Connecticut School Shooting Dec 14th 2012

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Remember, Hitler outlawed guns when he came in power in Nazi Germany. I see your point though.

I really have no interest in getting into a debate about gun control. It never ends well. However, I have heard people saying the answer is more guns. Arm every teacher so they can shoot back if this happens again. Madness.
If you have no interest in getting into a debate, stop making statements that people will disagree with...
I really have no interest in getting into a debate about gun control. It never ends well. However, I have heard people saying the answer is more guns. Arm every teacher so they can shoot back if this happens again. Madness.

It would be a great way to keep order in the class room :lol: *teacher aims gun at class* "I said be quiet" :lol:
Apples and oranges. Mexico has strict gun control if you want to play that game.

As for the topic at hand, it's just shocking that this happened. An ELEMENTARY school. Horrific.

Indeed, but Mexico is by comparison a pretty lawless society. You have to changes people's attitude to guns. Guns are so taboo in Japan that the mafia don't often use guns.
Indeed, but Mexico is by comparison a pretty lawless society. You have to changes people's attitude to guns. Guns are so taboo in Japan that the mafia don't often use guns.

So a large portion of a population has an irrational fear of a mechanical device. Your point?
It would be a great way to keep order in the class room :lol: *teacher aims gun at class* "I said be quiet" :lol:

Not cool. 👎

For those of you debating over the issue of guns, take it here. Leave this thread for the discussion of the event itself.
Whether we think gun control is good or bad, it was still a horrendous incident. I'm sure the families of the victims wouldn't like to hear all the gun control arguments that seem to take the focus away from the what really matters, human life.
Whether we think gun control is good or bad, it was still a horrendous incident. I'm sure the families of the victims wouldn't like to hear all the gun control arguments that seem to take the focus away from the what really matters, human life.

Agreed, as the father of a seven year old myself I am so very sad that this has happened. My heart goes out to all of those affected.
Agreed, as the father of a seven year old myself I am so very sad that this has happened. My heart goes out to all of those affected.

Mine too. I don't understand how killing 5-10 year old children fixes anything that was obviously bothering the shooter. I can't conceive anyone in his/her right mind doing something so grotesque.
Mine too. I don't understand how killing 5-10 year old children fixes anything that was obviously bothering the shooter. I can't conceive anyone in his/her right mind doing something so grotesque.

I just said that to my wife. However crazy, shooting your mum and dad because you think they screwed your life up is within the bounds of possibility but to gun down a whole class of five year old kids is just inhuman.
I will never understand why people perform terrible acts like this - do they get some form of satisfaction from killing innocent, helpless people? Children, no less?

It's things like this that leave me gravely concerned about the future of the human race. Yeah, we have absolutely astounding breakthroughs in tech and whatnot, but in the dark, terrible corner of the world this stuff is still happening...

Remember, Hitler outlawed guns when he came in power in Nazi Germany. I see your point though.
Godwin scores again.
I just said that to my wife. However crazy, shooting your mum and dad because you think they screwed your life up is within the bounds of possibility but to gun down a whole class of five year old kids is just inhuman.

I think there has to be a lot more to this. I think the shooter's name is Ryan Lanza. From what I've read, it was premeditated. I might be wrong though. As a senior in high school, I don't wake up and have fear that my school might get shot up. In fact, that's probably the farthest thing from my mind. It was even further from my mind when I was 5-10 years old. I was 6 when 9/11 happened, but I was more/less still innocent enough not to really know the magnitude of that. The mental trauma those children experienced today will more than likely scar them for life.
"There are some bad people in the world, and [they can] do some really terrible things." -some psychiatrist on CNN

Ain't that the truth. I cannot wrap my head around the fact that he thought it was okay to open up on innocent children. His parents, I can understand how you can be that messed up in the head. But elementary school students? What did that ten-year-old do to him? I... I can't even describe my emotions right now.
Indeed, but Mexico is by comparison a pretty lawless society. You have to changes people's attitude to guns. Guns are so taboo in Japan that the mafia don't often use guns.

