Things that confuse/annoy you

  • Thread starter UnkaD
When you criticise something and the response is "that was intentional" or "it's like that because reason"

That's not a defence, not only that you are acknowledging that it's bad but you are just able to look past it by pretending to be an English Teacher.

For example, Brilliant Diamond and Shiny Pearl visuals. I think they are horrendous except for the lighting and a lot of ths defence is just that it was either intentional or trying to explain why its like that.

Note this different from responding with "I actually like that because reason". You are actually trying to say why you think it's a good thing or explaining why you appreciate it, which I'm perfectly OK with.
I've never understood why someone explaining why something is a certain way is commonly interpreted as defending it.
Maybe there are some exceptions and aren't pretending :lol:

I've never understood why someone explaining why something is a certain way is commonly interpreted as defending it.
I don't see the point of explaining why a negative aspect is there if not to make the person understand why it's there and try and get them to look past it, I consider that defending. Which I don't think it works, at all.

I remember a friend of mine recommended me an Anime, I didn't like it and one of the reasons was the protagonist dynamic and his explanation was that all Animes in the genre have that. What does that accomplish other than making me never want to watch anything from the genre?
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I don't see the point of explaining why a negative aspect is there if not to make the person understand why it's there and try and get them to look past it, I consider that defending. Which I don't think it works, at all.
The bold part is your answer, the rest of the sentence is merely an assumption on your part. Understanding the reason something is the way it is isn't the same thing as supporting the way it is.

A good example is racing coverage, I don't like that more often than not I have to either pay for a subscription or put up with commercials/ads (and sometimes both), but I understand why it's the case.

What does that accomplish other than making me never want to watch anything from the genre?
Who says it was supposed to accomplish anything else? It seems it's very possible they were merely letting you know it happens to be a common thing in that sub-genre so it probably wouldn't be worth your time exploring it more.
The bold part is your answer, the rest of the sentence is merely an assumption on your part. Understanding the reason something is the way it is isn't the same thing as supporting the way it is.

A good example is racing coverage, I don't like that more often than not I have to either pay for a subscription or put up with commercials/ads (and sometimes both), but I understand why it's the case.
But the thing is I'm more than likely going to understand why it's there. A complaint about something isn't the same as no understanding.

You talk about the assumptions made with my statement which fair enough, However hearing a criticism as they don't understand and thinking you need to explain why is also an assumption. And while this is an assumption on my point but it feels like the criticism just goes over their head when they immediately go to explaining the why.
But the thing is I'm more than likely going to understand why it's there. A complaint about something isn't the same as no understanding.

You talk about the assumptions made with my statement which fair enough, However hearing a criticism as they don't understand and thinking you need to explain why is also an assumption. And while this is an assumption on my point but it feels like the criticism just goes over their head when they immediately go to explaining the why.
The problem is, especially when it comes to something subjective, is your response options are rather limited if you don't share that same view but don't exactly disagree either. I guess they could just respond with “k” but that feels like they’re just brushing off the criticism and isn’t exactly conductive to a conversation either.
I'm seriously pissed-off when I'm even implied to be labeled as Autistic. My parents tell me I'm "more normal than not," and they also told me that if I were ugly, they'd tell me. They call me out on a lot of stuff, so they don't coddle me at all. As of the most recent iteration of the DSM, there are three levels of Autism, replacing ASD and Asperger's. From least "severe" to most, it goes 1, 2, and 3. I'd personally describe myself as a 0.5, if it was a valid diagnosis.

