Wed 20:30-21:30 UK Time - CLOSED - Suspended until further noticePS4 

I did online practice and was alone, so I don't think it was due to less count of players while practicing in @AndreasR lobby. 5 players would left same amount of rubber during first 10 minutes, as I left during 50-60 min. And I alone was more than 3 seconds faster than I was in @AndreasR lobby.
There are a number of reasons that can cause lap times differences, as mentioned previously.

It may be the case that you were more focused and had better pace on Tuesday.

Rubber in track is one of the factors that alter grip and handling. However, it’s isolated effect is not that noticeable. I don’t know how SMS implemented it in terms of how many laps/players you need to start creating a decent rubber layer.

In any case, my point previously was that I don’t particularly notice big differences between sessions, apart from the minor stuff coming from fuel load and temperatures/track conditions.

Others may differ with my view, of course :)
When opening a practice lobby i try to get as near to Sick´s lobby as I can. The date was (more or less) the actual date (27th) but half a year earlier (may instead november) as Sick mentioned some posts ago.

Important to mention is that this car has big problems heating up the tyres. When doing TT you have perfect conditions tyre temperature 80 °C and brake temperature at 400 °C even the tyre pressure is higher than you´ll get them during a race.
Guys, you don't read, what I want to say :) The car feels different in @AndreasR lobby, straight form his lobby we entered @Sick Cylinder lobby and in my very first lap on cold tires I was 2 seconds faster, than in @AndreasR lobby, with hot tires. Car in @Sick Cylinder lobby feels same as it was in my own practice. With hot tires I found 3 more seconds (5 seconds in total), so it can't be different consistency during 25 min of racing in different lobbys.
Nevermind. If others didn't experienced that, I hope it was temporal bug and it will be fixed with patch.

EDIT. One more question - why in @Sick Cylinder lobby I never have virtual back mirror? Every time in qually I must resign mirror to have it in the race, but in all other lobbys I have mirror without any changes.
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I didn't had the pace wednesday to give @IBZ6L20VT a run for his money and made a stupid error which allowed @Napalm_LT and @AndreasR through, was just lucky that @Napalm_LT disconnected and @AndreasR made an error in the last lap.

@Napalm_LT i can confirm i have also issues with it, sometimes it seems worse, it has also something to do with time date and temp settings.
And race feels always different to practice and qualy due to the hot tire temp you start race with.

Qualy :

Race :
I'm on Pro too could really make difference Simba. Its really good that SMS have taken into account of rubber on the track and other things that makes it grip.
Can I suggest the internet gods might on occasions have a hand with varying grip levels. I've been in GT 5 & 6 rooms and had little grip. A different room would produce greater grip/feel.

I'm sure your connection to the game server, the other drivers or indeed both has an impact on your car's response times - making it feel different. It's possibly why, especially in GT, offline and online times used to vary. And maybe with all the various track and car/tyre permutations in PCars the problems could be increased.

The Pro car looks and sounds good to drive. I must give it a tryout.
Looking at your videos @Friday_GTRP I was just wondering what look to apex figure you're using.
Update: T300 Alcantara and Playseat Challenge ordered, will hopefully arrive on Tuesday in time for me to calibrate FFB ahead of the race on Weds.

Because I won't have much testing time, can you experienced wheel guys give me some FFB setup tips, and perhaps share your settings with me? I know FFB feel is very subjective thing, but I trust your guys' judgment - especially since you all like older cars like me - so it'd be good to try some of your settings then tweak to my preference from there.

Also, is there a particularly neutral car you guys can recommend to test with? I don't get a lot of play time so don't want to spend time tweaking FFB for each car I drive. If there's a particular car that represents a good 'middle ground' for the different cars/car classes in game that would be very helpful
Update: T300 Alcantara and Playseat Challenge ordered, will hopefully arrive on Tuesday in time for me to calibrate FFB ahead of the race on Weds.

Because I won't have much testing time, can you experienced wheel guys give me some FFB setup tips, and perhaps share your settings with me? I know FFB feel is very subjective thing, but I trust your guys' judgment - especially since you all like older cars like me - so it'd be good to try some of your settings then tweak to my preference from there.

Also, is there a particularly neutral car you guys can recommend to test with? I don't get a lot of play time so don't want to spend time tweaking FFB for each car I drive. If there's a particular car that represents a good 'middle ground' for the different cars/car classes in game that would be very helpful

Congrats on the purchase, you won’t regret it!

A few posts ago I shared my setup, which I still use. Please find it below.

Any GT3 car feels neutral with the FFB but in all honesty, FFB changes from car to car. If you have little time to practice just jump into the M1. The car feels great.




Please note that informative starts working well after 2 or more laps. It needs some time to be 100% effective and start giving back some proper feedback.
Update: T300 Alcantara and Playseat Challenge ordered, will hopefully arrive on Tuesday in time for me to calibrate FFB ahead of the race on Weds.

Because I won't have much testing time, can you experienced wheel guys give me some FFB setup tips, and perhaps share your settings with me? I know FFB feel is very subjective thing, but I trust your guys' judgment - especially since you all like older cars like me - so it'd be good to try some of your settings then tweak to my preference from there

I have the same wheel it’s awesome compared to the standard t300. You notice the bigger diameter rim and the all the buttons are in better places too. It will take you some time to get the grips with what button is where as none are labeled for PlayStation. But you defo made the right choice. I think I use Raw, 85,60,65,44 but I also find you need to tweak it for some cars. I find some to be to light on the wheel compared to others.
Another great race with this car.

I struggled since last Thursday with a persistent flu and was on the brink of not taking part on this race. (Yesterday I was in bed and didn’t even go to work...)

Happily today I was feeling better and was able to enjoy an awesome race. After a good qualifying came the race. Excellent wheel to wheel action with @Friday_GTRP on the first corners and then fought to keep his pressure at bay.

Thanks again to @Sick Cylinder for letting me pass on the chicane although as said, I wasn’t even to try, as I didn’t want to interfere in your battle with @John Wells (I hope you didn’t spin trying to let me pass).

I wish everyone enjoyed the race at least as much as I did!

Tomorrow I’ll upload a couple of pictures I took on first corners’ battle.


Had ten spare minutes and decided to run a quick practice to record the video.

I forgot to turn on the driver’s arms though. However, it is Monza and I imagine most of you are familiar with the layout and it is easy to figure what am I doing with the steering as it is a fairly simple layout.

It’s all about braking and especially getting good speed out of the corners.

Don’t forget to turn on HD.

I'm not feeling so good today - I've just taken a dose of Lemsip max strength cold and flu remedy! I'll do my best, but if it gets too bad I'll retire.

Good luck everyone!

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