This game does everything in its power to demotivate me to play it

  • Thread starter Alex p.
I mean, the grinding was very bad as is, but with the recent update, not even the Tomahawk race works anymore. With the best grinding method NOW you're only at 50% of what you could grind with the Tomahawk. Yikes.
THEN there's the FFB "update". Seriously: I thought yesterday that my wheel is broken. I was about to contact Fanatec. It is that bad.

So considering all I do in this game is hotlapping, and grinding, which I need to buy all cars, to be able to hot lap them all, both of these recent "updates" COMPLETELY destroyed the game for me, and took ALL joy and fun away from it. I am literally at a point, where I want to give up on this game entirely, although it is literally the ONLY game I play. So yeah, just a lot of disappointment, anger, frustration and resignation on my side.

How do you feel about all this?
Just wait until you see the "stealth" Hagerty's price increases. With just over half the Hagerty's cars fully accounted for, that's just under 6.5 million Cr.

Edit - Make it just over 2/3rds of the Hagerty's cars fully-accounted for, and a just under 6.4 million Cr. increase.

Edit 2 - With just the 12 Hagerty's cars for which potential new prices cannot be estimated, the increase is just under 8.4 million Cr.
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I really enjoy threads like this as it makes me feel like I am not the only one that PD hates ;-)

First up, I have the platinum for GT5/6/S and this piece of garbage. I should add, I did the platinum twice for GT5/6/S once on each account (I got bored).

I ground the hell out of the Tomahawk and had up to 62mil credits at one stage (down to 31mil now). I found it actually enjoyable to do as the challenge was to see if I could beat my best time (total race and lap) which involved not getting the mandatory (sic) penalties ;-) It also taught me a lot about the AI's intrinsic Kamikaze tactics.

I bought this game knowing what PD is like and how they would do everything in their power to make this the worst experience possible. They have pretty well achieved that with flying colours ;-)

My intention has always been to treat this game with disdain and to be as ruthless as what I can to beat PD at their own game (excuse the pun).

Now, be honest, how many of you actually enjoy "chasing the rabbit" races navigating all the mobile chicanes trying to ruin your race? Or doing a pit stop, entering in perfectly dry condition only to re-enter the track in a downpour and aquaplane off the track on slicks? Or trying to tune a car only to find out that because you changed the Toe-In you now have to lose 5HP!! At least now GBox ratios don't count anymore! Haha :-) I won't even mention the cheating, ramming, corner cutting, brake checking AI!

You guys can moan all you like and complain until the cows come home but PD will never change as long as everyone keeps buying their games. Just look at it from Kaz's point of view, he is a multi-millionaire (in US Dollars) and people by the millions run over each other to buy each iteration of the garbage he turns out. So WHY would he change?

Same as for here, this forum is so successful because of the huge numbers of people complaining and wanting to learn how to scam the game.

So my advice is, play the game (single player that is) however you want and do whatever makes you get enjoyment from it and realise full well that you have been conned into buying this. If playing it makes you unhappy, then don't play it. If you get a kick (like I do) out of beating it with it's cheating ways then good on you too ;-) And don't forget, keep complaining here and sharing how to scam the game as it really makes me feel a whole lot better :-)

My $0.02 worth
Yeah this is what my mindset is but somehow they managed to get it worse than my already low expectations lol
What a read this thread was.
I am baffled to see how people still defend PD and seem to think that GT7 a masterpiece.
Honestly - anyone who is annoyed about the Tomahawk glitch being patched out, you knew it was a glitch and you knew this was coming.

Personally I enjoyed this game when it was released. I started the grind on fisherman's ranch before they nerfed the payouts and then I decided I couldn't grind anymore - My credits went up so slowly that I just couldn't enjoy it anymore - So I do 100% get the frustration of the Tomahawk nerf.

Because of the nerf a couple of months ago, I took more notice of the people talking about afk scripts and decided to have a look and give it a go. It was surprisingly easy to set up and effective. Doing this saved GT7 for me, without it, I would have turned Gt7 off for about 6 months before giving it another go. I now own all of the cars except 2, just waiting on them to return to the LCD. I can now enjoy playing the game a little bit more as I don't feel the need to smash out one track for hours and hours to gain credits. If want to play Gt7, I can play it and enjoy it.

