The Tuning Garage Challenge 2.0 Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Jetboy.
I think if we let ETZ in, they would own us, as I've played with there cars.... quite good! They love German tech for sure!
Next time (and it appears there will be one), I'll be sure to invite ETZ to the challenge. The more in the mix, the merrier. 👍👍

These days, even receiving only eight times is pretty good for a GT4 race series. 👍
Yeah for three weeks in, the shakedown isn't too bad. :indiff: Would like more but, meh, I'll take it. :lol:

The new week is up, congrats to and good luck for the rest of us next week. ;)

Next time (and it appears there will be one), I'll be sure to invite ETZ to the challenge. The more in the mix, the merrier. 👍👍


Hmmm. A next time. 💡
I'm thinking Austin & I should start our own "South Western Tuners" garage! :mischievous:
Of course in my case that means actually getting the slightest clue about what constitutes a good tune!!! :lol: :dunce:
But wouldn't it go against the idea of this competition to create a garage just to enter cars in it? I think we would both agree that nobody would actually want to drive the cars we would tune. :lol: It does make more sense, though, for the people like us who prefer driving to have to tune our own cars, rather than piloting those of the people who prefer tuning. Still, if we pick a base car with a lot of grip, then I think that we might be able to build something that's reasonably good to drive.
Okay, got a problem. As with most here I re-create a teams car to check it's legality. So far in my collection, I have MFT's cars, my own, and a few others. (Need to get the RVV M5 and the ECT cars.) Upon building AMMT's SL65, I find the gearing isn't matching the settings posted. Upon Auto 8, 1st gear's minimum value is 3.507 and the settings indicate 3.442. I figure a typo, select gearing Auto 9. Fifth gear max value is 1.141 and the settings listed indicate 1.156.

Explain. Swiftly.
Okay, got a problem. As with most here I re-create a teams car to check it's legality. So far in my collection, I have MFT's cars, my own, and a few others. (Need to get the RVV M5 and the ECT cars.) Upon building AMMT's SL65, I find the gearing isn't matching the settings posted. Upon Auto 8, 1st gear's minimum value is 3.507 and the settings indicate 3.442. I figure a typo, select gearing Auto 9. Fifth gear max value is 1.141 and the settings listed indicate 1.156.

Explain. Swiftly.

There is no typo in the setup sheet. The settings posted are the ones I use and that should be used. I don't remember the car, but there already were difficulties with one of my cars at AMMT. Someone once asked what was wrong with the gearing and I didn't know until we found out that it depends on the version of GT4 you use. I'm a PAL player, so if you use another version of GT4, it may be that your gearing ratios are different.

If you don't trust me or you don't find the issue, strike me out of the list. 👍
There is no typo in the setup sheet. The settings posted are the ones I use and that should be used. I don't remember the car, but there already were difficulties with one of my cars at AMMT. Someone once asked what was wrong with the gearing and I didn't know until we found out that it depends on the version of GT4 you use. I'm a PAL player, so if you use another version of GT4, it may be that your gearing ratios are different.

If you don't trust me or you don't find the issue, strike me out of the list. 👍
I asked, you explained. Don't miscontrue as a personal attack as much as it seemed; I just have no tollerance for suspected cheating. ;)

No, everything is fine. And it's good you have no tollerance for cheating. By the way... I think this has something to do with the car's power output... I first tuned the car up to an amount of horsepower, set the gear ratios and then additionally add more horsepower to it and more weight, as far as I remember... Maybe it has something to do with the car's power output: If the car reaches more horsepower, it will give you other gear ratios possible. That's how far I got with thinking for hours about this case (:crazy:)... And just to let you know: I have never cheated on anything in GT4 and in any competition I've been a part of. In my opinion, cheating is the last thing someone should do. You suspected cheating? - It's fine if you're curious about some things and I like how you got onto the case: You didn't say "AMMT are cheaters, bla bla bla...", but you asked for reasons why you can't get the transmission right. Thank you for that. 👍

EDIT: And to make my last point: I feel like our cars are getting nowhere. senamic's BMW is slow like nothing and the SL65 has just too much horsepower and weight for what it should have to be competative enough (I had a lot of luck in week 3, thus ending 5th in the grid, but my total points speak for themselves: The car is slow.). I already talked to Ahmad (KidrauhlM5) and we came to the conclusion that withdrawing would be the best thing we can do. First of all, Ahmad's PS2 is broken, so he can't submit times and I can't really get help from him when it comes to how to drive the car in sectors I have problems with. And this isn't the only factor for withdrawing: Like you've noticed, I haven't been very active in the last weeks (Only looking around at :gtplanet:, posting a few comments & logging out again), because I'm too busy. I have done only 1 testing with the SL65 for week 4 up to now for about ~ 20 minutes, which shows that I haven't got enough time on my hands. senamic can continue trying to get some points with his BMW, but I'm out and I believe Ahmad is, too, because his PS2 is broken and he doesn't know if or when it will be fixed. But he will tell you his opinion personally.
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Hey guys...

Sorry bad news here. As what Nenad explained, we're not cheating or whatsoever. My PS2 is broken and I'm not sure if it's fixable or not and if it's fixable, how much do I have to pay for it etc. hence, I can't drive for I think 3 weeks already. It's not cheating but I think it's because of the power output itself. Like Nenad said, if the car reaches more horsepower, it will give you other gear ratios possible.

Anyways, it's true that our cars are getting nowhere. We have difficulties with the car and it weights more than 2 tons that it's very hard to get the car to a stand still. Thus, Nenad and I decided to withdraw from the competition. We are very sorry to the others and hope to see you all on the track again next time around ;)

Thank you.
Sorry Corey, but I will be withdrawing from the competition as well.