To cut to the chase, I do not personally identify as Autistic, even though I'm technically on the spectrum. It's just that I'm just barely on it, blurring the line between NTs (i.e. most people) and those with ASD. I suppose it's a bit like how I've never had sexual thoughts involving men, but I feel like I can appreciate the physique of a man, such as in the arts.
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When you get knee deep into a good song and then someone changes the station.
Given my displeasure for people constantly changing radio stations I posted about earlier, it’s no surprise I have a problem with this too. I was in town a few weeks ago and was enjoying a good song I rarely hear anymore and when it got to the last 30 seconds, which happens to be really good, my dad turns it to another station! :mad: Not going to lie, it triggered me a lot more than it probably should have. It don’t help he had already been getting under my skin all day that day and just when I thought I was on the verge of calming down, he does this. :rolleyes: It’s made even worse considering the station he turned it to was playing a song by an artist (namely Luke Combs) who I hear multiple times every hour and have grown tired of hearing as a result.

Of course it don’t stop there. Just yesterday we went out to town again, the same song comes on and unsurprisingly, he does it again at roughly the same place he did before! For peats sake, the song had been playing for 3 minutes already, if you didn’t care for it, why didn’t you turn it sooner?! :banghead: If you’re going to turn it to something else, either do it when it’s barely begun or don’t do it at all. (I prefer the latter) Don’t let me get knee deep into it if you’re just going to turn it later! :grumpy:

Fortunately, it’s not a frequent occurrence, but it still bugs me if it happens at all.
So in a strange case of deja vu, just yesterday we were once again coming back from the same place I mentioned in this post, and that exact same song comes on yet again. Given what had happened the last 2 times it came on, as soon as it started, I anticipated my father's move before he could even make it and told him "Don't turn it dad!" and about 2 seconds later, he did, and said "Too late!" in a sarcastic tone. Then he quickly turned it back and thankfully, he never messed with it again that night.

Not even mad about this one, I just find it interesting and a bit strange how history nearly repeated itself a 3rd time here. :P
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So in a strange case of deja vu, just yesterday we were once again coming back from the same place I mentioned in this post, and that exact same song comes on yet again. Given what had happened the last 2 times it came on, as soon as it started, I anticipated my father's move before he could even make it and told him "Don't turn it dad!" and about 2 seconds later, he did, and said "Too late!" in a sarcastic tone. Then he quickly turned it back and thankfully, he never messed with it again that night.

Not even mad about this one, I just find it interesting and a bit strange how history nearly repeated itself a 3rd time here. :P
Don't freak out, but I think you might be in the Twilight Zone.
People who backpedal on something they said with the excuse of "I'm just messing with you," or "It's just a joke." Especially these days when people openly want to get reactions out of people by bringing up something to get to their emotions. I have a co-worker who I can't help but seems to look down on me and my position in the workplace, but today he said I should be the one doing cleanup because it's my job and not his/others in his position. Then after giving him a grumble and explain my reasoning, he backpedals and says "Dude, I'm just messing with you!" Coming from a person who was in a "lower" position with me before getting a promotion, he still treated me like I was less than him and having that as an excuse for why he's telling me what to do, despite not being a manager pisses me off. It's such a garbage excuse to say something to make someone irritated, only to say "I'm just pulling your leg!" and accuse the person who they angered of taking things too seriously.
I am kind of confused with half-birthdays. I get the idea someone is celebrate their birthday today... all to find out the real birthday is six months away. Weird.
Well my parents think I'm dumb sometimes cause I am autistic too, my IQ is 325. Graduated from college in 2015 with a degree in Mathematics. Got mostly A's, B's and a couple C's here and there. But have you guys ever had to deal with narcissists. Most of my family are except my mom and grandpa. They abuse us and put me down saying I'm not good enough and don't ever do anything to help. We are fed up with it and are planning on moving to another state and have a restraining order taken out on them for abusing/slandering us. Also my evil grandma plays psychological mind games on us which is confusion, pisses me off. That's why I joined this site 7 months ago cause of friends/help with GT.
my IQ is 325
non GIF by Cultura
Well my parents think I'm dumb sometimes cause I am autistic too, my IQ is 325. Graduated from college in 2015 with a degree in Mathematics. Got mostly A's, B's and a couple C's here and there. But have you guys ever had to deal with narcissists. Most of my family are except my mom and grandpa. They abuse us and put me down saying I'm not good enough and don't ever do anything to help. We are fed up with it and are planning on moving to another state and have a restraining order taken out on them for abusing/slandering us. Also my evil grandma plays psychological mind games on us which is confusion, pisses me off. That's why I joined this site 7 months ago cause of friends/help with GT.

