The Logitech Driving Force Pro Thread.

  • Thread starter Darin
I'm young again!!! Actually, I'm 42, but damned if I don't don't feel about 25 years younger after spending the last hour with this wheel hot off the UPS truck. GT3, GT4, TOCA 3, and WRC, all just came to life!!

I started playing racing games with a PS1 and NASCAR '98 about 10 years ago. Had to have a wheel. Couldn't do anything with a pad. Kept using a wheel up through the PS2 with GT3. Then I tried out an Xbox and found that I could use it's pad just fine for racing games. PGR2, Forza, no problem with a pad. The good travel of the analog triggers made all the difference, plus the games were well coded for the pad.

Thought I'd give the PS2 and GT4 a try thinking I could do okay this time around with the pad. Forget it. The buttons or joystick just doesn't give me enough control for throttle and brake. I tried an adapter to use the Xbox pad with the PS2. No dice. The triggers were too sensitive due to the way PD coded the game. I had used a FF wheel for PC racing games before and figured there was only one way for me to go: Get the DFP.

Best decision I've made in a long while. My first time through GT3 was nearly 5 years ago with some MadCatz contraption with a half-moon shaped wheel. I earned 100% with it, but I can't wait to do it all over again with the DFP. Then it'll be on to GT4.

Time to dust off the ole helmet.:)
Couldn't have said it better myself! The DFP takes it to a whole new level! Congratulations on the wheel. Now, you now, the next step is a racing cockpit ..... and then a bigger screen ....... and maybe a new sound system, yeah ... and ... LOL. I think I spent more money on my racing set up than I have on my real ride. LOL
Hehe, I just wanted a little help controlling the car, but if I were to go for the immersive experience, then all those items you mentioned would be a go.

Can't stop there though. I'd need a heater blowing full blast on me to simulate the heat of a cockpit. Maybe a hunk of old tire over a low flame to get that burning rubber smell. A mixture of oil and tire dust spritzing on the screen. Don't know what I could use to simulate the smell of hot brakes. A person to the left and right to pull on my torso to simulate the g-force in a corner.:)
I'd need a heater blowing full blast on me to simulate the heat of a cockpit. Maybe a hunk of old tire over a low flame to get that burning rubber smell. A mixture of oil and tire dust spritzing on the screen. Don't know what I could use to simulate the smell of hot brakes. A person to the left and right to pull on my torso to simulate the g-force in a corner.:)

Genius. Pure genius. I went for the whole immersive experience and have thought about wind simulation. But a heater is exactly what is needed, or at least a huge fan, with a few scented car fresheners taped to the back. I hear you can get them in all kinds of scents - fuel scent, even burnt rubber. I'm gonna check that out and let you know.👍
Go for it. The great thing is you can get all the thrill, with out any of the risk.

I couldn't fit in one of those trick cockpits myself. My physique is true to my username.:)

I'm satisfied with my setup as is. I have a nice computer desk that was designed for a monitor and keyboard on one side, and 2 drawers and doored storage space on the other. One of those put-it-together-yourself deals. However, I didn't install the storage space or drawers, allowing me to clamp the DFP, and set a 20" TV with component inputs in that space instead. Sorry, I don't have a digital camera so I can't provide pics. Suffice it to say it's nice having the PC and game setups side by side, just have to move the chair sideways a couple of feet. The wheel is the perfect height, and I can roll the whole setup on lockable casters.
Man, what a difference! I started GT3 again in earnest. Thought I would start with the Arcade TTs. Getting 1st places on my 3rd or 4th tries. Like I said, I haven't played this game for 5 years. I remember really struggling back then, but not today with this wheel.

I set the force to 100% though, the more resistence, the better. Although I'll have Popeye forearms by the time I finish the game.
I set the force to 100% though, the more resistence, the better. Although I'll have Popeye forearms by the time I finish the game.

I thought the DFP came pre-set at 100%. I'd like to increase the force feedback on my DFP - how did you do it?

