World Motorsport Association

  • Thread starter NizmoDr3
You monster :lol: Anyway, I updated the schedule on Le Mans School. I hope this makes. It already has well over 100 views but only 8 replies.

Well Rolex has 33,000 views and 3,500 replies... So I wouldn't be bummed.
Everybody seems to have their own opinion when it comes to the Leaderboard ... while I'm all for the people tobe heard, I suggest that everyone please express their opinion ... the Members of the Board will then convene, with a representative of the Stewards Council, to decide on the way forward with the Leaderboard ...
Everybody seems to have their own opinion when it comes to the Leaderboard ... while I'm all for the people tobe heard, I suggest that everyone please express their opinion ... the Members of the Board will then convene, with a representative of the Stewards Council, to decide on the way forward with the Leaderboard ...

Yea we need tier champions is addition to an overall champion. One person may dominate a particular style of racing, but not be good enough in other aspects of motorsports to win the W.M.A. overall championship.
Yea we need tier champions is addition to an overall champion. One person may dominate a particular style of racing, but not be good enough in other aspects of motorsports to win the W.M.A. overall championship.

To clarify:

-Tiers are different levels of drivers
-Disciplines are groupings of several similar series
-Series will have their own championships
-Disciplines will have their own Leaderboards
-All of the disciplines (incl. drifting) will be scored together on the main Leaderboard.
-At the end of a season, we'll congratulate the cleanest, "favourite" W.M.A. Member.

The "favourite" W.M.A Driver(s) will be chosen by the Stewards, in a process which I'll see finished by myself. Their decision will be based on general/overall good conduct. Those in good standing include (but are not limited to): kk20, Driver101, Sakery, Allykh2882, etc. who are serious, polite, professional and enthusiastic.
To clarify:

-Tiers are different levels of drivers
-Disciplines are groupings of several similar series
-Series will have their own championships
-Disciplines will have their own Leaderboards
-All of the disciplines (incl. drifting) will be scored together on the main Leaderboard.
-At the end of a season, we'll congratulate the cleanest, "favourite" W.M.A. Member.

The "favourite" W.M.A Driver(s) will be chosen by the Stewards, in a process which I'll see finished by myself. Their decision will be based on general/overall good conduct. Those in good standing include (but are not limited to): kk20, Driver101, Sakery, Allykh2882, etc. who are serious, polite, professional and enthusiastic.

So are you saying that a win in a tier 1 series has the same weight as a tier 4 series. Im just not understanding...
So are you saying that a win in a tier 1 series has the same weight as a tier 4 series. Im just not understanding...

Not quite. I'm saying that those who are clean drivers will be rewarded, those who aren't clean will be removed, and those who win a lot in Tier 1 will progress quickly to higher level competitions, if they want.

Tier 1 points/Tier 4 points will still be discussed.

Finally: wish me luck! I'm going to be driving all weekend!
Not quite. I'm saying that those who are clean drivers will be rewarded, those who aren't clean will be removed, and those who win a lot in Tier 1 will progress quickly to higher level competitions, if they want.

Tier 1 points/Tier 4 points will still be discussed.

Finally: wish me luck! I'm going to be driving all weekend!

Oh ok...Just would race directors rate everyone based on safety? Its a lot of work. Checking every lap of every driver to see if they abide track limits and if they tap or bump an cars is gonna take ages. If I was a RD I certainly wouldnt do this since it would just take ages....
Oh ok...Just would race directors rate everyone based on safety? Its a lot of work. Checking every lap of every driver to see if they abide track limits and if they tap or bump an cars is gonna take ages. If I was a RD I certainly wouldnt do this since it would just take ages....

Lmao yep?

I am oncourse in making an epic post regarding the leaderboard...brace yourselves...

Oh I'm ready.

I truly don't want to watch everyone race the whole race.... It doesn't sound fun...:
I truly don't want to watch everyone race the whole race.... It doesn't sound fun...:

Couldnt agree more...

This is quite long but please read this post:

Ok so this is my proposed idea for WMA drivers leaderboard

By the way I am under the assumption that tier 1 is the more advanced and tier 4 is the less advanced.

