Gran Turismo 7 Update Coming April 7

  • Thread starter Famine

I did this just after the update like 1 hour ago... I have been saving the wheelspins because I thought maybe they will "un-rig" them but well.........
If anything has actually changed then only for the worse! (I don't mean the animation, which is actually better than before...)

You can check out this video for an answer. I made this video after todays update (Like 2h ago)

EDIT: The answer is NO lmao

I had a 1 star ticket. 3 cars (!) and 2 piles of credits swirled around. I got 2,000 credits.
Some people don't want this, but some people like it, and I'm one of them. I like content updates for multiple reasons (keep interest in game over the years, I put more focus/attention on the additional content, etc...). But the fact that I have little time to play probably helps me to avoid the "lack of content at start" frustration (I didn't even finished cafe menus yet !).
I’m in the same boat. I took me almost to the end of march to complete the menu books. If that’s all the game was it would be boring. I like the added game content as we go. I maybe get an hour in everyday to play. Sometimes I just get my daily marathon in and shut it off.
This ignores one rather important fact, which is the size of the market and the return on investment from development.

The video game market is not the same size it was 20 years ago, hell it's almost tripled in the last ten years, let alone the last twenty. It's gone from being a niche industry that nearly died out in the 1980's to the largest entertainment medium on the planet. So while development cost has increased, that increase has been massively outstripped by the increase in sales, and as a result for successful titles profitability has grown not fallen.
True. As an aside, I kept thinking while writing my previous post about the popularity of the GT series.

Where are we on the health of the GT market in general? I always remember seeing the numbers thrown around that GT was like Sony's biggest selling game (across titles) but that seemed to fade off after GT4-5? As in the titles don't sell as much as they used to.. proportionally to the market.

It feels to me like there so many more "sim-cade" or simulation racing games over the last 10 years that GT's market or mind share has kinda remained the same where as something like Horizon rapidly grew in popularity. So I feel like those old "Biggest Sony franchise ever" numbers are sort've irrelevant now? Feels like the GT games just kinda come out now, appeal and sell to it's respective niche audience, and that's it. Perhaps also tied in with a purported lack of interest in cars from todays youth. But then also GT Sport was even more doubling down on the niche within the niche.

GT1, 2, and 3 seemed like Mario Kart levels of popularity. GT1 & 2 because that's all you had. Everyone played it as just a racing game, regardless of if you were into cars it seemed. At least from the people who had it that I knew as a kid. GT3 because it was a launch title. I still think GT3 isn't great and feels so bare bones compared to the rest lol
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True. As an aside, I kept thinking while writing my previous post about the popularity of the GT series.

Where are we on the health of the GT market in general? I always remember seeing the numbers thrown around that GT was like Sony's biggest selling game (across titles) but that seemed to fade off after GT4-5? As in the titles don't sell as much as they used to.. proportionally to the market.

It feels to me like there so many more "sim-cade" or simulation racing games over the last 10 years that GT's market or mind share has kinda remained the same where as something like Horizon rapidly grew in popularity. So I feel like those old "Biggest Sony franchise ever" numbers are sort've irrelevant now? Feels like the GT games just kinda come out now, appeal and sell to it's respective niche audience, and that's it. Perhaps also tied in with a purported lack of interest in cars from todays youth. But then also GT Sport was even more doubling down on the niche within the niche.
That was discussed a while back and a number of other Sony titles have taken the sales volume lead from GT in terms of overall popularity, with both God of War and Spiderman now beating it out.

However for a racing title, GT and FH are still forces within in the non-Mario Kart genre of racing, and they both certainly make money.
I would disagree, for a AAA first party title the MTXs are most certainly in your face. You can't change your car from the World Map, but you do have a link to check you credit balance and top it up with real money. You get the exact same option every time you buy a car or an upgrade, if EA were doing this people would be quite rightly calling them out for it. That PD/Sony deliberately held back on the nature and cost of MTXs for reviewers doesn't help the perception either. That's aside from the economy being built around the MTXs, and this update (while welcome) hasn't managed to actually improve it over the launch economy.

Cory's quote, as the design head of another Sony First Party studio is very relevant, it strongly suggests that the rational behind the $70 price point was to avoid exactly what we have with GT7, i.e. always online and MTXs.

