Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.07 Now Available: Tire and Progression Bugs Addressed

  • Thread starter Famine
The practice of driving a game economy to sell MTX for items that are already in a game that you pay full price for needs to stop and we need to drive the behaviour to stop. This is unacceptable greed.

GT has always been a car collecting game but now there is artificial scarcity with "Limited Availability" in the Used Car Dealership, "Invitation" only cars in Brand Central and "Limited Availability" rare and expensive cars in another lobby where PD have admitted prices can and will be revised regularly. Roulette tickets almost entirely always give me the smallest reward (one occasion excepted) and car prices can be prohibitively high - especially for casual players who do not have countless hours to dedicate to grinding.

One example, a 12 million credit car sitting in the exclusive dealership, would take me an age to grind for, all the time being tempted by limited time cars and expiry date invitations. A car that is in the base game that I paid for and based on the 2 million credits for £15.99 as MTX it would cost £95.94 to purchase - nearly a hundred quid for ONE digital car that was already in the game I paid for. This is obscene.

I don't mind a grind, it was expected in previous GT games, but without MTX the grind was well paced and acceptable. It prolonged the life of the game and made it enjoyable. Every part of GT7 looks like it is directly driven by the MTX economy. Turning GT into a cash cow not too dissimilar to GTAV. Disgraceful practice.

If GT7 was free to play then fine, it needs MTX to pay for the game.

If new cars were added for a MTX price as DLC then as much as it would suck, that is how games always were. If they are not priced properly then they will not sell. To drive an MTX economy in a full priced game - no. It's wrong and we should not support it. I will not pay another penny on this game. I almost regret buying it to begin with although I didn't know about the MTX economy in GT7 beforehand. Had I known I would have stayed away.

The only GT game I didn't buy is GT Sport, I bought all other main games including prologues. If this is the direction of GT then I will never buy another. I'm done.
Do they think everyone enjoys grinding the same race over and over again. I am sure everyone would love it if you could create your own race with weather, time of day etc. and the payout was on a par with fisherman’s ranch. Is it too much to ask to simply pay out by how long any race takes and difficulty of winning, even in sport mode and user created races. Please PD listen to your customer base.
3) those people in the game whose picture shows up with some words above it, it is so past century. it just feels so cheap
Yeah, this really feels like game-design from early of this century. Not even recorded voice-lines or videos.

Looks like they started very late with implementing the career (GT cafe).

In general PD is just uninspired. Same boring missions as in GT Sport. No endurance-race or sth like that.
Just catch the rabbit, all the time.
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The practice of driving a game economy to sell MTX for items that are already in a game that you pay full price for needs to stop and we need to drive the behaviour to stop. This is unacceptable greed.

GT has always been a car collecting game but now there is artificial scarcity with "Limited Availability" in the Used Car Dealership, "Invitation" only cars in Brand Central and "Limited Availability" rare and expensive cars in another lobby where PD have admitted prices can and will be revised regularly. Roulette tickets almost entirely always give me the smallest reward (one occasion excepted) and car prices can be prohibitively high - especially for casual players who do not have countless hours to dedicate to grinding.

One example, a 12 million credit car sitting in the exclusive dealership, would take me an age to grind for, all the time being tempted by limited time cars and expiry date invitations. A car that is in the base game that I paid for and based on the 2 million credits for £15.99 as MTX it would cost £95.94 to purchase - nearly a hundred quid for ONE digital car that was already in the game I paid for. This is obscene.

I don't mind a grind, it was expected in previous GT games, but without MTX the grind was well paced and acceptable. It prolonged the life of the game and made it enjoyable. Every part of GT7 looks like it is directly driven by the MTX economy. Turning GT into a cash cow not too dissimilar to GTAV. Disgraceful practice.

If GT7 was free to play then fine, it needs MTX to pay for the game.

If new cars were added for a MTX price as DLC then as much as it would suck, that is how games always were. If they are not priced properly then they will not sell. To drive an MTX economy in a full priced game - no. It's wrong and we should not support it. I will not pay another penny on this game. I almost regret buying it to begin with although I didn't know about the MTX economy in GT7 beforehand. Had I known I would have stayed away.

The only GT game I didn't buy is GT Sport, I bought all other main games including prologues. If this is the direction of GT then I will never buy another. I'm done.
Couldn’t agree more and I think everyone has a realistic view of what they want.. don’t mind a grind coz when you can finally get that rare car and drive it that sense of achievement is amazing.. but at the moment with this “structure” they may aswell wear a balaclava and a white and black striped t-shirt 🤦🏼‍♂️
Does anyone know how many hours has the maintenance been going on? Not played for couple days. I’ve been at work all day and ran some errands, got back and can’t even play it 🤦🏼‍♂️
Does anyone know how many hours has the maintenance been going on? Not played for couple days. I’ve been at work all day and ran some errands, got back and can’t even play it 🤦🏼‍♂️
yeah they shut down at 2am eastern time
Does anyone know how many hours has the maintenance been going on? Not played for couple days. I’ve been at work all day and ran some errands, got back and can’t even play it 🤦🏼‍♂️
Started at 6am utc 😤
Possible, though unlikely. I can't imagine there being much more to it than changing around a few numbers in the code. It wouldn't fix everything wrong with GT7's economy, but it could at least be enough to take some heat off their backs for a while.

Then the cynic in me wonders if that was sort-of the plan all along. Poke the bear to see what they'd get away with, revert the changes as if to say "see? we listen," then the original payouts seem so much better now because of what almost happened for 1.07, and everyone's pacified. Very EA/CoD-like in behavior, which feels weird to say about PD.
The big ask! Throw an absolutely outrageous figure out so that your unreasonable figure seems fair in comparison... I could absolutely see them doing this, in fact I predicted they would do this with the micro-transaction price/credit ratio. Initially offer 2mil credits for $20 then later change it to 20mil credits for $20, all so they can look like the "good guy"
Yeah, this really feels like game-design from early of this century. Not even recorded voice-lines or videos.

Looks like they started very late with implementing the career (GT cafe).

In general PD is just uninspired. Same boring missions as in GT Sport. No endurance-race or sth like that.
Just catch the rabbit, all the time.
Not to mention the car roster is a who's who of 2014. It's as if PD were sucked into a wormhole where time stood still and now they've re-emerged to set 2015 on fire with their revolutionary design decisions, lol
12hrs down? Thats a seriously high percentage of game time that the game has been unavailable since realease.

Thats the problem these days, rush out any old rubbish then patch whenever you feel like it. Except GT7 does it in such a way that you cant even play while they do updates. The game is currently un-useable and good grounds for you to get a refund. The game doesnt work. Get your money back boys!