The Weekly Arcade Time Attack - Week 4

  • Thread starter GT Pro
It sounds like most are hating this combination right now, mostly because of the NSX-R's extreme difficulty to tame around such a complex and long track. What makes this challenge great, however, is that your end time (when you think you've nailed it beautifully) is so much more rewarding, and thus builds your GT skills immensely in that your ability to drive various different natures of cars is broadened.

If you want to blame somebody for the pain its caused you though, forward it to Timppaq instead (sorry Timppaq, but I've got enough on my plate at the minute). :lol:

Never before have I realised how incredibly rewarding the extra control in the G25 would be. Damn.

PS: By the way Beerz, your time was atleast .250 better than my time, so post it!

Yes, a few words never injured anybody.. 👍 :lol: give me your best shot.

And this really is a skill builder for all those who participate, very much me including! ..hopefully the breed of NSX Suz 600pp will grow a bit after this... (..and I really mean after this, it will be easy) :lol:
I have to admit that there were many times yesterday when I felt like throwing the controller at the screen... one tiny slide, one tiny over-correction and the car just veers off in to the sand. But on proper reflection it's a great test of skill - no where near as frustrating as the Academy car/track combo. Even though my time is slow, and I won't get much chance to improve it as I'm off on holiday Friday morning, it will be a combination I come back to once I've got the G25 under control.

Oh, and it's a hell of a lot easier to drive than the NSX at 600pp!
Really? :) ...I think tuning can make the car a bit easier on the edge, even if it's faster.

I have tried to tune the NSX for use in 600PP, but haven't found any settings that make it manageable... because the arcade car is just that little bit slower it feels more manageable.

If you'd like to swap tunes I have an R8 tune that will turn sub 2'16.5's all day long ;)
Yeah, sure, I can swap.. But do I remember that you drive with a pad? tune is not managable with that, methinks.. (maybe in your hands.. 👍)
I can't believe people are saying this car is tricky, it's very hard to spin the wheels. Could driving RWD cars like the Corvette for so long actually have given me a slight advantage for once?

2'22.720 for me.

I'm in the Top 60 for now, but once all the really fast GTP'ers get a crack at it I'll drop, so I do intend on improving this.:)
Yes Time Trial.

Thanks for the advice everyone on steering wheels. Just one last question, is interior view any good compared to bumper cam? Then I'll leave you all alone.:sly:
Yeah, sure, I can swap.. But do I remember that you drive with a pad? tune is not managable with that, methinks.. (maybe in your hands.. 👍)

I have a G25 now... well, I will do when the stand arrives for it!
I had another go at this to see if I really suck as bad as I first thought and it's still true but I've really noticed something in this game that I never did in GT3 and GT4...maybe it's new.

As I mentioned before, I use the SIXAXIS and ever since the days of the DS2, I've been a d-pad to steer and X to accelerate guy. It's never really been a big hindrance, I can achieve primitive modulation with them. It's not ideal and really not the way to play a proper racing simulator but all of that aside, it's the way I've always raced and I'm not likely to change until (if) I get a wheel.

In professional mode I'm really noticing how big a disadvantage that is becoming. I noticed it last week when my car was screeching it's tyres in places where no other replay was and I started to realise that the on-off status of the controls I'm using are realised more in GT5p than I think they were in previous incarnations...this NSX really highlights it in my opinion. I can occasionally take some corners well but if I get it slightly wrong, correcting it is no easy task because I'm forced to use extreme actions to correct it. I'm sure it's more realistic but it's kind of making the style I'm used to driving with redundant.

Anyway that's my rant...maybe I'm just an arcade racer trying to feign simulator skills but I desperately want to hold onto the way I've raced for all these years...I know, I know...I should just get a wheel but lying on the lounge with a wireless controller is just so relaxing :)
I can't believe people are saying this car is tricky, it's very hard to spin the wheels.
My personal problem with it has nothing to do with wheel spin, which barely applies on arcade mode, since it's a lot less powerful than the one used for 600pp races.
It's about the stupidly low grip on the rear on too many situations, due to weight transfer. You don't even have to be pushing hard to have the rear disappear from behind you.
Next to this car, driving the GT LM on 750pp races is a child's play. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I've dropped my time a bit and on another attempt I was gaining 0.6s on T1 alone, so I might try to get this one at least to low 2:22's, if there are enough sedatives around the house.
Yeah, sure, I can swap.. But do I remember that you drive with a pad? tune is not managable with that, methinks.. (maybe in your hands.. 👍)

May I add that I will be swapping the tune that I made the 2'15 lap with.... Just to make something clear.
no, and If you want, make the suspesion a bit softer.... will do. :)

...I will send you the PM now...
For those running in the 2'21 range, what should I be aiming for in T1?

I've managed a few runs in the 1'02.8 range, but I'm wondering if I'm losing time in the esses, or perhaps on the second turn of Denger.
OK here is my opinion. Why do you have make these so bloody hard? OK for the 1% of super drivers, but the rest of us not at the top of the tree?. Personally struggling with the car through 2 and a half minutes of torture takes all the fun out of the game. Why oh why do they always have to be in PRO Mode? I don't care that I am crap in Pro Mode, I'm probably not the only one. Allow more to join in the fun. OK you could say practice- Well, I don't have hours of free time just to watch my Pixel Motor spin off into the sand for the umpteenth time.
If we are going to have Arcade weekly races for GTP make some them more accesible to the rest of us, PLEASE.
This is my opinion , just don't slate me for it!
I didn't try this race yet, but from others' comments I may agree that this is a difficult race, comparing to the previous one which had a much easier car to drive. In my opinion, being hard is not a reason to switch to standard physics. I hope every race here will be in pro mode, it's the most realistic and I think it doesn't make sense to play in a worse mode.
Good point but I see it as a welcome challenge and as someone who hardly uses the NSX, this will help me learn more about the car and how it handles etc:tup::)
OK here is my opinion. Why do you have make these so bloody hard? OK for the 1% of super drivers, but the rest of us not at the top of the tree?. Personally struggling with the car through 2 and a half minutes of torture takes all the fun out of the game. Why oh why do they always have to be in PRO Mode? I don't care that I am crap in Pro Mode, I'm probably not the only one. Allow more to join in the fun. OK you could say practice- Well, I don't have hours of free time just to watch my Pixel Motor spin off into the sand for the umpteenth time.
If we are going to have Arcade weekly races for GTP make some them more accesible to the rest of us, PLEASE.
This is my opinion , just don't slate me for it!

