I agree also it is tough enough for some of the more seasoned racers to drive this car .. let alone people who just drive occasionally yet like to be part of the action ... but then again someone could simply post other random spot races that would appeal to others .. It's not written anywhere that only one person can post combo's in this section

The more events that are posted then the chances are that most preferences will be catered for.
I just race what takes my fancy and I'm sure with some random spot races thrown around most people will be catered for ... If you like it then run it and if you don't then find one that you do like 👍
The WRS has been running for years but for the weeks you never fancied or couldn't devote the time needed to tame a wild car ... there was always loads of smaller events to take part in either in the spot race section or short series section .. with the PS3 and the auto online save function we simply find a car that feels good on a random track and run it for 15 minutes to see how it feels and if it grabs you as addictive then simply post the event and restrictions etc for people to beat it and voilla another spot race for the curious to try out! ... preferences will fill each thread

This combo was never going to cater for all with the difficulty level on keeping the ass on this car stable .. but then again can anyone name a combo for all? I don't think it exists

Lets liven this section up with a bit more variety per week and then we can see some wicked battles going on all over the available tracks
As for this combo ... I tested the NSX when I first got the wheel last month and I knew it was too gonna be much time, effort and anxiety to master this car and I just haven't got the spare time to devote to starting from square one again learning to race online .. I hate sliding offtrack on the final sprint after 130r at Suzuka ... being so close to the target and stuffing it there is annoying to say the least, this car would drive me insane
Sorry about the long post! Good luck to all running this and looking forward to joining in again in the next round that I would enjoy