Something that annoys me is more often than none i have to go back and edit my post cause of misspelling a word and yes it happens alot.

I may have to edit this post
Proofread. Or do like I do and...don't.

Oops, well I'm not worried about it, but you all should get the point I was trying to make. This forum is confusing actually so young people that visit may not know what it means. I wish I could move to another country away from my crazy family. Like Canada or Europe!
One thing that annoys me: not being able to call a car by its name. Constantly being put in place and called dumb because it isn’t correct.

I rarely get mad but so help me go I got pretty steaming inside by this particular instance. Some here will know what I’m talking about.
Skyrocket: typically used as an attention-getting device

1) What's the official percentage change for the use of "skyrocket"? You'd figure there would be more precision with using an analogy that requires so much accuracy, but people throw the term around for 8% changes or 500% jumps, which is too broad of a spectrum.

2) Also, all rockets are "sky"rockets. Duh.
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Skyrocket: typically used as an attention-getting device

1) What's the official percentage change for the use of "skyrocket"? You'd figure there would be more precision with using an analogy that requires so much accuracy, but people throw the term around for 8% changes or 500% jumps, which is too broad of a spectrum.

2) Also, all rockets are "sky"rockets. Duh.
To make lite of your complaint - to put something in ones “sky” is to pocket it in old timey London slang. Sky rocket - pocket.

“I got a bag in my sky, let’s ‘ave a few Nelsons and a Patsy before an Andy.”
One thing that annoys me: not being able to call a car by its name. Constantly being put in place and called dumb because it isn’t correct.

I rarely get mad but so help me go I got pretty steaming inside by this particular instance. Some here will know what I’m talking about.

Even at car dealerships, at least 10% could not remember the model of the car they drove: "it's the white one."

Stupid but evergreen joke we always played at Lexus; when asked to bring up or check on a car and you didn't bother to look up enough information on it: "Oh, it's the Lexus."
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Crossover cars:

I'm starting to understand the basic purpose of crossovers now, probably - just a hatchback or estate car that's been raised a bit to allow for easier ingress and egress for people who just want to get in a car and go, but it's all the other pretentious tosh that comes with them that really ruins my day. Why do examples such as the Nissan Juke have to be so bloody unsightly? Why does the de-featured Yaris that is the Aygo X have to have all that stupid furniture all over it despite the fact that you could put those wheels on a bicycle and get instantly stuck in a dry field after a hasty picnic? Why does everything have to have a crossover version? We've got a Fiesta, the Ecosport isn't even remotely necessary. In the UK, fuel's worth its weight in gold, but there's a colossal collection of them all over the roads despite their fuel economy penalty.

Storage space and legroom don't benefit and they ruin car parks for people with normal cars. Plus, their popularity is steadily making a mess of the selection of new cars for the rest of us. Popularity and easy access aside, is there anything that does excuse the existence of the current crop of garbage?
Those top [insert random number here] channels on Youtube that make videos on subjects they know nothing about.
This one isn't all that surprising or confusing, but it is pretty annoying sometimes. I find these types of videos annoying simply because you can tell they didn't do much research, they don't fully understand what they're talking about, and end up spreading misinformation that people who don't know better actually believe.

I am sure theirs a lot of examples I could name, but some of the most infamous examples I have seen are people who did videos on Nerf and literally proceeded to take what Hasbro advertises on their boxes as fact. Even going as far as saying things that weren't even mentioned on them. Okay, I've been in the Nerf hobby for a LONG time now and I can tell you for a fact Hasbro is no stranger to making claims their products don't exactly live up to. If you spent less than a minute with some of the things they mentioned in these videos, you'll realize it very quickly.

