FM Vs GT - Discussion Thread (read the first post before you post)

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The autovista mode lookes great but that's a whole different mode that doesn't feature all 500 cars and those graphics don't carry over to the gamplay. The video I saw looked like fm3 I will still get fm4 but that video did not do any justice to the game. Do you know how many cars will be featured in autovista mode?

They only came up with the image based lighting and some other graphics tweak. There was no complete overhaul of the graphics engine.

Everything substancially better in graphics, can only be expected with a new console generation.

Even GT5 could be a lot better looking, if there was more hardwarepower or more development time.

If your expectations of graphics are too high, they wont be fullfilled with a driving sim at the moment.
Yep the graphics junkies screwed with Kaz's head, look what happened there.

Maybe it's because I'm an old gamer but the graphics look fine to me.

It's not important to me. Prefer smooth frame rate TBH.
I'm a huge Forza fan, but I'll have to agree with the most blatant GT fanboys on the graphics aspect. The rendering engine in Forza 4 is a TREMENDOUS improvement over Forza 3, but even if there are more polys, clearer textures, and better track detail, overall GT5 still have that "special something" in its visuals.

It's obvious PD has spent an insane amount of time tweaking their lighting engine, and the overall colorimetry of their game. From what we have seen now, I very highly doubt the same amount of time was spent on this aspect for Forza 4.

But then again, do not misunderstand me, Forza 4 does look gorgeous indeed :)
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They only came up with the image based lighting and some other graphics tweak. There was no complete overhaul of the graphics engine.

Everything substancially better in graphics, can only be expected with a new console generation.

Even GT5 could be a lot better looking, if there was more hardwarepower or more development time.

If your expectations of graphics are too high, they wont be fullfilled with a driving sim at the moment.

I understand what your saying and if you wanna call it some graphic tweeks that's cool but to me those autovista pic people keep bragging about will not look like gameplay. In forza3 when you are at the main menu and the car is at the mountain pass the car looks amazing during game play its totally different. From seeing the autovista mode and seeing game play it will be the same concept. Still no problem to me what I want is a great racing/driving experience the 16 cars on the track is awsome very happy about that just wanna see how the frame rate handles it.
Picture this:

Basement rat, Forza fanboy, spending more time on this forum than actually playing the game, eating cheese nips, mouth dripping:''All cars are not premium man...''

Then this:

Basement rat, GT fanboy, spending more time on this forum than actually playing the game, eating Cakesters, mouth dripping:''Cars just look cartoonish man...''

On and on and on and on...

Picture this:

Basement rat, Forza fanboy, spending more time on this forum than actually playing the game, eating cheese nips, mouth dripping:''All cars are not premium man...''

Then this:

Basement rat, GT fanboy, spending more time on this forum than actually playing the game, eating Cakesters, mouth dripping:''Cars just look cartoonish man...''

On and on and on and on...


You should read the first post.
Hotspitta why do you keep on using some real life pictures? Are you trying to pass it off as FM4 or just for comparison reasons? It is like your post that says, "Nothing cartoony about this" and then shows a real life picture, but I see that you have an image that does not show up as you did not delete the first part of the address.

Spagetti69, I tried the Shelby Cobra Stock and I found it more understeery than oversteery. It is only oversteery slightly when in 1st gear but very controllable. I spent about 10 minutes driving it and it was with all assists off, just changed from manual with clutch to just manual. It is fun first few laps getting used to driving with no ABS though with a pad. I can upload a lap if you like but it is not that good as I did not really try and do a hot lap but a reasonable one that stays on the track.
Do you own a wheel saidur ?

I went on Forza for the first time in an age and I was all over the place. ( wheel user ).

In an R8. Couldn't keep the thing on track. I must be bad lol.
Do you own a wheel saidur ?

I went on Forza for the first time in an age and I was all over the place. ( wheel user ).

In an R8. Couldn't keep the thing on track. I must be bad lol.
I own a wheel for PS3 and PC. It is the DFGT. Not for Forza obviously as I did say I was playing with a pad.

Either Forza also has some permanent stability control on controller or it just very stable. I will upload a quick lap with the Cobra, I know I can go many seconds quicker but you might see what I mean that it is very stable. Only in first gear when I really throw it in and get early on the throttle and at like 100% the car steps out of line a bit but it is very easy to control. I did it for a test but it is easy to do it without wheelspin and oversteer to just by going back a little in throttle when first gear if I wanted to.

