FM Vs GT - Discussion Thread (read the first post before you post)

  • Thread starter Scaff
Most, or all of which are half assed.

Track generator. Half-assed.
Time cycles. Half-assed. (Are they serious with the literal pitch black? What good are headlamps if I can't see anything?)
Weather. Implementation is great, execution is half-assed. (Why am I lapping faster with soft tires; it only makes any real difference in arcade mode. :odd:)
Head-tracking. Half-assed.
Online multiplayer. Archaic.

The list just goes on like that...

The Course Creator is at the beginning stages and Kaz was impressed with ModNation so expect it to grow to that level in future releases.

Time cycles I find is very well done. I remember Chris who is a professional racing driver says it looks that dark in real life, that is what I think he said anyway. I like that challenge and you can still drive reasonably fast in them conditions.

Head-tracking is limited by the system memory constraints.

Weather is good and I noticed different grip levels even in different levels of heavy rain. Hulkenburg got pole position with slicks :sly: and AI drivers are affected but yes I do agree that it is strange to be quicker driving slick tyres in rain.

Online is still good enough for racing leagues to be created although personally I've yet to play online on it as I want to complete the offline part of the game first.
You were more or less pushing that point across. This is the last thing you said "So i really prefer Turn10 focus, if they get involved in something is more to make the game better than filling blogs."

I think that sounds like saying that what PD are doing are just there to fill blogs than to make the game better.

Also what is it with people's problem with Kaz? His real racing experience can help the game. His job is to be more or less be the vision of the game to be made. He is a hard working guy who works long hours, yet people keep saying for him to go back working on the game when he goes to race for real. I would prefer him to be racing for real than just staying inside PD studios all the time. GT Academy is just a time trial event that then is handled by Nissan and Sony at the finals. I doubt it takes much game development time, maybe a week in total or probably a few hours?

I don't see how the quality has gone down. The detail of the game is gone up over the years. The games infrastructure is growing at a high level. New systems such as weather and day to night cycles added. Track generator added and also data logger, now they just need to add manufacturer events and improve the AI as well as streamline the range of cars for the next game and we will have a much more fun game.

I dont have problems with Kaz vision, in fact i think thats exactly what he should be doing. My problem is with his management, he wasnt able to keep a schedule and quality control. I have no doubt that his heart is place in the right spot and he is passionate and hardworking but he is not doing a good job managing the studio.
He didnt hired new modellers (which was a huge bottleneck), he didnt hired external 3d companies, it took 6 years and 80 millions of dollars to make a game that even while have more features doesnt have the polishing or quality of old GT games. He was all over the place with the communication and schedule of the game.

In my opinion Kaz should be the creative director and other person should manage the studios and the times. Kaz can is a guy who cares only about some aspects of the game.
GT5 is like he painted sistine chapel ceiling in a hut roof.
The Course Creator is at the beginning stages and Kaz was impressed with ModNation so expect it to grow to that level in future releases.

Or, I can expect it to grow/evolve minimally at best just as everything else in GT seems to.

Head-tracking is limited by the system memory constraints.

Then why include it at all? I don't wanna hear that "It's better than nothing" lame excuse either, because fact of the matter is it isn't.

Hulkenburg got pole position with slicks :sly:

In a downpour? I think not.

and AI drivers are affected but yes I do agree that it is strange to be quicker driving slick tyres in rain.

If by affected you mean "drives really, really slow and switches to tires they don't need" then yes, they're affected.

Online is still good enough for racing leagues to be created although personally I've yet to play online on it as I want to complete the offline part of the game first.

You can't create formal racing leagues unless you do it the hard way. As I said - archaic.
noburgring in the dark in an online race is dark. great atmosphere and totally immersive. full concentrating needed also the blending of the seasons from night to day. i suppose in fm4 they will probably have night driving lit up like a christmas tree for the feint hearted.
i kid of course but seriously 'half assed'. the physics are great and london and tsukuba are quality locations, tokyo as well. funny how all is quiet after super sholden post on car manufacturer's using GT engine being confirmed.
fm4 aint out yet, bullshots don't sell games and imo gt5 will get a boost when fm4 goes gold, just like when turn 10 brought out dlc last year.
also, the thread title fm4 vs gt5, after reading every post, it would have been more acute to title thread microsoft vs sony or if i go deeper america vs japan.
sorry for english.
noburgring in the dark in an online race is dark.

