polyphony just completely out of their minds? I feel like I dodged a bullet deciding not to buy this game, it seems awful.
I thoroughly enjoy reading comments in threads like these knowing that I’ve missed out on absolutely nothing since GT6.
Why? Why do you want to turn a video game, made for fun and entertainment, into a demoralising grind like real life?

And dont give me that "feel like I've earned it" rubbish.
The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different cars….ooops, sorry, wrong game.
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Why? Why do you want to turn a video game, made for fun and entertainment, into a demoralising grind like real life?

And dont give me that "feel like I've earned it" rubbish.
It's not demoralising to me and not sure I could ever feel that way over a game to be honest. I guess that part is not that serious to me, respectfully. Hagerty is collector car insurance as you know and in saying so believe the cars are a different grade/weighting, by definition, with greater provenance than (the cars in used cars) -- although I could see how that could be hotly debated in some cases as even some of those are a little high but again that's good imo (Diablo, CTR2 etc).

When it comes to the Hagerty section I believe it's appropriate the scarcity and rarity should be commensurate with the costs - like going to bid at Mecum - again my opinion. I mean you're only forced to buy the three legendary's for the trophy right? I could see how grinding might be a bore and if I were driving just for those I would be bored too. I much rather spend the abundance of time on this game racing other people but know we all play differently. Might I add, I believe the single player races should pay out more though, especially on pro difficulty, high laps, etc.

On the other hand if you go full stop the other way and make the cars discussed way more attainable in the Hagerty section, there may be an entirely other cohort that's offended, but who cares about them? We'll surely never know. These are all serious 1st world issues that I'm certain will be discussed roundly.
Why? Why do you want to turn a video game, made for fun and entertainment, into a demoralising grind like real life?

And dont give me that "feel like I've earned it" rubbish.
Whats wrong with "feeling like you've earned it"?

I know I'm in the very vast minority, but I like the fluctuating prices that mimic real life. I think its a cool touch. But then again, I'm not one of those people that needs everything RIGHT NOW.

If PD was smart, they'd increase the payout of online racing and award healthy CRB's to incentivise clean racing amongst the influx of newbies whom might not actually be keen to not playing bumper cars with their opponents like they can in SP mode. You could also tie the increase in payouts to how DR is awarded; with you gaining more money if you finish ahead of someone with higher DR than yourself.
- Not to mention this would surely increase the reach of the game as you would no doubt get more people streaming and/or posting videos of their races. I would argue that the majority of sport mode players don't really give a crap about colllecting cars or the IG economy, so the increase in credit payout will go largely unnoticed. I know I didn't care if I got credits at all when I was heavy into sport mode on GTS. It was all about that DR baby!!

Another idea that could work in both SP and sport mode would be creating "sponsorship contracts" that would pay you bonuses for placing well in races. They could be sponsorship tiers from the understeer tuning shop that was derieved from an algorithm that weighed your DR/SR. They could also be "contracts' from one of the thousand wheel companies in the customization shop, or even bonuses from running certain stickers in the livery editor. Hell, make the sponsorship paying decals all the fictional companies to avoid licensing issues.

Use the already existing chili races and make a championship out of them as such where you have to pick a manufacturer; with your manufacturer paying you bonuses for your finishes. Additional bonuses for winning the championships is you get to keep the Gr.4 and/or the Gr.3 car. This would incentivize using different manu's each time while simultaneously increasing replay value. Add random dynamic weather, varying fuel/tire multipliers and TOD whenever possible.

...Science :rolleyes:
It's not demoralising to me and not sure I could ever feel that way over a game to be honest. I guess that part is not that serious to me, respectfully. Hagerty is collector car insurance as you know and in saying so believe the cars are a different grade/weighting, by definition, with greater provenance than (the cars in used cars) -- although I could see how that could be hotly debated in some cases as even some of those are a little high but again that's good imo (Diablo, CTR2 etc).

