GT5 Video From TGS!

Well, lets face it, it's all speculation. GT2000<GT3. :)
We drooled over GT2000 and it became much better with GT3.
Plus, I doubt its real time.
If I had seen GT4 replay footage at last year's TGS I'd have my doubts that the PS2 could display that in real time.

1080i? Maybe not, but the number of TVs which can display 1080i are very few right now anyway. Besides, as I understand it you want progressive scan. Supposedly 480p looks better than 720i.

In any case, I'm sure that we'll be seeing Gran Turismo 5 looking like that TGS video.
Okay, everyone. Had a chance to finally see the video myself, ready to offer my commentary.

Some of the things I really noticed was the sun sparkling off of the cars. I know I made a post or a thread on a subject matter like this. There is more detail than even GT4 provided. The differences between GT4 and this trailer are pretty minimal in terms of car detail. For one thing, many small touches are better defined on cars. Like, look at the classical mid-1990s Mazda RX-7. Notice the holes and lines and such? Also notice the radio antenna modelled into the trailer on it. The Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX(?) looks pretty nice as well. When it comes to car sounds, I still can't get over the one person who said, "...PD stop wh*ring sounds from GT1." If that's true, then many better hope that GT5 is a joy to listen to your engine rev sweetly down the race track. The cars are basically GT4 models mated for this development kit. And don't give me that "all this time and this is what you came up with, PD?" By the way, isn't it lovely to see way more than 6 cars to a circuit race track?

The video is pretty slow either with streaming, how it was recorded, the speed of the video at the Tokyo Game Show, or whatever the case. I also kind of didn't like how the movie ended almost abruptly. But then, this is all we know about GT5. As always, I'm not bothered by a lot of what people had to say. I didn't really think GT4 TRULY disappointed me, and whatever surprises PD has for us GT fans, you already know we're going to stay tuned.

More commentary to come in future posts.
GT4 didnt disappoint me. PS2 did. GT4 pushed PS2 to its limits, hence some PS2 couldnt handle GT4. GT5 is going to be simply amazing, just think about it. It'll be even better than GT3 was when it came out.
Tenacious D
If I had seen GT4 replay footage at last year's TGS I'd have my doubts that the PS2 could display that in real time.

1080i? Maybe not, but the number of TVs which can display 1080i are very few right now anyway. Besides, as I understand it you want progressive scan. Supposedly 480p looks better than 720i.

In any case, I'm sure that we'll be seeing Gran Turismo 5 looking like that TGS video.
Damn! You know I dropped $2k just to be able to play GT4 in 1080i?! I love the game that much. Unfortunetly I did it before the realease in preparation. Big mistake, 1080i+GT4=chop,chop,chop... usually in replays and the starts of races. Also the menus are in craptacular 480i so you can't enjoy 1080i in the garage, menu, or CG. Overall very unhappy with the PS2s hi-def capabilities! :grumpy:
Just had to vent... especially since form then on XBOX became very attractive. Almost every single game I play is in 480p and its awesome.
Woah.... THANK you tiptopcream! That's amazing. It might even draw the interest of a GTR fan. ;)

I'm sorry to hear about your misadventure, BlackZ. :( But hey, you got a great TV, didn't you? I came late to the high def party, and assumed a lot. So when I got a TV it was a discontinued bargain Samsung. It's very nice and all, but it's first gen, does 480p and 720i. But I'm not complaining. It has a fabulous, sharp picture, if a bit high contrast, and only cost me $500 with tax, so when I want to go full bore hi def in a year or two, I won't be grouching over a $1000+ investment.

But when I started doing the research, I found that the PS2 and Game Cube both had almost nothing to offer as far as high definition games, though Sony is supposed to have about 60 games now according to one site. But the Game Cube had its high def output removed from producition units in May 2004 to save cost! Google is your friend.

You can count on the next gen consoles coming ready to play on virtually anything, but till then, we'll just have to dream.
Damn, that made my day! I love the new PITwork! Let's hope we dont have to wait till E3 to see trailers. Man, i'm really curious how GT5 gonna look.
After GT1 GT2 GT3 and GT4 it seems like people would realize that what we see in the trailers is not what we see in the game. Look at GT4 as an example. Every trailer including the one from GT4 prologue showed full 3 dimensional people on the side line. Now look what we ended up with in the full version. Cardboard cut outs that move back and forth. Way to early to get excited about anything. At least we ended up with a decent pit crew in GT4.
^Yes, but you have to consider that PS2 is aged and very limited.

The PS3 is incredibly powerful, and developers have probably just scrathed the surface of it yet. So I expect it'll look even nicer when it's released.