Really? That was so enlightening - please, tell me that story again. :rolleyes:

i kid of course but seriously 'half assed'.

Yes, half-assed.

the physics are great and london and tsukuba are quality locations, tokyo as well.

Can I ask where you're coming from with any of this?

funny how all is quiet after super sholden post on car manufacturer's using GT engine being confirmed.

What's even more funny is I don't recall seeing any confirmation on that. Ferrari using a game to test their cars? Seriously?

and imo gt5 will get a boost when fm4 goes gold,

Maybe to those who are of the opinion that there's some deeper, enthralling engagement in GT5. Everyone else who wants a game - no.
it is quite clear also that where countries that have great technology, the peoples of these countries take the technology they have for granted by curiously sniffing around aimlessly and not observing the greatness they have before them. it is like the cup running over with milk and still wanting more milk but the cup is already full. in countries in south america or carribean or even central aisa where technology in the form of racing game on video game console, it is like perfection to us. i play fm3 and gt5 and it is perfect. no floors, no bugs and beautiful graphics. both games and consoles and manufacturer's afe perfect. but to those peoples who take it for granted it is shame that you dont embrace them. fm4 will be good game yes. just like gt5 is good game or we would not be on this site because deep down you know, you know they are both good game. sorry for english, it is very hard to get my thoughts across without speaking.
Did you...did you just say GT5 and FM3 were perfect; no floors (I'm assuming you meant 'flaws'), and no bugs?

Honestly? And where are you pulling these asinine analogies from?
to terronium 12
i dont have the capacity to debate in english. i have a sony tv, a ps3 and xbox 360 and when i play games the ps3 look and feel perfect and the xbox 360 the game is perfect. i am poor and finding work is hard but i manage. how can i complain with two great games. people in my country can only dream of the technology in the west. you are blessed to have this technology but i see a lot of cursing. it is a wonder why this cursing is going on. terronium 12 you are an expert to me i cant debate with you or anyone else because i will end up cursing perection. why should i complain when poor people cant afford this technology. like before you are the expert and i read all the posts and some are funny and some are serious but all of it is good. why are you here? you are not here for the bad.
excuse my english again
good luck with your observations.
i offended you terronium 12 a thousand apologies. i dont want you to get upset. you write words and you upset. tell me, what should i write to make you feel better. if the gt5 and fm3 are not good game could you explain why. my friend just told me i should not use the word perfection. but what else can i say. if this upset you. why?
i like gt5 as well as fm3 tell me where i go wrong in my liking games? to me or imo it is perfect
funny how all is quiet after super sholden post on car manufacturer's using GT engine being confirmed.

Actually it was NOT quiet. Scaff, the moderator, deleted a whole bunch of posts because things were getting out of hand. And, funny thing, alot of them were people jumping on supersholden for making that statement. Scaff pretty much cleared up that whole statement. Supersholden was, how should I say it, TOO generous of his praise on GT5 and it's relationship with actual car manufacturers.

and imo gt5 will get a boost when fm4 goes gold, just like when turn 10 brought out dlc last year.

I really don't see this happening. Maybe a few sales from people who see FM4 and now want a racing game but don't have a 360, but the "word" is out that GT5 isn't all that it's cracked up to be. The fact that within a matter of weeks of release Gamestop was giving less money back for GT5 than for , I think it was either Black Ops or Medal of Honor, whichever game that was already like over a month before GT5 came out. That right there surprise the crap out of me. I think I might have a pic of it in my cell phone. I do think you'll see a boost of 360 sales though. Hell just look in this forum of people getting 360s and how many others who are ready to check it out.
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Can you really learn to race by playing racing games?

Moral of the story: Neither game is 100% realistic, but both can be used to gain track experience/training in the run up to a race.

PD makes more of a fuss about transitioning gamers to real world racing drivers. Why? Good marketing, nothing else. There are other stories about people using forza for real world preparation, the difference between those stories (and the GT stories) are few (if any) of them are getting anything from publicizing that fact.
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Most, or all of which are half assed.

