World Motorsport Association

  • Thread starter NizmoDr3
+1 on ^this^ ...

All future series ideas must be put on hold for the moment ... I mean we only have 2 series currently running, another series starting this Saturday and one more starting next Wednesday ... That's all ...
Yet we are blocking up the OP with series that have not even gone through thorough testing, never mind even close to starting ...

My view on the Steward Council is that, they are there as a last resort to resolve issues contaminating series ... it is not there to complain about petty things or whine about arb things ... the are there to resolve issues that the series host cannot sort out by themselves ...

Designated roles is needed, too many people here are trying to run this ship ... A ship only need one captain, but needs many crewmen to get the job done ... we should all pull our weight in our respective areas ...

And lastly, yes, there is a lack of communication ... series events, sanctioned events, new members, etc need to be taken under advisement by ALL the founding members ... If a we cannot come to an agreement, then I will make the last call ...

This Std Points, Handicap and Leaderboard got us nowhere until I made the decision ... all ideas and suggestions were brought up, ignored and then faded away ...

I will make all the final decisions ... there will now be a rank system ... ideas and suggestions will go through the right channels ...

Stewarding problems will go through Mel ...
New series ideas and speccing will go through Dave ...
New members will go through Rally ...
Any other problems will go through Polar and Cnd ...

Dave, Mel, Polar and Cnd will come to me for the final say ... that's how the system will work ...
This sounds like some good solid decisions have been made....well done guys.
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Guys, what should the rules be on "aero-swerving?"

I mean this politely, but, we need rules. Can we allow drivers to swerve on straightaways, to negate the difference made while drafting?


[*]Allows drivers who are faster to maintain a fair lead
[*]Spread out fields may result in fewer crashes


[*]Can cause crashes
[*]Is looked down upon, by some, as "cheating."
[*]Could be an unfair advantage
[*]Will spread the field out sooner
[*]Could lead to fewer "battles"

It's up for discussion. Yes or no answers preferred, with explanations optional.

Weaving should be strictly prohibited. Only 1 change of direction per straight. Weaving to break the draft is cheating IMO.

Also you guys should join GTRRL super GT series. probably the best run series. Everything done really professionally. I race there with 5 GT academy US finalists. Head over there and maybe more ideas can be obtained with regards to the logistical side of the series.
Can i tell story there is one Group like us they start to have many leader ship and every one start to put one championship in OP by time and date and they run out of time because when one even start and they still didn't finsh it yet the other member start his shootout and so on . Then after that it became mess they can't play all this shootout togther in one time and some of drivers have problem in real life they can't play and some have net connection problem so all the champions are pending until they finsh one by one or two by two . So is better to keep your OP clean from schedule at list only three of them until we finish it take rest for one week to organize another three like that .
Its just an idea and iam sharing my opinion . Also its true story .

Niz you are right in what you said 👍 👍
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+1 on ^this^ ...

All future series ideas must be put on hold for the moment ... I mean we only have 2 series currently running, another series starting this Saturday and one more starting next Wednesday ... That's all ...
Yet we are blocking up the OP with series that have not even gone through thorough testing, never mind even close to starting ...

My view on the Steward Council is that, they are there as a last resort to resolve issues contaminating series ... it is not there to complain about petty things or whine about arb things ... the are there to resolve issues that the series host cannot sort out by themselves ...

Designated roles is needed, too many people here are trying to run this ship ... A ship only need one captain, but needs many crewmen to get the job done ... we should all pull our weight in our respective areas ...

And lastly, yes, there is a lack of communication ... series events, sanctioned events, new members, etc need to be taken under advisement by ALL the founding members ... If a we cannot come to an agreement, then I will make the last call ...

This Std Points, Handicap and Leaderboard got us nowhere until I made the decision ... all ideas and suggestions were brought up, ignored and then faded away ...

I will make all the final decisions ... there will now be a rank system ... ideas and suggestions will go through the right channels ...

Stewarding problems will go through Mel ...
New series ideas and speccing will go through Dave ...
New members will go through Rally ...
Any other problems will go through Polar and Cnd ...

Dave, Mel, Polar and Cnd will come to me for the final say ... that's how the system will work ...

👍 too many cooks spoil the broth
Just my little added dribble as a quick contribution.

Its very true about having too many series running at once, what you guys are offering already is a lot. Its a lot of work as well. Keep it simple and try not to over saturate the racing. Its nice to be part of a series from the beginning and when you have too much to offer you may find guys wont have the time to do it all.

Also....its keeps the motivation going, as one series finishes, you should wait in anticipation for the next. Then a massive launch and ....bang.....a new series is born.

Also the handicap system is clever, not when you on top kidding.
Thanks for seeing this the way we do,

The handicap system will show us the guy to beat, the dark horses, mr consistant and the strugglers, it works all round, thanks,
I love this handicap system ... I don't like my current handicap, but it will change soon enough ... as soon as the details have been clarified, then evryone who has raced will get a handicap ... D1SL may be excluded from the Leaderboard due to it not being a circuit/grip event ... I certainly don't want to be compared, as a race driver, to a drifter ... in other words, I don't want to have to prove myself because a drifter is ahead of me on handicap ...
Drifting may not be what everyone can do, plus in our drifting category which is close to the real thing can make it luck based too, as a good drifter might get to gung ho and spin out in round 1 thus being eliminated strait away, the variables are to much, also in the future I think I was talking with someone about doing a power and weight drag racing category, this also wouldn't go towards the handicaps either as there are to many variables,

Also newdriver2, eventually all races will be structured around each other, on fortnightly basis, hence bankfin being bi-weekly already,and I also think the plan is to not run more then 3 events per 24 hours to minimize confusion on time, your story is what we are trying to avoid,
Driver 101
Its very true about having too many series running at once, what you guys are offering already is a lot. Its a lot of work as well. Keep it simple and try not to over saturate the racing. Its nice to be part of a series from the beginning and when you have too much to offer you may find guys wont have the time to do it all.