Well... kind of enjoy it... The main fun left in this game is to play custom lobbies with mates but somehow 3 months after release, you still have to disband the lobby to change the track. Wow.

I enjoy the little updates where there are new cars to play with and some new single player content. The problem is that there still just isn't enough content to call this a proper Gt game. I'm still waiting for some engine swaps to come my way so I can try these out too.
This game is still incomplete and only seems to get more broken with each update. PD are liars and it really looks like this game has only been created to be a cash grab for Sony / PD.

It's not made with players in mind and obviously the players aren't very accepting of this. The sad thing is, Pd could devote the next month of their time in making this a great game but they just don't want to.
What a read this thread was.
I am baffled to see how people still defend PD and seem to think that GT7 a masterpiece.
Honestly - anyone who is annoyed about the Tomahawk glitch being patched out, you knew it was a glitch and you knew this was coming.

Personally I enjoyed this game when it was released. I started the grind on fisherman's ranch before they nerfed the payouts and then I decided I couldn't grind anymore - My credits went up so slowly that I just couldn't enjoy it anymore - So I do 100% get the frustration of the Tomahawk nerf.

Because of the nerf a couple of months ago, I took more notice of the people talking about afk scripts and decided to have a look and give it a go. It was surprisingly easy to set up and effective. Doing this saved GT7 for me, without it, I would have turned Gt7 off for about 6 months before giving it another go. I now own all of the cars except 2, just waiting on them to return to the LCD. I can now enjoy playing the game a little bit more as I don't feel the need to smash out one track for hours and hours to gain credits. If want to play Gt7, I can play it and enjoy it.

Well... kind of enjoy it... The main fun left in this game is to play custom lobbies with mates but somehow 3 months after release, you still have to disband the lobby to change the track. Wow.

I enjoy the little updates where there are new cars to play with and some new single player content. The problem is that there still just isn't enough content to call this a proper Gt game. I'm still waiting for some engine swaps to come my way so I can try these out too.
This game is still incomplete and only seems to get more broken with each update. PD are liars and it really looks like this game has only been created to be a cash grab for Sony / PD.

It's not made with players in mind and obviously the players aren't very accepting of this. The sad thing is, Pd could devote the next month of their time in making this a great game but they just don't want to.

Honestly can't be stated enough how useful the script has been.

I know it's not for everyone, which is cool, some prefer to feel like they're earning the cars, otherwise become almost worthless, but for me, its lesser of 2 evils.

If anyone's p1ssed off having to grind same 3 pr 4 top paying races to earn substantial credits, I'd strongly recommend getting the script setup.

As you say, you can then enjoy custom races, online,, whatever, without concern about earning enough credits and missing out on cars you want.
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Anyone have a link to the script you guys speak of?

Try this mate.

May have been slight updates to it since but this will get you going

Google psn profiles gt7 afk script for longer in depth thread. Gets super technical at points, but I just ran it out the box, so to speak.
It's game design choice ...

Positive feedback: You did something good, the game make you feel good. Start from 0 and accumulate score afterwards. Drift score, Near miss / great driving, drifting, clean section to earn kudos in Project Gotham Racing. (If I remembers correctly PGR2 is released in the same time frame at GT4).

Negative feedback: You did something bad, the game make you feel bad. Bumping/shortcut penalties. Start from full score (i.e. your normal lap time) and decrease from it.

Then why GT7 choose negative feedback? I would guess that this is the only feasible way to work on online competitions, and their objective is to make 99% players that play offline to become 1% that regularly play online (the percentage is now on trophy list, and remember that 1% also includes those who only want to complete platinum trophy and not playing online afterwards), so they want to make regulation/format of single player games same as online events, not making offline events "fun" in the sense of single player environment. This is essentially GT Sport 1.7.

And like from my another post said, when thinking of why many players going online like to dive bomb or push opponents from inside on curves, that's because their AI in single player game utilizing distorted physics (super heavy, glued to the ground) are rewarding players taking advantage from it. The simulation makes player think that "oh if I push them I can go through curve faster, AND THEY WON'T AFFECT BY ME!". You can't make part of simulation unreal and think players would simply ignore that part from learning.
I bought a ps4 and a SIM rig for this game. Like you, I feel like they are working hard to drive me AWAY from it.