Track generator. Half-assed.
Time cycles. Half-assed. (Are they serious with the literal pitch black? What good are headlamps if I can't see anything?)
Weather. Implementation is great, execution is half-assed. (Why am I lapping faster with soft tires; it only makes any real difference in arcade mode. :odd:)
Head-tracking. Half-assed.
Online multiplayer. Archaic.

The list just goes on like that...

  • As much as I'm frustrated by the track generator, as I can't recreate real life tracks, it's a step in the right direction: it brings some of the freedom of PC games to GT. I'd really wish for a "race creator" too, but that pretty much would eliminate the seasonals, which pretty much eliminated one online aspect of GT5, which pretty much... you get the drift.
  • Night/day circles are beautifully done on the Nordschleife after the rain stopped. The rising sun does look very good. I give you it's not as good as PGR4, but again it adds a lot to the game. Shame it is online only. And yes, night is usually pitch-dark, and no, not all cars have Audi-strength "I don't give a thing about oncoming traffic" Xenon headlamps. Or worse still, those blistering sons of a bachelor who fit Xenon bulbs in standard reflectors. I usually don't do 200 km/h on the Autobahn at night, but if there's no traffic or city nearby, it's totally black save for traffic signs. Also for amusement, you might want to search for the Britcar 24 hour episode of Top Gear and Hammond's comments, or look at the on-board footage of the night carsh of the last 24 hours of Le Mans.
  • Weather? Don't care for that, we have climate here.
  • Head-tracking is hindered by available memory of the PS3 itself. Sony released a firmware freeing up some memory. GT5 couldn't profit, but it's not unlikely PD hoped for more improvement. Thing is: headtracking is implemented and said to work as such.
  • As for the online multiplayer: online is neither a strength of Sony, nor GT5. FM beats it in many areas, mainly because MS has invested a lot of thought into XBL. It's ok as for setting up a private lobby and trading a car or sharing a track once in a while, that's about it.

I really don't know what you personally expected, but most new things, which were in fact demanded by the community, work ok and are better in than out.

I don't want to pour gasoline in the fire, but Dan didn't meet my expectations when he said "Community wanted cockpits, we did cockpits." I don't think anything community demanded was as badly made in GT5 than cockpits in FM3.
Can you really learn to race by playing racing games?

Moral of the story: Neither game is 100% realistic, but both can be used to gain track experience/training in the run up to a race.

PD makes more of a fuss about transitioning gamers to real world racing drivers. Why? Good marketing, nothing else. There are other stories about people using forza for real world preparation, the difference between those stories (and the GT stories) are few (if any) of them are getting anything from publicizing that fact.
So far Forza can't be used as experience as well as GT5 can be used. Forza 3's tracks don't have bumps, well Nurburgring doesn't(edit- only because that's the most important track in GT5 from all the attention PD gave to it [sidnote - Kaz lived in the town of Nurburg for some months leading up to his first 24 hours of Nurburgring]), plus the whole wider track(s) thing in FM3. Not to mention the undisable-ble driving aids it has. FM4 should be able to be utilized a lot better.

And you're assuming it's just for good marketing. Of course, it's good marketing, but not only.
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Luminis, you need to calm down and take a break from this thread for a day or two. You're getting FAR to worked up over a game. You don't want to get yourself in trouble.
Just to explain myself, I'll cease the topic immediately after that:

It's neither the game that I'm getting worked up about, nor even the topic at hand. What I'm getting worked up about is the way some people have been 'discussing' it.

Also, I'm capable to look after myself, but thanks for your concern.

I don't want to pour gasoline in the fire, but Dan didn't meet my expectations when he said "Community wanted cockpits, we did cockpits." I don't think anything community demanded was as badly made in GT5 than cockpits in FM3.
Personally, I think GT5's damage model would qualify for that, but if that fails, I'd say car customization in general.
Only available for premium cars, basically, and even for those it's very limited. Especially with the attrocious paint chip system. The game just made you jumo through a dozen hoops for basically nothing, if you're asking me.

And you're assuming it's just for good marketing. Of course, it's good marketing, but not only.
What else would it be? Generosity? I doubt that Sony's pouring money into GT Acadamy because they're that kind hearted.
A little off topic here and there is not a evil sin but as far as getting off track we took it to this level...