+1 👍

Pro mode with tail happy cars is going to appeal to a particular group of folk but the average Joe is gonna struggle (I'll stick my hand up as one of them) but if you want mass participation you'll need more combos like last week. Last week worked for so many reasons:
  • Track length was short
  • Total lap times were short
  • Car was easily manageable in Pro mode
  • It was instantly enjoyable for novice all the way to expert drivers
  • Everyone got in the top 100
I'm not saying a combo has to tick all those boxes but if, for example, the car is hard to drive then maybe a short track, if the car is easy to drive then a longer track may provide more challenge.

Having said all that, I reckon you're onto a winner with this comp GTPro I simply believe that to get the participation you're looking for it will need to appeal to the least for the first few weeks/months 👍
It's the classic OLR debate. Make the races challenging for the top end of the grid or make them easy (easier) for the mid/low range drivers? I tend to favor more challenging races that push the driver to develop skill. That is how I learned when I first started in OLR with GT2... but balance that to where it doesn't discourage new drivers from having a go. Finding the happy place where new racers don't need to spend endless hours spinning into the grass does help those racers that only can dedicate a few hours a week (if that) to OLR.

The arcade/base NSX-R in GT5p isn't that hard to handle. It will teach you car/throttle control, especially out of corners, but combine that with the hardest track in GT5p (out of 5 I know, but regardless the full Suzuka is daunting to many) and it's a combo that will discourage. Maybe the NSX-R at Fuji is more of a middle ground. I remember an arcade race with the NSX-R @ Tsukuba in GT4 that caused a big stir on the board I raced at at the time. People complained and moaned on about the combo but people left that race with some new skills. The NSX-R is a good car to teach people to drive fast. While I'm not the fastest guy out there, I am competitive at the higher end of the OLR grid though, I still learn tracks with the NSX-R (or a Lotus Elise) just because it makes you aware of all the important things regardless of the car you want to actually use. It is something I learned to do in GT3 and continue 5+ years on...

It's cool to see someone out there doing this though. It just takes some fine tuning to get the right car/track combos. It's good to fine tune it now with a limited set then with the full GT5.

I might give this a go depending on what this week's online update track/race reconfig brings...
I agree also it is tough enough for some of the more seasoned racers to drive this car .. let alone people who just drive occasionally yet like to be part of the action ... but then again someone could simply post other random spot races that would appeal to others .. It's not written anywhere that only one person can post combo's in this section ;) The more events that are posted then the chances are that most preferences will be catered for.

I just race what takes my fancy and I'm sure with some random spot races thrown around most people will be catered for ... If you like it then run it and if you don't then find one that you do like 👍

The WRS has been running for years but for the weeks you never fancied or couldn't devote the time needed to tame a wild car ... there was always loads of smaller events to take part in either in the spot race section or short series section .. with the PS3 and the auto online save function we simply find a car that feels good on a random track and run it for 15 minutes to see how it feels and if it grabs you as addictive then simply post the event and restrictions etc for people to beat it and voilla another spot race for the curious to try out! ... preferences will fill each thread :) This combo was never going to cater for all with the difficulty level on keeping the ass on this car stable .. but then again can anyone name a combo for all? I don't think it exists :sly: Lets liven this section up with a bit more variety per week and then we can see some wicked battles going on all over the available tracks

As for this combo ... I tested the NSX when I first got the wheel last month and I knew it was too gonna be much time, effort and anxiety to master this car and I just haven't got the spare time to devote to starting from square one again learning to race online .. I hate sliding offtrack on the final sprint after 130r at Suzuka ... being so close to the target and stuffing it there is annoying to say the least, this car would drive me insane :lol:

Sorry about the long post! Good luck to all running this and looking forward to joining in again in the next round that I would enjoy :cheers:
Everyone who think this combo is hard should try the Z06 on that track :sly:
Of course it's not very easy but after some laps you'll know how to hande the car.
Still ... being told the Z06 is a tougher drive around Suzuka doesn't make the NSX any easier to drive, It's still all down to individual preference and some people like to live dangerous for the more satisfying challenge and some people might not want to live on such a knife edge lap after lap and prefer to enter a turn like the 130r at a very good speed without tensing the ass muscles in fear of the slightest 1/1000th of a second too late on the brakes :lol:

;) 👍
"Still ... being told the Z06 is a tougher drive around Suzuka doesn't make the NSX any easier to drive, It's still all down to individual preference and some people like to live dangerous for the more satisfying challenge and some people might not want to live on such a knife edge lap after lap and prefer to enter a turn like the 130r at a very good speed without tensing the ass muscles in fear of the slightest 1/1000th of a second too late on the brakes"

And that...should have been Honda's marketing message on why you want to buy a NSX-R... ha!

That pretty much sums up the HSX-R in a concise way.