Dictionary of Stupid Censored Words

  • Thread starter GT5_X2010
Fallout is another blocked word.

I can't really see anything in that word that's worthy of blocking it.

Probably "lout". Anyone care to confirm?

Not sure if it's a banned word here. I've been bitten by such "unwritten rules" before.
Not really. after I beat someone in a race he sent me a message saying to "eat a *swearwordforphallus*" and it wasn't censored by psn.

I suspect you misunderstand.

That's not the same thing as the PSN word censor. PSN messages sent from account to account like that have no censorship at all.

Probably "lout". Anyone care to confirm?

Not sure if it's a banned word here. I've been bitten by such "unwritten rules" before.

You were "bitten" by a written rule. Twice. Don't pretend otherwise.
I'm referring to the twice the staff have interacted with the "Give Infraction" page (which also covers Warnings - they are simply 0pt Infractions) for your account.

Incidentally, I'd imagine that the only country to have ever been on the receiving end of nuclear weapons in aggression might be a little sensitive about the word "fallout".
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We have all encountered the censored words in GT5 online and while some are legitimate such as **** and *******, others are not quite so good with words such as "Bacon" and "Engine" and while this is annoying it does provide quite a few laughs as some words are allowed so post any words that you feel shouldn't be censored in game but are. Also, embolden the part that results in the censor if you know it and the country that results in its censor.

Hopefully the list would also help if PD ever decided to change the coding so that words were censored only in the country where it applies or so that when the start/end of the word is added on, the game removes the censor.


Murray Walker
I think I solved 3 of them, it won't let me say "dio"
The first one wasn't even remotely related to what we're discussing now. The second one... WOW. Basically it equates to "you don't know a word is banned until you get a ten point infraction for it." Basically what happened was, the word was supposedly the "second worst insult to a certain people group" (even though no real, live members of that group were involved), but I've personally seen the only insult that was allegedly worse on several occasions and those people were never infracted as far as I know. And most likely a reference to another insult on the list (a Jeremy Clarkson quote about a certain Mercedes).

So the point remains, I'm still afraid to post anything that's not perfectly robotic sounding, lest I post a word that's not really a banned word but still gets an infraction.
The first one wasn't even remotely related to what we're discussing now. The second one... WOW. Basically it equates to "you don't know a word is banned until you get a ten point infraction for it." Basically what happened was, the word was supposedly the "second worst insult to a certain people group" (even though no real, live members of that group were involved)

You will not behave in an abusive and/or hateful manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack any individual or any group.

but I've personally seen the only insult that was allegedly worse on several occasions and those people were never infracted as far as I know. And most likely a reference to another insult on the list (a Jeremy Clarkson quote about a certain Mercedes).

So the point remains

Yes it does. The claim that it was an unwritten rule you broke is false and you should not seek to pretend it is still true.

I'm still afraid to post anything that's not perfectly robotic sounding, lest I post a word that's not really a banned word but still gets an infraction.

It's amazing how many people manage to use this site without ever getting a warning (>95% of all members) let alone an Infraction (>99% of all members). The AUP is not complicated - not compared to, for example, the law of your country that you can break without ever realising - and deliberately so.
Search powers activate! I can still find un-infracted uses of the alleged "only worse word".

Such as post #12 in this thread. The word is actually used twice in a single post, and I have a screenshot.

Or post #1 in this thread.

Or post #14 in this thread.

Or post #3 in this thread.

And post #2 in this thread.

Post #3 here...

Post #1 right here...

Post #36157 in ye olde anime thread (Don't worry, link goes straight to the post in question.)

And here. And [url=https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?p=6553785&highlight=retard#post6553785]the anime thread again. And here. And here. And here.

Also, those statistics are skewed, since the vast majority of members never make more than a very few posts.
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Search powers activate! I can still find un-infracted uses of the alleged "only worse word".

No you can't. You are not a member of staff and do not have access to that information. It is also irrelevant to the fact that your claim of breaking "an unwritten rule" is false. Your conduct broke a written rule - the one I showed to you.

Also, those statistics are skewed, since the vast majority of members never make more than a very few posts.

The vast majority of members never make any posts - that's a stat you can look up - and yet still the vast majority of members who make any posts never break the rules they agreed to. There's also quite a few adspammers who get just the one, terminal Infraction that I didn't include.

It is normal to not have any Warnings or Infractions. It is not normal to have some - because it means you read and agreed to the AUP (according to your own declaration on the contract you sign with this site) and then broke your word.

For all of your obfuscation on the issue, you very clearly broke the rules you agreed to and were treated accordingly. No-one else is to blame for this but you - not people who type things you think are worse, not the staff, not the rules, not the site. You and you alone:

You remain solely responsible for anything found within your posts

Seeing as you saw fit to lie about this in public, I was obliged to respond. If you see fit to lie about it again I will respond in private. Do not do it again.

You will not knowingly post any material that is false, misleading, or inaccurate.
You will, if asked by a representative of the forums, cease posting any content.
I don't understand why PD censored "con", that means "with" in Spanish.

The Spanish people tried to ask PD to produce evidence explaining the foolishness of banning this word. Sadly for the Spanish, they got censored as they were trying to say it:

Spanish GT5 Players original message: Would you please come up with some evidence for banning this word?

Resultant Message: **********

(PD stare at the Spanish players, angry that they would swear at the games developers)
We have all encountered the censored words in GT5 online and while some are legitimate such as **** and *******, others are not quite so good with words such as "Bacon" and "Engine" and while this is annoying it does provide quite a few laughs as some words are allowed so post any words that you feel shouldn't be censored in game but are. Also, embolden the part that results in the censor if you know it and the country that results in its censor.

Hopefully the list would also help if PD ever decided to change the coding so that words were censored only in the country where it applies or so that when the start/end of the word is added on, the game removes the censor.


Murray Walker

For grape, you can literally guess why it is censored. Also, I heard that LSD is some sort of illegal drug but in a car game I do agree it's kinda stupid to censor it because it means Limited Slip Differential in car terms.

Would be funny if they censored Justin Bieber though :) 👍 .
For the word disconnect(ed) it lets you type it if you spell it with one N "disconect(ed)" so the "con" in that word isn't the reason its banned other wise the single N spelling would get censored too :confused: But that doesn't make sence why Bacon and Falcon are censored :confused:
I think I know the reason why "Pajero" is censored, but I'm not sure if I can post it here since it is a sexual-related slang word here in Spain....
I think I know the reason why "Pajero" is censored, but I'm not sure if I can post it here since it is a sexual-related slang word here in Spain....

I was always told it meant "wanker".
Nazi is unfortunately banned aswell.............................Damm

I think "Nazi" is censored because it would be offensive if you said that to a German or someone who believes in the Jewish faith.
I have another word to add, but I am unsure as to the reasoning why, or if it is indeed an insult to anyone.

So I'll say it: "Nomad." I remember at some point or another this word was being censored for some reason. It shouldn't be offensive or otherwise bad seeing how it was used on a Sega handheld that ran Mega Drive and Genesis games. It's also used on the Lamborghini NOMAD Diablo GT-1 '00 in GT5 (originally in GT3, but that's a different topic). Can anyone tell me how this can be used as an insult? On second thought, it's probably best not to. I've Googled it myself and found nothing. So, if this does offend anybody, I apologise.