{#} Tier 4 series points ranking


{#} Tier 3 series points ranking


{#} Tier 2 series points rankings


{#} Tier 1 series points rankings


The higher the difficulty, the more points on offer....

And obviously the average points per week will stand. The total points obtained from sunday to saturday and divided by the number of races taken part in

Please note that there will only be 1-2 tier 1 series allowed to be sanctioned by WMA. To preserve exclusivity and only for elite racers...

Please note that no points will be awarded for pole lap or fastest lap since this is a racing leaderboard and not about one lap pace. The leaderboard for one lap pace exists in the WRS forum in GTP...
Hmmmm, the original ideas for Tiers was going to be the 4-1 with 4 being highest "level" of competition, and Tier 1 being the entry level "first step."

Certainly, I don't disapprove of that idea. I think it would/could be an interesting addition. I would even start myself off in Tier 1/4 and work my way up, to show others how it works, and work out the bugs from the inside.

Anyways, let's set up a Tier advancement system, so we know when drivers are ready for "the next step" in the ladder. I'd like to discuss, following Tier discussion, the W.M.A. Points requirements to advance.

I'm thinking that the lowest tier would be 200 points in a single series, or 500 points in a season overall, before advancing into the next tier, which would be a doubled effort, etc. Anyone disagree or agree?
Hmmmm, the original ideas for Tiers was going to be the 4-1 with 4 being highest "level" of competition, and Tier 1 being the entry level "first step."

Certainly, I don't disapprove of that idea. I think it would/could be an interesting addition. I would even start myself off in Tier 1/4 and work my way up, to show others how it works, and work out the bugs from the inside.

Anyways, let's set up a Tier advancement system, so we know when drivers are ready for "the next step" in the ladder. I'd like to discuss, following Tier discussion, the W.M.A. Points requirements to advance.

I'm thinking that the lowest tier would be 200 points in a single series, or 500 points in a season overall, before advancing into the next tier, which would be a doubled effort, etc. Anyone disagree or agree?

How about you may only join tier 1-2 if you have won 2 races in tier 3-4 or achieved 5 podium finishes
How about you may only join tier 1-2 if you have won 2 races in tier 3-4 or achieved 5 podium finishes

I'm thinking, though, that a points system will be worked out, which will mean about the same thing. That'd be about 50 Tier 3/4 W.M.A. points to advance, in your opinion. The values might change, but, if people can see a simple number, as to whether or not they advance, I believe that they'll get closer. Maybe 50 Tier 4 points to move to Tier 3?
I will explain in detail, my opinion, the points system, 'Tiers' and advancement through the Tiers soon ...

Any takers on the Engen BMW 135i Cup?
I will explain in detail, my opinion, the points system, 'Tiers' and advancement through the Tiers soon ...

Any takers on the Engen BMW 135i Cup?

All I can say for now is, I like the OP but for App users direct links are helpful :)
Here's an idea based on the golf world handicap system, every person completes 3 races and gets a handicap based on their finishing positions, basically a grade out of 10, if the field is 16 cars then the last 6 cars are credited as a loss "pending on being incident free race" so say after your first three races your average finish position is 7th, there for you would be also a tier 1 racer so your handicap would be 1.70, the next race comes along your "handicap" being 7 means that your expected finishing position would be 7th, and your handicap position doesn't change, and you should be happy that you raced to your handicap, if you finish 6th then you should celerbrate as your handicap will become 1.65, finish the next race 6th and your handicap will be 1.60, and so on, this would also work if you finish 8th, your handicap would go out from 7 to 7.5, also on a monthly basis we could review your handicap and anyone who is 1.40 can be moved up to a teir 2 handicap at 2.80 and someone in tier 4 who isn't doing so great and there handicap becomes 4.10.0 can be relegated to tier 3, and start in tier 3 as 3.20, your handicap would not affect the series you chose to race in as you would already be committed to that series but could limit or expand your choices on joining a new series, this would be easy to monitor as it would all be pending on the end race results of any race you take part in, and the winner could be seen clear as if they are having regular fantastic results or just doing a decent job as at the start of the month we would record your handicap and check the difference between that and your current handicap and the difference in points will be recorded, using this figure will put you in a ladder system the person with the most points accrued over the desired time length would win, no one would go outside of a 10 handicap in tiers 2-4, tier 1 your max handicap could only be 16 no higher, it requires more ironing out but using this relative easy system we can reward the most improved and most consisted across all tiers,and wouldn't really matter if you raced 15 races a week or 1 race a week, it would just mean the people who race more would get to improve up the ranks faster then others,
^this is an idea that does require more work on it before being used,
Another long post
Tier division 1