Terrible reward system for game play
Cant sell cars
Roulette Tickets just piss u off
****ing HORRIBLE lobbies (GTS is way better)
Screen Freezes
They killed Kudos (cant have something you enjoy!)
And I can go on and on.
Yep. Exactly. They do everything to MINIMIZE your pay out, thus MAXIMIZE your play time to absurd hights.
I like Grid legends more - but just for the visuals. It looks better during the races.
As I dont care about scapes, I wont compare no say anything about how Gran Photurismo 1 looks like.

Went to do a few races haven't won yet, Willow Springs World Rally Challenge for a 65k pay-out I buy some racing soft tyres for 38.5k then spend 18.8k for a turbo to make 8k a race with a 450k car. Economy is busted on this game, grinding the tomahawk on Tokyo was boring as guano (after bout 8mill i haven't done the race again). Is a few races i like doing in detuned lemans cars that pay good plenty off cars to choose from for about 1.5mill a hour but the other races need some better pay-outs sport mode needs fixing (low pay-outs broken penalty system). Why not make some daily races with the expensive LCD cars instead off the crappy cars that are in daily races so atleast i feel like my hard earned credits were worth spending on a 10mill plus car.
I like Grid legends more - but just for the visuals. It looks better during the races.
As I dont care about scapes, I wont compare no say anything about how Gran Photurismo 1 looks like.

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Where did Grid get those trees from? GT can look sterile, but race tracks are sterile. I don't like all the frippary that Grid puts in.

I played GT7 every day since it came out. Every day. There was plenty to do in single player, and the. The updates brought extra missions like the Human Comedy, which was truly challenging. But after only one payout each I waited patiently to see what the 1.15 update would bring.

I don’t know if there’s such a thing as an “overwhelming meh,” but that’s how I feel. New missions? Cool! Maybe they’ll be as hard as the Human Comedy challenges! Oh wait, they require expensive cars that I can’t afford. I was limited to one or two cars based on what I accidentally got before. And I still beat them all in a couple hours. New cars? I can’t afford them anyway.

I guess I’ll go back and work on the other missions that I skipped. Oh wait, they’re all drift and cone challenges. Why the hell are there drift and cone challenges?! This isn’t “The Real Fast n Furious Sim” is it? Why do I want to spend all that time drifting, especially since they make it impossible with an actual steering wheel?! Absolutely worthless to me.

Better payouts on the custom races? Really? Maybe a few credits more, but not worth it. They aren’t fun anyway. They have all the charm of a grind with none of the payout.

I’ve never played a racing game before (not since Super Nintendo at least) so I’m not sure what I was expecting. But this isn’t it. Collecting cars? Sounded fun to me. Only to discover, to what end? There are no races for them. More importantly, tuning cars? Again, sounds like awesome fun! But I t’s so glitchy that it’s useless, and then they BoP the online races anyway so they can’t even be used there. There’s no fun in tuning a car that can’t be used in an actual race. And custom races and lobbies won’t pay for tuning anyway even if I decided to go that route. I spend more on fewer cars which can only be used in fewer races which result in fewer credits.

I’ve tried online racing, but it’s just not fun for me. I was hoping for genuine sportsmanship and learning experiences and have found it the exact opposite for my skill level. I don’t feel like specializing enough to become a higher rated racer to get into better lobbies. It just looks like another hopeless (and pointless) grind for me that I can’t succeed at anyway. I’ll never win an online race, so my rating will never go up, so I’ll only be stuck in the worst races anyway.

I’ve avoided ranting about this until the new update came out. Suddenly I’ve done something that I haven’t done since the game came out: I didn’t play at all for two days. I missed zero days in three months. Now I’ve missed 2 days in the past 4. That pretty much sums up “overwhelming meh” for me.

Rant over. And please don’t respond to say I’m wrongbadfunning the game. I know what I like, I know what I don’t like so far, and I’m just . . . disappointed.
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Where did Grid get those trees from? GT can look sterile, but race tracks are sterile. I don't like all the frippary that Grid puts in.

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"Sim"...if you go a race track with your street car, good luck seeing anyone in the stands. Maybe a buddy or two will be out there, but likely not.

I will say though, if the weather can be dynamic, why not the crowds? As the importance of the races increase, say from street cars, to GR4, Gr3, Gr2, Gr1, the audience should be more dense.