Not completely true, but not completely wrong either... In some places of our country law is determined by the one who has "the biggest guns", just like the Wild West... and most of the times... those with the bigger and better weapons are the drug cartels...:grumpy:

We have some good laws in here, but the Police in Mexico is a complete and massive joke overall... it's so uneffective the army had to do their job on some parts of the country during the last 6 years: Badly trained, with poor equipment, poor physical form, corrupt, and not trusted by most of the population... that is the sad reality of my beloved country :(

And now on topic, my prays and condolences for the families of the victims... :(

"There are some bad people in the world, and [they can] do some really terrible things." -some psychiatrist on CNN

Ain't that the truth. I cannot wrap my head around the fact that he thought it was okay to open up on innocent children. His parents, I can understand how you can be that messed up in the head. But elementary school students? What did that ten-year-old do to him? I... I can't even describe my emotions right now.

Pretty much my thoughts.

Hats off to all the police and teachers for their quick thinking and heroism. One of the news websites interviewed a 4th grader whose teacher rushed her class into the bathroom and locked the door when bullets shattered a window in the classroom.
Pretty much my thoughts.

Hats off to all the police and teachers for their quick thinking and heroism. One of the news websites interviewed a 4th grader whose teacher rushed her class into the bathroom and locked the door when bullets shattered a window in the classroom.

Could there be a greater contrast of human nature? One intent on killing innocent children and the other thinking only of their safety. There are heroes among us every day it's a shame it takes something like this to realise it.
31 U.S. school shootings since Columbine. School shootings in every other country in the world combined since that time: 14.
Because it's just too difficult to believe that a human being is capable of wanting to shoot a bunch of innocent children.
No motive will change what happened. A human being has killed a bunch of innocent children. What you said in your next post is true, it could make us feel safer that the shooting occurred because of specific circumstances, but it doesn't change what has happened.

Seeing as I don't believe in an afterlife (Good or Bad) I feel he escaped any form of punishment by doing so. But I still respect where you're coming from.

Punishment is pointless. It's either reparation or deterrence of copy cats. The former is impossible in this case. Hopefully his death, self inflicted or not, will resonate with people in his position who are slightly more sane.

Do you seriously believe that if the guy had used a knife or a "rock" we would still be seeing the same result?
It's hard to say.
Could there be a greater contrast of human nature? One intent on killing innocent children and the other thinking only of their safety. There are heroes among us every day it's a shame it takes something like this to realise it.

Agreed. It's the same cop that we got furious about for pulling us over one day that might just be carrying our kid out of a situation like the one today.
It's hard to say.


If you walked past a school and seen someone throwing rocks at children in a school I'm pretty sure you would not hesitate in telling them to stop and make your way over to them

Now if you replace the rocks with someone randomly shooting in all directions would you do the same??

Rightly or wrongly you reaction would be completely different......

My heart goes out to all the families effected by another senseless tragedy.

RIP Little Ones
If I am a psycho I can easily kill you with anything.

While this is true, is limiting his tools of destruction not a good thing? You may not stop a person from doing harmful acts, but it would at least lessen the options he has. That's what I'm more or less getting at.
I have a feeling these kids were kindergarteners. Of course I can't confirm this, but it only makes sense because all who were shot except for one died, and any given gunshot is much more likely to kill a 5 year old than a 10 year old. Also, these shootings occurred in classrooms that were near the entrance. From my experience in elementary school, the younger classes were closer to the front of the school, and the grades went up as you got further away from the front.
Now if you replace the rocks with someone randomly shooting in all directions would you do the same??

The analogue would be someone throwing guns, not shooting.

The "rock" analogue to a shooting would be something like a slingshot. When you change your weapon, it requires different methods, in the end the results may be worse, or they may not be.

And my post was not focused on rocks, but weapons besides guns (ie anything, including knives which were mentioned in the quoted post).
My theory on guns is that they are a necessary evil. The suicide bombers of 9/11 used box cutters and plastic knives to take over the airplanes. Just think of the horror if the police who controlled the situation didn't have firearms.

The real focus should be about helping all the victims' families out in this time of suffering.
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