Lack of free time has been a major factor for me in this competition. I didn't have enough time to properly build and set up cars for the competition and now I don't have enough time to make decent laps (or any at all recently).

I liked your original concept for the series but quickly lost interest after the last minute rule change to the points system. I did give it a try for the first week, however.

Maybe I'll have time for the next one,

Have yet to get to your's Lancer.. Sorry to also see you go Adam. :(

oldmodelt sits staring at his computer screen. A half empty bottle of cheap Scotch on his left and a Beretta Automatic on his right. Things hadn’t worked out the way he planned.

Back in 1980, when he had joined the Intellivision Racing League he had been one of the brighter stars. No, he didn’t have the quickest reflexes or the fastest car. But what he did have going for himself was that he more often than not made the fewest mistakes. Mistakes that the younger quicker drivers usually didn’t think or worry about. Until it was too late. Oldmodelt knew that they usually would try to push that car just a little too far and then Whammo! Into the sand, another car or worse yet into a guardrail and race over. Just enough of them would do that each race so that he could sneak in and grab a few points here and there. Just enough to keep the owners happy. Which kept the sponsors happy. Which kept oldmodelt’s wife and kids happy.

But then in 1983 the IRL folded and having a family, oldmodelt did what any Husband/Father would do. He put his racing dreams on hold and did what most guys do. Daydreamed about the day he could continue his career.

But, dreams have a way of passing you by if you blink.

The new GTP had young racers who even when he was younger he couldn’t keep up with. Picking up those few points lying around was no longer Automatic. These were guys who could literally run circles around him. Gone were the days of making the least amount of mistakes. A mistake free run didn’t make the cut. But the Race Organizers kept him around because it brought in the older crowd. And well, money is the bottom line.

He saw a chance when the Tuning Car Challenge was forming. Here was a way for him to get back in the game. He was never going to win or even place very high. But what he could do was give a garage the chance to see how their machines performed when an “average joe” got behind the wheel. Never one to experiment, he pretty much did what the owners wanted. Even if it meant going against his gut feeling. Never one to mess with the tuning. He joked occasionally that he couldn’t even tunafish. But he could follow a spec sheet with the best of them.

It was then that he sent out feelers to the garages in the series. These were the best that GTP had to offer. Every one of them a Top Notch Tuner. “Surely one of them would respond and at least put him to work sweeping the floor.” He thought. And waiting for the time when one of the talented drivers got too full of themselves and thought they were God and messed up with the booze, drugs or women. It happened every season like clockwork. But the offers never came and so he sits here waiting. And drinking and looking at the Beretta.

“Race 4 is over and that chance is gone.” He says. “But maybe I’ll get picked up for the last race or two.” It was of course the Holiday season. And anything was possible. He’d take the first offer he get. He’d even work for free. But he knew it might be a long shot.

He looks at the still computer screen. Finishes the Scotch and picks up the Automatic.

In the distance, he thinks he hears a engine………..
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I can assure you you missed at least one tuner in sending out those feelers... the one who doesn't drink, do drugs or questionable women. Sounds a lot like me and I'll happily give a seat to someone who can keep the car on the road.
I need a racer... that can give feedback, on the car! I need someone that can break the car down... and tell me how to make it better for the next one! I'm the underdog tuning company! Were like the little engine that could!

There's going to be a next one right?
As far as everyone's concerned, yeah there will be the next one. There will be some slight tweaking from this because I learned a bit :lol: Otherwise it'll be pretty straightforward. 👍 There will be a two- or three-week developement period for the next one.

SWEET.... Yeah I didn't put much into this one, next time will be a different story.... I've been pulling data, and the next one will be a better showing for me! I didn't give myself a lot of shake downtime... But it's been great racing!

As far as everyone's concerned, yeah there will be the next one. There will be some slight tweaking from this because I learned a bit :lol: Otherwise it'll be pretty straightforward. 👍 There will be a two- or three-week developement period for the next one.

I can assure you you missed at least one tuner in sending out those feelers... the one who doesn't drink, do drugs or questionable women. Sounds a lot like me and I'll happily give a seat to someone who can keep the car on the road.

Thanks for saving me from the firearms. Little secret is that there were no bullets in the gun. :sly:

If I understand the rules. :dopey: I am allowed to drive either or both of your rides and submit the one with the faster time. Or I can just settle on one and go with that for the remaining races. Or do you have a preference that you want me to go with.

Looking forward to round 5.
As far as everyone's concerned, yeah there will be the next one. There will be some slight tweaking from this because I learned a bit :lol: Otherwise it'll be pretty straightforward. 👍 There will be a two- or three-week developement period for the next one.


Don't forget to inform us early enough about the min. PWR for the next challenge. 👍
I am allowed to drive either or both of your rides and submit the one with the faster time.

Yep, you can do just that.

Or I can just settle on one and go with that for the remaining races.

You can do that too.

Or do you have a preference that you want me to go with.

Judging from the experience from four races this far the M3 is faster but the decision is up to you.

What isn't up to you though, or me for that matter, is if you can still join the race at this point. Then again there seems to be version 2.0.0 in development at some point and we'll be in then too so if you missed the train now the next one will arrive quite soon.
What isn't up to you though, or me for that matter, is if you can still join the race at this point. Then again there seems to be version 2.0.0 in development at some point and we'll be in then too so if you missed the train now the next one will arrive quite soon.

Unless I am mistaken. In post #172 I was given permission to run. Of course Jetboy is the final word. I will start preparing the rides. I don't have Abud's cash crunch problem. Still have 15,000,000 credits from way too much BSpecing. Although I'm glad I have them now.
As said in #172, you're free to play Good Sir. ;) We need as many participants as possible.
