The Xbox One Thread - One X & One SXBOne 

  • Thread starter Robin
Nothing to do with the One, that's for sure.

Many i mean many gamers on many forums claims that they want SONY 4 now rather microsoft One. So my post claiming that SONY stocks goes up obviously was not due to microsoft One was reveled but due to all those negative features.

- blocked used games
- no backward compatibility
- more TV system than video game system
- paying extra fee for playing second hand games

- microsoft is money grabbing company, like every company main reason to exist is to earn money, create products, marketing them, advertise, sell and make money. 👍

So all those angry statement now are unnecessary. I'm video gamer too and i wanted to see what microsoft prepared for their next system. They clearly did it right with X360, so i was expecting too be blown away. But I'm not.

Now i am older and i make more money, i can afford two game systems. When X360 was launched and PS3 i have to make choice between those two, i was hard because i wanted them both but i did not have enough money.

Now my financial situation is much better so i can purchase those 2 video game consoles. So i wait to see what microsoft would bring to the table.

But after seeing this xbox one revealed, i don't want new xbox from microsoft. I want PS4
Bad things that are confirmed:

1_Games are totally linked to the Xlive account. If you want to play your game in another console, you have to pay money.
2_You have to connect your Xbox One at least once per day (24hs).
3_The hard drive can't be changed by the user. Maybe MS will sell his own HD, so this is another crap.

I always was of Playstation but this are just bad news for the people that was thinking in buy an Xbox One. Of course after this new information the people will be changing their minds about this new console.

PS4 is the best option at this moment, and now not just for it great exclusives games :D
Major Nelson
We know there is some confusion around used games on Xbox One and wanted to provide a bit of clarification on exactly what we’ve confirmed today. While there have been many potential scenarios discussed, today we have only confirmed that we designed Xbox One to enable our customers to trade in and resell games at retail.

Beyond that, we have not confirmed any specific scenarios.

Another piece of clarification around playing games at a friend’s house – should you choose to play your game at your friend’s house, there is no fee to play that game while you are signed in to your profile.
no offense I think they are trying to do damage control but no big deal I plan on keeping my PS3 getting Grid 2 and GT6 ( possibly new Need for speed)and I am interested Batman AO and maybe watch dogs or splinter cell BL,I may get a 360 and play FOrza 4 as for new systems not interested
Also if project cars is on PS3 im set for a looong time
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That last sentence concerns me.
Major Nelson
Another piece of clarification around playing games at a friend’s house – should you choose to play your game at your friend’s house, there is no fee to play that game while you are signed in to your profile.

Particularly the bolded part. Basically, the game will be locked to a certain profile. In other words, you'll still have to pay extra if you buy a used game. There goes borrowing a game from a friend too... Unless you're friend is willing to let you use their profile.
Yeah, still sucks that you can't just let your family or friends borrow your game though. Yeah, you could do the whole license transfer thing, but I'm sure it'll be limited and not worth doing just to let someone try a game on their own time. Not a big deal, just weird how things change.

I'm still more disappointed in the fact that it's rare for games to have split screen multiplayer these days anyway.

The Xbone is a vague mistress.


Player 1 buy game for full price 50$
Player 1 finishes the game and want to sell it for 30$

Player 2 buys that game and wants to play it so he had to install it, and then microsoft server knows it was already played so player 2 had to pay fee for playing used game.

It wasn't statement at this point to whom player 2 will pay fee, for microsoft or to game developer.

But this is happening right now. 👍

Player 1 buy game for full price 50$
Player 1 finishes the game and want to sell it for 30$

Player 2 buys that game and wants to play it so he had to install it, and then microsoft server knows it was already played so player 2 had to pay fee for playing used game.

It wasn't statement at this point to whom player 2 will pay fee, for microsoft or to game developer.

But this is happening right now. 👍

But based on the general news around is that Player 2 will have to pay a fee (read somewhere the fee will be RRP.) so all the disk really is in the end is to save you downloading the game directly off the network.

What is happening right now is a bit different. It is only an online pass (which EA has announced is abandoning). You can still play the game. Just not online.
Apparently the used game thing was an error by Microsoft's part:
Well, i don't really believe it either. Although it doesn't look good at this point. It make sens to charge you money for playing used games, then won't block it for sure. Maybe that fee would be really small and it will help game developers. 👍

Maybe best option is just to be patient and wait untill final release.
Apparently the used game thing was an error by Microsoft's part:

That twitter page never meant anything. Microsoft gave Wired the news in that article, and Harrison later clarified exactly what they meant.

The only proof that it might not be true is what was posted on Major Nelson's blog, and that seems quite a bit more like damage control than an outright redaction.
Time for some car comparisions...
The 360 was a great console (it had some reliability issues...) with great emphasis in core and online gaming, but also casual stuff as Kinect and live features (most were us only). So it reminded me of this...

The X1, with all its TV and casual gaming focus so far (lol @ the 15 exclusives, besides Forza most of them will be Kinect/Sports/Dancing games) reminds me more of this...