America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Since Republicans want Texas to just ignore the Supreme Court ruling about whether they are the arbiter of who is allowed to police the US border, can Biden just ignore the Supreme Court ruling about student loans?
Sounds like a "Night Of The Long Knives" is happening.
Sounds like a "Night Of The Long Knives" is happening.
They're trying but thank god Trump isn't currently in power. Knives and Saddam's purge in Iraq is what happens when they are in power. The only thing that kept this from happening already is Mike Pence's conscience lmao. I really hope a lot of people have come to realize how close we were to losing everything right there. I think it's a good idea for the Biden campaign to advertise that idea as well. Mention all the criminals Trump was and is associated with, all their charges, all the charged and convicted seditionists, and say something about how a purge would've been the next step.
They're trying but thank god Trump isn't currently in power. Knives and Saddam's purge in Iraq is what happens when they are in power. The only thing that kept this from happening already is Mike Pence's conscience lmao. I really hope a lot of people have come to realize how close we were to losing everything right there. I think it's a good idea for the Biden campaign to advertise that idea as well. Mention all the criminals Trump was and is associated with, all their charges, all the charged and convicted seditionists, and say something about how a purge would've been the next step.
By the time Biden has to start actively campaigning, his war chest may well hit $200m. The advertisements will be prodigious, I imagine.

It's looking less likely that the GOP has any intention of saving itself. I can only hope the independents and moderates out there remember why they voted not-Trump in 2020, because none of that calculus has changed. Biden won not because of policy or platform, he won because he was the choice of preserving the Union.
By the time Biden has to start actively campaigning, his war chest may well hit $200m. The advertisements will be prodigious, I imagine.

It's looking less likely that the GOP has any intention of saving itself. I can only hope the independents and moderates out there remember why they voted not-Trump in 2020, because none of that calculus has changed. Biden won not because of policy or platform, he won because he was the choice of preserving the Union.
I assume you're talking about the actual GOP organization saving itself. Even if they had intentions it would be completely useless. What could have done, reject Trump's application or something? I'm not sure if parties even have that power. As far as I know, you just submit whatever petitions are required and you're listed as a candidate for that party. The GOP is completely at the mercy of Trump and his minions, it's completely out of their control.
By the time Biden has to start actively campaigning, his war chest may well hit $200m. The advertisements will be prodigious, I imagine.

It's looking less likely that the GOP has any intention of saving itself. I can only hope the independents and moderates out there remember why they voted not-Trump in 2020, because none of that calculus has changed. Biden won not because of policy or platform, he won because he was the choice of preserving the Union.
They'll have more than enough reminders: McCarthy complaining the party can't govern b/c of the Freedom Caucus, the current speaker already having suspicions of being voted out, or Greene stating they will eradicate any Republican not behind Trump.
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I assume you're talking about the actual GOP organization saving itself. Even if they had intentions it would be completely useless. What could have done, reject Trump's application or something? I'm not sure if parties even have that power. As far as I know, you just submit whatever petitions are required and you're listed as a candidate for that party. The GOP is completely at the mercy of Trump and his minions, it's completely out of their control.
Trump won the Republican primary in 2016 against a very crowded field, and I don't believe he ever received a majority of the votes in any contest until it was down to just him and Ted Cruz, meaning in a majority of GOP voters chose somebody else. He finished as the nominee with just 44% of the total primary popular vote. My hope was that in a strict 2-horse race, the GOP collectively, would choose a saner candidate based on these numbers. My theory is that Trump evangelists represent maybe 35% of the Republican party (which probably equates to less than 15% of the total electorate!), but somehow he lords over the rest of them anyways. It's pretty depressing.

Trump's base is deafeningly loud, but I don't think its all that big in the grand scheme of things.
Trump won the Republican primary in 2016 against a very crowded field, and I don't believe he ever received a majority of the votes in any contest until it was down to just him and Ted Cruz, meaning in a majority of GOP voters chose somebody else. He finished as the nominee with just 44% of the total primary popular vote. My hope was that in a strict 2-horse race, the GOP collectively, would choose a saner candidate based on these numbers. My theory is that Trump evangelists represent maybe 35% of the Republican party (which probably equates to less than 15% of the total electorate!), but somehow he lords over the rest of them anyways. It's pretty depressing.