Lol. Dude you got a pic for everything.
What else would it be? Generosity? I doubt that Sony's pouring money into GT Acadamy because they're that kind hearted.

We all know Sony loves profits. They say it themselves. But does it matter? What does GT Academy mean to GT players? That's all that matters. It does does good for people.
Personally, I think GT5's damage model would qualify for that, but if that fails, I'd say car customization in general.
Only available for premium cars, basically, and even for those it's very limited. Especially with the attrocious paint chip system. The game just made you jumo through a dozen hoops for basically nothing, if you're asking me.

Visual damage model could only have been so sensitive. That's not PD's fault, especially considering the damage model is more precise than Forza's. The car customization was never said to be greater than it is by PD. Kaz always just said you can customize your car more. Also, can't forget the 2 years more they needed. There are only so few race modifiable cars as well. The Bugatti is standard. We can only imagine how much that extra two years could have done for the incomplete game that is GT5.

I don't think the paint chip system is that bad, and what more could you want when we get new paint chips every day that we log in. I just wish we could Favorite paint chips.

Sorry for Double Post. Forgot to copy/paste and clicked Submit Reply on impulse.
Personally, I think GT5's damage model would qualify for that, but if that fails, I'd say car customization in general.

I totally have forgotten about the damage, maybe because I hardly ever go off track or bump into other cars :sly: Hm, well, there I have it, quite right, the damage is for the most part not more than a stain on the paintjob.
We all know Sony loves profits. They say it themselves. But does it matter? What does GT Academy mean to GT players? That's all that matters. It does does good for people.

Yeah, what does it mean for the GT Players? For the vast, vast, vast majority it means squat.

But, yeah, if you've been racing karts from your childhood on, GT Academy might help you to get the necessary connections and PR to get onto a team, like Lucas Ordonez.
I still wonder why you rarely see anyone mention that he's already had experience with real life racing when talking about everyone's favourite GT Academy poster child.

I totally have forgotten about the damage, maybe because I hardly ever go off track or bump into other cars :sly: Hm, well, there I have it, quite right, the damage is for the most part not more than a stain on the paintjob.
Oh, so you manage to dodge the AI all the time, or any other players online? You never miss a shift? Well, hats off to you, sir :sly:

Visual damage model could only have been so sensitive. That's not PD's fault, especially considering the damage model is more precise than Forza's.
1) Proof, please.
2) Who's fault is it, then? Santa's?

The car customization was never said to be greater than it is by PD. Kaz always just said you can customize your car more.
Them admitting that it sucks doesn't mean it doesn't suck, it just means that they know it does.

Also, can't forget the 2 years more they needed. There are only so few race modifiable cars as well. The Bugatti is standard. We can only imagine how much that extra two years could have done for the incomplete game that is GT5.
What? More time? They had five years... Shouldn't that be enough? Well, why not skip the PS3 all together and go for a PS4 game, right? :sly:

I don't think the paint chip system is that bad, and what more could you want when we get new paint chips every day that we log in. I just wish we could Favorite paint chips.
Aside from having a simple palette to just mix the colour of your choice and pay for it?

Do you have any evidence to back up that claim?
I have a sneaking suspicion that, in fact, he doesn't. Same thing I got fed up with last time around :lol:
I'm not here to stir crap up but my posts, some of which were deleted in the mass purging of posts, was nothing more than a response to SS's bold statements. I was only pointing out that he had no source nor proof on his claims. Scaff cleared some of it up which I've come across over time.

My gripes with damage in GT5 is that it's not an option outside the limited areas (like online modes). I want to race with damage fully on and I don't care much for the visual representations of it. The importance of a damage system isn't the visuals but rather the car's performance effects after an incident. Would make Aspec career a lot more interesting. PD could have added incentives too, like the harder you make the game the more credits you get in the end.

So far Forza can't be used as experience as well as GT5 can be used. Forza 3's tracks don't have bumps, well Nurburgring doesn't, plus the whole wider track(s) thing. Not to mention the undisable-ble driving aids. FM4 should be able to be utilized a lot better.

And you're assuming it's just for good marketing. Of course, it's good marketing, but not only.

