Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.07 Now Available: Tire and Progression Bugs Addressed

  • Thread starter Famine
Get in touch with psn and fight your case.. bet they would have to
I tried refunding and got denied. Apparently the 14-day period includes the pre-order window.

If you bought on release or after you may have a chance by claiming the game is unplayable at this time.

Never pre-ordering again, ever. Thought I could trust PD of all companies to release a quality product.
Lol @ the kid on Reddit who posted a pic of his GT7 disc with a hammer through it.

Theyve really Cyberpunk’d and WWE2k20’d the pooch with GT7 havent they?

I tried refunding and got denied. Apparently the 14-day period includes the pre-order window.

If you bought on release or after you may have a chance by claiming the game is unplayable at this time.

Never pre-ordering again, ever. Thought I could trust PD of all companies to release a quality product.
Its ok, plenty of people raising refund tickets. They will probably relent like they did with Cyberpunk. Early requests were also told “no” but then they openly invited people to get a refund.
I have defended PD's "economy" but I really can't defend it anymore with this nerf. The legendary cars are now essentially unobtainable. I missed out on the Mark IV for example. Now it will be over 6 hours of grinding to get it. It's almost like a full time job. Even the 3 hours before might have been excessive, but whatever, it's a legendary car, there should be some effort that goes into getting it. Now though? 6 hours is ridiculous. And I'm not even gonna get into it about the 12m car or the inevitably more expensive cars that will be coming in the future.

But beyond that, what it really ruined for me is the adventure of trying out different cars for fun. For example, yesterday I thought: oh that Lancer Gr.3 car looks cool, it'll probably stink, but why not try it, it's only 5 races worth of grinding? This is ruined now. In the current economy I never would've bought this Lancer just to have fun with for a few races. Now to buy a Gr.3 car, I'll have to spend an hour grinding for the car itself + upgrades. Which in itself might have been alright if we also didn't have to hold down another job grinding if we ever want to buy some legendary cars.

This nerf took the magic out of trying cars, appreciating the differences and overall having fun. It's now just about grinding enough to buy the meta cars. The fun of exploring the automotive world has been nerfed. This is disappointing. This is not the GT that I spent the last 25 years with.
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Lol @ the kid on Reddit who posted a pic of his GT7 disc with a hammer through it.

Theyve really Cyberpunk’d and WWE2k20’d the pooch with GT7 havent they?
Oh **** how could I forget cyberpunk! Wouldn’t surprise me if sony did the refunding thing they did with cyberpunk with this
Hmmm well just had a quick tootle about in several other driving games, looking forward even more to those GT7 servers coming back... We could have been back on GT7 but the guy with his finger on the button is having to much fun torturing you whilst he reads this thread lol
I tried refunding and got denied. Apparently the 14-day period includes the pre-order window.

If you bought on release or after you may have a chance by claiming the game is unplayable at this time.

Never pre-ordering again, ever. Thought I could trust PD of all companies to release a quality product.
I'm fairly sure that stretching it to include the pre-order window wouldn't hold water from a legal perspective, as it's anti-consumer; try calling their bluff, they'll probably buckle.
Its ok, plenty of people raising refund tickets. They will probably relent like they did with Cyberpunk. Early requests were also told “no” but then they openly invited people to get a refund.
This is because opening the refund window came from CDPR itself, it was not sony that went ahead with it.

So I'm assuming PD would have to make this decision.
F1 2021 is on sale right now

Lol @ the kid on Reddit who posted a pic of his GT7 disc with a hammer through it.

Theyve really Cyberpunk’d and WWE2k20’d the pooch with GT7 havent they?
Your attitude this whole time does not sit right with me. I don’t know why, I can’t articulate it.

Possibly due to the way you get pleasure out of an unfortunate situation.
Never was a fan of how FH just dumps cars on you, but at least it's a modern racer. I think I'd turn to Forza right about now if it weren't locked to PC or xbox.
I'm not crazy about it, either, but, as buggy and annoying as that title is, they never did anything this underhanded. I know it hardly matters to Sony, but I got my invite to buy a PS5 today and just let it pass. Not giving them another dime until they reverse course on this.
You really learn to appreciate when a game needs online checks to be fully operational when you can't play it.