I don’t know if there’s such a thing as an “overwhelming meh,” but that’s how I feel. New missions? Cool! Maybe they’ll be as hard as the Human Comedy challenges! Oh wait, they require expensive cars that I can’t afford. I was limited to one or two cars based on what I accidentally got before. And I still beat them all in a couple hours. New cars? I can’t afford them anyway.
This! 10000000000000000% This
I guess I’ll go back and work on the other missions that I skipped. Oh wait, they’re all drift and cone challenges. Why the hell are there drift and cone challenges?! This isn’t “The Real Fast n Furious Sim” is it? Why do I want to spend all that time drifting, especially since they make it impossible with an actual steering wheel?! Absolutely worthless to me.
Can I 10X my above reply? Yes, yes.
Better payouts on the custom races? Really? Maybe a few credits more, but not worth it. They aren’t fun anyway. They have all the charm of a grind with none of the payout.
I’ve never played a racing game before (not since Super Nintendo at least) so I’m not sure what I was expecting. But this isn’t it. Collecting cars? Sounded fun to me. Only to discover, to what end? There are no races for them. More importantly, tuning cars? Again, sounds like awesome fun! But I t’s so glitchy that it’s useless, and then they BoP the online races anyway so they can’t even be used there. There’s no fun in tuning a car that can’t be used in an actual race. And custom races and lobbies won’t pay for tuning anyway even if I decided to go that route. I spend more on fewer cars which can only be used in fewer races which result in fewer credits.
Thank you. I thought I was alone. I make a cool Widebody, but Widebody changes the PP and so, I can't use the car online. I just get to look at it....alone....pointless.
I’ve tried online racing, but it’s just not fun for me. I was hoping for genuine sportsmanship and learning experiences and have found it the exact opposite for my skill level. I don’t feel like specializing enough to become a higher rated racer to get into better lobbies. It just looks like another hopeless (and pointless) grind for me that I can’t succeed at anyway. I’ll never win an online race, so my rating will never go up, so I’ll only be stuck in the worst races anyway.
Yes, and there are SUPER SUPER SUPER easy fixes, such as ghosting any car that has anything less that SR S. Reinforce the importance of an SR S by putting SR A and lower at the back of the grid behind the lowest SR S, regardless of lap time.
I’ve avoided ranting about this until the new update came out. Suddenly I’ve done something that I haven’t done since the game came out: I didn’t play at all for two days. I missed zero days in three months. Now I’ve missed 2 days in the past 4. That pretty much sums up “overwhelming meh” for me.

Rant over. And please don’t respond to say I’m wrongbadfunning the game. I know what I like, I know what I don’t like so far, and I’m just . . . disappointed.
I believe this is the experience of the "overwhelming majority" that supposedly bought this game for it's single player, rather than the "minority" that wants online.

I did the same. In fact, the reason I am on this forum so much is because this is more entertaining than GT7. In fact, here I am. I am free to go play, but I am here.

Sport Mode - Low payouts and no real action against over aggressive play. Apparently, their right to play trumps my right to play fair.

Custom Race - OMG, PUH-LEASE!! Set it 1 lap, or 24 hours, it's the same race spread over the span of time you set. Boring, pointless, experience.

Single Player "career" - In my (formerly) professional opinion, this is the lowest effort single player that can be achieved short of not having one. I have said it before, it OFFENDS me. It is an abomination and an affront to all the hard working game devs in the world who pour their heart into their work. I know it could be made better in a matter of months, and yet, it makes me angry that it NEEEEDS to be made better since whomever does single player has had years to work on this. Is this just a side task for someone else?? It's atrocious.

