What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap
I watched a couple of films over the last few days ..

Nicholas Cage movie about a guy who can see 2 mins into the future and can play around with it and change it due to this gift .. it's not too bad to watch and the story is pretty ok but it's not his best movie ... 7/10

Luke Wilson and Kate Beckinsale star as a couple who's marriage is on the rocks and on the way back from an anniversary party take a backroad to avoid motorway congestion and end up in the motel from hell :sly: This is a great movie and I was really surprised how good it was .. nice and tense and full of twists 👍 9/10

Looking forward to 28 weeks later coming soon :cheers:
The Wild (6/10): Don't bother. This was not up to Disney standards. It felt like they were trying to take The Lion King and Madagascar and put them together. It even had obvious stolen scenes from The Lion King.

So, unless you are some kind of Keifer Sutherland fanboy I suggest giving this kids movie a pass. I wish I had spent those 82 minutes playing Zelda now.
I saw Spidey 3 tonight. I wasn't particularly impressed or entertained. There was so much crammed into the 2+ hours. 3 different baddies, 2 romances. It was way too unfocussed, they could have given half the content the whole film and it would have flowed much better instead of seeming slightly cut and pasted together. And Spidey goes emo? I cringed.

Its what I heard over at AICN, and I'm a bit worried when I go see it tomorrow. I had planned on seeing it tonight at Midnight, but I've got an exam tomorrow, and I don't want to be groggy for it...

I watched a couple of films over the last few days ..

Nicholas Cage movie about a guy who can see 2 mins into the future and can play around with it and change it due to this gift .. it's not too bad to watch and the story is pretty ok but it's not his best movie ... 7/10

Luke Wilson and Kate Beckinsale star as a couple who's marriage is on the rocks and on the way back from an anniversary party take a backroad to avoid motorway congestion and end up in the motel from hell :sly: This is a great movie and I was really surprised how good it was .. nice and tense and full of twists 👍 9/10

Looking forward to 28 weeks later coming soon :cheers:
I was looking forward to all three movies being mentioned here, except I've read that Boyle isn't directing the 28 Weeks Later. I hope it's still going to be good....
Wednesday:The Devil's Rejects.👍
Thursday:The Corruptor.👍
Friday:16 Blocks.👍
Saturday:Wing commander The Movie.👎
For once I actually saw two good movies in the same weekend.

The Departed (8/10): This was very good. I would have probably made it a 9/10 but the last 15-20 minutes seemed a bit far-fetched if you ask me. It seemed like they couldn't find a way to end it so they just ended it. If you've seen it you know what I mean.

Spiderman 3 (7.5/10): I am probably giving this a higher rating than most, but the first third and most of the last third was very good. The fight scenes were excellent as always, but they got away from the action for too long. It is a superhero movie and while I realize that the alter ego plays a large part in a superhero's story, but on film action looks much cooler than jazz club performances and an emo makeover. There were also a couple of very predictable moments where I leaned over to my friend and said, "I bet this happens" and then a few plotholes and/or weak story points, one which was poorly covered by a deus ex machina maneuver by a very bad Alfred rip off. Of course, all of this was completely made up for in the bell tower scene and final battle.

Overall, I think that 2 is the best. Hmm, Star Wars (original), X-Men, and now this all peaked in their second film. I'm sure a few others can be added to the list, but I wonder what it is about the second film that makes things great.

just watched spiderman 3. I personally loved it but some of my friends said it sucked:indiff:
Well, the whole emo jazz club stuff was hard to take, especially for non-comic geeks who think Peter Parker was supposed to be cool because of the change. If you understand the mindset of both the Peter Parker character and director Sam Raimi (Evil Dead trilogy) you realize that it wasn't that he was supposed to be cool, it is what a nerdy guy like Peter Parker would think is cool. He was still a social reject and a nerd, but he had confidence. The only problem with this part of the movie was that it was too long and even overshadowed the larger aspects of the story.

And for the record, Bruce Campbell's part was excellent.
Spidey 3 - I have a long review of this, but i won't bother posting it. To sum up. I found it exactly the same as the 1st 2, pretty boring.

