• Thread starter BrandonW77
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@Yuri, the funny thing about our Turn 1 incident is that I wasn't even trying to pass you. I was content with staying in your draft for the next dozen laps but effed it all up.

Proof that it happens to even the best of us. :)
^what's so good about stuff pictured in your avatar that it costs 7 hundred on amazon?

It 'only' costs £262.49 sterling from Cashing in on the name? What's strange is that it's about double for you guys in the states. Normally the dollar price becomes the sterling price, so we end up paying a lot more.
Ok guys, I've been reading as much as I can about the new update being released next week. I don't think we have anywhere near the complete info yet but from what we do know it's obvious that Spec 2.0 is going to be a game-changer, to what extent remains to be seen.

Based on this I think we probably need to postpone Round 3 by 1 week. We can finish off this Round at Madrid Mini and then begin Round 3 on October 18th. Here are the updates that are of concern:

• Improved physics - not a lot of detail on this so it could mean anything, but as yuri/johnnypenso pointed out there's a possibility it could render our tunes obsolete or at least require some serious tweaking. This may not be the case but it's also quite possible, at the very least our Cappy is probably going to feel a bit different and I think it's only fair to give everyone a little time to adjust.

• Expanded online lounge features - Right now all we know is that there will be improved shuffle races and new options for car restrictions (something like race cars/street cars/dtm cars/gt cars, etc.) but the way they phrased it made it sound like these were just a couple examples. They have also provided us with this screenshot for weather options:

While we have never run a weather race this is enough to make me think there could be some significant changes to how I can setup our lounge (or open lobby), hopefully for the better. It may not be anything major but I want to provide myself some time to prepare and test out any new options we may have. Our lounge is pretty simple to setup so I wouldn't anticipate any major changes, but who knows?

• Support for the Logitech G25/G27 steering wheel - What exactly does this mean? There are a couple options, the obvious one is that we're going to finally be able to map the 6 buttons on the steering wheel. Personally I am quite pleased with the thought of being able to look left/right when on track. We can currently do this by pressing the directional pad on the shifter assembly but taking your hand off the wheel is always risky. If we are able to do this (PLEASE!!), I think we all need at least a bit of time to train ourselves on the new button layouts so when we actually get to a race they will be second nature.

The second possibility with this is that the force feedback will be improved. This isn't mentioned anywhere that I've seen but I think it falls within the realm of possibilities. If this is indeed the case then I think we should allow ourselves a little time to feel it out and adapt our driving technique (if necessary).

I have not seen any mention whatsoever of the Course Maker and custom tracks so I'm hoping we will still be able to run my custom oval for Round 4. While I don't consider it likely, it's always possible that these custom tracks will no longer be useable so this 1 week break will allow time to adapt to any changes there.

I am really looking forward to this update and can't wait to see all the improvements it brings for us. For sure there will be PLENTY of Capp racing on tap during the postponement so we can all try out the new features and discuss how they will effect/improve our series. Maybe there will be some new options that allow us to do some really fun things and/or improve our race format, rolling starts for example. :)

What are your thoughts on a 1 week delay or on the Spec 2.0 update in general? I for one can't wait until Tuesday!!! :cheers:
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@Brosif - I know, I'm just clowning around. I got hit so many times in those two races I can't keep track, and did some hitting myself - sorry I figured at this track it was probably every man for

Good idea on the race delay Brandon. Who knows what's coming up and how it could affect us any car, let alone the little Cappuccino. Maybe we could pick another track and schedule another All-Star type of race instead so we don't break the rythmn.
Based on this I think we probably need to postpone Round 3 by 1 week. We can finish off this Round at Madrid Mini and then begin Round 3 on October 19th.

11+7=18 (as in Tuesday, the 18th of October) :)

• Improved physics - not a lot of detail on this so it could mean anything, but as yuri/johnnypenso pointed out there's a possibility it could render our tunes obsolete or at least require some serious tweaking. This may not be the case but it's also quite possible, at the very least our Cappy is probably going to feel a bit different and I think it's only fair to give everyone a little time to adjust.

I am hopeful that the "improved physics" of Spec 2.0 don't tinker with the tuning engine as I don't feel like teaching myself another handful of proprietary GT5 tuning principles. I am secretly hoping the "improved physics" really just addresses the outrageous draft element but I don't think it will since the draft has always been ridiculous in Gran Turismo.

