Coup d'etat in Turkey

  • Thread starter mister dog
Okay, so why didn't they do that? After all, it was one faction within the army that staged the coup, not the entire military.

Because the heads of military are now friends with Erdy. Those who opposed him are now either dead or on the run.


Doesn't anything think it's weird that the coup happened when no one knew, outside of the goatlover's inner circle, where the President of their country actually was?

I think that Erdogan knew exactly what was going to happen.
Doesn't anything think it's weird that the coup happened when no one knew, outside of the goatlover's inner circle, where the President of their country actually was?
Not at all.

The entire point of the coup was to occupy the major cities overnight and to take control of the executive and legislative arms of the government (and, in the long term, the judiciary), military headquarters, major broadcasters and communication networks, and transportation links; in short, everything the country needs to function day-to-day. By the time most people woke up, the military would already be in control.

A key point of this strategy is to cut Erdoğan out of the loop. If they could limit his ability to respond, they could limit his ability to reclaim the country; every hour that they held power further consolidated their position. So while they may not have known exactly where he was, they only needed to know where he wasn't - in Ankara or Istanbul, the two major hubs within the country. Whoever controlled the two cities controlled the entire country.

It's pretty much the way every coup goes down.
John Kerry when asked what's happening in Turkey:
A key point of this strategy is to cut Erdoğan out of the loop. If they could limit his ability to respond, they could limit his ability to reclaim the country; every hour that they held power further consolidated their position

In case that you've missed it, he facetimed that the people should go and take over the streets.

For a coup to be somewhat successful, the first thing you do is make sure that the one you're kicking out of power is locked up and unable to communicate with his followers.
In case that you've missed it, he facetimed that the people should go and take over the streets.

For a coup to be somewhat successful, the first thing you do is make sure that the one you're kicking out of power is locked up and unable to communicate with his followers.
In 1995, a group of Turkish ultra-nationalists calling themselves the Gray Wolves tried to instigate a coup in Azerbaijan. It failed because of a phone call from the Turkish Prime Minister to the President of Azerbaijan that gave the President enough warning.

The point is that even the best-laid and complex plans can be derailed by something as simple as a phone call. Erdoğan is well-known for his social media black-outs, so no doubt the coup leaders intended to get control of that system. They didn't need to know where he was, because the system shuts down social media across the country. Evidently, they were too slow, both in getting control of that system and in taking over the broadcasters because Erdoğan's message got out.

It doesn't really prove anything except mismanagement, which seems to have been something of a consistent theme for the coup - once the soldiers took control of Istanbul and Ankara, they were apparently expecting a quick transition and had no idea what to do once protesters took to the streets.
A disaster for the progressive side in Turkey. The "traitors" will be rounded up & jailed, some tortured & killed. Erdoğan will be able to crack down more aggressively on all dissent & marginalize the opposition as unpatriotic.

I'm not sure what happened, but it may be that the military figures behind the coup attempt misjudged the amount of support they had in the army & the willingness of the masses people opposed to Erdoğan to support an army coup.
I'm curious as to what you all think now, given that the coup failed and the Turkish people overwhelmingly showed their support for Erdogan.

....If I'm a bit honest, it is disappointing to see but, if one was to look at, say, how Trump was able to pull a fast one over a mob's eyes then this was bound to happen. Utter a few popular-sounding rhetorics using the most easily digestible - not too mention having a better reach than any other traditional means available and you're bound to have nutters* clinging onto every one of your other words as if you're the Messiah himself.

Isn't mob mentality just wonderful?

Don't know about conspiracy theories and what nots but all I can say is, credit is due where it's due: Erdogan is one smart, ruthless, and rather opportunistic man. Perhaps moreso than some of the other politicians I've had the displeasure of watching.

The moment he began FaceTiming, I just knew 🤬 would go sideways. Never made fun of that when that happened. Cuz I knew....:indiff:

Edit: * -> obviously I'm generalizing a bit there. My bad if you're a Trump supporter and not a nutter. Best of luck on that.
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So the coup was a big failure in taking over and ridding the man.
Ah well it was something different to watch on tv than a repeat of Goodnight Sweetheart.
So what happens now in Turkey do the world leave them to sort the place out or do we again get other countries interfering and telling them what to do like usual making a mountain out of a mole hill.
I read earlier in this thread the coup had America on the back foot as they hadn't seen it coming,
Just a question What has Turkeys political state got to do with America or anybody else?

