The Weekly Arcade Time Attack: Week 5

  • Thread starter GT Pro
see? ..this sounds like adjusting... ;)

Got down to a 1'02.471 just before from the interior view, and could do to the 2nd sector 0.1sec faster pretty often (I was following Spyrarri, but he and I do almost the same lines to the 2nd sector anyway, apart from the hairpin where he beats me). But tonight I'm getting too tired, and kept messing up potentially faster than my current record laps in the last sector.:(
1'01.280---GTP_spyrrari1.......... :):)

only 0,012seconds behind nr1...if i would have gone to the toilet before this lap i would be first!!:sly::sly:

Awesome lap, spyrrari. :cheers:

1st post needs some updating, even spyrrari's previous time isn't there, and MisterWeary is now also below 1'02.

Although my name looks good in 2nd place... :sly:

My first and third split times are getting faster but I just can't seem to match my fastest second sector. I'll try again later :banghead:

But I touched a wall slighly... :rolleyes:
T1 was pretty good though not my best, T2 I screwed up completely losing about half a second to my best one (seriously), T3 was almost flawless.
I'll be definitely going for a faster, clean lap. 👍

EDIT: 1'01.618. Clean lap, but screwed up 3 turns entirely...

EDIT: 1'01.511
With a couple of mistakes and hesitations, and a not so good T1.
Will try to go below the 01.5xx tomorrow.
Thanks, mate. 👍
But I wouldn't say out of reach for you yet. Check out my replay, you can clearly see the mistakes, hesitations and an improveable T1 as well.
More than the clutch use, what really helped me the most was the 'discovery' of the best possible brake bias that suited my driving style.
yoyoyo,here we goooo....!!:)

:tup:1'01.233...fastest time in the world!!👍

so dudes,now its up to you to crack my time..

good luck:sly:

Great job, spyrrari! 👍

First post need quite the updating...

...and where's Sphinx and Timppaq an CMir and others?
I would kill to be able to do the last sector like you guys, but I just can't! It's infuriating the hell out of me.
Great job, spyrrari! 👍

First post need quite the updating...

...and where's Sphinx and Timppaq an CMir and others?

Well, I guess it's time for me to learn the track.. I have to do it anyway... :crazy:
I aim for top 100.

you guys are quick! just joined and will try to do some laps later, hopefully I can be as fast as some of you guys!
I would kill to be able to do the last sector like you guys, but I just can't! It's infuriating the hell out of me.
It's mostly a matter of rhythm, kind of like the hairpins at Eiger.
Only at Eiger you don't scrape walls and lose speed and steering when you don't do it well...
I only get this section of London decently about 50% of the times, and there's always a feeling that you were too careful and could've been faster.

I aim for top 100.

Fixed. :lol:👍
I've ran about 100 laps this afternoon with a g25 I just bought yesterday and best time so far is 1'03.640 which is only good for 99th:nervous:. I think my brain needs a rest now and will probably try again tomorrow.
I've ran about 100 laps this afternoon with a g25 I just bought yesterday and best time so far is 1'03.640 which is only good for 99th:nervous:. I think my brain needs a rest now and will probably try again tomorrow.

100 laps :crazy::crazy::crazy:
you probably do need a rest
It's mostly a matter of rhythm, kind of like the hairpins at Eiger.
Only at Eiger you don't scrape walls and lose speed and steering when you don't do it well...
I only get this section of London decently about 50% of the times, and there's always a feeling that you were too careful and could've been faster.

Fixed. :lol:👍

DONE!!! :cheers: ..two laps----> 65'ish!!! :D
My first time on the PS3 since the last update and my very first laps ever at London as I have been avoiding it all this time tbh .. got it down to 1'02.231 after a good 20 or so laps and in truth it's not too bad a track after all 👍

Gonna run some more laps now as there's loads up for grabs! .. especially when the careful mode to get the feel of the combo is over :D

Great times in the top 10 btw :cheers:

edit: 1'01.990 :)
How are you guys so fast? Is it pure talent? Practice? Some of you guys said you just ran a couple of laps but your times are impressive. Do you guys race cars in real life?
My few good laps are pure luck. :dunce:

Best way to be fast on these time trials is to study the replays of the faster guys (bumper view or in-car and HUD on) and then try to mimic as best as you can. At least that's how I do it...

Just screwed a lap where I was in front of Spyrrari's ghost at T2 with a 32.652, my best ever in there. :rolleyes: And with a T1 of 15.889, with my best so far being 15.818.
Hit the barrier on the inside of the right hander that leads to the final turn. Crap...

That's with a 16.1 T1 and a 33.1 T2, so probably another 2-3 tenths to be had, but this'll probably about it for me this week.