I was going off the track for the first few corners / laps but that was getting used to playing with ABS as I more or less always play with it on. I don't really play with a pad at all since getting my wheel last year so I'm not the best pad player out there by a long way but I still find Forza very easy to drive. I've only spent probably less than 24 (Maybe less than 10) hours playing Forza in total too since I got it as really I don't like having the Xbox setup as the power brick is so big and Forza physics did not impress me much to keep the Xbox out. I might sell it and get a slim one sometime in 2012 when they make the chips in the slim even smaller and hopefully Killer Instinct comes out for 360 as I like that game from SNES and will give a reason to have the 360 setup more often / permanent.
No need to bother with a vid if you dont want to mate.

All driving games with a pad have some sort of assistance TBH.

Your translating 1 inch of lateral movement into, theoretically 900%. Something's got to give.
No need to bother with a vid if you dont want to mate.

All driving games with a pad have some sort of assistance TBH.

Your translating 1 inch of lateral movement into, theoretically 900%. Something's got to give.
I'll post a video anyway as some people think I don't even have the game or think I'm playing some different version but I'm pretty sure it is Forza 3 :sly:.

GT5 has controller sensitivity but that is just really speed of steering. It does not force active steering as Forza 3 does for both pad or wheel with no assists. Good to see Forza 4 has simulation steering or something like that. I think really people are putting to much steering input with a wheel as it should really handle the same way as with a pad.
Steering assist in Forza, with a wheel, is blown way out of proportion. It's definitely there and easier for controller users and if it does exist with a wheel it certainly isn't as big as most here claim it to be.
Steering assist in Forza, with a wheel, is blown way out of proportion. It's definitely there and easier for controller users and if it does exist with a wheel it certainly isn't as big as most here claim it to be.

Like I said above, it may be due to being able to steer too much or quicker while with pad it is smoother and more minimal the input.

Here is an exclusive video (Not a very good one but still it's one):

It turned out to be very quiet so for sound, you need to turn your speakers up.
No need to bother with a vid if you dont want to mate.

All driving games with a pad have some sort of assistance TBH.

Your translating 1 inch of lateral movement into, theoretically 900%. Something's got to give.

So much truth here. I remember when first getting GT5 and playing it for a while with the wheel. A few weeks later a friend of mine finally got his copy and we get online with it. I was expecting him to be all over the place, he has a wheel for the 360 but not for PS3, dude was right on my tail the whole race for the most part with a pad. I had the ABS set to 1 as at the time that seemed to be the consensus for a sim experience and he was pad driving like it was nothing. I forget the actual cars we had but they were definitely powerful enough to step out on you.

The only cars that would give him problems were the SUPER GT/JGTC type cars and above. The very same cars that gave him problems in Forza, and gave him problems the very same way.

To be frank these games are really very similar in the physics department and really will only be getting closer and closer to each other as I see it. GT5 is easier to drive than GT5P. That I noticed right away. I feel like Neo at the end of the Matrix with this next line I'm about to say , lol, but I don't know how and where this going to end but I know it's up to the devs and community to what happens next. *get's out phone booth , flies away*
I'm a huge Forza fan, but I'll have to agree with the most blatant GT fanboys on the graphics aspect. The rendering engine in Forza 4 is a TREMENDOUS improvement over Forza 3, but even if there are more polys, clearer textures, and better track detail, overall GT5 still have that "special something" in its visuals.

It's obvious PD has spent an insane amount of time tweaking their lighting engine, and the overall colorimetry of their game. From what we have seen now, I very highly doubt the same amount of time was spent on this aspect for Forza 4.

But then again, do not misunderstand me, Forza 4 does look gorgeous indeed :)

I do agree GT5P and GT5 Premium in combination with the lightingsystem are stunning in the right enviroments. What i've seen from FM4 so far doesnt match GT5's lighting engine. But too me thats not that important when i consider the things FM4 and FM3 HAD over GT5 and GT5P.

But i Agree GT's lighting system is the best so far on any console too bad it hurts the Framerate. Wich too me is much more important.👍
You have to remember that forza has to have a solid 60fps. If they tried to go all out like PD they would have a terrible framerate like GT5 when the game has everything going on.
I don't know. I guess I'm different. GT's colors seem way to saturated for me. Things in real life are not that vibrant as they are in GT for the most part. The best lighting in GT is during rain or cloudy skies. It's then when I think GT shines but bright sun looks "cartoony" too me.
I don't know. I guess I'm different. GT's colors seem way to saturated for me. Things in real life are not that vibrant as they are in GT for the most part. The best lighting in GT is during rain or cloudy skies. It's then when I think GT shines but bright sun looks "cartoony" too me.

I think GT5 has the colors perfect especially when they have light shined on them it looks so pretty.
Looking pretty and looking real are two different things. I've never seen grass in my life look so green as I have in GT5.
Agreed but they do have some pretty green grass in some golf courses, and European Futbol stadiums.

Anyone know if the Top Gear Test track is the same place that the show "Wheelers Dealers" use when "Mike" usually test drives car's similar to the one he's trying restore only better and from other owners?