Just a message to the Turkish people, If your not happy there come to the UK and set up a damn good kebab shop as the ones we have around here are a bit naff. Every quality kebab I have had was made in a shop owned and run by Turkish people.
Just a message to the Turkish people, If your not happy there come to the UK and set up a damn good kebab shop as the ones we have around here are a bit naff. Every quality kebab I have had was made in a shop owned and run by Turkish people.
Thats sounds stereotypical-ish and I doubt most Turkish people will happy hearing that.

A job chances? Sure. But dont have to be Kebab, you know.
Just a question What has Turkeys political state got to do with America or anybody else?
There are usually warning signs that something like this is going to happen. But in this case, there was nothing; or, if there was something, it was subtle and easily missed.

Turkey has always been strategically important. During the Cold War, the Americans stationed Minutemen missiles in the country because of its proximity to the Soviet Union. Today, it's an important partner in the fight against ISIL. After all, it shares extensive borders with both Syria and Iraq. It's also home to about two thousand American servicemen stationed at Incirlik air base. If nothing else, the Americans would want to know about an imminent coup to ensure the safety of their soldiers.

Given its stratefic value, the West also has a history of getting involved in Turkish politics. In the 1980s, NATO commissioned a clandestine stay-behind force known as Counter-Guerilla, which was similar to Operation Gladio, a stay-behind operation designed to prevent socialism and communism from taking hold in Italy. Counter-Guerilla had a much broader role and a much more active history that Operation Gladio, and was one of the early steps in Turkey's long and chequered history of coups, counter-coups and coup conspiracies. The deep state, Susurluk scandal, Operation Sledgehammer and Ergenekon can all be traced back to Counter-Guerilla in some way, shape or form.
There are usually warning signs that something like this is going to happen. But in this case, there was nothing; or, if there was something, it was subtle and easily missed.

Turkey has always been strategically important. During the Cold War, the Americans stationed Minutemen missiles in the country because of its proximity to the Soviet Union. Today, it's an important partner in the fight against ISIL. After all, it shares extensive borders with both Syria and Iraq. It's also home to about two thousand American servicemen stationed at Incirlik air base. If nothing else, the Americans would want to know about an imminent coup to ensure the safety of their soldiers.

Given its stratefic value, the West also has a history of getting involved in Turkish politics. In the 1980s, NATO commissioned a clandestine stay-behind force known as Counter-Guerilla, which was similar to Operation Gladio, a stay-behind operation designed to prevent socialism and communism from taking hold in Italy. Counter-Guerilla had a much broader role and a much more active history that Operation Gladio, and was one of the early steps in Turkey's long and chequered history of coups, counter-coups and coup conspiracies. The deep state, Susurluk scandal, Operation Sledgehammer and Ergenekon can all be traced back to Counter-Guerilla in some way, shape or form.

First let me apologise for double posting I cocked it up and couldn't put this quote ^^^^ in my first post as I am a bit thick that way.

So correct me if I am wrong as I am asking questions here not making a statement.
If the US and all the other countries who have service men and war things in other countries decided to bring them all back to there own land would there still be the same aggressive nature from ISIS and the other terrorist groups towards the west?
I mean at the end of the day what do groups like ISIS and the others hope to achieve by carrying out attacks?
And why do we need arms and service men in other countries hasn't history shown us by countries sticking there oar into other countries it has bought nothing but grief?

I understand that if we had another Hitler the world would have to come together to get rid for the sake of the world but what I don't understand is why countries don't trust each other what is the big deal if in there own land say the Fins in Finland live how they seem fit but because the people of say Norway don't like the way they live they have to interfere.
I see a lot of US and UK and France etc having a say in how other countries should be run, Why what has it got to do with anyone else as long as their not trying to bomb the crap out of the world leave them be why is this not practiced?
England to me is riddled with a way of life England can not afford taxed in every corner we turn to, people can't walk the streets at night because of fear of attacks by idiots, basically England I think is awful yet as soon as the EU started to implant rules and laws in the UK the UK were up in arms about it. It seems one rule for one and another rule for the few to me. I see it as England don't like other countries/foreign input so why do countries interfere with others?
If the US and all the other countries who have service men and war things in other countries decided to bring them all back to there own land would there still be the same aggressive nature from ISIS and the other terrorist groups towards the west?
Almost certainly. A lot of these events are the result of a complex confluence of historical events, and you cannot sort one out as the root cause, or expect that by correcting it, the problem will go away.
The Dictator, predictably, blames Fethullah Gulen, a political opponent that was exiled to the US, for organizing the coup attempt. And because it is the US, according to The Guardian, he has retaliated by closing access and power to Incirlik airbase, stranding up to 1,500 US Air Force personnel.