Many Thanks,
I thought the DFP came pre-set at 100%. I'd like to increase the force feedback on my DFP - how did you do it?

Many Thanks,

Check the first page of this topic for intructions on how to activate 100% as well as 900 degree mode. The DFP defaults to 60%/ 200 degree for GT3 and other older games. I prefer 100% all the time. I'm undecided about 900/200 now that I'm starting GT4.
Check the first page of this topic for intructions on how to activate 100% as well as 900 degree mode. The DFP defaults to 60%/ 200 degree for GT3 and other older games. I prefer 100% all the time. I'm undecided about 900/200 now that I'm starting GT4.

Thanks. 👍 I forgot about the first page rule - always check the first page:dunce: :)
hi just posting to say how much i am happy that i spent the money on this wheel, now i can drive a bit more realistic, in the past i drove like a madman, now i can sit behind the car in front with a bit of patience and wait for that corner/straight where the overtake suits me best :) :) :)

anybody thinking of buying one, it will enhance your experience ten fold.

i have race driver 3 on my pc and would like to try my wheel out on that but the link in the first post doesnt seem to work for me, address not found problem, could i have some direction as to where to find this software please, i am running on vista, so not sure if this program has been updated but would like to find it anyway



Edit: P.S. i forgot to mention the fact that tyre wear is alot less severe with the wheel :)
I've searched this thread and found my same problem, but no answer.

First, let me start off by saying I do not have a power supply, and couldn't find anything that would fit into the DFPs jack. So I cut the power wires inside the DFP, and cut the wires on the end of another 24v power supply and twisted them together. Unless there is some other tricky wiring combination other than hot to hot and ground to ground, I am fairly sure the power is connected.

The problem is that when I turn on GT4, the right LED is on, and the left one blinks. It does not calibrate itself by turning lock to lock as I have read it is supposed to. The buttons work in the menus, but the wheel, pedals, and shifter do not work in racing. I have looked in the settings, and turned on the Steering settings.

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks.
I've been beating the crap out of my DFP for a few years now and I never had any major issues till yesterday. I picked up a copy of D1 grand prix and after playing a while felt like the wheel wasn't turning smooth. So i put back in GT4 and it still felt a little weird. I thought maybe I needed to open it up again and make sure all the screws were nice and tight. After hooking it all up again i noticed there was a certain spot in the travel where if i'm turning hard through it sort of skips (or travels faster) in mainly that area. Can someone check for me if u turn your wheel real fast while its off can u find any places where it kinda slips through or skips a little? When i turn it slowly it has even feel and travel and it returns to t.d.c. properly, it's like i said when turning real fast the amount of resistance isn't as even as i remember it being. Any thoughts on this issue?

It seems it fixed itself after some play time on a few different games:)
is there a way to stop the dfp from making that annoying noize (if someone already ask this plz dont get mad i dont have the time to look to busy)
Step 1 : Buy Surround Sound System
Step 2 : Crank It Up!
Step 3 : What did you say all I here is a loud car?
I need help guys...

So i really like this steering wheel even though its got some things i dont like but its still badass to drift in gt4. Sister's bf came over and tried playing it and he just pulled on it so hard,its never been the same as before.
I think theres gears inside and the teeth are grinded but iono.

Anyone also have this problem?

When i turn, even with the right settings it wont be hard,i could turn using a finger. Before id have to use not 1 but both hands because force feedback was so strong but now its puny.

How can i fix this? Thanks guys
I also need a bit of help

Think cousin was moving it during loading up ( on p2s) and it won't calibrate
one lights on and the other blinks, but gt4 doesn't recognize it ( no steering)

Whats the fix?
I also need a bit of help

Think cousin was moving it during loading up ( on p2s) and it won't calibrate
one lights on and the other blinks, but gt4 doesn't recognize it ( no steering)

Whats the fix?