They have also provided us with this screenshot for weather options:

While we have never run a weather race this is enough to make me think there could be some significant changes to how I can setup our lounge (or open lobby), hopefully for the better. It may not be anything major but I want to provide myself some time to prepare and test out any new options we may have. Our lounge is pretty simple to setup so I wouldn't anticipate any major changes, but who knows?

I am not 100% positive that the new weather controls are going to be available for online racing. The screenshot above is from an A-spec race and we know how Polyphony treats online and offline environments separately.
11+7=18 (as in Tuesday, the 18th of October) :)

I am hopeful that the "improved physics" of Spec 2.0 don't tinker with the tuning engine as I don't feel like teaching myself another handful of proprietary GT5 tuning principles. I am secretly hoping the "improved physics" really just addresses the outrageous draft element but I don't think it will since the draft has always been ridiculous in Gran Turismo.

I am not 100% positive that the new weather controls are going to be available for online racing. The screenshot above is from an A-spec race and we know how Polyphony treats online and offline environments separately.

Fixed. I have a screwy calendar on my desk that has Monday as the first day of the week and I make that mistake all the time. :dunce:

"Improved physics" could mean just about anything. My main hope for it is a reduced draft effect and online/offline physics being equal. Neither of these would require major tuning overhauls, but all we can do is speculate right now.

I'm also not positive that the weather options will be available online either, and since we haven't ever done a wet Capp race that part isn't too big of a concern. But just seeing that new menu screen suggests (to me) that there will either be new options to chose from or at least different ways of using the options we have. I also think it's likely that little to nothing will have changed that effects the Capp Cup Lounge but I don't want to be caught off-guard by anything.

Also, depending on when the DLC Track Pack is available I'm open to the possibility of replacing Monaco with one of the new tracks. In fact I would really like to do this, depending on when it's available and how much they cost of course. I'd like to be able to implement as many of the new features as possible into the Capp Cup and hopefully 1 week's time will be enough for us to decide what should/shouldn't be added. Some kind of an unofficial all-star race for next week is a good idea, but depending on what's available we may want a loose structure that will allow us to test all kinds of new things.

If I find out any new info I'll be sure to post it here for everyone to see/discuss. 👍
It makes sense to hold off. We could do non points races.

Speaking of weather. Hmmmm Capp in the rain. I am in!
It makes sense to hold off. We could do non points races.

Speaking of weather. Hmmmm Capp in the rain. I am in!

We've tried it in free races and it can be quite fun. I had thought about having a wet race this season but didn't have enough time to test it.

Not screwy, just European.

Like I said. :lol: (kidding!!!)
I think a break for the update would be a good idea. Im also down with an unofficial race during the break. Im thinking 20 laps at the top gear test track, with a no crying rule for any contact that happens on the crossover.
I think a break for the update would be a good idea. Im also down with an unofficial race during the break. Im thinking 20 laps at the top gear test track, with a no crying rule for any contact that happens on the crossover.

I can't decide whether you're a sadist or a masochist. lol
Dudes that Juke, this is third time in two days I've seen it.

The irony here is. I was at IMPUL's website and they had pics there. was like sweet looker. Head over to my local car forum 10 min later and someone posted said article links. I was like whoa. Now today you link it.

I want a GT-R drive train to fab in a Fox Body Stang. I want to own/build an AWD Fox body someday. V8 preferred but take a 6 or even Evo 4G63 4 banger.
A lot of people don't like the draft and there are times I don't like it either. Those are the times I have a .8 second lead which is about 150 feet at 120mph and someone drafts up to catch The one thing it does though is make the racing closer, allows you to make small errors and not fall behind and out of the draft so easily. I fear that while a more realistic draft might enhance the realism, it won't make for better racing, and you'll have a lot more cars running around alone, as opposed to tight packs.

What I would rather see is an option to establish it whatever way you want from 0-100% when setting up an online lobby or an A-Spec or any other race. Wasn't it that way before? That would make a lot more sense as opposed to an arbitrary, non adjustable change. I wouldn't want to be the guy that has to deal with 40 different opinions as to where the draft should be set for a race series, that's Brandon's job and he's well paid for it too!!
.....which is about 150 feet at 120mph.....