When it comes to the Hagerty section I believe it's appropriate the scarcity and rarity should be commensurate with the costs - like going to bid at Mecum - again my opinion. I mean you're only forced to buy the three legendary's for the trophy right? I could see how grinding might be a bore and if I were driving just for those I would be bored too. I much rather spend the abundance of time on this game racing other people but know we all play differently. Might I add, I believe the single player races should pay out more though, especially on pro difficulty, high laps, etc.

On the other hand if you go full stop the other way and make the cars discussed way more attainable in the Hagerty section, there may be an entirely other cohort that's offended, but who cares about them? We'll surely never know. These are all serious 1st world issues that I'm certain will be discussed roundly.
Point 1: It's a video game. For fun. They're digital cars, none of them are rare or scarce. Sure, certain cars should still be more expensive than others but not prohibitively so, and they certainly don't need to inflate in price over time.

Point 2: See above for time it currently takes to earn all cars.

Point 3: We don't need Hagerty in the game at all. They add NOTHING to the game except for making cars more expensive and now inflation. Neither of those things are fun. Which is what a video game is supposed to be about.

I much rather spend the abundance of time on this game racing other people but know we all play differently.
Yes, and like I said if you do that, you could be looking at nearly 5,000 hours before you can buy all the cars. Yet you want it to be longer.

Whats wrong with "feeling like you've earned it"?
Because it's a video game. I earn things through hundreds of hours of hard work in the real world, I don't need or want that in a video game. Winning a handful of races is plenty enough to make me feel like I've earned a car.

When I play a linear adventure game I feel like I've earned the editing/credits after simply completing the game, and some of those games are only 8-10 hours long. Whilst I've sometimes wished games were a little longer because they were fun, I've never once thought I didn't "earn" the ending.
I know I'm in the very vast minority, but I like the fluctuating prices that mimic real life. I think its a cool touch. But then again, I'm not one of those people that needs everything RIGHT NOW.
Are we really back on this strawman? Nobody wants all the cars right now, they can't anyway when each car is only available once every 75 days. But they do want them sooner than up to SIX FREAKING YEARS if they only play the game in a certain way for a couple of hours every day.

Oh and no, they're not mimicing real life either. Show me the evidence that a Strassenversion is now worth 9 million in real life compared to 3 months ago. Same for any other car.
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Point 1: It's a video game. For fun. They're digital cars, none of them are rare or scarce. Sure, certain cars should still be more expensive than others but not prohibitively so, and they certainly don't need to inflate in price over time.

Point 2: See above for time it currently takes to earn all cars.

Point 3: We don't need Hagerty in the game at all. They add NOTHING to the game except for making cars more expensive and now inflation. Neither of those things are fun. Which is what a video game is supposed to be about.

Because it's a video game. I earn things through hundreds of hours of hard work in the real world, I don't need or want that in a video game. Winning a handful of races is plenty enough to make me feel like I've earned a car.

When I play a linear adventure game I feel like I've earned the editing/credits after simply completing the game, and some of those games are only 8-10 hours long. Whilst I've sometimes wished games were a little longer because they were fun, I've never once thought I didn't "earn" the ending.

Are we really back on this strawman? Nobody wants all the cars right now, they can't anyway when each car is only available once every 75 days. But they do want them sooner than up to SIX FREAKING YEARS if they only play the game in a certain way for a couple of hours every day.

Point 4: Everyone has their own definition of fun.

I heard that GTS in the end had a pretty decent SP mode. I wouldn’t know. I was too busy playing sport mode. The only cars I bought IG were GR.1-4 cars for racing, and much later… whichever car we were testing in COTW that week.
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Point 4: Everyone has their own definition of fun.

I heard that GTS in the end had a pretty decent SP mode. I wouldn’t know. I was too busy playing sport mode. The only cars I bought IG were GR.1-4 cars for racing, and much later… whichever car we were testing in COTW that week.
..and your definition of fun is to escape the real world of inflation and money worries to play a game with...inflation and money worries?