If GT7 had released, as GTS did, at a lower price point it's launch state would be far more easily defendable. However it didn't, and as a AAA, full price release from a first party studio it's something that warrants calling out. I have never had an issue with the launch value of a single GT title before this one, and that as a day 1 purchaser (and a few double-dips in the mix as well) of every release since the original.
Sony, Nintendo, and MS have all have varying levels of MTX in their games. Be it DLC, or currency in their full priced titles though? But even then I don’t even see this is some hellscape.

I’ve played my share of live service, played EA, Ubisoft, rockstar etc and I can tell you this is not even close, and if EA was simply doing this vs what they are currently doing I don’t think anyone would have much problems with it.

I think people feeling personally attacked by a top up message it’s more they are facing what reality has been for a lot of games, and will continue to be the case when a game is a live service etc.

So if you are with the stance of no MTX ever I don’t think we can really agree on things, vs where my stance is how it’s implemented esp with these changes which now make the MTX even less needed unless you really are hurting for credits and have incredible amounts of FOMO.

Almost every racing game in the market has some model of MTX, so I just don’t get the shock behind it, it will be something for Forza Motorsport as well etc. so it’s one thing if you disagree with how PD did their MTX and wanted a diff model like seasons, car packs etc its a whole diff thing if you are in the no MTX camp and honestly we’ve been way past that convo for almost 5 years across the gaming industry.
GT7 was not once sold or advertised as a live service game.
I never refuted that. But if you didn’t get turned off over the always online stuff I just don’t understand how someone can’t put two and two together. Esp with how they supported sport. It’s clear as day now. So it’s up to you decide if it’s so egregious that you are done with the series or realize that the landscape of most racing games will have some live service element be it car packs, seasons, etc.
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Not bad the patch 1.11, finally we have more events and right rewards, very interesting the event on Tokyio, 12 laps, 550.00 credits. I hope this is the first step to improve GT7, we love the game and we want to play, but we must be motivated to do it, and this patch will help our community. This time I am very happy to say " Good job Kaz, but this should be the beginning".
GTplanet staff should be connected with PD nd tell them the reviews ppl have on the game.

This is not normal that a forum like this one that have been existing for years cant be having contacts with them nd tell them that what theyre doing is… WRONG in every aspect. GT7 is an unfinished game again. GT5, GT6, GTS nd GT7 are ALL unfinished games and yet no one bats an eye on that at PD? I mean i dont understand how is it so complicated to deliver a full game from the start without BS like this… like wtf, Sony nd PD are legit laughing at us nd we keep giving them our $$ with no results.

Something has to be done cuz they will keep laughing at us.
GTplanet staff should be connected with PD nd tell them the reviews ppl have on the game.

This is not normal that a forum like this one that have been existing for years cant be having contacts with them nd tell them that what theyre doing is… WRONG in every aspect. GT7 is an unfinished game again. GT5, GT6, GTS nd GT7 are ALL unfinished games and yet no one bats an eye on that at PD? I mean i dont understand how is it so complicated to deliver a full game from the start without BS like this… like wtf, Sony nd PD are legit laughing at us nd we keep giving them our $$ with no results.

Something has to be done cuz they will keep laughing at us.
Jordan has a good relationship with PD and it should stay that way.
True. As an aside, I kept thinking while writing my previous post about the popularity of the GT series.

Where are we on the health of the GT market in general? I always remember seeing the numbers thrown around that GT was like Sony's biggest selling game (across titles) but that seemed to fade off after GT4-5? As in the titles don't sell as much as they used to.. proportionally to the market.

It feels to me like there so many more "sim-cade" or simulation racing games over the last 10 years that GT's market or mind share has kinda remained the same where as something like Horizon rapidly grew in popularity. So I feel like those old "Biggest Sony franchise ever" numbers are sort've irrelevant now? Feels like the GT games just kinda come out now, appeal and sell to it's respective niche audience, and that's it. Perhaps also tied in with a purported lack of interest in cars from todays youth. But then also GT Sport was even more doubling down on the niche within the niche.