Confetti - Yet another british comedy that got mostly good reviews & i just cant tell why. Frequently boring, with the odd lol moment.
Saw 28 weeks later earlier on today. Definately better than the first. Seemed to me that it had more scope in location and an actual story instead of merely running away. It was a little inconsistent in places but still good 👍

I'l warn you though, the dad (forgot his name) was starting to really get on my nerves by the end. You'll understand if you see it.
Saw 28 weeks later earlier on today. Definately better than the first. Seemed to me that it had more scope in location and an actual story instead of merely running away. It was a little inconsistent in places but still good 👍

I'l warn you though, the dad (forgot his name) was starting to really get on my nerves by the end. You'll understand if you see it.
I don't know when it's due out in the States, but I'm most definitely seeing this one in a theater.

I thought the first one was great though. I am very skeptic about "weeks" being better than the first. "Dawn of the Dead" did it, maybe this can.......
That "Dad" is Begbie! :lol:

"28 Weeks Later" had already opened in the States, so I got to see it tonight.

I thought it was better than the "28 days" in some ways....... Direction was above average(much, much, better than seen in some of the garbages out there). Other than that stupid shaky-cam, some holes in the plot, and the classic "annoying stupid kids", it was done well. I especially liked the combats, locations, special effects. I'm one of the few that absolutely hated "Black Hawk Down", and I thought "28 Weeks" was much cooler war movie. :D

In comparison to the "28 Days Later" though, I'd have to go with the first one. Acting and the cast was just so amazing in "28 Days", and the counterpart(s) in "28 Weeks", I thought were average at best. I did like the bigger budget feel of the "28 Weeks", which included the slicker feel of Hollywood films, like Resident Evil flicks. I mean that in a good way, and if you hate the RE movies, you don't know what I'm talking about.

I give 28 Weeks a very biased "B-"

The Hitcher(2007) - This one is a remake. I'm a fan of the original, and thought this remake was very weak. Poor acting made it even worse. Only thing I liked in the whole movie might've been my favorite Trans Am. If you haven't seen the original Hitcher, you should probably rent that one instead. "D"

Smoking Aces - Huge cast and very interesting plot going for this movie, but everything missed. Like, "we hit the wrong city with the nuke", missed. Alright, I've wasted enough time to write about this movie already, "D-".

P.S. I almost forgot. Now, I've seen all kinds disturbing scenes in films. Some of them, absolutely horrific. "28 Weeks Later" adds another one to the list. I'm not going to lose sleep over it or anything, but I could have done without that scene. You've been warned. :D
Formula 51 - 7/10 Hmm... I happened to catch it on tv and thought it was going to be about cars. Well, it turned out to be about Drugs instead. :dopey: It had a little Boondock Saints feel to it since being filmed in the Uk. I usually don't like Samual L. Jackson but this was one of his better films for sure. I enjoyed it and Emily Mortimer is hot. :D Even had Sean Pertwee from Equibrium in it.
28 Weeks Later 6/10: Overall it was a good movie with a fair amount of violence! The two kids annoyed me though, everything that happened is down to them :grumpy:
I saw "Man of the year" not too long ago, it was a good movie, nice story

I also recently got Hot version's "Battles @ 10,000 rpms", that was interesting, liked the "My car challenge", also got to watch the engine of a S2K blow in a race under wet conditions
I watched "The pursuit of happiness" on the weekend... It was very touching, but there was an over balance of depressing moments in the movie compared to happy ones.

I also saw "Layer Cake" aswell, I love that movie! Daniel Craig does an excellant job in it and I thought the British didnt like cuss words, but there's enough in here to make the Queen blush.
Grindhouse - ......... don't know what to say. It certainly wasn't a classic in my book, but I don't think it was trying to be:

Planet Terror - This is the first feature, a zombie flick directed by Robert Rodriguez. While I'd say it was a pretty good zombie flick, I still didn't like it as much as his earlier horror classic, "From Dusk Till Dawn". Probably not even close. There were few hilarious scenes that makes you laugh out loud, even if you are sober. There were scenes that were so funny, people were dropping stuff on the theater floor. My favorite scene was the "pocket bike" scene. At least that's what they were called in Japan. Now, that was funny.

