Good Lord that was a clean video. Anyone notice the wheels on the Lancer when it was rotating, had something on the rim(most likely a counterbalance) Now that is what I call attention to detail, that new playstation audi looks blah, hopefully there are even more cars added, so far from the videos many cars are still in and i guess under liscence. That pit crew seems excessive, but when you think about it, imagine going down pit lane and seeing literally hundreds of crew people, talk about being engrossed in the game, what a feeling that will bring. Next time they release a teaser, hopefully it's with only PS3 spec cars on a PS3 spec course, that's what will seriously whet my appetite. This game better have some kind of clutching, damage is not my main concern it's the level of realism when it comes to car and road, i want tire pressures, road temps, an AI with gusto, cars with Hp reducing restrictors(GT4 went nuts with hp on some cars) that you can install depending on the race limitations, I want to feel like I'm the driver of this car, it's my car, don't want to have to keep switching becaus this one has too much hp and what not, and this time they better add specific class races, such at LM GT class, GTS class, LMP's and so on, no more mix and match cars in races. Realtime day-night progression, real weather interaction(rain, fog, frost: for courses that have that, Nür for example). More realistic tire grades, standard tires were pretty good lat time around, now with pressures added, you can change things ever soo slightly to make things just how you want em, wet tires(hopefully). I'm just getting giddy with the possibilities that the PS3 opens up.
I dunno about some of you guys, but B-Spec is a must, but i hope they take a cue from Forza, and let you train him with your tactics as well as him learning his own, so online we can have some online B-Spec team races for when you want to coach your two man crew to victory. This time they better add saving to endurance races, im not a masochist I don't like sitting on my butt for 6 hours straight, nor pausing my system for an hour at a time. Build on all the strengths of the GT series while addressing the downfalls and GT5 should be the unstoppable force that it was supposed to be. Oh yea add more trucks, and deepen the truck customization as well, where are the Rancho suspensions systems? They must solidify their position, they have undoubtedly aced in cars and race cars, adding trucks will show that even more. I think that they need even more people to do extra scouting on the more famous trucks(no monster trucks please), but SUV's and light-heavy trucks, ie Explorer, Typhoon, Ext.. Lemme stop ranting and dreaming, back to GT4.