Lobbies - Well....I haven't seen a friend in a lobby in weeks. Most races have 1 AFK host. If you do get in, the host crashes and you get kicked. It's the worst experience since the dawn of lobbies in '08.
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I will say though, if the weather can be dynamic, why not the crowds? As the importance of the races increase, say from street cars, to GR4, Gr3, Gr2, Gr1, the audience should be more dense.
I really like this idea. Although if I were to personally include it I wouldn't go by just the series type itself, but rather the series popularity and the popularity of the track. Naturally grass roots "street cars" race at Willow Springs would probably have lower amounts of spectators than say a Gr.1 endurance race at Le Mans would. But even within the same series, if a Gr.1 race was to be done on Willow Springs I could see less spectators than the aforementioned Le Mans race. Now THAT would be a cool 'feature' to make race tracks feel more lively and realistic.
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I will say though, if the weather can be dynamic, why not the crowds? As the importance of the races increase, say from street cars, to GR4, Gr3, Gr2, Gr1, the audience should be more dense.
Just as a sidenote here: GT7 has "dynamic" audience.
Most of the very few people on the track are boring ever repeaint 3d models in a pose I wouldnt want to stay in for more than 5 minutes. But some of them are 2d and aligning to the camera point of view to imitate watching your car. But that is all.
Where did Grid get those trees from?
Very likely the same map data as the whole lot of F1 games. Maybe some old data from before the kart track was setup at the spot where the trees are missing.
Just as a sidenote here: GT7 has "dynamic" audience.
Most of the very few people on the track are boring ever repeaint 3d models in a pose I wouldnt want to stay in for more than 5 minutes. But some of them are 2d and aligning to the camera point of view to imitate watching your car. But that is all.
Not dynamic as in animated, dynamic as in attendance.

Stock cars on track - No audience

GR1 on Track - Full stands and berms
I think what I find frustrating about this game is that underneath every controversy, this is a great game. I personally love the weather effects and races what have changing conditions. I like how (most) of the cars handle. Group C cars have crazy downforce, 1960s roadsters require finesse to push without oversteering. It's just intentional design choices leave the game underwhelming. Why do some tracks have only 1 race? Every (full length) circuit should have an endurance race. Instead there are only 4 in the whole game (which were only added after backlash). If it weren't for those races, most cars would be out of reach. I would like to see more championships built around different themes (Super GT, Group C) or make the existing ones longer. The only care from the LCD that I want at this point in the Ferrari 330/P4 to get the achievement. Not that I want other cars, but it's just not worth the time investment.
Which leads to PD's intent to have people buy credits, which is wholly expensive and cost prohibitive.

I know I'm beating a dead horse, but literally everything wrong with this game could be fixed if the intention was to make a great game.
I've just flicked through this thread. There are similar sentiments on reddit/other forums, it seems that there are a lot of unhappy people. I'm at a very early stage in the game as I've only had it a week or two, I'm still doing the menu books... and... everything feels OK to me!?!. Its like GT4 with GTSport graphics.

Does it get suddenly worse after the menu books are completed and you end up needing LMP cars, which cost millions, for events? Am I yet to hit the ragewall/paywall of needing microtransactions or ridiculous grind?

The comments I read about GT7 are almost a carbon copy of RDR2 online, there were/are serious criticisms of the economy in that game too.

Wikipedia has sales figures for GT franchise games, looks like GT6 came in very light at 5.2 million vs GT4 and 5 being ~ 11 mil. GTSport was 8 mil, so the last two GT games look to have sold lighter than expected. I wonder if microtransactions are just a modern, now standard, evil, or if PD are trying to claw back development costs. Trouble is, success builds success, and also the opposite applies. So if you lose money on a title and resort to microtransaction cash-cow tactics in the next game, you risk alienating your user base which then puts you in a worse position... it ends up like a debt spiral.

Personally if a GT game takes me a couple of years to "complete", I don't really mind as long as its interesting along the way. Its probably going to be at least 4 years before GT8 so I wouldn't want to rip through GT7 in a month or two. But if there's a lack of races or only one META to grind then I understand that'd be frustrating.

I wonder what I'll feel like in a few weeks when I've finished the menus...
Does it get suddenly worse after the menu books are completed and you end up needing LMP cars, which cost millions, for events? Am I yet to hit the ragewall/paywall of needing microtransactions or ridiculous grind?
The problem is really that it doesn't change after the menu books. Once you're done with them, you're done with the majority of the game.
you're done with the majority of the game
done with the game telling you what you should do next. I wouldnt say this is the majority. You barely touch all missions and tracks, but the game (as a racing game) doesnt morph into the next stage because it still is a racing game anyhow you look at it.
I've just flicked through this thread. There are similar sentiments on reddit/other forums, it seems that there are a lot of unhappy people.

That would be because this is a public forum. People come to public forums to raise issues. It's not reflective of the entire playerbase, as a lot of players are either content and happy with the game and so have no reason to raise issue, aren't bothered enough to raise issue or don't know about forums such as this.

Online forums, by their nature, will always have a larger percentage of people raising complaint and a smaller percentage trying to speak to the positives.

