Vintage Showdown *VCRC* Round #1- Merc '54 & Subaru '58 - All Welcome!

Yeah I realised I wasn't that good at time zones but me and Ace cleared it all up and will probably race until 10pm BST ^^ Carb haven't answered yet but yeah 8 pm BST should be good. :)
I wouldn't mind racing again, but I guess I've done what I needed to do.

Ah, and yes the strategy for points is revealed. :)
This is part of the fun. :mischievous:

Should you now do a 3rd match though you certainly don't need to because you're getting the most points as you can anyway??
BUT, you might win a streak again, and therefore deprive another driver of points... Which helps you by shorting them...
Unless of course they do 3 races, and equal performance to yours.
Or they could win you and keep their match with you for their score, which might better their score.
But one never knows! Is it worth the risk?



US EDT = subtract 6 hours from CEST
US EDT = subtract 5 hours from BST
London is 5 more hours into the future than New York.
Umm, how much HP do I need to have in the Ghia then?

I don't know, as i don't have a low mile broken in Ghia, maybe 46 or 48 hp or even more ??? I did engine overhaul - 44hp - 265pp with over 45.000 miles on the odo. Barely got into at Rome on my 3rd or 4th lap online lounge.

Still, I'll race anyone, winning or not don't matter for me.
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I sent Carbonox a dud by mistake. :lol: :guilty:
I've sent him a proper one.

Mine has 45hp, and I purchased it with 0 miles from the OCD, did an oil change on it, and I only have less than 150miles on it now I'm sure, so I think 45hp is the highest it's going.

Oh, and I only got down as low as 1:54.x I think at Rome, and I have the 45hp. :(

Rivals are gathering in the VCRC lounge right now for match ups!

Spectators are allowed, just not allowed any type of chat during qualy or racing. 👍
I got the dreaded 768 error while trying to join redshifting lounge ... I think I might not compatible with Carbonox :(

Tire Wear On ;)

Maybe me and Carbonox can try the the lounge hosted by Watermelon or other available player ??

BTW, I am at VCRC now, watching Akmuq and Niko qualify.
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Racer: Ridox2JZGTE / GTP_Orido
Opponent: Phouchg / xNikodemusx
Round # Pre-season
Event # Pre-season
Race #1 Winner: Phouchg / xNikodemusx
Race #2 Winner: Phouchg / xNikodemusx
Race #3 Winner: Phouchg / xNikodemusx
Opponent TE&SI Score: 5

Even though I lost all the race, it was great experience, close racing, and Niko was being modest, so I can keep up:dopey:. Thank you again for the fun 3 races, I managed to get into 1:52.1xx in the last race and finished the last race in under, not bad at all. Respect for Niko:tup:
Racer: Phouchg / xNikodemusx
Opponent: Ridox2JZGTE / GTP_Orido
Round # Pre-season
Event # Pre-season
Race #1 Winner: Phouchg / xNikodemusx
Race #2 Winner: Phouchg / xNikodemusx
Race #3 Winner: Phouchg / xNikodemusx
Opponent TE&SI Score: 5

Thank you for the nice comments orido, don't know what you mean by modest i really did my best all the time. ^^ You probably had the best time even. Just couldn't get it right. :P

Great racing, you were fair and i had to fight hard for the wins thanks!
Didn't have the time to write it before but i actually had another race this evening.

Racer: Phouchg / xNikodemusx
Opponent: Carbonox / Carbonox
Round # Pre-season
Event # Pre-season
Race #1 Winner: Phouchg / xNikodemusx
Race #2 Winner: Phouchg / xNikodemusx
Race #3 Winner: Carbonox / Carbonox
Opponent TE&SI Score: 0... Just kidding! he's a 5er all right, my Finnish little friend. <3
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@Phouchg : Did you manage to get into lap time ? With drafting and broken in car, it should be possible, maybe even I should have saved the replay of all my races :(.
Great racing with niko this evening. Very fun and close.
@Phouchg : Did you manage to get into lap time ? With drafting and broken in car, it should be possible, maybe even I should have saved the replay of all my races :(.

I don't think i managed it when i was racing you but my car was down to 44hp in those races. In later races i was down in the 51:s pretty much though and against ace i even dipped in to the 50:s

Because we know the Swede cannot win EVERY time, not even to beat me every single time. :sly:
(See race #2) ;)

You just had to bring that up didn't you :(

Great racing with niko this evening. Very fun and close.

Great racing! aceboy was soooooo fast, much faster than me, can't believe i actually won two races. In the first race i had 9 tenths going in to the last lap.. then I did my best lap ever with a 1:50.716 but ace actually caught me on that lap because his lap with draft was 1:50.046 :embarrassed::embarrassed::embarrassed::embarrassed::embarrassed: he's a true alien that one. Then he did a lap in the 50:s again when catching me in the last race, I screwed that race when i decided to go side by side in to the chicane at the bottom of the hill. both crashed and I took blame and let him go. :P (it was definitely my fault.. you don't pass there).

Racer: Phouchg / xNikodemusx
Opponent: aceboy127 / aceboy127
Round # Pre-season
Event # Pre-season
Race #1 Winner: Phouchg / xNikodemusx
Race #2 Winner: Phouchg / xNikodemusx
Race #3 Winner: aceboy127 / aceboy127
Opponent TE&SI Score: 5!!
both crashed and I took blame and let him go. :P (it was definitely my fault.. you don't pass there).