Edit: Tiptopcream, thank you for the link!! 👍
Still, GT4 improved alot graphically compared to GT3. I think GT4 was delayed so many times cuz they wanted " too much " and PS2 couldnt handle it. With GT5, this wont happen(maybe with GT6, but i doubt).
The PS3 is incredibly powerful, and developers have probably just scrathed the surface of it yet. So I expect it'll look even nicer when it's released.
excactly, as i said about GT3: it allmost looked twice as good at the release as it did at the first pics... i think it will be like that for GT5 too :sly:
Well you could switch from A-spec to B-Spec during a pit stop in GT4, so say hello to B-Spec.
Good Lord that was a clean video. Anyone notice the wheels on the Lancer when it was rotating, had something on the rim(most likely a counterbalance) Now that is what I call attention to detail, that new playstation audi looks blah, hopefully there are even more cars added, so far from the videos many cars are still in and i guess under liscence. That pit crew seems excessive, but when you think about it, imagine going down pit lane and seeing literally hundreds of crew people, talk about being engrossed in the game, what a feeling that will bring. Next time they release a teaser, hopefully it's with only PS3 spec cars on a PS3 spec course, that's what will seriously whet my appetite. This game better have some kind of clutching, damage is not my main concern it's the level of realism when it comes to car and road, i want tire pressures, road temps, an AI with gusto, cars with Hp reducing restrictors(GT4 went nuts with hp on some cars) that you can install depending on the race limitations, I want to feel like I'm the driver of this car, it's my car, don't want to have to keep switching becaus this one has too much hp and what not, and this time they better add specific class races, such at LM GT class, GTS class, LMP's and so on, no more mix and match cars in races. Realtime day-night progression, real weather interaction(rain, fog, frost: for courses that have that, Nür for example). More realistic tire grades, standard tires were pretty good lat time around, now with pressures added, you can change things ever soo slightly to make things just how you want em, wet tires(hopefully). I'm just getting giddy with the possibilities that the PS3 opens up.

I dunno about some of you guys, but B-Spec is a must, but i hope they take a cue from Forza, and let you train him with your tactics as well as him learning his own, so online we can have some online B-Spec team races for when you want to coach your two man crew to victory. This time they better add saving to endurance races, im not a masochist I don't like sitting on my butt for 6 hours straight, nor pausing my system for an hour at a time. Build on all the strengths of the GT series while addressing the downfalls and GT5 should be the unstoppable force that it was supposed to be. Oh yea add more trucks, and deepen the truck customization as well, where are the Rancho suspensions systems? They must solidify their position, they have undoubtedly aced in cars and race cars, adding trucks will show that even more. I think that they need even more people to do extra scouting on the more famous trucks(no monster trucks please), but SUV's and light-heavy trucks, ie Explorer, Typhoon, Ext.. Lemme stop ranting and dreaming, back to GT4.
Damn! You know I dropped $2k just to be able to play GT4 in 1080i?! I love the game that much. Unfortunetly I did it before the realease in preparation. Big mistake, 1080i+GT4=chop,chop,chop... usually in replays and the starts of races. Also the menus are in craptacular 480i so you can't enjoy 1080i in the garage, menu, or CG. Overall very unhappy with the PS2s hi-def capabilities! :grumpy:
Just had to vent... especially since form then on XBOX became very attractive. Almost every single game I play is in 480p and its awesome.

Actually bobkart told me that on his TV, he had less chop, chop, chop than on normal NTSC mode.

The thing you complain about has nothing to do with the 1080i mode, try the normal mode. Your complaint about the menus switching back is valid though.

I haven't tested the PAL version in 1080i mode (which is the only version that has no choppiness whatsoever, so if you have a chipped PS2 and a capable TV, you might actually like to try that!) as High Def TVs are very rare and expensive still in Europe, unfortunately. :(
Thanks man ... 👍 ... but .. what's about the second pilot behind the technical staff ? :sly:

Could be fire bottle, Driver, or dead-man (handles all of the hoses.) I hope it would be a driver for driver changes like everyone else does. I would much rather like to see the true pit stops with driver change and refueling, then the tire change.

And as for whoever said the new Playstation R-9 looks blah, they're right. I had people over there, even the banners in the PS suite had the car looking dull. But that's what they wanted and that's why it's already in the game because they designed the scheme.
now, i've downloaded the full version...

gonna watch it :)

EDIT: wow, the crew at the end seeems to be GT5 graphics too :) really nice!
Actually bobkart told me that on his TV, he had less chop, chop, chop than on normal NTSC mode.

The thing you complain about has nothing to do with the 1080i mode, try the normal mode. Your complaint about the menus switching back is valid though.

I haven't tested the PAL version in 1080i mode (which is the only version that has no choppiness whatsoever, so if you have a chipped PS2 and a capable TV, you might actually like to try that!) as High Def TVs are very rare and expensive still in Europe, unfortunately. :(
Yea, I guess the framerate issues is an issue in all resolutions. :nervous::grumpy:
Oh for the love of all that is holy on this planet, tell me someone has the 50mb version on their hard drive and wouldn't mind uploading it.

GameTrailers took theirs down! DOWN! ARRGH!
Anyone notice how real the f1's sounded in the vid. Very impressive 👍
Alsoo, the sense of speed in the cars looked a lot ore realistic.

I saw the rally with about 6 cars on one track 👎 I think ane car at a time is better(just like the actual rallies) like a time trial. Theres barely any room to pass with 2 cars on track. Now imagine 6 cars and 5 second penalties. :crazy:
i don't get it. is there a new vid or something which relates to that pit crew image a couple of posts up. i've tried the gametrailers link, but all i get is a trailer which i've seen before. can anyone help?