The US for its part said that it will extradite Gulen if wrongdoing was found, but Turkey has failed to do so in the past. Erdogan, for his part, blames Gulen all the same, and his prime minister has stated that any country that stands with him is considered to be at war with Turkey.
What we are seeing now with Erdogan is apparently all based on his great inspiration Necip Fazil, who wanted Turkey to step away from the secularism of Ataturk, go back to its Ottoman roots and introduce one great leader: 'basyüce' who rules over all Turks and introduces Sharia law.

He was against democracy, calling it an invention of the unbelievers and the Jews. The link is in Dutch but you can find out yourself on google:

So basically what i feared before that we would see an islamofascist regime rise from this coup, might very well come true in the following years. And its supporters are already living among us.
It look like a false flag to me. I don't sway my opinion based on conspiracy theories however, people conspire everyday and the word being laughed off is in itself laughable.

It would not surprise me to learn that the U.S. had some play in it.
I feel the whole thing was staged by those who would benefit most from it.

Erdogan's flight was being broadcast live on flightsradar the entire time. The "rebels" had F16s in the air nearby. Wouldn't it have ensured success of the Cout to take him out? Who stages a Cout at 10pm on a friday night? What happened to the F16s? So many weird things going on....
I feel the whole thing was staged by those who would benefit most from it.

Erdogan's flight was being broadcast live on flightsradar the entire time. The "rebels" had F16s in the air nearby. Wouldn't it have ensured success of the Cout to take him out? Who stages a Cout at 10pm on a friday night? What happened to the F16s? So many weird things going on....

I wondered the same thing.

Erdogan said that the jets tried to slow him down or cut him off mid air or something like that...don't know exactly what he said.
That makes no sense. Why would America have a hand in a botched coup?

I don't pretend to know what happened but that flippant comment is of no use to me. Does the U.S. always succeed at what they try?(I think not), it could very well be the U.S. participated in a false flag as well.

We do not know but I'm interested to see what happens in the days to follow, doesn't Turkey have a great deal to do with ISIS?
I don't pretend to know what happened but that flippant comment is of no use to me. Does the U.S. always succeed at what they try?(I think not), it could very well be the U.S. participated in a false flag as well.

We do not know but I'm interested to see what happens in the days to follow, doesn't Turkey have a great deal to do with ISIS?

I wouldn't for one instance put it passed the CIA to instigate a Cout in Turkey.

However, it's highly unlikely they would have failed this badly if they had tried in earnest. If this really was an earnest attempt, it was one of the worst cout attempts in the last 100 years. It's also highly unlikely the CIA would attempt a false flag operation to bolster Erdogan, who is probably an enemy or at least a political adversary of the CIA.

Another theory I have seen is that Erdogan was well aware of the Cout ahead of time and allowed it to commence while gaining the upper hand before it even began. Erdogan becomes the hero in any of these situations.


At height of Turkish coup bid, rebel jets had Erdogan's plane in their sights

It's all hearsay. No details provided by anyone.
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I wouldn't for one instance put it passed the CIA to instigate a Cout in Turkey.

However, it's highly unlikely they would have failed this badly if they had tried in earnest. If this really was an earnest attempt, it was one of the worst cout attempts in the last 100 years. It's also highly unlikely the CIA would attempt a false flag operation to bolster Erdogan, who is probably an enemy or at least a political adversary of the CIA.

I'm not so sure of that idea that the U.S. would not bolster Erdogan, an enemy sure enough, a political pawn though perhaps. As I said, time will tell and I am watching, especially watching to see what comes of ISIS.(Syria anyone?)
Wouldn't it have ensured success of the Cout to take him out?
No, because the successor government needs to appear legitimate in the eyes of the international community. Killing the incumbent leaders makes it that much harder to be accepted.

Who stages a Cout at 10pm on a friday night?
The idea was to occupy the streets, government buildings and important infrastructure while everyone was sleeping so that by the time they woke up, the rebels were already in control. Which is a pretty smart way of doing it.

I don't pretend to know what happened but that flippant comment is of no use to me. Does the U.S. always succeed at what they try?
The popular theory is that the coup was designed to fail to give Erdoğan the pretext to remove opposition influence from the military. Why would America get involved in that?

doesn't Turkey have a great deal to do with ISIS?
No. They're trying to limit ISIL's influence within their own borders.
The idea was to occupy the streets, government buildings and important infrastructure while everyone was sleeping so that by the time they woke up, the rebels were already in control. Which is a pretty smart way of doing it.

Exactly why you don't do it at 10pm on a Friday night. It's clear many if not most people were up and about, especially in Ankara & Istanbul. 4am would have been a far better time.

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