GT4 BMW Series 1 Virtual Drive is OUT!!!

  • Thread starter amar212
Vid looks good....the track looks pretty realistic.......but I don't understand why they don't have some spectators or trackside crew around??.......The 2D wheels look quite good. Im liking the art all over the track....

oh......and shame :( , the BM didn't fly at the jump! :lol:

Looking foreward to seeing capri.....I wana see how these 3D people really look.
It wasn't even moving fast enough to fly lol And I didn't know there would be 3d crowds on normal race tracks, I thought they are limited to rally track.
I captured this myself, it owns all the other captures :D


  • bmw2.JPG
    32.3 KB · Views: 152
Wow, that video was impressive. After months of tiny 3 second clips its good to see a whole lap. The graphics were amazing watching the trees fly by, and then seeing their reflection on the roof on the replay. In GT3, I found it hard to get a real perception of speed, but with the wind noise, its much more believable. Thanks a million, wait, a billion, Amar!!! 👍 👍 👍 👍
It wasn't even moving fast enough to fly lol And I didn't know there would be 3d crowds on normal race tracks, I thought they are limited to rally track.

Nah.......there are quite a few that have ...or will have 3D people.....

Hong Kong
New York
Las Vegas......etc..etc.....

Remeber.......they still have to have track marshals modeled in 3D
As promised, here is the XVID version of the video. You'll be able to get the XVID codec on the download page too.

The video has been deinterlaced so it should be a bit better on a computer screen.

Btw I've encoded this video via a remote connection to my work computer (eg almost blindfolded) so I may have done something wrong. I've not checked it except for the first minute (slow connexion at home) and there was some weird sound problem that usually is corrected when the file is 100% done. I say usually because I can't be sure it will be the case or not, so please do not blame me :D
I'm sure people with a computer that isn't way past it's time (not that it ever worked ok in the first place) will have no problem with this QTA. This isn't the case for me. It's just not happening.

Even installing this... It's not possible.

That is unless anyone wants to buy me a new computer?
I have a new (1 month old) computer, but you don't want it, for obvious reasons.
AMAR my friend, i think i speak on the behalf of most GT fans when i say u should TORRENT THE DEMO and share it with us GT fans here and all around the globe :D

btw ppl, use VLC media player to view the beautiful video - i used the bottom de-interlacing method and saw no scan-lines at all.
AMAR my friend, i think i speak on the behalf of most GT fans when i say u should TORRENT THE DEMO and share it with us GT fans here and all around the globe :D

Sorry to you and to all those who has PM me for that, but it aint going to happen.

Check your local BMW store in near future and you'll have an official DVD in no time.

Best to you, Estonia is a beautiful country.
Great video, thx again. This countered my slighty waning anticipation of GT4 completely. :D

Any chance you could do the same with the Costa Di Amalfi track?
Wow, jordan rules. He PM'd me the link double quick. Downloading now 👍

By the way, I think the xboxyde file is down. I was downloading with download accelerator and now it asks for a password. Also the link itself claims to be expired.
To bad that the lap has 400 mb... I can't download that with 56k.... :ill:
It would take me for hours....

But Amar, I'm not going to speak in Croatian because it's not fair to them, I allready said on gameplay site that you and the other rewievers should make a short prewiev on that demo like you did with Prolouge in official Croatian Magazin Game Play. Others agree to and we are all expecting for you to do that.
That would be great because you know not everybodi visites this site and GP site.

Chears! 👍
I'm probably the only person that will say this, but Amar, I thank you greatly for making it a QuickTime format. It's simply a better player than WMP, for my system at least. It takes less CPU, and has much better search functions. I hate having to use WMP, and I also haven't yet found a decent divx/avi player to use (anyone know of a quicktime divx plugin?).

You making this makes you 3x as good as any other game site out there, in terms of GT4 stuff. First full GT4 Nordschleife lap on the web. That's fantastic.

When you do New York or Amalfi, can you use the 120d, please? I wanna hear that deisel.
Finished watching it, and I wasn't bored for a single second.

That was absolutely stunning Amar, thank you very much.

I hooked it up to the tv and watched it full screen and deinterlaced (thank you VCL!). Don't know if that defeats the purpose of deinterlacing, but aside from the noticable compression in some parts of the video everything looked great.

I especially liked the fact that the sky was clear in some areas of the track and cloudy in others; the Ring is f'n HUGE! Also the absurdly wide shots showing of the draw distance were awe inspiring.

The only real disapointment was that Polyphony didnt do more of an effort to visually capture the 'bumpyness' of the track. Every real life video I've seen of the Ring it always looks like the cars are about to fall appart. That said, I'm sure it'll feel awesome with the wheel.

In sumation,


get it NOW FOOLS!
I disagree, I felt that that vid is the only one with some much "bumpyness". That Beamer was hitting a lot of bumps. Might not have as many bumps as the real nurb but I though PD did quite a good job with it.
Well it's fairly bumpy on ocassion. But when the Series 1 is going 200 on the straight it should be outta control. Really, racing cars on the Ring usually look undrivable, I don't know how the drivers manage. Although to be fair, all the videos I've seen of cars on Nurb are of race cars which probably have absurdly hard suspension set-ups. The Series 1's relatively soft suspension could compensate for the bumps. We'll have to wait and see.

On a related note, I loved the sense of speed in the video and I think the new effects with the camara pitching fowards and backwards (and sideways) really accentuate the fact that you're driving on the edge of a cars preformance limit.
Same here, I find that PD has improved the sense of speed by a lot since GT3. All of this talk is making me realize how far November really is...:(
Heh I'm cluttering up this thread, but anyways.
You can PM Jordan for the link. Just don't give it out to anyone else. Or if its up again you can try the front page. Its Amare's video.
Mine's downloading at home via the direct link, which Jordan PMd to me so quick I wonder if the clever lad didn't put an automated replay system in place if the subject line was right ;) I love all the people who aren't downloading at full speed at say, 90kb/s, we get 50 if we're lucky in Australia and most people are still dial up users, so it could be worse. How big is that Xvid version and is the quality actually better? I'm gonna grab that media player that was mentioned beforehand just because it looks promising, but I already have RealPlayer, QuickTime, Xvid, DivX and WMP installed so I'd say I'm covered ;) Thanks not only to Amar but Jordan who's been suffering our whinging and whining through all his hassles.