Seriously, I'd like to see your explanation for why inflation within a video game is fun.
..and your definition of fun is to escape the real world of inflation and money worries to play a game with...inflation and money worries?

Seriously, I'd like to see your explanation for why inflation within a video game is fun.

I think it’s fun because I personally enjoy authenticity. I nerd out over details like that. Sane reason how I would like the “fully customizable computer” mod in the tuning shop, to allow me to write my own fuel and ignition maps.

I race in cockpit view exclusively.
I just bought a DD1 so I can replicate more authentic steering torque values that are more reminiscent of real life. I could care less if any of this slows me down in sport mode.

Like I said, everyone has their own definition of “fun”.
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Cool. Not a grinder per se. I mean I play heavily, got all the golds try to complete all sp events and just buy the Hagerty cars; race people online and in our group yada yada yada...(who cares right?) Pretty much same thing I've done since gt5 with little twists and of course except with this new Hagerty part of the game (never played GTS) -- so I just buy them, not putting in a 'full week' doing anything like that. Really no big deal to me but everyone's situation is different and I understand that.

It's a hobby for me so I just put the cash aside and invest in it, plus I don't mind donating to the bottom line for other reasons. I'm pretty sure what you're saying to do with the idea can't be done but no reason to get upset dude, it's just one's opinion about a video game, not life and death.

Good way of framing in, like anything in life really, outlook on most things play a big part...

Yes, the numbers don't lie, and can look pretty depressing.

I'm not saying its ideal and we should be jumping for joy of course with the way tge economy is currently structured.

However another way of framing it is you can do one of the big 3 race (approx 30 min races) once a day and it won't take 'that' long in the scheme of things to be able to buy every car, if that's your goal. I actually enjoy those races still and have every car in the game. Use them as opportunity to test all tge cars and tunes from the best tuners. Then do some hot laps, CE'S, some daily races, missions etc.

I'm not saying this is the route everyone should follow, as people have different goals, but if you enjoy the actual driving/racing, the money will come, without it feeling like a choir/2nd job. Hell, I've probably only driven a 3rd or so (if that tbh) of the cars so far anyway, so it's not like everything is being or needs to utilised.

Obviously some can do it, but can't imagine it's going to prolong your time playing the game if you sit there grinding those big 3 races fir hours everyday so you can buy everycar quickly. I'd have thought most would burnout and stop playing soon after getting all the cars. OK I guess if you're a completionist and see it as a box ticking exercise before moving onto the next game.
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And we will be right when we incinerate you. Unless you grind one of the Meta Four events, or are very good on dirt, you don't even earn 800,000 Cr. per hour of game play. If you play legitimately, even grinding the most-lucrative 3 of the Meta Four gets you roughly 1,600,000 Cr. per hour of game play. You want us to have to put in a full workweek to buy one car? I'd be permanently banned if I told you what you can do with that idea.
Not to mention the car will have sold out by the time you've put in a full work week's grind. And the cost will go up again when it next shows up in the shop.
I know I'm in the very vast minority, but I like the fluctuating prices that mimic real life. I think its a cool touch. But then again, I'm not one of those people that needs everything RIGHT NOW.
PD created this "need" with the limited time Hagerty shop. It specifically makes you "need" to have the money to get the car "RIGHT NOW" or by the time it comes around again the price will have shot up by millions of credits. Rinse and repeat for each and every Hagerty car you're looking to get.

In real life there are always ways to make more money. Can't afford your dream car? Get a better job, invest in something, start your own business, sell your current car, rob a bank. Does the game mimic this aspect of life?