Forza 3's Nurburgring GP track has bumps and is modeled very well (although I didn't like T10's mismanagement of the track for public lobbies and no inclusion into the career) but I agree that the green hell doesn't have as many as it should. Those driving aids are really minimal though and are the most when using a controller. I have high hopes for Forza 4 to continue expanding the franchise while catering to the core just as much as the casuals. 3 of my friends stopped playing GT5, none have wheels and all complained about it being too hard. If they had an easier mode, or a better control buffer for those using the PS3 controller, it'd make the game more accessible to them.

But, yeah, if you've been racing karts from your childhood on, GT Academy might help you to get the necessary connections and PR to get onto a team, like Lucas Ordonez.
I still wonder why you rarely see anyone mention that he's already had experience with real life racing when talking about everyone's favourite GT Academy poster child.

I ask myself the same thing. I've actually mentioned it here when Lucas was being praised again with only references to GT Academy. To be honest though, everyone in that top 10 times are skilled enough in my book to race a car but that karting experience pushed him up another level. I'm most impressed with GT Academy due to it finally opening the doors to racing sim folks getting into real racing. In the past simmers were shunned at and karters were the ones who got all the breaks. iRacing has their poster child too from a similar event. Lucas seems to have some skill so all power to him, but I won't neglect the fact that he's got some karting experience. Kid's still got talent though
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Do you have any evidence to back up that claim?
I should clarify that I meant the previous Forza's. I thought when I mentioned FM4 that it would cleared that up so I edited my post a bit.

Forza 3's tracks don't have bumps, well Nurburgring doesn't(edit- only because that's the most important track in GT5 from all the attention PD gave to it [sidnote - Kaz lived in the town of Nurburg for some months leading up to his first 24 hours of Nurburgring]), plus the whole wider track(s) thing in FM3. Not to mention the undisable-ble driving aids it has. FM4 should be able to be utilized a lot better.

Do you have any evidence to back up that claim?
I should clarify that I meant the previous Forza's. I thought when I mentioned FM4 that it would cleared that up so I edited my post a bit.
Being a little clearer when you post would help considerably.

That doesn't prove anything at all, given that its little more than marketing blurb from 2009. As such please take care when you claim something as fact in the future make sure you are able to provide a source when you make the claim.

Yeah, what does it mean for the GT Players? For the vast, vast, vast majority it means squat.

But, yeah, if you've been racing karts from your childhood on, GT Academy might help you to get the necessary connections and PR to get onto a team, like Lucas Ordonez.
I still wonder why you rarely see anyone mention that he's already had experience with real life racing when talking about everyone's favourite GT Academy poster child.
So auditions and interviews mean squat because no one gets a chance at all besides one person. It's a competition. Gives people a CHANCE.
Lucas had Karting experience. Many professionals start off by Karting. I mention it to people.

1) Proof, please.
2) Who's fault is it, then? Santa's?
"Another addition is car damage. In the past, manufacturers balked at the idea of players being able to rough up their prized designs. But in GT5, you can T-bone a Ferrari if you please. This has, of course, added to his team’s workload. The 3D-modelling of each car takes six months and now has to include the underside of each chassis - should you roll your Nissan GT-R while cornering hard on Piccadilly Circus."
Of course, Santa Claus exists here too. You can't do a rollover, but you can flip and do cartwheels and handstands.

Them admitting that it sucks doesn't mean it doesn't suck, it just means that they know it does.
They only made so little race modifiable cars and the Bugatti is standard. The 2 extra years would have done wonders. I think for a first time ever in GT, at least we got it this time for premiums. And it doesn't suck. It's just not Forza's amazing customization. Does Forza 3 have 24 hours time change?

What? More time? They had five years... Shouldn't that be enough? Well, why not skip the PS3 all together and go for a PS4 game, right? :sly:
While constantly working on the physics engine (even after Prologue it was worked on), 6 years is nothing. Over 1,000 licenses to get from the many manufacturers. Recreating 2 original circuits down to the bone with 24 hours time change. +200 premium car models fit to be used for next gen PlayStation. Does FM3 have a half-assed course generator that I love like a puzzle maze?