It's not too confusing to me why they do this because a lot of these channels want the same thing, views, and ad revenue. However, I don't really understand how they can become so obsessed with this they don't mind spreading misinformation and damaging their credibility along the way as long as they're making money off of it. It's a terrible habit that really needs to stop. I am not against people trying new things and I don't expect everyone to know everything about something like Nerf because it's not everyone's thing. However if you're going to do a video giving information about it, at least do some research, try to be informed and make sure you know what you're saying is fact and if you can't, pick something you can. Fortunately, I've learned to stay away from this type of content so I don't give them any more views, but sadly, not everyone knows better.
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As a cleaner at TAFE. The most annoying thing (aside from cleaning Gum, nothing worse than that but at least I kind of get that and it's more on me hating/fearing Gum), When teachers or students put Paper Binders in the trash bins.

It makes taking out the bins take triple the time it normally would. They make the bin bags heavy, if there is too much of them they can easily rip the trash bag so you need multiple bin bags for 2 each of these paper binders.

Don't even know why you would throw them in the trash and not just either keep them for later or hand them down to someone else. They're durable enough.
Having to needlessly answer the same questions over and over again.
So I talked about this a while back and theirs more I want to say on this. Not only is there yet another instance of this I could name, but there is also one I was originally going to mention, but didn’t and I’ve been wanting to speak about it lately.
1. At college, some people in my program like to stand outside the door in the morning before class starts. Well, my dad at one point kept asking me why they stand out there. So I told him why, but then he kept forgetting and would ask me time and time again after I had already told him what it was. I was starting to get annoyed about it. Eventually, I got aggravated at him for asking so many times and told him one last time. Thankfully he hasn’t asked since, but I really don’t get why I had to say it so many times before it sank in.

2. Something I wanted to mention earlier but didn’t because I thought was being way too sensitive, was people asking about my height a lot. I am a tall dude, 6' 3" to be exact, and people just love to ask me how tall I am and while this doesn’t seem too annoying, what is annoying is I would tell them, but far too often the same person would ask the question again weeks, if not days later. My uncle is the most notorious for this because he somehow thinks I am still growing and getting taller when in reality, I’m not. Despite answering the question many times over the years, he and a few other people in my family still don’t seem to get the idea. I would’ve thought with them being family, they would be the first to know, especially given how often they ask, but they instead are the most annoying about it.

Like, I am 28 for peat's sake, I haven’t grown an inch in over a decade and I am convinced I am probably not going to! So chances are when you ask me again, it’ll be the same as the last time you did, and the times you asked before that. I can understand if you haven’t seen me forever and/or never asked before, but having to tell the same people what my height is over and over again not too long later is annoying and something I have gotten pretty tired of. Although I do keep my cool when someone does ask, I am slowly getting to the point where I don’t like to be asked about it at all anymore simply because I have had to answer it so many times over the years. Maybe I am being a little too sensitive, but when you have to keep answering the same question over and over again, it eventually gets old after a while, especially when it's not very important and this one has been slowly working on my nerves for years now.
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So I talked about this a while back and theirs more I want to say on this. Not only is there yet another instance of this I could name, but there is also one I was originally going to mention, but didn’t and I’ve been wanting to speak about it lately.
I'm a caregiver for my mom who suffers from dimentia, so I reserve ALL of my patience for her and answering the same questions over and over all day long. Because of this, I often snap at others over repeating small things even if it's just once.

One that was really smashing my hate buttons was last month. I was suffering from some extreme cyatic pain and was all but crippled for about four weeks. Everytime I would try to walk anywhere in the house I would be bent forward and groaning, and EVERYTIME my sister would ask "What is WRONG with you?"

Oh, really? You want to know? I'm sure it's not the spinal pain that's been tormenting me, the answer I've given everytime you've asked before. No, I'm sure it's something else this time.