Are you the type of person who's happy with the real estate bubble knowing that the next generation (hell, even the current one) will never be able to afford a home on a normal income. Because that's what the game is mimicking, just with cars.
If PD was smart, they'd increase the payout of online racing and award healthy CRB's to incentivise clean racing amongst the influx of newbies whom might not actually be keen to not playing bumper cars with their opponents like they can in SP mode. You could also tie the increase in payouts to how DR is awarded; with you gaining more money if you finish ahead of someone with higher DR than yourself.
- Not to mention this would surely increase the reach of the game as you would no doubt get more people streaming and/or posting videos of their races. I would argue that the majority of sport mode players don't really give a crap about colllecting cars or the IG economy, so the increase in credit payout will go largely unnoticed. I know I didn't care if I got credits at all when I was heavy into sport mode on GTS. It was all about that DR baby!!

Another idea that could work in both SP and sport mode would be creating "sponsorship contracts" that would pay you bonuses for placing well in races. They could be sponsorship tiers from the understeer tuning shop that was derieved from an algorithm that weighed your DR/SR. They could also be "contracts' from one of the thousand wheel companies in the customization shop, or even bonuses from running certain stickers in the livery editor. Hell, make the sponsorship paying decals all the fictional companies to avoid licensing issues.

Use the already existing chili races and make a championship out of them as such where you have to pick a manufacturer; with your manufacturer paying you bonuses for your finishes. Additional bonuses for winning the championships is you get to keep the Gr.4 and/or the Gr.3 car. This would incentivize using different manu's each time while simultaneously increasing replay value. Add random dynamic weather, varying fuel/tire multipliers and TOD whenever possible.

...Science :rolleyes:
Except we don't have any of that. What we do have is the certainty that PD will increase the price of Hagerty cars once every 3 months until the game gets taken offline and the server shuts down.

Unlike older GT games where you're free to grind for years and years, GT7 has a very finite online-only shelf life.

How does this benefit the player? How can anyone be happy with this system compared to just putting all cars in Brand Central for you to buy at a fixed price at any time?
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Not to mention the car will have sold out by the time you've put in a full work week's grind. And the cost will go up again when it next shows up in the shop.

PD created this "need" with the limited time Hagerty shop. It specifically makes you "need" to have the money to get the car "RIGHT NOW" or by the time it comes around again the price will have shot up by millions of credits. Rinse and repeat for each and every Hagerty car you're looking to get.

In real life there are always ways to make more money. Can't afford your dream car? Get a better job, invest in something, start your own business, rob a bank. Does the game mimic this aspect of life?

Except we don't have any of that. What we do have is the certainty that PD will increase the price of Hagerty cars once every 3 months until the game gets taken offline and the server shuts down.

Unlike older GT games where you're free to grind for years and years, GT7 has a very finite online-only shelf life.

How does this benefit the player? How can anyone be happy with this system compared to just putting all cars in Brand Central for you to buy at a fixed price at any time?

My outlook is I don’t “need” any of the cars in LCD. But if I want one, I’ll have to put the work in…. Both for short term goals and long term.

But I’m smart enough to acknowledge that this is a “different strokes for different folks” kind of thing.

I get peoples frustrations, I truly do. And on the same hand I could care less what people think of my opinions on the matter.
Hope the XJ13 stays at 12m for good, for my legendary trophy, last one I need and taken an age to get the last two. Please can we have the ability to sell cars PD or more online time trials with shorter running times ;p)
My outlook is I don’t “need” any of the cars in LCD. But if I want one, I’ll have to put the work in…. Both for short term goals and long term.

But I’m smart enough to acknowledge that this is a “different strokes for different folks” kind of thing.

I get peoples frustrations, I truly do. And on the same hand I could care less what people think of my opinions on the matter.
The Hagerty cars were already absurdly expensive at the start of the game.

What's changed about those cars in May and in August that resulted in the time you've given to the game and the work you've put in worth significantly less than before?

Would the cars being available 24/7 to buy at a fixed price in Brand Central give you a lesser sense of pride and accomplishment? Would the work you've put in to "earn" that car be less because the shop doesn't have "Hagerty" printed on it? Is the car itself any different?
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