World Motorsport Association

  • Thread starter NizmoDr3
I was joking bud, I don't want the next 10 pages full of seths arguements lol
Polarbear345 is also without internet. You're not being discriminated against. You're being excused, reminding people why you can't come.

I have Internet ... It's just James quality....
Here's my points idea: championship points can be whatever, but your average position (e.g. a 6 and a 7 will 6.5, rounded to 6) per event will reward X W.M.A. Points. All this requires is the hosts of the respective series to pm nizmo with what drivers would get how many points.
Here's my points idea: championship points can be whatever, but your average position (e.g. a 6 and a 7 will 6.5, rounded to 6) per event will reward X W.M.A. Points. All this requires is the hosts of the respective series to pm nizmo with what drivers would get how many points.

I like the average finish idea. There should be a scale though. I mean if someone has an average finish of 3rd, but there are only 4 cars a week in that class then that shouldn't mean as much as someone who finished 8th out of 16.
I mean if someone has an average finish of 3rd, but there are only 4 cars a week in that class then that shouldn't mean as much as someone who finished 8th out of 16.

Good idea Rally ... but the problem is ^this^ ...

If we can settle on standardised points, say 1st place earns you 20 points, then everyone should theoretically get a score out of 20 each week ...
RD's can give me the points table for their series, I will work out the Leaderboard, get it audited by the Stewards Council, then post it ... at least then everyone will know that their W.M.A. points for that week are accurate ...
I like the average finish idea. There should be a scale though. I mean if someone has an average finish of 3rd, but there are only 4 cars a week in that class then that shouldn't mean as much as someone who finished 8th out of 16.

Then they would be placed in a lower tier therefore less points awarded. We are still going in that direction right?
To avoid cnd01 problem we could run 2 small series together on the track providing there is not one person racing both series
If the WMA is looking for a system to source the fair good drivers that treat their online racing as if they were in it for real, then results are one thing, what about how the drivers actually race.

Meaning, a driver may finish down the order due to bad luck or maybe lack of pace, but will race really smooth and allow close racing without crashing. For me these are the guys that are worth more in overall ratings. To be fast, yes, I do agree, should be rewarded, but I am always for rewarding the guys that are clean and fair and don't race to win at all costs.

There's nothing worse than trying to race fair when you being tossed around at each corner because a driver is rough and doesn't understand the true meaning of racing fair. I know there are certain race series that should allow a little bumping, like touring cars, but I am sure you all agree that there's a limit to it, then these guys go onto to win and bank in all the rating points.

It also may add more pressure to drivers knowing that if they don't do well in the next race their overall rating will drop. mmmm...difficult I know.

Hope I am making sense. I just feel that when you become part of the WMA and you enter a WMA event, you should automatically know that the guys you up against are fair and race clean. This is why I want to be part of this all the way.

Sorry if my post is complicating things.
If the WMA is looking for a system to source the fair good drivers that treat their online racing as if they were in it for real, then results are one thing, what about how the drivers actually race.

Meaning, a driver may finish down the order due to bad luck or maybe lack of pace, but will race really smooth and allow close racing without crashing. For me these are the guys that are worth more in overall ratings. To be fast, yes, I do agree, should be rewarded, but I am always for rewarding the guys that are clean and fair and don't race to win at all costs.

There's nothing worse than trying to race fair when you being tossed around at each corner because a driver is rough and doesn't understand the true meaning of racing fair. I know there are certain race series that should allow a little bumping, like touring cars, but I am sure you all agree that there's a limit to it, then these guys go onto to win and bank in all the rating points.

It also may add more pressure to drivers knowing that if they don't do well in the next race their overall rating will drop. mmmm...difficult I know.

Hope I am making sense. I just feel that when you become part of the WMA and you enter a WMA event, you should automatically know that the guys you up against are fair and race clean. This is why I want to be part of this all the way.

Sorry if my post is complicating things.

It does complicate things further, but that is what the W.M.A. stands for after all ... I like this idea very much, due it not only being about whose winning what championship, but more about who is what type of driver ...

Maybe the solution would be for the RD's to watch the replays of every driver, for that specific week, and maybe give them a rating out of 10 ... 1 - being poor/dirty, 10 - being excellent/clean ... I know it adds more to everyone's plate, but I do like this idea very much ... almost like the Sportsmen Award in the ITCC ...
Pehaps an idividual rating out of 100% for there performance, averaged after each event
OP has had a face lift ... tell me what you guys think ...

