Xbox Japan: "Forza 6 includes weather, night racing, 450 cars"

  • Thread starter G.T.Ace

So far it looks good. E3 can't come quicker enough!
This isn't true.

Forza Motorsport 5 ran on a pre-launch SDK since then.

  • 10% GPU reserve for Xbox One has been lifted.
  • Many SDK updates that have probably created a 10% in performance increase by themselves if not more.
  • DX12 is not a numbers game; Ian Bell made an educated guess that PCars might see a 7% performance improvement from DX12. To be clear PCars was never built with DX12 in mind and SMS does not have experience with DX12 or experience with the Xbox One like Turn 10 Studios does.
  • Since Forza 6 was built with DX12 in mind since the beginning, it will have a large performance increase than a game that is simply updated to add a little more performance. It will also take advantage of new DX12 features that a game not built for the API would be capable of doing.
  • PCars is also a multi-platform title and this holds it back in many ways and directly comparing what a multiplatform game not even built with DX12 in mind to a game that is first party and in fact built with it in mind is not a proper way of determining a percentage of improvement available due to the API.
  • Forza 6 is also most likely using forward plus rendering when Forza 5 used deferred rendering. This does a few great things; it makes dynamic global lighting much cheaper to run, it makes MSAA an extremely cheap option to increase image quality, and it leaves a smaller footprint for the ESRAM to have to handle.
  • Forza 6 is the first true sequel to a next generation first party title. This means it can and will see significant efficiency improvements over its predecessor.
  • Recently Microsoft has opened another entire CPU core for game developers.
Anyone expecting the jump from Forza 5 to Forza 6 to be a small step is misleading themselves; this is equivalent to Forza 2 to Forza 3 if not more.

Do I spend way too much time and effort following this kind of news? You bet your ass I do. :P
What the hell are you on about, mate? We were talking about PCars.
This is a Forza thread and my comment was more of a general reply about Direct X12 and how it relates to both Forza 6 and Project Cars.
It'll give some improvements, but consoles have close to the metal access since day 1, DX12 is gonna bring massive gains on PC, but consoles nah, it'll be hard to distinguish what was achieved by DX12 and simply knowing the system better.
It'll give some improvements, but consoles have close to the metal access since day 1, DX12 is gonna bring massive gains on PC, but consoles nah, it'll be hard to distinguish what was achieved by DX12 and simply knowing the system better.

Sorry dude but you don't know what you're talking about, not trying to offend you but you don't. When it comes to the GPU, you're mostly correct in that it is already "close to the metal". However the Xbox One is also missing quite a few improvements from Direct X12 that will be coming soon.

The biggest of which is CPU scaling, this allows for the all CPU cores to be used effectively without the developer needing to program which CPU does what.

The next major thing it brings to the table is proper CPU to GPU communication.

Right now on the Xbox One only two CPU cores can send a draw call to the GPU once per frame. This means that there are times where GPU power is going completely unused due to the lack of draw calls that can be sent at once to the GPU. On Direct X12 all 7 cores that are available to the game developers will be able to send multiple draw calls per frame to the GPU.

What this means is that the CPU and GPU can maintain a higher load on the same hardware without being bottlenecked because the GPU is now receiving the draw calls it needs fast enough to perform the operations.

What developers have already learned about the hardware and what they will continue to learn will not replace DX12. DX12 adds a feature set that makes it easier for developers to properly utilize the CPU and GPU to their full-extent without needing a huge amount of attention from the developer.

Even Ian Bell, the guy you're quoting, said that he sees a 7% performance boost from learning the hardware coming in a patch and he sees a further 7% performance boost from DX12 when it can be implemented on the hardware.

Now this is of course doesn't reflect on Forza 6, Project Cars was not built with DX12 in mind and is not going to see a big improvement from it. Even in this scenario we're seeing a 14% performance boost because of it's existence alone.
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Sorry dude but you don't know what you're talking about, not trying to offend you but you don't. When it comes to the GPU, you're mostly correct in that it is already "close to the metal". However the Xbox One is also missing quite a few improvements from Direct X12 that will be coming soon.
Well, alright, some believe in secret sauce and miracles, I guess.
Well, alright, some believe in secret sauce and miracles, I guess.

Maybe one day some of us can believe in being mature with our conversations. There is no need to try to insult my intelligence in such a manner by trying to troll my posts.

Mean while....

Erstmals in Forza Motorsport wird der Spieler zusätzlich durch Tag-Nacht-Zyklen und wechselnde Wettereinflüsse herausgefordert.

For the first time in Forza Motorsport, the player is also challenged by day-night cycles and changing weather conditions.

Forza 6 has dynamic TOD day to night cycles and dynamic weather.


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Seems that we as gamers are missing out on a lot of gaming goodies because of devs obsession with 60fps
Obsession? There are barely any games releasing with 60fps right now. Trust me, it's the gamers with the obsession for it.

And quite rightly so. I would describe 60fps as totally necessary, realistic, and sexy :)
Forza 6 has dynamic TOD day to night cycles and dynamic weather.
:eek: WOW I absolutely never expected that!! They mentioned weather and night racing, but dynamic is something I just didn't think would happen with Forza. I always hoped it would but didn't think it would actually happen besides the Horizon series. If that is for every single track I will be beyond impressed. :D:dopey:

All of it.
Yeah no kidding!!
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This was a major selling point for me. I'm very impressed, but I would have not bought FM6 if it didn't have it, so I'm glad it does.
This was a major selling point for me. I'm very impressed, but I would have not bought FM6 if it didn't have it, so I'm glad it does.
Same here. It is the exact same reason I did not buy Forza 5 (It came free with my X1 along with BF4). I bought Horizon 2 because it had night and weather racing. :) If F6 did not have weather or night racing I would have not bought it either. But wow F6 is looking insanely better than I expected. Especially with DYNAMIC night and weather. Just dang very exciting news.
This is only true for Xbox One. However, there are several PS4 games locked at 1080p 60fps, such as Diablo 3 and Pro Evo (The XBO versions are not).
Diablo is exactly the same on both consoles. Pro evo have a different resolution, but same framerate.