When the founders of the internet envisioned it becoming a global, publicly accessible thing, they thought we'd all connect and be happy, spreading joy etc. Instead, people got together on forums like this and had a good ol' whinge about everything.
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First off, I personally didn't expect anything in particular from GT7, primarily because of Kazs/PDs history of constant dishonesty with the GT fanbase, nor did I ever claim that I was expecting such things to reappear in the game. Regardless, it doesn't absolve them from receiving criticism for their decisions and said dishonesty.
I probably should have worded that better and said ''people '' in more general terms. I actually didn't mean to refer to you personally.
Secondly, PD is the one who made the claims that GT7 was the "pinnacle of the series" and "the most complete GT game to date." That's a mighty big claim to make considering how much area GT has covered as a franchise. Kaz/PD/Sony should've known that such a claim would, very understandably, create certain expectations from customers, given the history of the franchise (and, let's be honest, they more than likely knew this beforehand). These claims were made in order to entice the public to spend money on their product, and when it became clear that PDs initial claim were basically a lie (alongside the various other aspects of the game that were never touched on or clarified before release), then people are justifiably going to feel like they didn't get what was promised to them.

You keep missing Kaz's qualifier, ''We think of this as''... and it was ''the pinnacle of the GT journey'', not the series.;)

I also never stated anything as fact, as I'm sure you're aware, but only posed a question about the interpretation of that one statement that opens with a qualifier and attempted at showing an alternate take.

As has been previously mentioned ''We think this is the most complete game to date'' is a very open to interpretation statement, and judging by your earlier statement you seemed to take exactly how I did, with extreme caution.

It also seems that it was more about the whole car culture/love of cars GT experience than just outright content (which I agree with most on being pretty light on) from what Kaz says before and after those statements. If you cherry pick them out on their own though I can see how it could sound different.

You're trying to make it seem like people got their hopes up foolishly, but it was PD who planted the seeds for those hopes to begin with. As such, there is some onus that very much rests on their shoulders.

Again, PD were the ones who made the claim. That "simple sentence" carried a lot of weight behind it (especially considering how much the series has fallen off over the past decade), and to pretend otherwise is being dishonest.
PD didn't plant any seed that B-Spec and course maker should be expected to be likely inclusions (as had been suggested to me) in that State of Play video. Why anyone would expect them after watching that video (or at release) is beyond me, and this is what I was basing that remark on. Nothing dishonest out it.

Don't get me wrong here, there's a whole lot wrong with this game, woeful credit pay-outs and locking engine swaps behind the stupid ticket system being my two most hated at the moment, but people just need to not take marketing so seriously and do their own research. It was all out there to see before release, well except for the toxic micro-transactions.

TLDR; If you buy in to marketing spiel then that's on you (not you in particular @NotThePrez)... and have I got the bridge for you!!
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I would say that if you don't care about collecting every car from hagerty asap when it is available and you want to play sport mode most of the time then game is ok. I am not happy because it takes a lot of time after nerf to Tomahawk because now I have to spend 100% more time to farm same amount of credits and I am into collecting every car from hagerty. I would be more into sport mode but rewards there are awful.

If you want to play in lobby then game is awful.

Before I finished CE, missions and licenses I would do randomly one of those and then farm for hagerty cars with Tomahawk(farm with tomahawk is boring as hell but it saves the time, I would prefer that every race had at least 3.000.000 of payout per hour and I would be very happy because it would be fun to have diversity in farming and use for the cars which I bought). It would be even more fun if AI wasn't so dumb and was actually RACING.

Few days ago I finished all CE, missions and licenses (and today I finished all races from world circuits) so the only thing I am doing is "racing" vs AI in Tokyo with tuned by praiano63 Honda Nsx 17 and Nissan GT-R 17 (27-28 minutes per race)

I would be more than happy to "race" in other tracks with better payout. I would be more than happy to switch completely to sport mode if there would be incentive but there is none. I would start with increasing sport mode payout.
Which (closed circuit) racing games have better visuals than GT7 in your opinion? I don't know of any, at least on console.
GT7 looks great in many ways, though some of the textures of trees/objects just off the track are very low-poly, almost high PS2/low PS3 era texture quality. The buildings in Tokyo are a great example.