GT1, 2, and 3 seemed like Mario Kart levels of popularity. GT1 & 2 because that's all you had. Everyone played it as just a racing game, regardless of if you were into cars it seemed. At least from the people who had it that I knew as a kid. GT3 because it was a launch title. I still think GT3 isn't great and feels so bare bones compared to the rest lol
Gt still strong
Jordan has a good relationship with PD and it should stay that way.
Well if he had good relationships with PD, he should def show them what we think of the game because i honestly think they simply dont give a *. I dont feel like they respect GT anymore nd its more than just a cash grab. Who the * had the beautiful idea to make GT need to be online? I mean lets be honest nd logical… Who the ** thought it waa a good idea to reduce the prizes? Who the ** had the idea to remove some good tracks from old GT to give us even less tracks than what we had before? GT4 have more tracks than GT7 btw.
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Very happy PD improved the economics. Can’t wait to play it when I come back from a holiday.

Can’t get over the fact there is so much anger on this forum on gt7. I would almost make a thread: Are you so dissappointed in Gt Planet’s forums that you’ll say goodbye?

Seriously, get over yourself….

(Sorry if this offends, but I can’t stand the blown out of proportion critiques and argumentation here…)
Very happy PD improved the economics. Can’t wait to play it when I come back from a holiday.

Can’t get over the fact there is so much anger on this forum on gt7. I would almost make a thread: Are you so dissappointed in Gt Planet’s forums that you’ll say goodbye?

Seriously, get over yourself….

(Sorry if this offends, but I can’t stand the blown out of proportion critiques and argumentation here…)
Sony, Nintendo, and MS have all have varying levels of MTX in their games. Be it DLC, or currency in their full priced titles though? But even then I don’t even see this is some hellscape.

I’ve played my share of live service, played EA, Ubisoft, rockstar etc and I can tell you this is not even close, and if EA was simply doing this vs what they are currently doing I don’t think anyone would have much problems with it.

I think people feeling personally attacked by a top up message it’s more they are facing what reality has been for a lot of games, and will continue to be the case when a game is a live service etc.

So if you are with the stance of no MTX ever I don’t think we can really agree on things, vs where my stance is how it’s implemented esp with these changes which now make the MTX even less needed unless you really are hurting for credits and have incredible amounts of FOMO.

Almost every racing game in the market has some model of MTX, so I just don’t get the shock behind it, it will be something for Forza Motorsport as well etc. so it’s one thing if you disagree with how PD did their MTX and wanted a diff model like seasons, car packs etc its a whole diff thing if you are in the no MTX camp and honestly we’ve been way past that convo for almost 5 years across the gaming industry.

I never refuted that. But if you didn’t get turned off over the always online stuff I just don’t understand how someone can’t put two and two together. Esp with how they supported sport. It’s clear as day now. So it’s up to you decide if it’s so egregious that you are done with the series or realize that the landscape of most racing games will have some live service element be it car packs, seasons, etc.
Forza 4, one of my all time favorites, had cars in their list when you were buying that you could ONLY purchase with real money. Not technically MTX because they were DLC, but I really really wanted those. More FOMO than GT7 for sure

Edit - not sure I'd group Nintendo in with Sony and MS. They have their own issues, for sure. But MTX is not usually one of them in first party games
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This game is not perfect, never will be, but it is without any doubt a fantastic tribute to cars and racing, i love it.
Content wise is absolutely huge, polished and they will definitely make it much better and bigger over the years.

Have you finished everything on gold and 1th place in game? Are you A+ driver in Sport? NO.
But still you need more content NOW, one more track to grind on, one car.. JUST SOMETHING!!

The amount of negativity on GTPlanet is just mindblowing. This update was HUGE and really fast, thanks to PD.
Forza 4, one of my all time favorites, had cars in their list when you were buying that you could ONLY purchase with real money. Not technically MTX because they were DLC, but I really really wanted those. More FOMO than GT7 for sure

Edit - not sure I'd group Nintendo in with Sony and MS. They have their own issues, for sure. But MTX is not usually one of them in first party games
Their Add-ons are bit more traditional with DLC only. So that’s kind of what I’m lumping it in with. What Nintendo does is they keep game prices high and now are having more and more add-ons to their games. Just more saying that all these companies have different forms of extending the life of their games.
This is pretty cringe, not gonna lie.
Very much So. Like person needs to touch grass. It’s just a video game.
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This game is not perfect, never will be, but it is without any doubt a fantastic tribute to cars and racing, i love it.
Content wise is absolutely huge, polished and they will definitely make it much better and bigger over the years.

