Update 1.10 Discussion

  • Thread starter GTPorsche
- Theres a glitch where Toscana's preview screen wont load (Track, car, and the race is loading)
-Aston's VGT appear to have a flying hand to steer
-That car is very good at rallying. Quattro pikes peak competitor ;)
Download was 26 minutes and it's at 74% installing from the PS menu--relatively painless--do I have a 3-hour in-game install to look forward to?
It keeps saying around 2000 minutes then eventually failing. 2 different machines in 2 different locations. They always do that this so are there some settings that I might have wrong? Sorry if this is covered somewhere else. Using wireless but will try plugging in a cable. Anything else worth trying?
Not sure whether you guys are aware of this but the Nissan VGT has 'KERS', activated by the assigned nitrous oxide button.
what what what!?! now let me beat my time and not tell my friends :P

ETA: doesn't work in the seasonal :odd:
I wonder how many people will not even figure this out, I probably wouldn't have if it wasn't for :gtplanet:
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Not sure if it's just me since I've seen other people in a Monaco lobby, but my system freezes whenever I try to join a Monaco lobby.
it's not only the Nissan VGT -doesn't work for the seasonal btw- but for all Hybrid cars! (maybe not the Pescarolo as it might be a gas-ethanol hybrid, don't quote me on that though)

Here's a post detailing a few of them. Add to the list the Toyota TS030 and Lexus we both raced in recent seasonals. I think Tesla manufacturer has a bunch of them, too.
(maybe not the Pescarolo as it might be a gas-ethanol hybrid, don't quote me on that though).
because the name entitles "hybrid" doesn't mean it's drivetrain. The Pescarolo was a "hybrid" of old car regulations with new regulation aero. It was the last generation of the single hoop LMP's.

Not sure if someone reported about this, but I've just noticed that in the fuel gauge, there's a little display that instantly shows if you're charging or discharging your battery. Similar to what we've seen in GT5, this can be seen when driving electric cars and hybrids like the new Nissan Concept 2020.
i just said that