If nobody likes what I've done to their logo's, please PM me ...
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I think we may need to adopt a safety rating similar to IRacing. That way we know how clean they are, so if they join a tough series like mine or the Formula GT challenge, we will know that it will be a challenge. I don't think we should exclude people from series based on any rating system.
I think we may need to adopt a safety rating similar to IRacing. That way we know how clean they are, so if they join a tough series like mine or the Formula GT challenge, we will know that it will be a challenge. I don't think we should exclude people from series based on any rating system.

I've never played IRacing, so you'll have to expalin to me how this "Safety Rating" works ...
I've never played IRacing, so you'll have to expalin to me how this "Safety Rating" works ...

Basically IRacing has a rating system that grades you on how much contact you make with other drivers and barriers. I am sure it also covers run offs. Basically you have to have a high enough safety rating to be allowed on the track with other racers. Until then, you get to race AI.
Basically IRacing has a rating system that grades you on how much contact you make with other drivers and barriers. I am sure it also covers run offs. Basically you have to have a high enough safety rating to be allowed on the track with other racers. Until then, you get to race AI.

You can't race AI in iracing. It just keeps you from getting a higher license.
You can't race AI in iracing. It just keeps you from getting a higher license.

Oh so you race people who have a really crappy safety rating instead? I thought you raced A.I. I don't have IRacing. That was just what I got from what a friend told me.
Oh so you race people who have a really crappy safety rating instead? I thought you raced A.I. I don't have IRacing. That was just what I got from what a friend told me.

You just race with new people/ crappy people.
I understand the concept of a Safety Rating, but my question would be, how do we work out our own Safety Rating?
Driver 101
If the WMA is looking for a system to source the fair good drivers that treat their online racing as if they were in it for real, then results are one thing, what about how the drivers actually race.

Meaning, a driver may finish down the order due to bad luck or maybe lack of pace, but will race really smooth and allow close racing without crashing. For me these are the guys that are worth more in overall ratings. To be fast, yes, I do agree, should be rewarded, but I am always for rewarding the guys that are clean and fair and don't race to win at all costs.

There's nothing worse than trying to race fair when you being tossed around at each corner because a driver is rough and doesn't understand the true meaning of racing fair. I know there are certain race series that should allow a little bumping, like touring cars, but I am sure you all agree that there's a limit to it, then these guys go onto to win and bank in all the rating points.

It also may add more pressure to drivers knowing that if they don't do well in the next race their overall rating will drop. mmmm...difficult I know.

Hope I am making sense. I just feel that when you become part of the WMA and you enter a WMA event, you should automatically know that the guys you up against are fair and race clean. This is why I want to be part of this all the way.

I dont understand this point. If you're not a clean driver then you wont be allowed to participate in the series anyway. And if the WMA board discovers series that allow dirty racers then I guess we have no option but to exclude them from WMA...Also with regards to safety rating system, hows that WMA manual coming along melon? The WMA leaderboard should be all about how well you finish in a race. If you have obtained this result unfairly then it should be excluded from the results. Cos if we give everyone ratings then shouldnt they all be given top marks? To race in WMA sanctioned series you must be clean abiding all rules at all times. Sure there maybe a few incidents here and there but mistakes happen. Read the OLR apologise, move on. Obviously for repeat offenders they should be excluded from the championship. If the RD does not exclude them then im afraid they are no longer part of the WMA. Hope this is all clear...
^ I don't see it as a safety rating, I see it more as recognition for being the best and fairest, anyone caught driving dirty will be excluded, I did the first race in the roadster endurance series, and I gave kudos to the back markers for racing clean, there was about 4 or 5 cars battling clean, I spent 2 laps behind them just watching them battle as I was catching them, I had about 10 second lead, then when I seen second coming up in the mirror I decided I wanted through and in the most efficient way possible they let me through and continued to battle each other, the person in second place got through good too, its the little things like this that go under the table and not recognized, this would be our points system for rewarding it,
^ I don't see it as a safety rating, I see it more as recognition for being the best and fairest, anyone caught driving dirty will be excluded, I did the first race in the roadster endurance series, and I gave kudos to the back markers for racing clean, there was about 4 or 5 cars battling clean, I spent 2 laps behind them just watching them battle as I was catching them, I had about 10 second lead, then when I seen second coming up in the mirror I decided I wanted through and in the most efficient way possible they let me through and continued to battle each other, the person in second place got through good too, its the little things like this that go under the table and not recognized, this would be our points system for rewarding it,

^^^^This in in the OLR things that you have to do...why reward people for doing things that they have to do?
Why shoudnt we? It will also help us weed out the average from the better, therefore we can encourage people to join a series in which might be better suited to them as oppose to them losing and leaving because the series or car doesn't suit them, as with most of the events on GTP w.m.a is a first in first serve basis, we don't want to lose customers because they are a little slow or not good with setup,