Trump's base is deafeningly loud, but I don't think its all that big in the grand scheme of things.
2016 isn't particularly relevant because that was before Trumpsanity took hold. I work with these guys all the time - When GWB was president the old white guys I work with were just regular ass GWB Republicans. But now they're regular ass Trump Republicans. They'll glady vote for him and simply aren't interested in any other options. Only a few of them are overt about it which matches your statistic for hardcore supporters, but the rest of them aren't seriously considering other options. Over Trump's term he managed to brainwash otherwise normal Republcians with all his rhetoric to the point where hardcore Trumplicans may only make up 35% of the party, but probably 60% of Republican voters aren't even bothering to consider other candidates and have been decided on Trump the entire time. That's why I say the Party has lost control because no matter who they put up, the majority of their voters simply want Trump to be the nominee. Not sure about Marin County politics but outside of cities in Ohio it's painfully obvious.
My theory is that Trump evangelists represent maybe 35% of the Republican party (which probably equates to less than 15% of the total electorate!), but somehow he lords over the rest of them anyways.
It'd be nice for the other 85% of the electorate if those numbers translated more accurately into national poll results, but I guess the combination of the electoral college and swing voters preferring him to Biden for whatever reason will ensure that won't be the case.

I guess it could have been worse. At least it's not Hillary trying to defend a second term against him as I think she would've been easier to propagandise against than Biden.

I wonder whether the Joe camp will take the high road and fight on his record or concentrate on attacking Trump and his minions and try and scare people into voting for him. Either way I don't think it'll take much scaring as those minions seem to be a genuinely frightening bunch in their general disregard for human rights and equality under the law.
2016 isn't particularly relevant because that was before Trumpsanity took hold. I work with these guys all the time - When GWB was president the old white guys I work with were just regular ass GWB Republicans. But now they're regular ass Trump Republicans. They'll glady vote for him and simply aren't interested in any other options. Only a few of them are overt about it which matches your statistic for hardcore supporters, but the rest of them aren't seriously considering other options. Over Trump's term he managed to brainwash otherwise normal Republcians with all his rhetoric to the point where hardcore Trumplicans may only make up 35% of the party, but probably 60% of Republican voters aren't even bothering to consider other candidates and have been decided on Trump the entire time. That's why I say the Party has lost control because no matter who they put up, the majority of their voters simply want Trump to be the nominee. Not sure about Marin County politics but outside of cities in Ohio it's painfully obvious.
Chill Vibes GIF by Greta Van Fleet

Dance Dancing GIF
Gotta be honest, I always just assume people from NYC, LA, and SF are living in their own little bubbles haha. But even with all the rust and the diesel trucks blasting down quaint Main Streets I wouldn't trade Dayton for the coast. There's only a couple coastal cities I'd ever consider living in honestly.
Gotta be honest, I always just assume people from NYC, LA, and SF are living in their own little bubbles haha. But even with all the rust and the diesel trucks blasting down quaint Main Streets I wouldn't trade Dayton for the coast. There's only a couple coastal cities I'd ever consider living in honestly.
I spent 15 years in Texas, 2 years in Michigan, and 10 years in Maine. Everywhere has its own bubbles. I can also tell you that MAGA country is only a 15 min drive away from me.
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I spent 15 years in Texas, 2 years in Michigan, and 10 years in Maine. Everywhere has its own bubbles. I can also tell you that MAGA country is only a 15 min drive away from me.
Is it wealthy MAGA or poor MAGA? Here in the Midwest I think the predominant group is poor/country MAGA but a place like Long Island in NYC or Orange County will have a lot of wealthy MAGA.
Is it wealthy MAGA or poor MAGA? Here in the Midwest I think the predominant group is poor/country MAGA but a place like Long Island in NYC or Orange County will have a lot of wealthy MAGA.
I don't know of any wealthy strongly conservative presence in the bay area. That said, the wealthy folks around here are usually pretty moderate or veering towards Libertarian, all things considered. AMG G63 Liberals.
Jon Stewart is returning to the Daily Show. This is what America needs.
I'm sure the idea pops up on Reddit all the time, but recently in Political Discussion somebody asked about the most practical presidential tickets that would get a lot of support. Somebody said, "Michelle Obama and Jon Stewart."

Everybody was like...that's actually a great idea lol.
I'm sure the idea pops up on Reddit all the time, but recently in Political Discussion somebody asked about the most practical presidential tickets that would get a lot of support. Somebody said, "Michelle Obama and Jon Stewart."

