The Logitech Driving Force Pro Thread.

  • Thread starter Darin
--the 'hinges' of the pedals seem to wear out after extensive use but that could be fixed by regularly calibrating the pedals ???

The real problem is that there's a litle bit of "play" in the pedal shaft.
When depressed fully the pedal moves around in it's shaft.

This causes the potentiometer to get out of its place, and that screws up the whole calibration setting.

You can fix this by
- securing the potentiometer to the base
- putting a layer of insulation tape around the base
of the pedals to make sure they are sitting tight in their shaft.

Either one of those should do the trick.

Can you disable the force feedback or does this ruin the experience ? [\QUOTE]

You can leave the power cord unplugged and this will get rid of the force feedback.
But there's not much point to getting a DFP if you do that

Hope this was helpful :)
Mr Deap
I had the same problem, but it's fix now :P(myself)
It's more like a plastic problem & not the sensor of the wheel. It's more like a production problem. The plastic for the accelerator pedal is not well made & make the accelerator sensor loose which make moving the brake sensor so it end up making the brake sensor flickering when you press the accelerator sometime.

I took apart the pedal assy and used double sided tape to "stick" the potentiometers to the plastic brace separating them. It seems to have worked. No more brakes coming on coming out of high speed corners when I jam the accelerator down.
I finally bought a DFP today. I'm glad I didn't do it earlier, or I might have flunked out of school :) And I thought racing games were fun before...
So has anyone found a permanent fix for the pedal problem yet? Right now I just have everything held in place with lots and lots of tape, but I still get problems a few days after I perform the "operation." Now I just have it sitting to the side, frustrated that I can't fix it permanently. It'd be greatly appreciated if someone could share with me what they have done to decrease/eliminate the problems with the pedals.
Hey guys, i read somewhere that the DFP had some problems regarding the "Return Effect" on Gt4, is this true?

Does the wheel self center as you come out of a corner?

I need some help with the DFP! I can't enable the 900° mode... I pressed and held down select+R3+Right paddle and nothing happened.? some help with this would be appreciated
This same thing is happening to me. I saw another post like this on the previous page as well...
What's going on?
I used to be able to play GT4 in 900 deg mode fine when I first got the game, stopped for a few months and now that I've come back to it, the wheel appears to be stuck in 200 deg mode. The button combo doesn't do anything, what's wrong? Is the wheel broken? Am I missing some setting somewhere? I tried going into the options menu, nothing there helps, and I tried starting the game without a memory card in, still doesn't help.
This same thing is happening to me. I saw another post like this on the previous page as well...
What's going on?
I used to be able to play GT4 in 900 deg mode fine when I first got the game, stopped for a few months and now that I've come back to it, the wheel appears to be stuck in 200 deg mode. The button combo doesn't do anything, what's wrong? Is the wheel broken? Am I missing some setting somewhere? I tried going into the options menu, nothing there helps, and I tried starting the game without a memory card in, still doesn't help.

Right/Left Paddle is the Right/Left SHIFTER in the wheel, the SHIFTER under the wheel, not the PEDALS, i think is the problem with you.
I am having this exact same issue. When I set up my GT Force Pro and GT4 today it was all fine. After I turned off my PS2 and then started again - no 900 mode! What is wrong. Nothing in the setup has changed, I unplugged everything with the power off and on but still no 900!? Arggggggh!
this has probably been asked b4, but does any xbox 360 game support DFP? sorry if a repost :(

I'm afraid not. The DFP works on PC and PS2, but that's it.
Microsoft wants you to buy their own steering wheel, or one of their licensed wheels
( I believe Logitech has a licensed wheel for the 360 ).
Anybody know of any high street stores selling the DFP in the UK at the moment? Mine broke and I want to grab a replacement right now, rather than wait a few days for one to be delivered.

Tried PC World, Toys R Us, Currys, Dixons, Argos, Comet, Game etc etc and no joy. Anyone?
Right/Left Paddle is the Right/Left SHIFTER in the wheel, the SHIFTER under the wheel, not the PEDALS, i think is the problem with you.

:( Nope, that's not the problem, but thanks for trying to help.
When I try the button combo, the light on the right *just* flashes a bit and the wheel gives a slight tug to the left.... but then nothing has changed.
It's very depressing, I can't play GT4 with the wheel anymore. it's too sensitive in regular mode....
New link needed to let the DFP work on the PC, I've looked throughout the Logitech website and the DFP is not in the list of software to download from...



There is no software needed to make the DFP compatible with the DFP, as long as you have DirectX 8.0 or higher.

I just plugged the wheel in and it started calibrate!!!
New link needed to let the DFP work on the PC, I've looked throughout the Logitech website and the DFP is not in the list of software to download from...



There is no software needed to make the DFP compatible with the DFP, as long as you have DirectX 8.0 or higher.

I just plugged the wheel in and it started calibrate!!!

Still good to have the wingman profiler to get the most out of it......

it's at
Just tried out my dfp with lfs and it works but having trouble getting the full 900 degrees. Went to settings to change it but im still stuck with what seems to be 360 dgrs lock to lock. What do i need to do here?
Also the force feedback doesn't seem to be pulling my wheel much, I just get a little resistance on counter steering and such.
Is this the way dfp works with lfs or am I missing a driver or something?
hey there,

i've got a question. What is a decent price to pay for a DFP nowadays and would it be a good idea to buy a second hand DFP? I saw a new one for about 100euro's on Ebay including shipping costs. 2nd hand i reckon you could get one for 60-70 euro's or so.

Also, does it matter if it's from another country. For instance, I'm Dutch, would it matter if I got a German one (there's a lot of 2nd hand DFP's from germany). Maybe when I want to use it on my PC the setup language is all German?

And, how long is the average lifetime of a DFP? 2 years? 5?

Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)
Well in the UK I managed t opick mine up for £60 including next day delivery, which is just under 90 Euros. So where you are I'd estimate about 80~90 Euros, for a new DFP, and no, it wouldn't matter if it were from Germany, as it is still in Europe. I'm not 100% sure if an NTSC one is ok, but one from Germany is fine 👍
thanks for your reply,

so it's best to just buy a new one?

I guess I could spent a few more bucks since I recently started a new full-time job :)
If anyone doesn't have a DFP yet, go to Best Buy. It's still $179.99 here in Canada, but I went there with a competitors price, and not only did they match it, but they dropped off an additional 10%... I saved myself $60 in the end!

I actually had the wheel early last year but didn't like it. It was way too noisy. But, after giving it another try, I wonder if I got a newer model since it's not any louder than my old Driving Force (the blue one that was made for GT3), and it feels a lot less shaky; still great Force Feedback though.
I'm thinking of replacing my 4gamers wheel with a DFP. I'm not 100% sure I will yet but I think it would be worth it.

Here's a few pics of my 4gamers wheel.
Hi, I just got a DFP and unfortunately it didn't come with the Power adaptor. Can someone help me out and tell me the model #/ specs for the DFP's power adaptor or better yet can I use the power adaptor from my DF? Model # for it is gad-slu-240a8 and p/n 190057-1002 Thanks a lot for your help.