Please read this. Quite a long post.
{#} Aids
-All Aids allowed [1 point]
-All Aids off except TC, ABS, driving line [3 point]
-All aids off except ABS, driving line [4 point]

{#} Tyre wear
- Tyre wear off [2 point]
-Tyre wear on [4 point]

{#} Driving conditions
-No weather change and Time change [2 point]
-Weather change on [4 point]
-Time change on [4 point]
-Weather and Time change on [ 6 point]

{#} Race Distance
-Less than 30 miles [1 point]
-30 miles to 65 miles [3 point]
-66 miles 100 miles [5 point]
-More than 100 miles [7 point]

{#} Damage settings
-Light [2 point]
-Heavy [4 point]

{#} Slipstream Settings
-High [2 point]
-Low [4 point]

{#} Track Selection
-2 real life tracks [1 point]
-5 real life tracks [3 point]
-Real life tracks only [6 point]


-----####PP LIMIT####-----

-300PP below [1 point]
-300PP-400PP [2 point]
-401PP-500PP [3 point]
501PP-600PP [4 point]
601PP-700PP [5 point]
700PP+ [6 point]

*****####TYRE LIMIT####*****

Comfort Hard [12 point]
Comfort Medium [10 point]
Comfort Soft [9 point]

Sports Hard [8 point]
Sports Medium [6 point]
Sports Soft [5 point]

Racing Hard [4 point]
Racing Medium [2 point]
Racing Soft [1 point]


I think we need to stop making our own race series and start inviting others to join us. We have too many series with too little interest.

This criteria only works for circuit racing, I will hand over the criteria for drifting and Rallying to Melon or Morten.

We use this criteria when assessing race series. Its easy and simple.

There are 9 categories and in the race series examiner will tick one box in each criteria depending on which setting applied.

The harder the setting the more points awarded, and obviously the more points awarded the higher the tier.

The score boundaries are yet to be developed but it will look something like this.

Max points possible is 53

Tier 4===0-25
Tier 3===26-44
Tier 2===45-53

Tier 1 will not be graded like this. Tier 1 series will only exist when a tier 2 series has a lot of interest. Im talking about something like the pure series. And when the WMA board see that everything is well kept, RD keeps everyone well informed, there is the cleanest of racing, And if the series is in their second or third season. After all this is achieved then can tier 1 be achieved. It is the highest status possible therefore exclusivity must be preserved to keep this an elite group of players.

Not anyone can just join a tier 1 or 2 series, it must be from an invitation once the driver has proved themselves in tier 3-4. I say this because tiers 1-2 will most probably include heavy damage on low grip tyres so this is only for elite drivers.
I wish you guys the best of luck with your tiers, GTMSA tried it and it failed because we didn't have enough series being run. My only suggestion is to base people's tiers off the number of series they have competed in.
I have reworked the idea for the handicap system, instead of it being based on tiers its based on a whole then divided into 3, I think 4 tiers is to many,

Kk, your idea is great but might end up being to complex, I like it though, you really put a lot of effort into it, I respectfully say that, my 1 concern as I have expressed is its really complex
Here comes a triple post because I'm doing it from my PS3 browser. I apologise to everyone and the Moderators befoe hand ...

