the "just plain ugly" car thread

All of those ugly retro cars remind me of the Micra Bolero.

Basically, here's the K11 Micra we all know.

Not ugly, just really nothing special.

The K11 Micra Bolero, however...

It's like an old black cab reversed into a Micra and swapped paint somewhere along the way. The bonnet line even folds around what is normally the rectangular headlights, it doesn't even fit the circular ones.
And then there was the Nissan March Tango


March Polka

March Rumba


... and the Impul March Classic


Not to mention the company that builds replica Fiat 500s and Beetles out of the new model.
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I think this has been brought up before, but whatever; it's still just plain weird. A Mk. II Jaguar copy cat. I'm sorry, but this look only looks good on the real Jaguar Mk.2.

There's the Mitsuoka Orochi as well, very ugly looking.
There is a Mitsuoka Viewt K11 that lives round by mine. Went up for sale a couple of years ago for £1800 I think, still has the notice in the window :lol:
There's a Nissan Micra Bolero in the car park of the Teacher Training College on the campus of my uni. Who's the moron who thought mating a Micra and a London Cab would be anything other than horrendous?!
There's a Nissan Micra Bolero in the car park of the Teacher Training College on the campus of my uni. Who's the moron who thought mating a Micra and a London Cab would be anything other than horrendous?!

Nissan? London Cab? Mitsuoka always have you covered.


These retro cars were all the rage back in the early 2000s. Kudos to anyone still driving a March Bolero.
Keeping in line with these weird Japanese retraux throwbacks, I present to you, the Subaru Impreza Casablanca:



Imagine a full STi swap in this though.

I also present for your delictation the rugged looking and brilliantly named Daihatsu Naked. And yes, that is its name.

I assume the fake rivets make the car look like it's panels are bolted straight to bare metal; therefore, naked.

Some more cars (I think) are ugly:

Nissan Silvia Varietta. The normal S15 is very pretty, but the Varietta's proportions are all weird, especially on the rear end. The fact it's N/A as well as being heavy is probably biasing my opinion, so I may get hate for this one.


Nissan S-Cargo is up next. If you don't understand the punny name, it's meant to look like a snail. And whilst it succeeds, the end result is... yeah. Came out alongside the Pao, Be-1 and the Figaro, and like all of those, is based on a K10 March/Micra.


Ford (Escort) ZX2. I've noticed a lot of late 90s American cars seem to have these weird headlight designs.


Normally, I like the 2nd gen Fiat Panda. But who was the madman that greenlit the Alessi edition? Why did they allow white hubcaps masquerading as white walls? Why did they allow bright orange seats? More importantly, why were they allowed to live?

I keep getting this thread and the questionable modification thread mixed up. (>_< )
Probably because all the cars in these two threads are all ugly :lol:
I also present for your delictation the rugged looking and brilliantly named Daihatsu Naked. And yes, that is its name.
I quite like the Daihatsu Naked. Concept behind it is quite interesting - kind of a wheeled version of the Pompidou centre in Paris, where things that would normally be hidden, like strengthening beams and hinges, are exposed.
Nissan S-Cargo is up next. If you don't understand the punny name, it's meant to look like a snail. And whilst it succeeds, the end result is... yeah. Came out alongside the Pao, Be-1 and the Figaro, and like all of those, is based on a K10 March/Micra.
The name's even cleverer than that. It's also a homage to the Citroen 2CV, which was nicknamed the "tin snail". So it has the pun, the looks and the homage to an originally snail-themed car.
Normally, I like the 2nd gen Fiat Panda. But who was the madman that greenlit the Alessi edition? Why did they allow white hubcaps masquerading as white walls? Why did they allow bright orange seats? More importantly, why were they allowed to live?
I quite like those as well. I owned a Panda of that generation, the 100HP. Great fun car but I actually wish it had a more colourful interior, like the Alessi - it was awfully black and gloomy in there.