Zombies, cast(of course), sets(big budget), everything was pretty good. More I think back, I guess I did quite like it. Being a fan of zombie flicks, I think I can give this one a "B+ "

Death Proof - Directed by Tarantino, but it was by far the most boring Tarantino flick I have ever seen. Yes, it has it's moments, overall, it was pretty funny. But some of the dialogue oriented scenes were 100% bore to me. Now, this is where Tarantino usually excels. Maybe I need to watch it again, I don't know. He still is one of the great director in my book, so I will be giving it a another watch.

Movie does finish pretty strong. Kurt Russell was scary in the first half, hilarious in the second. "Oh, no!" :lol: "C- " for now.

Both of the features features the Quentin Tarantino cameo routine, only in "Grindhouse", they both sucked. It is a first. I usually look forward to seeing Tarantino make appearences in films, but as far as I was concerned, I couldn't stand him in either of the features. M. Quentin Shayamalan.
Dreamgirls - I thought I would enjoy this one but it got quite boring quite fast. I wasn't even going to watch until the end but my girlfriend wanted to see what would happen with Effie. Musicals just aren't my thing.
United 93 - Could have quite easily been sentimental, but really managed to stear clear of being so 👍 It also managed not to come across as a documentary reenactment, which again, it could have quite easily been.
United 93 - Could have quite easily been sentimental, but really managed to stear clear of being so 👍 It also managed not to come across as a documentary reenactment, which again, it could have quite easily been.
I saw that in the cinema (I was bored one Sunday and went to see it on my own - only the third film I've ever seen in the cinema by myself...) I thought it was pretty well done as well... really gave you a good idea of just how confusing an unfolding event like this must have been for those charged with dealing with it first-hand. For those of us (un)fortunate enough to watch the aftermath unfolding on our TV screens that afternoon, it is a good way of appreciating just what a task the air-traffic controllers and the military faced...

Last night, I watched Pan's Labyrinth after my mate lent it to me, and gave it a glowing review. I have to say I did enjoy it - very original and a well-made movie, but it didn't blow me away. The fantasy element is not over-done, but the film could have done with a little more of it, rather than spending the vast majority of the film concerned with the 'real world' scenario, set in Franco's Spain... however, I'd definitely recommend it and will watch it again before I hand it back - but I doubt it will be on my Xmas list. - 6/10
I've recently seen Bobby and Shooter, Bobby was very slow and it was really just a film about poeple on the day that BFK was shot. Great acting and a fantastic cast, but it wasn't the most entertaining 2 hours of my life.

Shooter was very much an action film, I'd heared this film described as beign along the lines of the Bourne Identity. It's not. It was entertaining but it didn't grip me plot wise, it was all very much seen it before type stuff, predictable and pretty far fetched.
Omen 2006 - I love the original movie, and was a bit hesitant to watch this one. Actually, it wasn't bad. It wasn't great, either.

They made it very close to the original. They didn't change that much of it. They did some things different, and added some new things, but not much. But, why watch this version, when the original is better.

Some things were just odd about this one, though. Like, how they show the Vatican involved and yet one crazy priest with the mark of the devil helps the father? So, the Vatican doesn't know where the boy is? Also, how easily the man gets the knives on a jet plane. Not after 911, pal.

7/10 (Remember, I LOVE the original)
I saw Hot Fuzz today, fookin hillarious! Definitely recommend it if you liked Shaun of the Dead but that said though imo its not as good. The best bit was the shoot out in the town centre with the OAP's

I want more Simon Pegg!!!
Driven - 2/10 I actually went and saw this in the theater when it first came out. I regret it then and still regret it. I happen to catch it on the Satellite and well... it still sucked just as bad this time. So damn unrealistic and I hate how they "Nascraped" it... The Blonde and Brunette were still hot though.
Babel - I wanted to see this, but i didn't think i would like it. I was suprised! It was very good. The Japaneses girls story was the best by far and Brad/Cate's one was probably the worst. It's to long, but not boring. Not as good as Crash. But way better than the dullness of Traffic or Syriana.

Initial D: Drift Racer - I thought this was alot better 2nd time around. I almost prefer this to Tokyo Drift. It's all very daft, but a really entertaining film.