Aside from having a simple palette to just mix the colour of your choice and pay for it?
Yea, a palette is great. I don't care for it. Paint chips don't hurt people. Can you copy/paste paint jobs in Forza? Basically, is it simple to paint multiple cars the exact same color in Forza? I've only had it for 2 weeks and I can't remember if I changed paint; this was early, early 2010.

your attitude makes me steam with rage. :sly:

That doesn't prove anything at all, given that its little more than marketing blurb from 2009. As such please take care when you claim something as fact in the future make sure you are able to provide a source when you make the claim.


"We say confirmed with a question mark because the debate is still up in the air, but apparently there was a little scuffle between a group of message board visitors and a Gran Turismo development staff member regaring the issue of damage to the licensed cars. The staff member worked on Gran Turismo HD and is hard at work on Gran Turismo 5, which is awesome. But here are a few quotes from the guy worth scratching our chins over:

'...We're not ready to implement damage until they can be shown in a truly authentic way (which is extremely hard work if you think about it).'
Damage in Gran Turismo would make the franchise unstoppable, don't you think? He responds: 'No I mean, really, really, really hard work... to the extent of creating another game, almost. From our standards, what other games are doing is "simplified damage". You know how [anal] we are when making our games... we would want to simulate every single dent differently.'

Not sure why they bleeped out anal -- it's a perfectly appropriate word, because Polyphony Digital really does get down to the most painstaking detail when crafting these games. So what's this sound like to you? The staff member who said this checks out. He's completely legit (but we can't reveal the obvious). We're saying there won't be damage this time. Maybe for GT5 A-Spec or something. I dunno. I won't mind. Besides, you're not supposed to crash in the driving sim games."

Straight from the master himself. Previous GT's didn't have it for that very reason. He didn't want to make it dumbed down. He's talking about the mechanical damage though. He's said before that the visual models are easier because of something about calculations. Mechanical is more difficult because too many things can be affected or none at all, depending on the force of crash.
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2 more years would have made the game 7-8 years in development and I doubt they would have resolved all the issues at hand. PD would have still been doing work for the auto industry, pushed by Sony to do stupid tech demos and Kaz off racing away while the company not grow in size to handle the work load. The majority of this gen would have flown right by PD and Sony if they didn't finally release the game. Please remember that the GT franchise is Sony's biggest franchise to date and is the title that generally sells the most of all games each generation. Many people got into PS1 and PS2 specifically for a GT game. I did, and I also got my PSP mainly for GT as well as PS3 mainly for GT5. Not only, but mainly for. When word got out that they wanted 2 more years... I simply laughed... in shame.

It's very simple to paint cars in Forza. You get a color grid of all colors to pick from, and if you want to modify that color you can easily do so. The paint chip idea in GT5 was a novelty thing but is stupid. I had to repurchase an Audi car that had the Nogaro Blue color chip just to paint my B5 Audi S4 the Nogaro Blue color I wanted, as it originally came in the UCD with the ugly dark green color that I can't stand. This wasn't the only car either... I had limited matte color options, so I had to choose which car would get the only few color chips I have. Yes, I can 'dupe' color chips but why should I have to exploit a glitch just to paint a freakin car?!
So auditions and interviews mean squat because no one gets a chance at all besides one person. It's a competition. Gives people a CHANCE.
Like American Idol, eh? :sly:
Still, 99.9% of people get absolutely nothing out of it and therefore, doesn't make it a better game for them. Sure, GT Academy in and off itself is nice and all, but how does that make GT5 a better game?
"Another addition is car damage. In the past, manufacturers balked at the idea of players being able to rough up their prized designs. But in GT5, you can T-bone a Ferrari if you please. This has, of course, added to his team’s workload. The 3D-modelling of each car takes six months and now has to include the underside of each chassis - should you roll your Nissan GT-R while cornering hard on Piccadilly Circus."
Of course, Santa Claus exists here too. You can't do a rollover, but you can flip and do cartwheels and handstands.
And that proves your point about the damage model being more precise how?
Also, of course it increases the workload. How's that making it not PD's fault to half-ass GT5? I'd call that "mismanagement of time and resources".
And what's with the comment about how manufacturers being opposed to damage in games? Others did that long before GT.