Everybody was like...that's actually a great idea lol.
I suspect Stewart feels he can accomplish more as a tv pundit than as a voice of reason in government. He'd be a lot easier to take seriously than a certain other TV star who has made the leap to politicking, though. I don't follow US politics that closely but how did Senator Al Franken do before #metoo caught up with him?
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I suspect Stewart feels he can accomplish more as a tv pundit than as a voice of reason in government. He'd be a lot easier to take seriously than a certain other TV star who has made the leap to politicking, though. I don't follow US politics that closely but how did Senator Al Franken do before #metoo caught up with him?
I think Al Franken was on his way to Senate Majority/Minority leader, at least. He had a lot of charisma and was well liked from what I remember.
I don't follow US politics that closely
Apparently you do because I had no idea Al Franken was on SNL years before I was born and apparently forgotten that he got me too'd. To be fair, that was quite an awkward moment in American society where single college boys like myself were suddenly fearing for their lives. And they wonder why Millennials aren't having as many kids - dating is hard and weird these days and it's ten years later.

Anyways, what were we talking about? Oh yeah. Al Franken won elections is how he did, and in 2022 he mentioned he may start running again.
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I suspect Stewart feels he can accomplish more as a tv pundit than as a voice of reason in government. He'd be a lot easier to take seriously than a certain other TV star who has made the leap to politicking, though. I don't follow US politics that closely but how did Senator Al Franken do before #metoo caught up with him?
Just a note for clarification:

In keeping with my sig I could've perhaps parsed my previous post a little better or at least split it into two paragraphs. In case it wasn't obvious, I didn't mean Al was the TV star turned politico who was less credible than Stewart and was of course talking about the orange would-be oligarch. I bought Franken's book on his archenemy Bill O'Reilly back in the 2000s and am glad his wit and perspicacity appear to have survived into his senatorship.
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@TexRex I agree with Greg Abbott's stance that the Federal government isn't doing enough to protect the border and states' sovereignty.

Texas being assholes.

But I also believe everything Texas is doing to trample on the Feds' control of the international border is unconstitutional.

Ultimately, CBP exists and does its job to whatever rules are currently in place which means Abbott is wrong that the Feds aren't doing anything. They're doing what they're supposed to do, just not well enough. That's no excuse to Texas's actions.

I think the Feds should let it happen honestly. Let it happen, build the case, and then when those responsible for Texas's actions leave office, arrest them for whatever constituational crimes they committed.
@TexRex I agree with Greg Abbott's stance that the Federal government isn't doing enough to protect the border and states' sovereignty.

Texas being assholes.

But I also believe everything Texas is doing to trample on the Feds' control of the international border is unconstitutional.

Ultimately, CBP exists and does its job to whatever rules are currently in place which means Abbott is wrong that the Feds aren't doing anything. They're doing what they're supposed to do, just not well enough. That's no excuse to Texas's actions.

I think the Feds should let it happen honestly. Let it happen, build the case, and then when those responsible for Texas's actions leave office, arrest them for whatever constituational crimes they committed.
It's all for ****ing show. They already turned down a $106 billion deal that included $13.6 billion towards the border that would include adding 1,300 new agents. They don't want a border deal done b/c that's what their Cult Leader is going to use against Biden.

Even Romney has just come out & said as much.
“I think the border is a very important issue for Donald Trump,” Romney said. “And the fact that he would communicate to Republican senators and congresspeople that he doesn’t want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame Biden for it is really appalling.”

Abbott, Patrick, & Paxton need to be shipped off out of the US.

Edit* A reminder of how stupid Abbott is. Got into it with a parody account & deleted it.
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@TexRex I agree with Greg Abbott's stance that the Federal government isn't doing enough to protect the border and states' sovereignty.
Only nativist parasites purport that civilian migrants represent a threat to state sovereignty and the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution itself denigrates the notion of sovereignty of member states.

Overheated rhetoric is a ploy to treat migrants like enemy combatants.

The Constitution requires the federal government to protect against an “invasion”—what every court that has reviewed the question has interpreted to mean an “armed hostility from another political entity.” James Madison labeled invasion a “foreign hostility” or attack by one state on another, and the Constitutional Convention debates connected the power to repel invasions with the power to raise armies. All the widely used English dictionaries from the Founding confirm this understanding, and of course, the other uses of invasion in the Constitution have the same meaning.