That's strong sarcasm, because it's 🤬 stupid that a primarily single player title needs online checks. If this releases on PC like that leak suggests, there are going to be some changes. The hard way. :lol:
you lot need to get a grip, seriously. just saw someone on twitter saying it's an atrocity - no mate, people getting bombed out of their houses is an atrocity, you having to drive pretend cars around tracks a bit more to get something later rather than EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW is not.

they're fixing a serious bug and the game will be playable again soon. Go and get refunds, god knows no-one's going to miss you morons foaming at the mouth because someone at pd ****ed up a code review and now they have to work overtime to push a new release out
F1 2021 is on sale right now

Your attitude this whole time does not sit right with me. I don’t know why, I can’t articulate it.

Possibly due to the way you get pleasure out of an unfortunate situation.
My attitude? Ive spent £70 on a game that currently doesn't work and the company who made it expects me to pay MTX?

Hence the refund.

Im actively reading reddit and twitter as we speak and finding some of the posts absolutely hilarious.

Damn right ive got attitude about it.
F1 2021 is on sale right now

Your attitude this whole time does not sit right with me. I don’t know why, I can’t articulate it.

Possibly due to the way you get pleasure out of
you lot need to get a grip, seriously. just saw someone on twitter saying it's an atrocity - no mate, people getting bombed out of their houses is an atrocity, you having to drive pretend cars around tracks a bit more to get something later rather than EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW is not.

they're fixing a serious bug and the game will be playable again soon. Go and get refunds, god knows no-one's going to miss you morons foaming at the mouth because someone at pd ****ed up a code review and now they have to work overtime to push a new release out
You need to chill out.. it’s a forum about the game.. everyone wants to vent their anger and opinion. this isn’t nato’s reception 😂
My attitude? Ive spent £70 on a game that currently doesn't work and the company who made it expects me to pay MTX?

Hence the refund.

Im actively reading reddit and twitter as we speak and finding some of the posts absolutely hilarious.

Damn right ive got attitude about it.
no one is expecting you to pay microtransactions at all, it's completely optional. You can switch the option to buy them off in the menu, as you could with gtsport.
I wouldn't say anything if PD decided to just add 1 more lap to Fishman's Ranch, which would bring this race down to the same rewards as the others, but lowering payouts across the board is not the right way.

Even Gr.3 Spa, Maggiore and Suzuka got nerfed and those races are at least 20 minutes long. :confused:
you lot need to get a grip, seriously. just saw someone on twitter saying it's an atrocity - no mate, people getting bombed out of their houses is an atrocity, you having to drive pretend cars around tracks a bit more to get something later rather than EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW is not.

they're fixing a serious bug and the game will be playable again soon. Go and get refunds, god knows no-one's going to miss you morons foaming at the mouth because someone at pd ****ed up a code review and now they have to work overtime to push a new release out
People can and are being very overly-dramatic about this, but the more level-headed complaints are well-founded. Compared to other things going on right now, no, this does not matter in the slightest. But in the context of video games, it is a pretty major misstep to push out a bug-ridden, server-breaking update that cuts the payouts of some races by almost 2/3rds for no readily apparent reason.
no one is expecting you to pay microtransactions at all, it's completely optional. You can switch the option to buy them off in the menu, as you could with gtsport.
Still doesn't change the fact that payouts have been halved in an obvious attempt to push MTXs. Optional or not, the game economy is clearly designed to bait players into parting with their real money. And the sad thing is? The MTXs aren't even a good deal.
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no one is expecting you to pay microtransactions at all, it's completely optional. You can switch the option to buy them off in the menu, as you could with gtsport.
THIS! Nowhere does it force you to spend your hard earned money on credits. Yeah it pops up on screen, but it doesnt hinder your progress. Havent spent a penny on GTS and im not planning to on GT7. Just grind it out I guess.