Also....its keeps the motivation going, as one series finishes, you should wait in anticipation for the next. Then a massive launch and ....bang.....a new series is born.

I can agree to that^. I think I've put more in my mouth than I can eat (not literally). But luckily there's always a way out (that bit is literally :) ). Hosting 4 series and running in a few more when my "prime-time" is only an hour and every other weekend seems to take a lot of time off my hands. At least one of my series won't survive to see the weekend but I will inform the board members with the rest :)
Rally it doesn't have to die, just be put on hold, until your mouth either grows or you get some free space given to you lol
I don't want to cancel any series, but I do suggest that things get put on hold until they are ready to roll ... lets work out the finer details and do our homework properly before we jump into the deep end and hope we don't sink ... have a look at the current series', WMA's, PURE's, O.R.C.A.'s or any other, read the thread from the beginning and learn from others mistakes ... hell I'm still learning on what works and what doesn't in my series ...

Long story short, even if it takes you months or even a year, do research and do your homework before starting a new series ...
I love this handicap system ... I don't like my current handicap, but it will change soon enough ... as soon as the details have been clarified, then evryone who has raced will get a handicap ... D1SL may be excluded from the Leaderboard due to it not being a circuit/grip event ... I certainly don't want to be compared, as a race driver, to a drifter ... in other words, I don't want to have to prove myself because a drifter is ahead of me on handicap ...

Cheers mate. This is what I was tryna say yesterday but didnt wanna offend anyone.

How about a
1. racing leaderboard
2. Drag leaderboard
3. Drifting and Rally leaderboard

Nascar would obviously be part of the first one.
Just a suggestion
How about a
1. racing leaderboard
2. Drag leaderboard
3. Drifting and Rally leaderboard

I actually like this idea, because the Drifting, Rallying and Dragging scene is for a niche market ... not everyone will participate in these series, so obviously the Racing Leaderboard will be the biggest due to it being the reason why we are all here ...

I like this Drag idea, cause it gives me a chance to try it without looking like a clown infront of GTP's Drag Pro's ... :lol:
^^thats what she said lmao, the WRC is hard, its racing against the clock which is perfect for handicap racing, as for seperate leader boards I don't think we need to get into it like that, the leader board would be the championship of that dicipline, and with drag racing given enough time you could make everyone qualify for the final 16 in an hour, and I'm talking 50 entrants over 2 rooms,
"Leaderboard will be the Championship for that discipline?"

Does that mean you suggesting a Leaderboard for each discipline?
No no no lol, why would we bother doing that, to hard lol, spec drag racing would keep it would just remain in its series or carry over to season 2 and remain on that iderpendant thread
Umm, Karts starts today, guys. :dunce: We've got a good thing going, with Karts. 👍 This might be the second best W.M.A. Series so far; behind Bankfin (but only because I like Bankfin cars more)
Ok cool ... we've got a 5th series on th go 👍

Mel, please give Dave the results of tonights racing so he can work out the Handicaps, then I can start posting the scores & handicaps ...
Ok cool ... we've got a 5th series on th go 👍

Mel, please give Dave the results of tonights racing so he can work out the Handicaps, then I can start posting the scores & handicaps ...

Understood. I'll post up a link, on here, to the results page on the Karts thread, so that I don't have to worry about the millions of Google Docs from ITCC. :crazy:

Dave, they're two classes, separately scored, and (should need be) scored with bonus points for finishing higher than the faster class.
Ok cool, so when things get popular they could become seperate to each other without any hard work,
A couple of ideas:

Since we aren't going to make many more series, to let ourselves have 'standards' :D why not get a list of series that have not worked out, but are still on the OP?

And shall we get a list of spot races to have throughout the year? Based on real life races, made as real as possible! Maybe have 12?... 1 each month... Also, maybe we have the spot race in a different time of the year than the real race? Simply because (example- Daytona 500) in February or whenever the real race is (can't recall right now... Nor do I have to worry... They'll have more commercials for that race than they need ;))
Lots of people are having spot races replicating the race. If we did it in August, or a summer month, no one else (probably) would be having one.

Here's a list of races:

Indy 500
Daytona 500
24hr of Daytona
24hr of Spa
24hr of Le Mans
24hr of Nürb
Super GT at Motegi
Super GT at Suzuka
The Brickyard 400 (NASCAR race at Indy)
(Starting to get desperate lol!)
Monaco GP using FGT's?
Indycar at Motegi using FGT's?
Indycar at Motegi Road course using FGT's?

If you have any other cool ideas for a spot race that happens in real life, PLEASE say so!

Also, maybe we could replace some of the races that we'd have to use different cars for (Indycar at Motegi races) we could replace them with some made up endurance races?

I think we could come up with some really cool ideas!
I'm disappointed to admit, though, that 24 hour races won't work out. They'll be 2-3 hours in length.

If only we could do virtual driver changes....

Oh well! 2 hours is enough for me!

And Mel, me and Cnd wouldn't mind some company on Skype ;)

But any other ideas for some spot races/ series?

If we have discussions for series on here, they wouldn't stink as much... Lol, only some stink...