That said, I really don't care. Honestly wouldn't care if the cars were the old non-premiums from GT5/6 era as long as the physics engine and handling simulation is of the quality of GT7. I'd trade photo-realistic car graphics for GT3/4/5 content any day.

In that same vein it still baffles me that they haven't remastered the first four GT games and sold them bundled based on the console they were exclusive to: GT1/GT2 and GT3/GT4 bundle. I know there are issues with PS3's architecture that makes those games hard to remaster so we'll definitely never see GT5/6 remastered. Must be something to do with licensing prohibiting it as those are some of Sony's best-selling games. They do remasters with many of their other first-party titles of the PS1/2 era so there must be a good reason why they aren't going after a relatively low-effort/high profit venture. Idk, just thinking out-loud, lol.
I've just flicked through this thread. There are similar sentiments on reddit/other forums, it seems that there are a lot of unhappy people. I'm at a very early stage in the game as I've only had it a week or two, I'm still doing the menu books... and... everything feels OK to me!?!. Its like GT4 with GTSport graphics.

Does it get suddenly worse after the menu books are completed and you end up needing LMP cars, which cost millions, for events? Am I yet to hit the ragewall/paywall of needing microtransactions or ridiculous grind?

The comments I read about GT7 are almost a carbon copy of RDR2 online, there were/are serious criticisms of the economy in that game too.

Wikipedia has sales figures for GT franchise games, looks like GT6 came in very light at 5.2 million vs GT4 and 5 being ~ 11 mil. GTSport was 8 mil, so the last two GT games look to have sold lighter than expected. I wonder if microtransactions are just a modern, now standard, evil, or if PD are trying to claw back development costs. Trouble is, success builds success, and also the opposite applies. So if you lose money on a title and resort to microtransaction cash-cow tactics in the next game, you risk alienating your user base which then puts you in a worse position... it ends up like a debt spiral.

Personally if a GT game takes me a couple of years to "complete", I don't really mind as long as its interesting along the way. Its probably going to be at least 4 years before GT8 so I wouldn't want to rip through GT7 in a month or two. But if there's a lack of races or only one META to grind then I understand that'd be frustrating.

I wonder what I'll feel like in a few weeks when I've finished the menus...
I thought the game was fantastic before I finished the menu books. The problem is that once those books are done, the game is essentially over unless you want to play Sport mode. If you have any desire to get any of the high-end cars, the afk script is the only way you're going to be able to catch-up unless you have the ability to no-life the game and just run WTC 600/700/800 6-8hr a day for a month or two.

You'll know exactly what I'm talking about a day or two after you finish the menu books. Most people I've encountered have had the same experience of hitting a brick-wall around the 40-50hr mark where there is just nothing left to do. In contrast to the old titles where it was 400-500hr where you needed to start making your own fun, but at least by that point you had all of the cars.

If PD wasn't so damned lazy and would add a second trio of "daily races" and a separate online time trial that allows tuning I could see myself getting hooked and playing it for a couple hours every evening. Can't stand BoP racing so as of now Sport mode might as well not even exist as far as I'm concerned. Still don't understand why they'd even bring tuning back if you can't use it in any of the structured content other than against the derpy AI. Just one of the dozens of baffling decisions that make up the core of this release...
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At this rate I treat this game as a simple leisure drive. Every day just boot it up, do the daily workout, hotlap a couple of cars and that's it. It's really a shame because I personally like the driving and tuning/testing, taking pictures but they lack more events that we can happily replay, the implementation of Hagerty to legendary cars just put me off. I mean I get that these cars should be expensive but does it have to be like real life? The rewards are way too low even if people grind. Them pushing mtx is really a turn off for me to do anything else with the game.

For those of you who don't mind it, it's fine really but personally I'm about done with this other than taking "sunday drives" with it.
WOW the amount of whining in this thread is hilarious... what are you guys 13 years old ?
You want to quit playing the game because you now have to spend an extra 10 minutes on winning the Tokyo race with a normal car ?

The game is far from perfect, but to poop on it this hard is ridicilous
Yeah no, you're the one coming here bitching and whining about someone's opinion. No one forces you to come here and whine about people whining.

And there are more problems than that glitch. That's what demotivates people. People spend their money on this game and guess what? People have the right to voice their opinion if they're not happy with it.
You like the game? It's fine. But coming here and calling others name who are not satisfied with the game just makes you more like a child.
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