First of all ... Standardized Points ... my suggestion ...
1- 25
2- 20
3- 18
4- 16
5- 14
6- 12
7- 10
8- 9
9- 8
10- 7
11- 6
12- 5
13- 4
14- 3
15- 2
16- 1

Non-DLC users will automatically gain 9 points per race they cannot participate in. Due to not owning the Track DLC's
Here's an idea based on the golf world handicap system, every person completes 3 races and gets a handicap based on their finishing positions, basically a grade out of 10, if the field is 16 cars then the last 6 cars are credited as a loss "pending on being incident free race" so say after your first three races your average finish position is 7th, there for you would be also a tier 1 racer so your handicap would be 1.70, the next race comes along your "handicap" being 7 means that your expected finishing position would be 7th, and your handicap position doesn't change, and you should be happy that you raced to your handicap, if you finish 6th then you should celerbrate as your handicap will become 1.65, finish the next race 6th and your handicap will be 1.60, and so on, this would also work if you finish 8th, your handicap would go out from 7 to 7.5, also on a monthly basis we could review your handicap and anyone who is 1.40 can be moved up to a teir 2 handicap at 2.80 and someone in tier 4 who isn't doing so great and there handicap becomes 4.10.0 can be relegated to tier 3, and start in tier 3 as 3.20, your handicap would not affect the series you chose to race in as you would already be committed to that series but could limit or expand your choices on joining a new series, this would be easy to monitor as it would all be pending on the end race results of any race you take part in, and the winner could be seen clear as if they are having regular fantastic results or just doing a decent job as at the start of the month we would record your handicap and check the difference between that and your current handicap and the difference in points will be recorded, using this figure will put you in a ladder system the person with the most points accrued over the desired time length would win, no one would go outside of a 10 handicap in tiers 2-4, tier 1 your max handicap could only be 16 no higher, it requires more ironing out but using this relative easy system we can reward the most improved and most consisted across all tiers,and wouldn't really matter if you raced 15 races a week or 1 race a week, it would just mean the people who race more would get to improve up the ranks faster then others,

Touchdown! I get to play golf while I race :) :drool: :dopey:
I have reworked the idea for the handicap system, instead of it being based on tiers its based on a whole then divided into 3, I think 4 tiers is to many,

Kk, your idea is great but might end up being to complex, I like it though, you really put a lot of effort into it, I respectfully say that, my 1 concern as I have expressed is its really complex

👍 thanks for your input. Which part is too complex? All you do is tick boxes and add up the score.
Same, speaking of the glorious game, I missed out on qualifying for club championships today by a new rule of the club this year and 1 shot, grrrrrr, I won all my pennants games playing both the handicap category and match play off the stick in A grade by minimum margin of 3/1, I got player of the year and player of the pennants season, won the foursomes championship with my cousin, finished 3rd in the great s.a ambrose championship, and missed out by one frickin shot for club championships, mate this stupid rule of if your handicap puts you up or down grades during qualification sucks b*lls, sure I shouldn't have had a 13 on the 8th hole but what can you do in stroke play,
Btw, in my defence the 8th hole is the 3rd hardest hole on the course, and I play golf on one of the hardest and oldest courses in australia, it was ranked in the top 200 hardest courses in the world as well as the top 100 courses in the world, its also where the ambrose game was born, you should no which course it is lol,

Kk, its simple I understand how it works, its just a lot of things to remember for everyone scoring it at the end of a race, there will always be something forgotten with one person while doing the scoring, well I'd miss something because I'm dopey lol
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👍 thanks for your input. Which part is too complex? All you do is tick boxes and add up the score.

I play golf, so I fully understand. I think we need more room to play with because we need accurate calculations. The average golfer's handicap is about 30. We should use a base scoring system. If we do a handicap system, we would need the drivers to run a test to determine handicap. Each series would be rated just like golf courses are rated. Each series would have to have a minimum handicap requirement.
Tier System and Advancement Structure

Each driver must choose between the Castrol Pro Tour, Wesbank Super Series and the soon to be introduced, Rally Series 'Tiers'. You may join more than one 'Tier'. If you decide to join more than 1 'Tier', then you MUST participate in ALL the events in each 'Tier'. All participants have to participate in ALL the events within your chosen 'Tier'. You may not be allowed to alternate between the 'Tiers'.

You will only be allowed to access a higher event when the current season of your current event is over. The Top 8 from each event will gain access to the next higher event, the next season. But the Bottom 8 will have a chance to redeem themselves, throught a 'mini-qualification' process, to gain access to the next event as 1 of 3 'Wild Cards'. For example, running a Hot Lap session, with the RD or Steward Council Member, to verify the session and times. Basically, reach a required time in a specific and on a track from the higher series.
cont. next post ...