I've made a pass nearly everywhere. Front straight, turn 1, 2, 3, back straight, the chicane trick, and the last section. Only place I don't have one is going uphill from the chicane.
I've done that too but it isn't a place where you pass every time. you need some luck and compliance from your competitor. ;)
Having 1 less hp in the Karmann Ghia does hit the performance, I had a hard time to get close on straight while drafting against Phouchg, on the other hand Phouchg could draft me and pass me with less effort.
I did not know that the car lose hp online ... I have mine at 44 hp and even at standing start from pole, Phouchg's car could easily catch up and almost go side by side before reaching the 1st right corner ..

Phouchg, my guess your car might have at least 45hp when we race.
You just had to bring that up didn't you :(

I so rarely crow! I deserve a little tiny moment! :lol:

I screwed that race when i decided to go side by side in to the chicane at the bottom of the hill. both crashed and I took blame and let him go. :P (it was definitely my fault.. you don't pass there).

Yeah, that corridor is tricky as it is. Two wide passing there, with the overtaking car being responsible for doing it cleanly... Very risky if you mess it up on a pass there!

That said, I played chicken into that chicane corridor with both atongo & John in a couple of races. :scared: But they were technically behind me, so I had more "courage" to stay the course side-by-side. :lol:

Phouchg, my guess your car might have at least 45hp when we race.

Is horsepower the only thing a car loses upon so many miles?
I mean is it possible that the car loses torque or something?
I admit, I don't know much about these things.

I do know that at this low a horsepower, I bet 1/4 of a hp is probably relevant loss.
Yeah, that corridor is tricky as it is. Two wide passing there, with the overtaking car being responsible for doing it cleanly... Very risky if you mess it up on a pass there!

That said, I played chicken into that chicane corridor with both atongo & John in a couple of races. :scared: But they were technically behind me, so I had more "courage" to stay the course side-by-side. :lol:

Is horsepower the only thing a car loses upon so many miles?
I mean is it possible that the car loses torque or something?
I admit, I don't know much about these things.

I do know that at this low a horsepower, I bet 1/4 of a hp is probably relevant loss.

Well, as far as I remember I could only reach 80 mph downhill and with draft 81 mph, and 3rd gear acceleration is bad. It felt like forever to go from 50mph to 66 mph.

About the passing maneuver at that downhill chicane, I gave away when Phouchg got very close to me, did not want to risk a collision as I was on the right side.
Having 1 less hp in the Karmann Ghia does hit the performance, I had a hard time to get close on straight while drafting against Phouchg, on the other hand Phouchg could draft me and pass me with less effort.
I did not know that the car lose hp online ... I have mine at 44 hp and even at standing start from pole, Phouchg's car could easily catch up and almost go side by side before reaching the 1st right corner ..

Phouchg, my guess your car might have at least 45hp when we race.

Hm i might have had 45 when i met you but i only had 44hp after the three races. But I don't know about the starts, it seems like you can sometime get a little better and sometimes a little worse starts even if you push the pedal to the metal in all starts. I've passed most of the other guys in the start as well. :P

But if you want to meet someone else with a car down on power you should meet ace, i gave him a car with like 65000 km on the meter.. should have been a bit down on power ^^

Ok then, i'll let you shine, this could be your fifteen minutes of fame. ;) I intimidated Orido in to letting me by in the chicane a couple of times.. Chicken races are great. Carbon and Ace wouldn't give up though.
Hm i might have had 45 when i met you but i only had 44hp after the three races. But I don't know about the starts, it seems like you can sometime get a little better and sometimes a little worse starts even if you push the pedal to the metal in all starts. I've passed most of the other guys in the start as well. :P

But if you want to meet someone else with a car down on power you should meet ace, i gave him a car with like 65000 km on the meter.. should have been a bit down on power ^^

Ok then, i'll let you shine, this could be your fifteen minutes of fame. ;) I intimidated Orido in to letting me by in the chicane a couple of times.. Chicken races are great. Carbon and Ace wouldn't give up though.

I don't know how much is the rate of power loss at high mileage car, I have over 45000 miles = over 72000km. I heard cars in GT5 start to lose power from 6000km. Fluctuation during the starts probably due to network conditions.

I am the kind of driver who avoids collision between cars as much as I can. So I tend to give away if the other driver is too aggressive or too close to me when in tight spot during entry. I don't want to blindly block the other car and cause crashes LOL.

I want to lead a race and pretend the car behind me does not exist, but that would be dangerous, so I have to mind the chasing driver, besides being in a close racing and accident free is great for everyone.
Yeah I know I try to think that way as well, I hope I respected your space most of the time and wasn't too aggressive. I have those moments of aggression when trying to pass in to that chicane for example but for the most time I'm very cautious around other racers. :)

I'm still surprised Ace managed a 1:50.0 with a car that's gone 65000 km.. should be pretty worn down.
He might have stuck so close drafting you the whole lap :lol:

So when online, does the car loses power over distance ? I saw my distance driven stays the same when I look at my car in the garage ...