Have you finished everything on gold and 1th place in game? Are you A+ driver in Sport? NO.
But still you need more content NOW, one more track to grind on, one car.. JUST SOMETHING!!

The amount of negativity on GTPlanet is just mindblowing. This update was HUGE and really fast, thanks to PD.
We shouldnt need updates like this when we supposedly have a “finished game”.
The new missions are 10 1-hour missions. You will have to wait at least 10 hours for someone to play through then, won't you?

The legendary cars are with 99% likelihood the XJ-13, the 330P4 and the Ford Mk IV. Since the Ferrari hasn't been available yet, the answer is probably no.
I say in my opinion they should give us ALL three "Destined to win" Legend cars for doing ALL the new endurance races. Is that a fair request?
GTplanet staff should be connected with PD nd tell them the reviews ppl have on the game.

This is not normal that a forum like this one that have been existing for years cant be having contacts with them nd tell them that what theyre doing is… WRONG in every aspect. GT7 is an unfinished game again. GT5, GT6, GTS nd GT7 are ALL unfinished games and yet no one bats an eye on that at PD? I mean i dont understand how is it so complicated to deliver a full game from the start without BS like this… like wtf, Sony nd PD are legit laughing at us nd we keep giving them our $$ with no results.

Something has to be done cuz they will keep laughing at us.
PD is the one that never bats an eye. Not people here. Don't you see all the earned negativity here?
This game is not perfect, never will be, but it is without any doubt a fantastic tribute to cars and racing, i love it.
Content wise is absolutely huge, polished and they will definitely make it much better and bigger over the years.

Have you finished everything on gold and 1th place in game? Are you A+ driver in Sport? NO.
But still you need more content NOW, one more track to grind on, one car.. JUST SOMETHING!!

The amount of negativity on GTPlanet is just mindblowing. This update was HUGE and really fast, thanks to PD.
Bro GT7 sets an embarassing record for Sony (not that they don't deserve it) for being the game with lowest score on Metacritic. You think it's only GTPlanet?
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I say in my opinion they should give us ALL three "Destined to win" Legend cars for doing ALL the new endurance races. Is that a fair request?
They are planning 24 hour races so I’d think they would be tied to that.
We shouldnt need updates like this when we supposedly have a “finished game”.
Its a live service game with online racing. Im used to updates in games, some are addressing bugs/issues, some with new content.

Is there something wrong with it? I dont think so. That is why we got first update.
PD is the one that never bats an eye. Not people here. Don't you see all the earned negativity here?

Bro GT7 sets an embarassing record for Sony (not that they don't deserve it) for being the game with lowest score on Metacritic. You think it's only Metacritic?
10 000x ratings from cry babies and xbox fanboys, no I dont care about metacritic, nor Sony.

This game offers a lot of polished content and gameplaye for its value, at this moment for dozens of hours.
You know that some games offers 10h of gameplay, zero replayability, no multiplayer, for same price. So?
I think GT would be really good for Expansion packs (similar to the LH one in GTS) like other games Series (The Sims, Two Point Hospital) where the core game is the same but there are optional add ons. This might be an idea for the new WEC game that is supposedly in the pipeline. Better for the FIA to give the money to PD who will make a better job of it
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Getting gold on some of them are practically impossible(cough*Le Sarthe*cough*cough). I'd say the joke's on us! :dunce:
So it is hard for you guys too. I thought I just really suck.

Well, I'm still suck but good to know I'm not the only one struggling.
The lack of discernment here is amazing. The negativity is like a snow ball of good and then absolutely random arguments. If nothing came out today people would be like "where's the patch, it's already 7th", now they did it and upgraded the prizes and some are still complaining about stuff that wasn't even mentioned prior to the patch, like the events. They weren't supposed to come in the early april patch. Some people need to quit GT.

As it stands it's a fantastic game with amazing attention to detail. Has it's problems but they are working on it, pretty quickly even. Great patch 👍