When did you start speaking in empirical terms, eh?? :lol:

When it comes to the Cappy, I agree with your comments about the exaggerated draft making the racing closer and I've not encountered many things more enjoyable than going 155mph in a Capp while in a draft down the front stretch of chicane of course!

But for more powerful cars it can be a little much and can cause more incidents in some cases. So yeah, a slider option to control the amount of draft would be perfect. I don't have real high hopes of that happening, but sure would love it if it did!

We, of course, would always run at 1,000% draft, no question about that. :scared:
It's gonna be interesting to see how races develop once the draft is fixed (not banking on it being fixed with Spec 2 btw, just discussing it). There's kind of two things that are at play when considering race field parity and the affect GT's draft has on it: as Johnny said, it's easier to stay with someone if you make small mistakes and this is especially true for a pack of cars catching up to one, the second is that if there's two or more cars ahead in pace and they being to draft swing each other or bump draft then they're going to just SHOOT away.

My theory is that the latter example's going to be the most important thing at stake if the draft is toned down because it's going to be much harder to pull such a fast lead on every one once the guys with the better pace can't "use" each other to get ahead.
Reverse grid races with no draft would be even crazier. I'm okay with draft staying as a DRS-like system. That is the one that kicks in after a few laps and only in safe places like long straights.
P.S. its 140 feet =)
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In our series, a draft effect that was say half of the current effect, would make it extremely difficult to pass someone at most circuits. The only way to pass at that point would be if someone makes a mistake and that doesn't happen too often in the upper half of the grid, based on all the replays I've watched. Don't let your head explode Brosif, but watching your replays is like watching the same lap over and over, your lines are so precise and repetitive. You'd never get by him at most tracks without the current draft effect.

You'd probably never get by anyone at Tsukuba, Monaco, and even Deep Forest I think would be tough to pass on with a lessened draft, in these cars. That rules out a lot of fun tracks for this little here's hoping they don't muck it up!!👍👍
It really doesn't Johnny. I guess you'll just have to wait and see what I mean if it is fixed.

If it comes down to some sort of new room setting where draft is scale able like boost than I would go for the real setting every time no matter what the car and it would be great. In iRacing I've always felt like packs are easier to hold together because of the reduced draft, and this isn't even in official races. Hosted sessions I've run where there's all kinds of iRatings floating around easily keep together for a much more enjoyable race.
What if the draft effect was affected by your position? Like if you were in last place you may get more of a draft effect and the people in front would have less.
.....than I would go for the real setting every time no matter what the car...

That's presuming PD's "real setting" is actually good and not an under-exaggerated draft or something screwy like that. I wish I had more faith, I really do. :lol:
What if the draft effect was affected by your position? Like if you were in last place you may get more of a draft effect and the people in front would have less.

I think that's pretty much what the effect of "boost" is. :)
I think Fuji-F would be a great track for the last race of old GT5.

A potential new track over Monaco 👍👍
I prefer Fuji GT myself but I'd settle for Fuji Heck of a draft there!
I prefer Fuji GT myself but I'd settle for Fuji Heck of a draft there!
I only picked "F" because the chicane would add a braking/passing zone.I prefer "GT" too but the only passes i have ever seen racing there happen when someone runs wide and gets a penalty or spins out on that little patch of grass.
Fuji is ok, but for the record I'm not against Monaco Enduro.

I personally hate any version of Fuji, I'm not sure why because most real world drivers claim to LOVE it but I've just never enjoyed this track in any car.

I'll only be replacing Monaco if a new track becomes available as DLC that we all can access and race on. I enjoy Monaco, this is my second attempt at having it on the schedule. The first season almost resulted in mutiny because nobody wanted to go there, so I removed it. Before this new season started I had several people express their desire to have Monaco on the schedule so I added it, but since then I've received several complaints and requests to have it changed. :rolleyes: I guess people really either love or hate this track. lol
I would be fine with either Fuji version. It's not the greatest challenge to drive on, but what it does offer is a very wide track, lots of room for error and passing, and it's relatively flat, except for the last couple of corners, making it easy to predict what your car is going to do, so close quarters racing is usually ok there.

Some of the best, most exciting battles I've ever had online were at Fuji. Never ran the Cappy there though...could take 6 or 7 minutes just to do the front
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