Both of you might try to unhook your wheel and make sure everything is plugged in good sounds like both of your wheels might have lost connections with the power cord. If that doesn't work for the loose steering you might take the cover off the wheel as there are gears inside and that guy could have pulled the (stem) (shaft) out far enough to where the gears are not meeting. But try rehooking everything first.
or you guys can use you one year warranty if you still have it thats what i'm doing with my dfp.Because when i drift when i counter steer and then try to counter steer back into a different turn it stays in one postion and then i have to restart the whole thing and it still stay in one postion
hello everyone. i have a few questions on the DFP that i didn't really find the answers to in this thread (not to mention there's a heck of a lot of replies to go through).

anyway, this first one might be dumb, but are the pedals touch sensitive on the DFP? my friend let me borrow a wheel, and on that, no matter how hard or soft i hit the gas, it always floors it. i hate that.

also, there's a huge dead-zone on my friend's wheel, is there much (if any) dead-zone on the DFP?

finally, is it compatible with the PS3 or PC?

you mean pressure sensative? it depends on how far down the pedals pushed not on how much pressure you apply. there are pedals you can buy that are pressure sensative.
Got a question about some shaking in the wheel

Some of you probably know that the F1 car, once it hits a certain speed, loves to rattle the heck out of the wheel, should i be conserned about it causing problems or will it not do that ?

Also, Lets say my wheel is a little lose and tilts barely when pressure is applied to one side, is that a problem as well or just signs of good use ?
No worries Kurei, the only thing that it might do would be to wear the wheel out slightly faster than normal but then again, turning it wears it out anyway so nope, no extra damage. The little looseness you describe is in the class of some two millimieters, I guess? It's just the fact that the DFP has gears between the electric motors and the wheels and such systems can never be completely tight. Nothing to worry about there either.
you mean pressure sensative? it depends on how far down the pedals pushed not on how much pressure you apply. there are pedals you can buy that are pressure sensative.
yea, that's what i meant. depending on how far down you push the pedal depends on how fast you accelerate, right (on the DFP)? the one my friend let me borrow is not like that.
anyway, this first one might be dumb, but are the pedals touch sensitive on the DFP? my friend let me borrow a wheel, and on that, no matter how hard or soft i hit the gas, it always floors it. i hate that.
Yes, if you slightly push the pedal you will barely accelerate, and if you floor it you will accelerate at full power, as well as the entire range in between.

also, there's a huge dead-zone on my friend's wheel, is there much (if any) dead-zone on the DFP?
I'm not sure what you mean by a dead zone. Like an area where you can turn but it doesn't do anything in game? Anyway, I haven't experienced anything that would be considered a dead zone on my wheel.

finally, is it compatible with the PS3 or PC?
Yes and yes. I play GT:HD all the time with it as well as F1:CE. The only issue is that a game made before the Sony/Logitech lawsuit was resolved does not have force feedback. F1:CE is one of these games.

As for the PC you have to install the driver on your PC first, but it will work. I believe that link is somewhere in this thread.
No worries Kurei, the only thing that it might do would be to wear the wheel out slightly faster than normal but then again, turning it wears it out anyway so nope, no extra damage. The little looseness you describe is in the class of some two millimieters, I guess? It's just the fact that the DFP has gears between the electric motors and the wheels and such systems can never be completely tight. Nothing to worry about there either.

Thats good to know, now i can play without worry :D
Yes, if you slightly push the pedal you will barely accelerate, and if you floor it you will accelerate at full power, as well as the entire range in between.

I'm not sure what you mean by a dead zone. Like an area where you can turn but it doesn't do anything in game? Anyway, I haven't experienced anything that would be considered a dead zone on my wheel.

finally, is it compatible with the PS3 or PC?
Yes and yes. I play GT:HD all the time with it as well as F1:CE. The only issue is that a game made before the Sony/Logitech lawsuit was resolved does not have force feedback. F1:CE is one of these games.

As for the PC you have to install the driver on your PC first, but it will work. I believe that link is somewhere in this thread.
sweet, thanks for the help! i might be picking up the DFP soon, just gotta save some money. thanks again.