They only made so little race modifiable cars and the Bugatti is standard. The 2 extra years would have done wonders.
See the point about mismanaging time and resources for this one.

I think for a first time ever in GT, at least we got it this time for premiums. And it doesn't suck. It's just not Forza's amazing customization.
It's even more limited than Shift 2's customization, which, itself, doesn't seem to be all that brilliant, so yeah... I at least wouldn't call it 'good'. And I don't see how GT lacking car customization for so long makes fine to implement a sub-par version in GT5.

Does Forza 3 have 24 hours time change?
Nope, probably because they couldn't immplement it across the board :sly:

While constantly working on the physics engine (even after Prologue it was worked on), 6 years is nothing. Over 1,000 licenses to get from the many manufacturers. Recreating 2 original circuits down to the bone with 24 hours time change. +200 premium car models fit to be used for next gen PlayStation.
They claimed that about the GT4 models too, see what that got us?
Anyways, why would they get over 1000 licenses? Do you really think they have to license each car individually? Also, if 6 years if nothing for what PD did, what does that make T10 for spending just two years on a Forza game?

Does FM3 have a half-assed course generator that I love like a puzzle maze?
No, but a full-blown livery generator, auction house, more varried online multiplayer, longer single-player carrer, more cars with modelled cockpits, more in-depth upgrades and tuning, more realistic upgrades as well (for exampke, in Forza, a supercharger or turbocharger *gasp* weighs something!).

Yea, a palette is great. I don't care for it. Paint chips don't hurt people.
You 'just' have to re-buy the car it came with, if it did. If you want one that can't be easily bought, you're out of luck.

Can you copy/paste paint jobs in Forza? Basically, is it simple to paint multiple cars the exact same color in Forza?I've only had it for 2 weeks and I can't remember if I changed paint; this was early, early 2010.
As long as you can remember the three or four numbers that determine what thhe colour looks like, then yes, you can (always did that for my rims in FM3). A lot faster and easier than rebuying the same car over and over to get bronze paint chips.

your attitude makes me steam with rage. :sly:
Returning the favor, I guess.

Straight from the master himself. Previous GT's didn't have it for that very reason. He didn't want to make it dumbed down.
Which would raise the question why exactly that happened in GT5. Also, I lol'ed a bit at the "the master" bit.
2 more years would have made the game 7-8 years in development and I doubt they would have resolved all the issues at hand. PD would have still been doing work for the auto industry, pushed by Sony to do stupid tech demos and Kaz off racing away while the company not grow in size to handle the work load. The majority of this gen would have flown right by PD and Sony if they didn't finally release the game. Please remember that the GT franchise is Sony's biggest franchise to date and is the title that generally sells the most of all games each generation. Many people got into PS1 and PS2 specifically for a GT game. I did, and I also got my PSP mainly for GT as well as PS3 mainly for GT5. Not only, but mainly for. When word got out that they wanted 2 more years... I simply laughed... in shame.

It's very simple to paint cars in Forza. You get a color grid of all colors to pick from, and if you want to modify that color you can easily do so. The paint chip idea in GT5 was a novelty thing but is stupid. I had to repurchase an Audi car that had the Nogaro Blue color chip just to paint my B5 Audi S4 the Nogaro Blue color I wanted, as it originally came in the UCD with the ugly dark green color that I can't stand. This wasn't the only car either... I had limited matte color options, so I had to choose which car would get the only few color chips I have. Yes, I can 'dupe' color chips but why should I have to exploit a glitch just to paint a freakin car?!

Thanks for making a rational reply. I agree with you. And I can see why it's "shameful" that Kaz wanted 2 more years. But I don't agree with you on that one. It's his project, he wanted two more years. I undeniably would have been disturbed.
Hey everybody, Luminis is really not a good at being argumentative. You're opinions aren't fact. And your attitude is disgraceful. I really don't see why you are completely trying to win every bit of pride you can get yourself by half-assing those replies. The ones that were opinion.

Bogie, you're wrong.

I double posted so this page can get shortened a bit.

End of discussion: I can admit Forza is the better game, but I dislike it's gameplay/style. GT5 offers solutions to my needs.

(edit 7 people from one source 15 people another souce) worked on GT1, which took 5 years. Learned that two days ago.
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